Week of Guided Prayer Advent 2005


Week of Guided Prayer Advent 2005

Awake and listen to the Word of God in your life! Let it deepen your relationship with God.

If you are new to the world of prayer, if you want to discover other methods of prayer or if you who would like to rekindle your friendship with Him.

The only requirements are - an open heart and a desire for God!

This experience could be the start of a real meaning in life – an experience through which you will start to flower again!

If you say - "Its not worth it!", God says "It will be worth it!"

So give it a try!!!

During this week, you will meet up on an individual basis, with a Jesuit or lay person (trained in spiritual direction). The guides accompany each person on a journey towards God using Scripture passages and daily life experiences.

Introductory Meeting on Wednesday14th December 2005 – 6.30pm at Dar Manwel Magri sj

Final Meeting on Thursday 22 nd

December 2005 – 6.30pm at Dar Manwel Magri sj

Please return the slip below by the 12 th




NAME : ……………………………… AGE : ……… COURSE: ……………………………

ADDRESS : ……………………………………………………………………………………


TEL NO. (pref. mobile) ……………………………………

Email : ……………………………………..

Have you ever had spiritual direction?

please circle


I would prefer to be guided by (give numbers 1, 2, 3 to your first three preferences)

Whilst promising to do our best, we cannot guarantee to choose the guide according to your preference since it is impossible to accommodate all.

___ Ms. Maryanne Agius ___ Profs. Stanley Fiorini

___ Fr. Jimmy Bartolo sj

___ Ms. Clare Camilleri

___ Fr. Alfred Darmanin sj

More guides will be offered in due time.

___ Fr. Mario Jaccarini sj

___ Fr. Vincent Magri sj

___ Ms. Christine Sammut
