Malta Mediterranean Forum Libya: Regional Perspectives on Governance and Security Challenges

Malta Mediterranean Forum
Libya: Regional Perspectives on Governance and Security Challenges
Foreword from IPLI
Opening comments
Inauguration speech
Panel One: Maltese perspectives
Panel Two: Regional perspectives
Partners and Special Thanks
It was an honor for IPLI to
Industry. This edition of the
assessed that it was critical to
shared their valuable insights
regional cultures and by virtue
to co-organizers and participants
co-organize the December
forum, focused on the growing
organize a forum on this topic
over the course of this event.
of its unique geostrategic
for taking part in this event. In
2014 edition of the Malta
Libyan conflict, was entitled:
in order to shed light on the
The purpose behind the Malta
location in the heart of the
particular, IPLI expresses its deep
Mediterranean Forum on
Libya: Regional Perspectives
growing unrest in the country
Mediterranean Forum on
Mediterranean basin, Malta
gratitude to the Honorable Dr.
Governance in cooperation
on Governance and Security
and the potential ramifications it
Governance is to contribute
is ideally placed to serve as a
George W. Vella, foreign minister,
with local Maltese partners,
Challenges. Given the close
could have in the Mediterranean
meaningfully to the advancement
focal point for discussion and
for his support of this initiative.
the Institute for Public
proximity of Malta and Libya,
region and beyond. To this
of policy debates by serving as
debate on the major governance
Administration and Management
combined with the deep
end, we were pleased to
a forum that actively embraces
challenges facing countries in the
at the University of Malta,
historical connections between
welcome a wide variety of
contributions from a wide variety
Mediterranean area within the
and the Malta Chamber of
the two countries, IPLI and
policy makers, researchers
of actors. Given Malta’s status as
current geopolitical context.
Commerce, Enterprise and
Maltese partner institutions
and other stakeholders who
a crossroads of many influential
IPLI wishes to extend its thanks
4 Malta Mediterranean Forum | Libya: Regional Perspectives on Governance and Security Challenges
Timothy Reno
Director, IPLI Foundation
Malta Mediterranean Forum | Libya: Regional Perspectives on Governance and Security Challenges
President of the Malta
Chamber of Commerce,
Enterprise and Industry
It is my great pleasure to welcome
rich history, Libya has the potential
Welcome and thank you for coming
agenda for the Mediterranean.
you all to the Malta Chamber of
to become a regional leader and
to the Malta Mediterranean Forum
I wish to thank the Honorable Dr.
Commerce, Enterprise and Industry
see its society and economy flourish,
on Governance. Now in its second
George Vella, Minister of Foreign
for today’s Malta Mediterranean
and Malta can and is willing to be
year, we hope that this forum will
Affairs, for being here with us today;
Forum on Governance. Today’s
part of the solution in the rebuilding
continue to grow because we believe
the speakers, who have traveled
subject is one that is affecting Malta
of the country. Business can have
that Malta is the right place for
from various places to be here and
is various ways, not only because of
a significant role in bridging the
dialogue and for debate on issues
to participate in this forum; and
Malta’s geographic proximity to Libya,
political, economic, and social divide
that concern the Mediterranean. I
the Department of Public Policy at
but also because of the political and
that is a constant threat to peace. Our
think that everyone in this chamber is
the University of Malta, which has
economic history it shares with this
Chamber pledges its full support to
aware that this year is the twenty-fifth
been producing some of the leading
neighboring country, which has been
the Libyan business community in
anniversary of the meeting between
administrators and politicians in
one of Malta’s closest trading partners
order to achieve this goal without
Mikhail Gorbachev and George Bush
Malta since its inception 35 years
over the past fifty years.
delay and with the least social cost
in Malta that helped to bury the Cold
ago. I would also like to extend
The Maltese business community is
War. Malta plays an important role
special thanks to his Excellency the
eager to see peace reestablished in
On behalf of the Malta Chamber of
in development despite its small size
Ambassador Antonio Martins da
Libya. In connection with the second
Commerce, I would like to thank the
because it has a heart that wants to
Cruz, who has been a supporter
Libyan crisis in the space of three
Institute of Public Administration and
work for peace and development in
of this forum since its beginning,
years, the Chamber of Commerce
Management, the International Policy
the Mediterranean. We hope that
and Timothy Reno, director of the
has reinstated the Libya Action
and Leadership Institute, and the
this forum will continue to bring
International Policy and Leadership
Committee, originally set up to
University of Malta for organizing this
academics, practitioners, and people
Institute, which has been a partner of
assist Maltese companies in business
forum, which I am sure you will find
in current affairs together to debate
IPAM for four years now.
in Libya that were affected by the
informative and interesting.
and move forward towards a better
Ambassador to the Czech
Republic and Director of IPAM,
University of Malta
revolution. With its vast resources and
6 Malta Mediterranean Forum | Libya: Regional Perspectives on Governance and Security Challenges
Malta Mediterranean Forum | Libya: Regional Perspectives on Governance and Security Challenges
MD., M.P.,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Malta
spread beyond its borders to other
devastating effects that this growth
of trust that has been destroyed. As
countries in the region. Moreover,
of an extremist ideology will have on
with all other conflicts, this could very
the developments in Libya cannot be
the Libyan people themselves, nor
well make or break the deal in the long
assessed in isolation. Security, political,
on the undeniable danger posed
economic, humanitarian, and migration
by extremists training in Libya to
In the present fragmented political
considerations all contribute to the
the country’s neighbors and to the
scenario, the United Nations remains,
present problematic scenario.
European Union itself. Regrettably,
in my view, the only body that can
There can be little doubt, considering
there is no hard and fast answer as
resolve the current stalemate. The
Malta’s geographic proximity, that
to how this threat can effectively be
situation does not allow for actors all
security is an overriding priority for us.
addressed in the immediate term.
working in different directions. Above
As amply manifested when violence
A protracted conflict would only
all, we have to continue supporting
in Libya reached its peak during the
serve to escalate the humanitarian
the work of the United Nations and
revolution and earlier this year, Malta
and migration problem and the
that of the Special Representative
immediately feels the repercussions
likelihood of further entrenchment
Bernardino León, particularly as he
of turmoil on the ground. Our first
of radical groups. In the Libyan
strives to bring the parties closer to
priority remains that of securing
case, disarmament and national
an inclusive dialogue. We continue
the wellbeing of our nationals, and
reconciliation, based on a dialogue
to follow his reconciliation efforts
then standing ready to provide
that reflects all segments of society, are
very closely and are fully appreciative
logistical assistance to countries that
clear prerequisites if this web is to be
of the difficulties he and his team
request our intervention to insure
continue to encounter at every step.
the safe departure of their nationals.
Purely from a human perspective, I
We are well aware of the possibility
The situation is such that I took the
wish that more attention would be
that these efforts will not succeed, and
painstaking decision to call our two
paid to the difficult humanitarian
we would do well to think about the
remaining diplomats in Tripoli back
situation that has resulted from
eventuality of failure and what should
to safety, in view of the pressures they
months of violence, an aspect that
be done. In other words, we have to
were exposed to as a result of the two
is somewhat overshadowed by our
start thinking also about a plan B. As
parallel structures operating in Libya
focus on political developments. Most
a friend to Libya, Malta reaffirms its
at the moment.
of the victims of violence in Libya are
support and encouragement of all
I have on various occasions, both
civilians, with thousands of others
efforts directed toward the democratic
Democracy, freedom, rule of law, and
missed, or, worse yet, underplayed, by
locally and abroad, vividly spoken
living as internally displaced persons.
process in Libya and believes that all
respect of human rights: these are the
the international community.
of the threat posed by the rise of
This is one of the most dramatic, yet
sides should not only lay down their
aspirations that led the Libyan people
One cannot stress enough the
extremist tendencies in Libya. Only
least appreciated results of the attacks
arms but work towards achieving
to rise up against dictatorship and to
importance that events in Libya hold
a few months ago, the international
that continue to be carried out on
national reconciliation. Above all, it
follow their neighbors in determining
for the entire Mediterranean. We, as
community was laboring under the
a daily basis. One of the greatest
remains our duty to reach out to the
their future. As you very well know,
its neighbors, have a vested interest
wrong impression that these trends
challenges that must be addressed is
people of Libya and deliver to them a
the current situation is nowhere near
in seeing stability return to Libya;
were contained on the eastern side
the sense of retribution, if not revenge,
categorical message that they are not
this idealistic scenario. What we are
unless Europe and the international
of the country. We are now facing a
that has taken hold among the
alone in these dire circumstances and
facing nowadays is a clear and present
community seek ways to help the
reality whereby radical and violent
population at a grassroots level. Once
that the intentional community is not
threat of the collapse of the state and
people of Libya to reestablish
elements respect no borders and are
an agreement is hopefully reached by
abandoning them and their country to
its institutions—a failed state in the
a legitimate government within
increasingly successful in bring down
the political leaders, they will need
a bleaker destiny.
making, right on Europe’s doorstep.
their territory, the instability the
the virtual safety net at an alarming
to do their utmost to reach out to the
But this emergency is somehow being
Libyan people face today may soon
pace. I need not elaborate on the
people and start rebuilding a sense
8 Malta Mediterranean Forum | Libya: Regional Perspectives on Governance and Security Challenges
Malta Mediterranean Forum | Libya: Regional Perspectives on Governance and Security Challenges
Chaired by H.E. Antonio Martins da Cruz, former Foreign Minister of Portugal
10 Malta Mediterranean Forum | Libya: Regional Perspectives on Governance and Security Challenges
Malta Mediterranean Forum | Libya: Regional Perspectives on Governance and Security Challenges 11
Special envoy for the Prime Minister
of Malta, former Minister of Foreign
Affairs and Ambassador to the WTO
12 Malta Mediterranean Forum | Libya: Regional Perspectives on Governance and Security Challenges
The main problem confronting
time slice of responsibility in
draft constitution with a declaration
intermediaries between the CDA
us now is namely that there is no
order to protect, a second and
of principles, including chapters
and the UN. The European Union
discernible, coherent international
third time slice should be taken
on the election of the president,
specifically, many of whose member
or regional will emerging regarding
into account: responsibility whilst
the preservation of natural
states have direct ties with Libya,
Libya. Without this unifying drive,
protecting, and responsibility after
resources, and the entrenchment
could have a role to play, as might
we have a grab-as-grab-can situation,
protecting. This draft paper, which
of authorities such as the central
potentially Egypt, the United Arab
while the Libyans, who are struggling
has been circulating since 2012,
bank, the high election committee,
Emirates, Qatar, and Turkey, who are
to organize their state, face great
is a conceptual challenge to the
etc. Once the document is finalized,
all well-established inside Libya.
difficulties. Already, the fact that
international community and could
in mid- or late January, it will be
So is there a discernible international
Syria is in such a disastrous, nearly
be used to find a handle, as it were,
put to a referendum. But can such
will to close the Libya dossier and
apocalyptic condition is a stain
on the situation.
voting take place in the present
return the country to peace? Or is
on the international community’s
Moving from concepts to actual
conditions? What should come first,
there an abandonment, wilful or not?
conscience—if one can speak in
pragmatic plans: at the moment,
the referendum or the collection
The challenge to the international
those terms. Are we going to let
the last democratically elected
of weapons? Or does the holding
community is to take up its second
Libya go down the same road?
institution standing in Libya is the
of the referendum, in spite of the
responsibility whilst and after
Let us speak for a moment about
Constitutional Drafting Assembly
situation, contribute to building
protecting and to fulfil these two
the Brazilian position paper issued
(CDA), whose members represent
other time slices to the best of its
in the Security Council concerning
in equal parts the three regions of
As the international community,
“responsibility to protect.” The
Libya: Tripolitania, Cyrenaica, and
we have the responsibility to assist
interesting point that the Brazilians
Fezzan and the south. They have
in resolving these dilemmas, in
are trying to put forward is that
been working extremely well over
particular by providing a contact
instead of only examining the
the last several months to produce a
group of countries than can act as
Malta Mediterranean Forum | Libya: Regional Perspectives on Governance and Security Challenges 13
Former ambassador to Libya,
special envoy to the
Union for the Mediterranean
14 Malta Mediterranean Forum | Libya: Regional Perspectives on Governance and Security Challenges
I personally have always considered
Where does Malta stand on the
General National Congress took over,
Libya as a second home, and I am
Libya question? Malta has a clear
many Maltese hoped that it would
dismayed to see what has happened
interest in Libya. It is one of the few
lead to a solution to the famous issue
to the country. Looking at the history
countries with which we have always
of the median line between Maltese
of the Middle East, each time there
had a favorable trade balance. We
and Libyan territorial waters, with
criticized for being
has been an outside intervention—
have often been criticized for being
its implications for oil exploration.
Iraq, Syria, Libya, but also going back
friends of Libya, but one cannot
Unsurprisingly, in my view, nothing
friends of Libya, but
to the end of the Ottoman Empire
choose one’s neighbors; we have to
has moved forward. Additionally, the
and the Sykes-Picot Agreement—it
live with Libya as it is. Of course, the
clearing of the accusation of Malta’s
has brought more conflict. Libya
commercial and economic interests
alleged implication in the Lockerbie
right now is in a tragic situation.
we had are now suffering. On a
incident has remained unresolved.
There are more arms in Libya today
social level, we also have to face the
Unfortunately, I am not optimistic
than in the entire UK arsenal. The
problem of immigration, of Libyans
about Libya. We can organize all the
big mistake in Libya, from the very
who are seeking to settle in Malta.
talks we want, but with the number
beginning of the unrest, was the
There is also the issue of security and
of weapons in circulation and the
government’s decision to give money
potential exposure of Malta to ISIL,
growing hatred between Libyans,
to militias to incorporate them, while
but I don’t consider this to be a real
I do not see how peace can be
allowing them to keep their arms.
concern here, as we do not share a
The other problem is that there is
direct border with Libya.
no unified authority amongst the
Several issues remain unresolved
militias, which makes it very difficult
between Libya and Malta. When
to broker any sort of agreement.
Muammar Gaddafi fell and the
We have often been
one cannot choose
one’s neighbors;
we have to live with
Libya as it is.
Malta Mediterranean Forum | Libya: Regional Perspectives on Governance and Security Challenges 15
Vice-President of Malta Chamber of
Commerce, Enterprise and Industry
16 Malta Mediterranean Forum | Libya: Regional Perspectives on Governance and Security Challenges
Throughout the years, Malta and
ranks fourth among countries where
construction, logistics, and related
Libya have enjoyed good, well-
Maltese companies do business or
established political and economic
wish to do business.
It is nonetheless clear that the
relations. And, despite several
In order to facilitate business with
revolution and current crisis have
obstacles along the way, Libyans
Libya and other North African
negatively affected the business
of infrastructure,
and Maltese remain close as people
countries, the Malta Chamber has set
community. Therefore it is crucial
and as economic partners. Since
up a North African Business Council.
that we safeguard such businesses
including the
the beginning of the revolution,
Maltese companies must join forces
and assist in promoting jobs. I truly
Libyans see Malta as being a
if they hope to serve a market like
believe that if the Libyans embrace
gateway to Europe. In 2013, the
Libya’s, often presenting large-scale
the rule of law, adopt human and
number of Libyan visitors to
public-procurement projects for
civil rights, and implement a free
Malta stood at 34,621, double
international bidders. Maltese firms
market economy, Libya’s future, and
the number recorded in 2012.
must build on and learn from past
the region’s, will be brighter.
The purpose of their visits varies,
successes in order to consolidate
affords important
from education to business as and
future contributions in the rebuilding
tourism. Similarly, merchandise
of the physical infrastructure of our
opportunities for
trade between Libya and Malta
neighboring Libya. The destruction
doubled in 2013 compared to pre-
of infrastructure, including the
revolution levels. This is a positive
Tripoli airport, has created significant
sign for our partnership in the years
problems on the ground, but it also
ahead. Furthermore, according to
affords important opportunities for
our nationalization database, Libya
Maltese businesses, especially in
The destruction
Tripoli airport, has
created significant
problems on the
ground, but it also
Maltese businesses.
Malta Mediterranean Forum | Libya: Regional Perspectives on Governance and Security Challenges 17
Chaired by Mr. Timothy Reno, Director IPLI
18 Malta Mediterranean Forum | Libya: Regional Perspectives on Governance and Security Challenges
Malta Mediterranean Forum | Libya: Regional Perspectives on Governance and Security Challenges 19
Coordinator of the Mediterranean
and Middle East Programme
at CIDOB Foundation
20 Malta Mediterranean Forum | Libya: Regional Perspectives on Governance and Security Challenges
Europe is not surrounded by a
next door in five years—and having
interventionist, with the will to play
Europeans have both responsibility
ring of friendly and welcoming
to respond by a second military
a role inside Libya in order to move
and influence in Libya. If they
states as the European strategy and
intervention. The strategy is first one
into what is perceived as the best
want to avoid having the conflict
neighborhood policy envisaged ten
of containment, then engagement
deteriorate further and spill over
years ago. We are surrounded by
to obtain de-escalation in the
The EU is perfectly aware that any
into Tunisia, Algeria, and the Sahel—
three regional crises: Ukraine, Syria
conflict. Issues related to governance
successful strategy will require the
the number one priority—they need
and Iraq, and Libya. The question
and trade will come in a second
involvement of regional actors, but
to work with neighbors but without
now is how important the crisis in
step once basic stability has been
Brussels sees some of these regional
subcontracting or externalizing
Libya is, and for whom. The U.K.
actors as part of the problem and
the resolution of the crisis. In a
and France are heavily implicated
And let’s remember that Europe is
not part of the solution. At this
dream scenario, we would have a
because of the role they have played
only one of Libya’s neighbors, and
point, everyone is looking to the
successful national dialogue followed
in the last four years; Italy, Malta, and
that other neighboring countries
UN as the best interlocutor possible
by reinforced operations under
Spain have an interest in ensuring
also have interests that we must
to unblock the situation, though
UN mandate with participation
the security of the Mediterranean;
take into account. Among countries
certain actors would also like to
of regional organizations and a
and Germany is involved, albeit
to the west — Tunisia, Algeria, but
see the involvement of regional
constructive involvement of regional
unwillingly, because of its leadership
also the EU — there seems to be a
organizations such as the African
players. Unfortunately, we seem
position in Europe.
convergence of opinion about the
Union and the League of Arab States.
quite far from that. What we need
Despite the different degrees of
de-escalation approach. Our core
Europeans are aware of the regional
at this point is for the political
involvement, there is a clear, shared
interest is not who rules in Tripoli
dimension and ramifications of
leadership to bring forward new
interest in working to avoid letting
but rather that the crisis does not
the Libyan conflict. They know
ideas for reasonable solutions in the
Libya fall into complete chaos—
spill over. When we look to the
Libya is running out of time and
short and medium term.
essentially like having a Somalia
east, it seems that the approach is
that, compared to other crises,
Malta Mediterranean Forum | Libya: Regional Perspectives on Governance and Security Challenges 21
Expert at Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD)
22 Malta Mediterranean Forum | Libya: Regional Perspectives on Governance and Security Challenges
Libya and Tunisia, though very close,
being affected by the smuggling
macroeconomic level, the Tunisian
might find themselves.
have entirely different development
of weapons into the country from
situation is fragile, and any disruption
Historically, Tunisians went to
models and patterns. Tunisia is a
Libya, extremely problematic in a
causes an additional stress on the
Libya for trade and work, and
non-exporting country, whereas
country that historically has few arms.
Libyans used to come to Tunisia for
Libya is rich in oil. Furthermore,
In addition, training camps in Libya
On the plus side, Tunisia benefits
tourism. Tunisian workers in Libya
their relation, though also close,
draw Tunisians, who then return to
from capital outflow from Libya,
represented a significant economic
has known ups and downs. When
their country and pose a threat to
in part because of movement of
slice, up to 0.6% of the GDP. Many
revolution broke out in Tunisia in
national security. This tarnishes the
Libyans to Tunisia. Since agreements
of them fled Libya, 40,000 of them
2011, Tunisians’ first thought was, will
reputation and image of Tunisia,
between the two countries allow for
returning in 2012. That equals a
Gaddafi meddle in Tunisian affairs?
which in turn impacts key sectors
the free passage of people between
destruction of 40,000 jobs and
The Libyan revolution was
such as business and tourism.
the two countries, it is difficult
an increase of pressure on the job
therefore welcomed by the
Although Tunisia’s major trading
to distinguish between tourists,
market, which further deteriorates
Tunisians. Unfortunately, what we
partner is the EU (trade with Libya
refugees, and those who have
the situation in Tunisia.
see now is that Libya has become a
represents 5% of the country’s total
voluntarily settled. All told, Tunisia
The destiny of Tunisia depends
factor that hampers the still-fragile
exchanges), trade with Libya was
hosted 1.1 million Libyans in 2011,
very much on that of Libya. As the
transition in Tunisia. I am going
increasing 25% per year pre2011,
or 10% of the total population, and
Tunisian Minister of Foreign Affairs
to analyze the current situation
and in key areas such as oil. Any
almost 2 million in 2014. This influx
said in 2014, “We consider the crisis
according to four channels: security,
interruption of this supply of oil is
places pressure on the housing
in Libya as an internal problem in
trade, Libyans refugees and tourists
therefore catastrophic for Tunisia.
market and participates in inflation.
Tunisia, and we are addressing it as
in Tunisia, and finally Tunisians in
Trade with Libya is also important
There is also the risk of exporting the
an internal problem because our
in that it generates many jobs in
Libyan conflict to Tunisian soil, where
security is Libya’s security, Libya’s
Regarding security, Tunisia is
poor regions of Tunisia. At the
both pro- and anti-Gaddafi Libyans
stability means Tunisia’s stability.”
Malta Mediterranean Forum | Libya: Regional Perspectives on Governance and Security Challenges 23
Deputy Director of MENA affairs within
the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Turkey has had very strong relations
with this new government.
political solution, meaning that
political settlement among
with Libya since the early 1970s,
Regarding the Turkish position on
questions of legitimacy and
the Libyans with international
when Turkish companies started
the crisis: it is absolutely in Turkey’s
constitutionality should be
to work not only in the coastal
interest for stability, security, and
cities but throughout the country.
peace to return to Libya as soon
Around 20,000 Turks living in Libya
as possible. The reasons are largely
initiative and believe that the
come. If a unity government and
had to be evacuated at the time
economic, to allow for the return of
dialogue should include all
a roadmap for completing the
of the revolution. During and after
Turkish companies and an increase
parties, including civil society
transition are created, the main
events, we actively supported the
in trade between the two countries,
challenge will of course be the
first transition council and then
but there are also strong cultural ties
the government through financial
between the two peoples. These
government, bolstered by strong
There should then be a good,
and technical assistance, as well as
ties were further reinforced by
international support.
well-prepared referendum with an
with police and military training
visa-free travel, instated in 2006, and
in Turkey at the request of the
facilitated by the high number of
negotiation between the
secure conditions. Another challenge
Libyan government. Given the
flights between the two countries.
political actors and the militias
is controlling and reducing the vast
current situation, however, all those
The Special Representative of the
can take place. In parallel, there
number of weapons in circulation
efforts are essentially meaningless.
President visited Libya in October,
should be a security dialogue
(an estimated 20 million). Finally,
If Bernardino León’s initiative
where we tried to deliver messages
there is the issue of border security,
is successful next week, and if a
to both sides, which can be
national unity government can be
summarized in five points:
from outside of Libya. The only
government and a consensus among
created, international coalition
11. The crisis is a political one
way to obtain a stable, peaceful,
the different regions and tribes to
and democratic country is
monitor and control the borders.
efforts should continue, redoubled,
24 Malta Mediterranean Forum | Libya: Regional Perspectives on Governance and Security Challenges
and should therefore have a
22. We support Bernardino León’s
33. There must be a national unity
44. We need a cease-fire before
55. There must be no intervention
There are three main challenges
moving forward in the months to
adaptation of the constitution.
acceptable rate of participation in
which necessitates a strong central
Malta Mediterranean Forum | Libya: Regional Perspectives on Governance and Security Challenges 25
The Institute of Public Administration
and Management (IPAM) was
established under the terms of an
agreement between the Government
and the University of Malta to foster
the practice and study of administration
and management in the public sector. In
furtherance of this mission, the Institute’s
Statute empowers IPAM to carry out
a wide range of scholarly activities,
including the organisation of courses,
public lectures and conferences, as well
as research.
The IPLI Foundation is a philanthropic
organization dedicated to the mission of
supporting research initiatives related
to ongoing security and development
policy challenges in Europe, the
Mediterranean region and Africa. With
offices based in Brussels and Paris, the
IPLI Foundation cooperates closely with
its network of academic institutions and
think tanks to support both educational
and applied research in the fields of
security and development capacity
For more information please visit:
For more information please visit:
The Malta Chamber aims to provide
enhanced “hands-on” services to
individual members, to mobilise sectors,
associations and other groupings to
pursue common agendas, to effectively
respond to current issues and protect
members’ interests; and—most
fundamentally—to shape the policies
which affect Maltese entrepreneurs.
The Malta Chamber provides a visible,
prominent, strong and single point of
reference for the other stakeholders,
including government, EU bodies,
foreign business representatives in the
sectors of trade, manufacturing and
The Honorable George W. Vella.
For more information please visit:
For more information please visit:
26 Malta Mediterranean Forum | Libya: Regional Perspectives on Governance and Security Challenges
Malta Mediterranean Forum | Libya: Regional Perspectives on Governance and Security Challenges 27