CWS/CMS & Outcomes A Practical Guide to Using CWS/CMS to Measures

CWS/CMS & Outcomes
A Practical Guide to Using CWS/CMS to
Support State and Federal Outcome
Central CA Training Academy
January 2010
Safety Outcomes
Federal Safety Measure 1
S1.1: No Recurrence of Maltreatment
Federal Safety Measure 2
S2.1: No Maltreatment in Foster Care
Child Abuse/Neglect Referrals with a Timely Response
State Measure – 2B
Timely Social Worker Visits with Child
State Measure – 2C
Permanency Outcomes
Federal Permanency Composite 1 – Timeliness & Permanency of Reunification
C1.1: Reunification Within 12 Months (exit cohort)
C1.2: Median Time to Reunification (exit cohort)
C1.3: Reunification Within 12 Months (entry cohort)
C1.4: Reentry Following Reunification (exit cohort)
Federal Permanency Composite 2 – Timeliness of Adoptions
C2.1: Adoption within 24 Months (exit cohort)
C2.2: Median Time to Adoption (exit cohort)
C2.3: Adoption Within 12 Months (17 mos in care)
C2.4: Legally Free Within 6 Months (17 mos in care)
C2.5: Adoption Within 12 Months (Legally Free)
Federal Permanency Composite 3 – Achieving Permanency for Children in FC for Long
Periods of Time
C3.1: Exits to Permanency (24 Months in Care)
C3.2: Exits to Permanency (Legally Free at Exit)
C3.3: In Care 3 Years or Longer (Emancipated/Age18)
Federal Permanency Composite 4 – Placement Stability
C4.1: Placement Stability (8 days to 12 months in care)
C4.2: Placement Stability (12 to 24 months in care)
C4.3: Placement Stability (At least 24 months in care)
Child & Family Well Being Outcomes
Siblings Placed Together in Foster Care
State Measure – 4A
Foster Care Placement in Least Restrictive Settings
State Measure – 4B
Rate of ICWA Placement Preferences
State Measure – 4E(1) and 4E(2)
Rate of Timely Health and Dental Exams
State Measure – 5B(1) and 5B(2)
Authorization for Psychotropic Medications
State Measure – 5F
Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
State Measure – 6B
Children Transitioning to Self-Sufficient Adulthood
State Measure – 8A
CWS/CMS Guide to Child Welfare Outcomes
Safety Outcomes
No Recurrence of Maltreatment
Federal Measure S.1.1
Of all children who were victims of a substantiated or indicated maltreatment allegation
during the first 6 months of the study period, what percent were not victims of another
substantiated or indicated maltreatment allegation within the next 6 month period?
Only Referrals with Substantiated allegations will be considered.
Follow-up substantiated allegations must be at least 2 days after the first one to
be counted.
Allegations of ‘At Risk, Sibling Abused’ or ‘Substantial Risk’ will be excluded.
Secondary (duplicate) referrals are not counted as subsequent referrals. They
must either be ‘associated’ to the primary referral or Evaluated Out.
Incoming ICPC children are excluded.
Allegation Notebook:
Values counted:
 Caretaker Absence / Incapacity
 Emotional Abuse
 Exploitation
 General Neglect
 Physical Abuse
 Severe Neglect
 Sexual Abuse
Values counted:
 Substantiated
No Maltreatment in Foster Care
Federal Measure – S.2.1
Of all children served in child welfare supervised foster care during the twelve-month
review period, what percent were not victims of a substantiated or indicated
maltreatment by a foster parent or facility staff member during the fiscal year?
CWS/CMS – to mark a child a victim while in Foster Care
Only substantiated allegations will be considered.
Allegations of ‘At Risk, Sibling Abused’ or ‘Substantial Risk’ will be excluded.
Perpetrator must be identified as SCP/Res. Facility Staff
Placement Facility Type must be entered if allegation is substantiated.
Allegation Notebook
Values counted:
 Caretaker Absence / Incapacity
 Emotional Abuse
 Exploitation
 General Neglect
 Physical Abuse
 Severe Neglect
 Sexual Abuse
Perpetrator Type
SCP/Res. Facility Staff
Placement Facility Type
Values counted:
 Substantiated
Child Abuse/Neglect Referrals with a Timely Response
State Measure – 2B
Percent of child abuse and neglect referrals that require an investigation in the study
quarter that have resulted in an in-person investigation stratified by immediate response
and ten-day referrals, for both planned and actual visits.
Referral start date is compared with Determine Response date and first Contact
Start and End date of Contact must be entered.
Contact Purpose must be Investigate Referral
Contact must be In-Person
Contact status must be Attempted or Completed
Contact Party Type: Staff person/Child
Referral Notebook:
Start Date of Referral
Compared to:
 Immediate
 3 Day
 5 Day
 10 Day
Compared to:
Contact Notebook:
 Date
 Method: In-Person
 Status: Completed or Attempted
 Contact Purpose: Investigate Referral
 Contact Party Type: Staff Person/Child
Timely Social Worker Visits With Child
State Measure – 2C
Of all children who required a monthly social worker visit, how many received a monthly
Contact Notebook:
Start and End date of Contact must be entered.
Contact must be In-Person
Contact status must be Completed
Contact Party Type must be Staff Person/Child
For those children with a placement record – the episode end date must be blank.
Cases Excluded from this measure:
 Cases open for less than 30 days.
 Cases with intervention reason of Incoming ICPC Case
 Agency responsible for Placement Episode is LA-County Probation Dept, or Kin-Gap
 Children placed out of state and NOT in group home.
 Placement Change Reason is Child Ran Away from Home or Child Abducted
 Cases with valid Contact Exceptions recorded in Case Plan
 Non-Dependent Legal Guardianships
Document Exceptions here:
Case Plan Notebook:
Contact Exception Needs to be Listed here:
Values include:
 Child Contacted by Another Agency
 Child Placed with Legal Guardian
 Child Placed with Relative
 Child Placed Out of State
 Child Receiving FR Services/Stable
 Child Receiving PP Services/Stable
 Child Under 2 Yrs of Age
 Child’s Whereabouts Unknown
Document Runaways/Abducted
children here:
Placement Change Reason:
Values include:
Child Ran Away from Placement
Child Abducted
Non-Dependent Legal Guardianships:
Non-Dependent Legal Guardianships require face to face contacts once every six
Document Non-Dependent Legal Guardianships here:
Placement Notebook
Legal Authorization for Placement field:
Home Type field:
This is the correct entry:
 Guardian Non-Relative
Facility Type:
Guardian Home
These options will also be considered:
 Child/Agency Agreement
 Out of State ICPC
 Parent-Agency Agreement
 Relinquishment
 Legal Authority Not Yet determined
 Findings Never Made
 Guardian Relative Kin Gap
ICPC Outgoing:
A row on the ICPC-100B must be done to
exclude from this measure. In order to get to
the 100B, the ICPC–100A must be done first.
Address of Placement Home:
All states except CA
Contact/Visitation Waiver documented in the Case Plan Notebook
 Child Placed Out of State
ICPC Incoming: Incoming cases do not have a primary assignment: the case must
have a primary assignment to be counted.
Permanency Outcomes - Federal Measures
Permanency Composite 1: Timeliness and Permanency of Reunification
Measure C1.1: Reunification Within 12 Months (exit cohort)
Of all children discharged from foster care to reunification in FY specified who had been in
foster care for 8 days or longer, what percent were reunified in less than 12 months from the
date of the latest removal from home?
Measure C1.2: Median Time To Reunification (exit cohort)
Of all children who were discharged from foster care to reunification in FY specified, and who
had been in foster care for 8 days or longer, what was the median length of stay in months from
the date of the latest removal from home until the date of discharge to reunification?
Measure C1.3: Reunification Within 12 Months (entry cohort)
Of all children who entered foster care for the first time in the 6-month period just prior to FY
specified, and who remained in foster care for 8 days or longer, what percent were discharged
from foster care to reunification in less than 12 months from the date of latest removal from
Measure C1.4: Reentry Following Reunification
Of all children who were discharged from foster care to reunification in the 12-month period prior
to FY specified, what percent re-entered foster care in less than 12 months from the date of
This outcome measure relies on staff to end placement episodes timely and accurately when
children leave out of home care. They will be stratified by reason exiting care.
Child Removal Info Page:
 Date of Removal
Placement Episode Termination Reasons:
 Reunified with Parent/Guardian (Court)
 Reunified with Parent/Guardian (Non-Court)
 Child Released Home
The system will compare the date of removal with date placement episode ended in order to
calculate this measure. For C1.4 (Reentry): Following a termination of episode – a subsequent
removal date within 12 months of episode end date will trigger this measure.
If placement has been ended due to Trial Visit – worker must remember to enter the
placement episode termination reason above at the end of the trial visit period.
Permanency Composite 2: Timeliness of Adoptions – Federal Measures
Measure C2.1: Adoption Within 24 Months (exit cohort)
Of all children who were discharged from foster care to a finalized adoption during FY specified,
what percent were discharged in less than 24 months from the date of the latest removal from
Measure C2.2: Median Time to Adoption (exit cohort)
Of all children who were discharged from foster care to a finalized adoption during FY specified,
what was the median length of stay in foster care in months from the date of the latest removal
from home to the date of discharge to adoption?
Measure C2.3: Adoption Within 12 Months (17 months in care)
Of all children in foster care for 17 continuous months or longer on the first day of the year, what
percent were discharged to a finalized adoption by the last day of the year?
This outcome measure relies on staff to end placement episodes timely and accurately
when children leave out of home care. They will be stratified by reason exiting care.
Child Removal Info Page:
 Date of Removal
Placement Episode Termination Reasons:
For both Foster Care and Non-Foster Care Placements:
 Adoption Finalized
 Private Adoption Agency (non-CWS)
Excluded from Measure C2.3: Children who were in care 17 months or longer, but
exited foster care during the year with episode termination reason of reunified with
parents or primary caretakers, or guardianship.
The system will compare the date of removal with date placement episode ended in
order to calculate these measures.
Permanency Composite 2: Timeliness of Adoptions (continued)
Measure C2.4: Legally Free Within 6 Months (17 months in care)
Of all children in foster care for 17 continuous months or longer and not legally free for adoption
on the first day of the year, what percent became legally free within the next 6 months?
Measure C2.5: Adoption Within 12 Months (legally free)
Of all children in foster care who became legally free for adoption during the year, what percent
were then discharged to a finalized adoption in less than 12 months?
This outcome measure relies on staff to record events as they happen. This would
include recording parental rights termination timely, as well as ending placement
episodes timely and accurately when children leave out of home care. The measure will
be stratified by reason exiting care.
CWS/CMS recognizes a child legally free for adoption if Parental Rights have been
 Effective Date
 Termination – Voluntary or Court Ordered
Note: For deceased parent – under Voluntary – select ‘Birth Parent Deceased’
Terminating the Placement Episode:
Child Removal Info Page:
 Date of Removal
Placement Episode Termination Reasons:
For both Foster Care and Non-Foster Care Placements:
 Adoption Finalized
 Private Adoption Agency (non-CWS)
The system will compare the date of removal with date placement episode ended in
order to calculate these measures.
Permanency Composite 3: Achieving Permanency for Children in Foster Care for
Long Periods of Time
Measure C3.1: Exits to Permanency (24 months in care)
Of all children in foster care for 24 months of longer on the first day of the year, what percent
were discharged to a permanent home by the end of the year and prior to turning 18?
Measure C3.2: Exits to Permanency (legally free at exit)
Of all children discharged from foster care during the year who were legally free for adoption,
what percent were discharged to a permanent home prior to turning 18?
Measure C3.3: In Care 3 years or longer (emancipated or age 18 in care)
Of all children in foster care during the year who were either discharged to emancipation or
turned 18 while still in care, what percent had been in care for 3 years or longer?
This outcome measure relies on staff to end placement episodes timely and accurately when
children leave out of home care. They will be stratified by reason exiting care.
Placement Episode Termination Reasons:
 Reunified with Parent/Guardian (Court)
 Reunified with Parent/Guardian (Non-Court)
 Child Released Home
 Adoption Finalized
 Private Adoption Agency (non-CWS)
 Guardianship
 Emancipation (for measure C3.3 only)
CWS/CMS recognizes a child legally free for adoption if Parental Rights have been
 Effective Date
 Termination – Voluntary or Court Ordered
Note: For deceased parent – under Voluntary – select ‘Birth Parent Deceased’
Federal Permanency Composite 4: Placement Stability – Federal Measures
Measure 1
C4.1: Placement Stability (8 Days to 12 Months in Care)
Of all children who were served in foster care during FY specified, and who were in foster care
for at least 8 days but less than 12 months, what percent had two or fewer placement settings?
Measure 2
C4.2: Placement Stability (12 to 24 Months in Care)
Of all children who were served in foster care during FY specified, and who were in foster care
for at least 12 months but less than 24 months, what percent had two or fewer placement
Measure 3
C4.3: Placement Stability (At least 24 Months in Care)
Of all children who were served in foster care during FY specified, and who were in foster care
for at least 24 months, what percent had two or fewer placement settings?
Child Removal Info Page:
 Date of Removal
ID page: Agency Responsibility
Values include:
 Co. Probation Dept / LA Co. Probation Dept
 Co. Welfare Dept / LA Co. Welfare Dept
 Out of State Agency / LA Out of State Agency
 State Adoptions District Office / LA State Adoptions District Office
 Indian Child Welfare / LA Indian Child Welfare
County of Responsibility:
 County creating the Placement Episode
UC Berkeley calculates the number of placements. This measure is dependent upon
placement information being entered accurately and timely. If the type of home
changes, but the child stays with the SCP, ie: relative home to guardian home, the
placement counter will NOT increment ONLY if the SCP of the first home is “attached”
(using the Attach Existing SCP command) to the new home. If this is not done, the
counter will increment and inflate this measure!
Child & Family Well Being Outcomes
Siblings Placed Together in Foster Care
State Measure– 4A
For all children in child welfare supervised foster care on the point-in-time, of those with
siblings in care, what percent were placed with some and/or all of their siblings?
This outcome measure relies on staff to properly identify children as siblings on the
‘Related Clients’ page of the Client Notebook.
Related Clients Page:
 Relationships of siblings must be identified here in order for the outcome to be
Siblings must be in placement.
At the bottom of the ID page – worker must complete the field: Sibling Placement
Rationale field with one of the following values:
 Placed with All
 Placed with at least 1
 Placed with none
 NA – Only Child Placed
Placement Home (located on the ID page) for each sibling is compared.
UC Berkeley calculates siblings placed with SOME or ALL siblings based on the ability
to identify children as siblings.
Foster Care Placement in Least Restrictive Settings
State Measure – 4B
For all children who entered child welfare supervised foster care for the first time (and
stayed at least five days) during the 12 month study period, what percent were in kin,
foster, FFA, group, and other placements (first placement type and point in time
placement type)? What percent of children in child welfare supervised foster care were
in kin, foster, FFA, group, and other placements at the specified point in time?
Child must be in placement.
Placement Home Type (located on the ID page) is used for this measure.
UC Berkeley calculates this measure reporting children in placement by type of facility.
The measure indicates placement by First Placement, and Point in Time Placement
(type of placement child in on a given date).
Rate of ICWA Placement Preferences
State Measure – 4E(1)
This measure reflects the percent of Indian Child Welfare Act eligible children placed in
foster care settings as identified with ICWA eligibility (“y”). It is a state outcome
State Measure – 4E(2)
This measure reflects the percent of Indian Child Welfare Act eligible children as
identified w/primary or mixed (multi) ethnicity of American Indian placed in foster care.
It is a state outcome measure. (for county information only)
Identifying an Indian Child:
 Indian Ancestry – if child is a descendent of an Indian.
 Primary or Other Ethnicity – use these fields if the child’s ethnicity is American
 ICWA Eligibility – Yes.
 Child must be in placement.
Designating an Indian Substitute Care Provider:
Ethnicity Field
 Must indicate American Indian
UC Berkeley calculates this measure based on identification of an Indian child in a
placement setting.
Timely Medical and Dental Exams
State Measure – 5B(1) and 5B(2)
This measure provides the percent of children meeting the schedule for CHDP/Division
31 medical and dental exams. Minors must have a medical and/or dental exam by the
end of their age period.
Child must be in placement and episode open 31 days or more.
Placement home is in California.
Minor’s age taken at quarter end.
Non-CWD placements (probation, etc)
Placement episodes open less than 31 days
Children in placement homes outside of CA
Non-foster care placements
Non dependent Legal Guardians
Contact Notebook:
A ‘delivered service’ must be recorded in the contact notebook on the Associated
Services page of:
Use these types only:
CHDP Medical Exams
Health/CHDP Services
CHDP Medical Delivered
HEP-CHDP Equivalent Physical Exam
HEP-CHDP Physical Exam
Medical Assessments-Age Exam Categories
Under 1 month
1 to 2 months
3 to 4 months
5 to 6 months
7 to 9 months
10 to 12 months
13 to 15 months
16 to 23 months
2 years
3 years
4 to 5 years
6 to 8 years
9 to 12 years
13 to 16 years
17 to 20 years
CHDP Dental Exams
CHDP Dental Delivered
HEP-Periodic Dental Exam
Dental Assessments
3 years and once a year thereafter till age 20
Authorization of Psychotropic Medications
State Measure – 5F
This measure provides the percent of children in foster care with a court order or
parental consent that authorizes the child to receive psychotropic medication.
ID page: Agency Responsibility is County Welfare Agency
 Placement Episode Open or Closed during the quarter
 Placement open or Closed during the quarter
 Outgoing ICPC placements
 Runaways or Closed Placement w/Open Episode
 All non child welfare agency placements (probation, other)
 All placements with Legal Authorization codes other than WIC a-j, e, h, 601 &
 Incoming ICPC placements
 Non-foster care placements
 Non Dependent Legal Guardians
 Children in Placement Facility Type – Guardian home
One medication listed on this page must be Active – no end date. Or the medication
must have been active during the review period. A Psychotropic Medication consent
date must have occurred prior to the last day of the review period – either Court Order
or Parental Consent date.
No end
Consent/Court Order
date here
Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
State Measure – 6B
This measure provides the percentage of children in out-of-home (OHP) placements
who have ever had an IEP.
Child must have an open case.
Child must be in placement.
Placement episode must be 31 days or longer.
Child must be placed in California.
 Non-dependent legal guardianship placements.
 ICPC placements (in or out).
 Children younger than 3 years old.
 Children who turned 3 years old 31 days or less before the end of the quarter.
 Children 19 years of age or older.
Children Transitioning to Self-Sufficient Adulthood
State Measure – (8A)
This measure is a quarterly report of outcomes for youth who exited foster care placement due
to attaining age 18 or 19, or those foster youth under age 18 who were legally emancipated
from foster care pursuant to Family Code section 7000.
All data will be collected from the SOC 405E, Exit Outcomes for Youth Aging Out of Foster Care
Quarterly Statistical Report. The information entered on each youth is based on what is known
about the youth’s status at the month of exiting care. The following categories are included:
Financial Support
Housing Arrangements
Independent Living Program Services
Permanency Connection
Here are the specific items captured:
 Youth who completed high school or equivalency.
 Youth who obtained employment.
 Youth who have made arrangements to rent their own housing or to pay rent to or share
rent with another person.
 Youth who have made arrangements to live free of rent with another individual.
 Youth who have made arrangements to live in supportive transitional housing.
 Youth who have made arrangements to receive subsidized housing.
 Youth who have made arrangements to live in a college dorm the next available
 Youth who have made housing arrangements other than those listed above, (eg.,
military, Job Corps, California Conservation Corps, or AmeriCorp).
 Youth who have received Independent Living Services prior to aging out or legally
emancipating from Foster Care.
 Youth who have reported that they have a permanency connection to at least one adult
that they can go to for support, advice, and guidance.
CWS/CMS Instructions:
Data not yet collected in CWS/CMS.