Spring 2005 INEN 420: Operations Research I Instructor: Dr. Lewis Ntaimo Date: Tuesday 18, 2005 Due: Thursday 20, 2005 Name: Photo Major: Hometown: Why are you interested in taking this course? Plan on going to graduate school? Interesting fact about yourself: Programming Languages (Matlab, C, C++, Java, etc): What is OR? What is a rank of a matrix? What is Stochastic Programming? REVIEW ASSIGNMENT Date: January 18, 2005 Basic Linear Algebra Please read Chapter 2 this week. Summary: Matrices and Vectors Matrix Operations (e.g. addition, multiplication, transpose, determinant, inverse) Matrices and Systems of Linear Equations The Gauss-Jordan Method for Solving Systems of Linear Equations ERO: Elementary Row Operations Basic Variables (Nonbasic Variables) and Solutions to Linear Equation Systems Linear Independence and Linear Dependence The Rank of a Matrix Review Problems (Page 47): Problems 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 13.