HOME OF THE AZTECS! Parent Ed Level McCabe’s Student Population 845 68% Not HS Grads Title I School Wide 21% HS Grads 8% Some College 2% College Grads 1% Graduate School EL Student Population 98% Free or Reduced Lunch 78% 26% Migrant Students 900 800 700 645 715 735 803 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 80 70.6 70 55.1 60 40 30 20 47.2 46.4 50 29.9 26.9 18.9 ELA 32.4 Math 10 0 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Students enter a clean, safe, welcoming campus. Staff is infused with a passion for teaching which is evident in their vibrant classrooms & positive attitudes. Core belief that our students are destined for academic achievement. All of these attributes are held together by team work, commitment, and determination for student success. AZTEC PRIDE Immediate feedback. Consistent observation of behavior. Set & communicate clear expectations. Model expected behavior. K-3 MacMillan 4-6 SRA Supplemental/Intervention Programs K-6 Supplemental/Intervention Programs MIND Technology Institute Math + Music Program Math March Madness: Flashcards for every student Science: 3rd-5th Scott Foresman…6th Harcourt Social Studies: 3rd-5th Scott Foresman…6th Holt Interactive Board Wireless Microphone Systems Wireless Slate Document Camera Response System: August-CST TOSP (Teacher ObservationQuarterly of Student Benchmarks Benchmark Deployment Data Analysis& Reteaching Progress) Student Success CST TOSP: Principal and Teacher Chat Quarterly Benchmarks : Formative Benchmark Data Analysis :Minimum days are used to disaggregate data and to plan reteaching activities Deployment and Reteaching: Students that scored far below and below basic are grouped for reteaching English Language Development Strategies Training by FCOE Smart Technology Training by IVS EDI Training by DataWorks Model Lessons on writing and other best teaching practices by Learning Director •Scientific Science Observation •Multiplication Madness •Math word of the week •Academic Vocabulary Math •Cornell Notes •3 Part Essay •Academic Vocabulary ELA Fresh Save the After Children School Program McCabe Teaching Staff Tutorial 250 242 Suspensions Expulsions 207 200 161 150 100 6 50 1 0 0 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Caring Responsibility Respect Teacher of the Week recognized and announced. Regular raffle of Aztec Bucks. Character Count Agendas. Aztec Bucks rewarded to Daily Announcements students demonstrating include ways to good character. Student of the demonstrate monthly Month basedtrait. on character one pillar of good character. Fairness Trustworthiness Citizenship STAR Rallies STAR Field Trips STAR Prizes STAR Recognition: STAR Wall of Fame Quarterly Awards Assemblies Fun Filled Activity Days, Movie Nights, … “Fundamental belief that ALL students can achieve success.” “Holding students accountable and providing adequate support within our campus to ensure student success.” “Constantly checking for understanding & providing immediate feedback.” “Keeping open lines of communication with parents.” “Direct Instruction: TAPPLE or some form of it.” “Daily objectives for every subject/skill (point out the content and language objectives)” “Students reflect and evaluate their understanding of material covered through Cornell Notes.” “Showcasing students’ quality work.” “Collaborating in our grade levels, sharing ideas, and team work.” “Blooms’ Taxonomy Questions. Higher order thinking skills.” The End.