The Transition Plan is due no later than July 31,... January 31, 2015. Appendix A Transition Plan for Addressing the Revised Standards

Appendix A
Transition Plan for Addressing the Revised Standards
Relating to Teaching English Learners
The Transition Plan is due no later than July 31, 2013. All program modifications
must be fully implemented no later than January 31, 2015.
Program Sponsor:
California State University, Fresno
5005 N. Maple Ave., Fresno, CA 93740
Indicate the program
О Preliminary MS
О Preliminary SS
X Preliminary Ed Sp (indicate specialty area below)
О Gen Ed Induction
О Gen Ed Clear
Name of Program:
Special Education Credential Program
Contact Person:
Elisa M. Jamgochian, PhD
Assistant Professor/Program Coordinator
О Clear Ed Sp Induction
Plan for Modifying Preparation Program (2-3 pages)
1. Describe the process in which your program engaged to identify the changes needed to align
your program to the revised standards.
2. Describe the changes that your program will be making to your courses and field experiences
to address the modified standards, including the timeline for implementing the revised
course(s) and field experience(s).
Description of Course
Timeline for Implementing
Date Program Narrative
and Documentation
Date Submitted to CTC??
Standard 9: Update
language in program
documents to reflect
change in standard
Fall 2013/Spring 2014
Jan.-Mar. 2014
April 2014
Standard 10: Examine the
depth of coverage of
planning for and use of
instructional strategies
with English learners.
(across courses)
Fall 2014
Jan.–Mar. 2014
April 2014
Standard 14: Review of
assignments and syllabi in
related courses
Fall 2014
Jan.–Mar. 2014
April 2014
Return this cover page and your EL Standards Transition Plan to
Professional Services Division
1900 Capitol Ave, Sacramento, CA 95811
Plan for Modifying Preparation Program
1. The Special Education Faculty at Fresno State meets monthly to review program
implementation and changes. In addition, two members of the Special Education faculty
participate on the Multiple Subject Credential Program Review Committee, which also
meets monthly. Since there is shared coursework in the Special Education and Multiple
Subject programs, these meetings allow faculty to collaborate across programs. Each
representative on the Multiple Subject Credential Program Review Committee has a
responsibility to communicate to and work with course and/or discipline faculty related to
program implementation. The Multiple Subject and Special Education faculty, together,
will oversee the review of the changes to the standards by course and discipline experts.
These course and discipline experts will propose changes to courses and syllabi, and the
Special Education faculty and Multiple Subject Credential Program Review Committee
will facilitate the process of adoption and implementation of the recommended changes.
2. STANDARD 9: The minor changes to Standard 9 are currently being addressed in LEE
177: Teaching Reading and the Arts in Grades K-3 and LEE 173: Teaching Reading and
Social Studies in Grades 4-8, along with each course’s accompanying field experiences.
No changes are needed to the courses or program document. The ELD component is
addressed in LEE 172 - Cultural and Language Contexts of the Classroom. Differentiated
instruction and interventions are also currently addressed in SPED 136: Assessment,
Curriculum, & Instruction for Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities, SPED 137:
Specialized Academic Instruction for Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities, and
SPED 146: Assessment and Instruction for Students with Moderate-Severe Disabilities.
No changes are needed to the courses or program document, with the exception of
updating standard language.
STANDARD 10: The assessment and instruction of English learners in Standard 10 is
primarily addressed in LEE 172: Cultural and Language Contexts of the Classroom,
LEE 173: Teaching Reading and Social Studies in Grades 4-8, and LEE 177: Teaching
Reading the and Arts in Grades K-3, SPED 130: Assessing Students with Special Needs
and the core methods courses (SPED 136/137 [MM] and 146/147 [MS]) expand on and
support the coverage of these topics with a focus on the design and delivery of accessible
and effective assessment, curriculum, and instruction (including intervention) for students
with diverse learning needs. Concurrent practicum experiences each semester of the
credential program provide students with opportunities to implement and receive
feedback on various instructional and assessment strategies learned through coursework.
Review of all courses and assignments will be necessary to determine sufficient emphasis
is placed on the strategies noted in the revisions to Standard 10.
STANDARD 14: The emphasis on family involvement and cultural differences in homeschool relationships in Standard 14 are currently being addressed in LEE 172: Cultural
and Language Contexts of the Classroom. In addition. principles of establishing and
maintaining active parent involvement are addressed in LEE 173: Teaching Reading
and Social Studies in Grades 4-8 and LEE 177: Teaching Reading and the Arts in
Grades K-3, as they relate to research on effective schools and the cooperation needed to
foster maximum student achievement. In SPED 219: Effective Communication and
Collaborative Partnerships, family involvement is also a topic of emphasis. Each course
Professional Services Division
1900 Capitol Ave, Sacramento, CA 95811
is paired with relevant field experiences. Students’ practicum portfolios include a
collection of references they develop containing site-based and community resources and
agencies categorized, as appropriate, for teachers, parents, and students. Review of
assignments and syllabi in these courses is necessary to examine whether there is
sufficient opportunity for teacher candidates to engage with family and communities and
to examine cultural differences in home-school relationships.
Professional Services Division
1900 Capitol Ave, Sacramento, CA 95811