Welcome to the Faculty for the Built Environment Focus is the design, or “creative organization”, of the built environment, which is the physical environment that h is created d as a result l of human h intervention. To “make make another world world, a better world” world . Good design “should infiltrate the visual standards of everything from sign sign-writing writing, and graphics, graphics to interior design, and a good deal in between. It should not be restricted to buildings, but should include spaces and environments g generally y …” Colin Stansfield Smith http://www.um.edu.mt/ben The Faculty for the Built Environment embraces a wide range of disciplines: • systems of urban, town or spatial planning; • urban design, and hard and soft landscaping; • infrastructural support systems, such as transport systems, water resources, distribution, and disposal; • design and planning of buildings and other physical structures; • engineering support systems, such as structure, utility services, • the th study t d off history hi t off th the b built ilt environment i t iin it its wider id meaning; • the protection and conservation of the existing built heritage; • the management of heritage sites and buildings; • the management of the construction processes; • the science of the environmental performance of buildings; • the study of the environmental impact of buildings, structures and other related interventions. http://www.um.edu.mt/ben Faculty for the Built Environment Dean: Prof. Dr.Eur.Ing. Alex Torpiano • Department of Architecture & Urban Design: Head. Prof. Dr. Dennis DeLucca • Department of Civil & Structural Engineering: Head. Prof. Dr.Eur.Ing. Alex Torpiano • Department of the Built Heritage: H d P Head. Prof. f Dr.J.Cassar D JC • Department of Spatial Planning & Infrastructure Co-ordinator. Dr.P.Gauci • Department D t t off E Environmental i t lD Design i Co-ordinator. Dr.V.Buhagiar • Department of Visual Arts Co-ordinator. Mr.A.Grech • Unit of Construction and Management Co-ordinator. Dr.J.Spiteri p http://www.um.edu.mt/ben Faculty for the Built Environment objectives of Re-Structuring Plan • to move away from a Faculty offering a single professional degree course, to a Faculty that addresses the wider issues relevant to the quality of the built environment in the Maltese Islands, and provides training, and research, in the other p professions,, besides architects and civil engineers, who have an important role in the process whereby the built environment is formed and modified, including planners, construction managers, building engineers, conservation professionals etc.; • to ensure that the structure of courses offered by the Faculty conform to the proposals envisaged in the Bologna Declaration; • to ensure that the courses offered by the Faculty, in the main professional sub-disciplines, allow its graduates to achieve the relative professional recognition at European level; • to ensure that the academic preparation offered by the Faculty is of a higher quality, so as to attract a wider, and more international, market, whilst becoming of greater relevance to Malta’s needs for the future, in the context of its reality within the European Union. Union Academic Development Plan - Outline WHAT WE ALREADY HAVE: • Architecture and Urban Design architectural and urban design, including history of architecture, theory of architecture, interior architecture and landscape architecture. • Built Heritage conservation of the local built heritage, deterioration and repair interventions of heritage masonry structures, management and preservation of archaeological sites and historic landscapes environmental issues in degradation landscapes, mechanisms, conservation and restoration. • Civil and Structural Engineering building structures structures, structural materials materials, masonry masonry, concrete, steel, glass, geo-technical engineering, and marine and other civil engineering structures. http://www.um.edu.mt/ben Spatial Planning and Infrastructure sustainable planning and development, and on infrastructural issues of relevance to Malta, including urban and spatial planning, landscape planning, transport planning, water and mineral resources, solid and liquid waste management, geographic information systems applied to spatial planning, related public policies and EU legislation, and environmental impact assessments. Environmental Design environmental performance of buildings, buildings including topics of environmental performance, building engineering physics, energy efficiency, climate and building comfort, natural and artificial lighting and acoustic performance, and related building regulations, and building services systems. Vi Visual l Arts A t visual literacy, fine and applied art, interior and product design, graphic design and printing Sustainable Construction and Management g sustainable construction processes and their management, including construction processes for buildings and engineering works, project and construction management, contracts and legislation, health and safety, cost control, real estate and geodetics. http://www.um.edu.mt/ben Faculty for the Built Environment Current Degree Course Programmes: (Bachelor of Engineering and Architecture – being phased out) Diploma in Design Foundation Studies (f/t) BSc (Hons) in Built Environment Studies (f/t) MSc in Conservation Technology of Masonry Structures (every two years) (f/t) MSc in Conservation of Decorative Architectural Surfaces (every two years) (f/t) MA in Management of Cultural Heritage (f/t) MSc in Environmental Design (p/t) Masters of Science ((byy Research)) Doctor of Philosophy (by Research) Planned to open in February 2013: Masters in Spatial Planning and Infrastructure MS in MSc i Sustainable S t i bl IInfrastructure f t t (p/t) MSc in Project Management (p/t) Under development for 2013/2014: Masters in Architecture and Urban Design (f/t) Masters in Engineering (Civil/Structural) (f/t) MA in History and Theory of Architecture (p/t) BA in Landscape Architecture (f/t) BA in Product and Interior Design (f/t) (p/t) Course Programmes - Outline Faculty for the Built Environment BOLOGNA PROCESS 1 + 3+ 2 P Academic Development Plan - Outline Faculty for the Built Environment free- hand drawing, colour appreciation appreciation, visual literacy, graphical communication plastic arts, photography photography, computer graphics, creativity, (oral and written English). candidates Built Env. Engineering Communicat ion Studies ICT other Stand-alone certificate or diploma Design g Foundation Studies Year Diploma Design Foundation Studies Diploma of Design Foundation Studies - Course Programme Semester S t 1 1: C Core St Study-Units d U it BEN 1000 Visual Design Fundamentals 1 BEN 1003 20th Century Cultural Movements 14 ECTS 4 ECTS Selection of Three Elective Study-Units y from list including: g BEN 1004 Landmarks of Cultural Development 4 ECTS BEN 1005 Architectural Modelling Techniques 4 ECTS BEN 1006 Digital Imaging 1 4 ECTS BEN 1007 Digital Documentation and Space 4 ECTS ICS 1028 Introduction to Game Programming 4 ECTS IOT 1008 An Introduction to Creativity 4 ECTS Semester 2: Core Study-Units BEN 1002 Visual Design Fundamentals 2 Language Communication Skills LIN 1063 Academic Reading and Writing in English LIN 1065 Academic Speaking in English 14 ECTS (4 ECTS) 2 ECTS 2 ECTS Selection of Three Elective Study-Units from list including: BEN 1008 Experimental Printing 4 ECTS BEN 1009 Introduction to Critical Art 4 ECTS CST 1301 Digital Imaging 2 4 ECTS CST 1192 Presentation Techniques 4 ECTS ICS 1027 Intro. to Game Design and Theory 4 ECTS IOT 1009 A Toolkit for Thinking Out of the Box 4 ECTS Faculty for the Built Environment A range of “knowledge-based” study units common to many of the study-units, professional disciplines. A greater degree of choice, from a “cloud” of study-units, than is currently the case. Should allow for the study of architectural and structural/civil engineering subjects, in preparation for entry to the “Graduate School” stage of studies, but delaying final decision of which particular professional discipline they intend to follow. Admission to the first-tier degree g would be after successful completion of the Foundation Year Diploma, and the attainment of any Special Course Requirements that may, from time to time be defined by the Faculty time, Faculty. First Tier Honours Bachelor Level B.Sc (Hons) in Built Environment Studies B.Sc. Built Environment Studies - Summary of Programme of Study OBJECTIVES OF THREE-YEAR COURSE: 1. to allow candidates to CHOOSE, and be SUITABLY QUALIFIED for taking, one of three main professional masters: Architecture and Urban Design Structural and Civil Engineering Spatial Planning and Infrastructure, (eventually also other specialization masters, e.g. Conservation, Construction Management, Environmental Design). 2 to allow the candidates AS MUCH TIME AS POSSIBLE to make this selection, 2. selection i.e. i e as few mandatory subjects as possible, but to offer targeted electives, which have, at least in the first three semesters, a large component of commonality – so that students become aware of the width of possibilities, and also of their own aptitudes, before they make a choice. Selection of study-units will be guided. Each professional masters degree route will include the minimum range of disciplines to be taken before admission. The study-units offered will therefore be grouped in themes, and students will be required to obtain established amounts of credits, from each theme, as required by the respective Masters programme. Students should find choice, even within the same theme, with as efficient a use of resources as possible, (a) so that there is no single mould for all aspiring professionals; (b) so that the possibilities of study are widened beyond the current limitations of a completely mandatory programme; Study-units are grouped under generic headings, including, taught study-units, via formal lectures/seminars, and practical Design Workshops. 3. To be registered as regular students in the Course, applicants shall, apart from satisfying the general requirements for admission as specified in the Admission Regulations, be in possession of the special course requirements listed hereunder: (a) the Diploma in Design Foundation Studies; and (b) two passes at Advanced Matriculation Level at Grade C or better in: (i) Pure Mathematics or Applied Mathematics (Mechanics); and (ii) Physics; (c) a pass at Intermediate Matriculation Level in one of the designated subjects. YEAR ONE. Semester 1 (All study study-units units mandatory) BEN1101 Design Workshop 1 AUD1201 History and Theory Studies 1 CNM1401Introduction to Forms of Construction CNM1421Materials and the Environment EVD1501 Fundamentals of Environmental Science CVE1611 Introduction to Structure Systems SPI1711 Landscape and Human Impact SPI1721 Introduction to Sustainable Development MAT1801 Mathematics for Engineers 1 6 ECTS 3 ECTS 3 ECTS 3 ECTS 3 ECTS 3 ECTS 3 ECTS 3 ECTS 4 ECTS Semester 2 (All study study-units units mandatory) BEN1102 Design Workshop 2 AUD1202 History and Theory Studies 2 BLH 1301Our Heritage and Us MME1203 Introduction to Material Science CVE1632 Introduction to Data Management EVD1502 Environmental Design of Interior Spaces CNM1412Building Elements 1 CVE1612 Structures 1 6 ECTS 3 ECTS 3 ECTS 3 ECTS 3 ECTS 4 ECTS 4 ECTS 4 ECTS + appropriate units f from 3-year 3 fi t first tier bachelors + appropriate units from 3-year first tier bachelors + appropriate units from 3-year first tier bachelors traditional planning disciplines with relevant infrastructural topics, such as water and mineral resources, waste management, and transport engineering, landscape, gis. Second Tier Professional Masters Level Professional Masters TO S START T OCTO OBER 2013 Faculty for the Built Environment Title of Architect – European Level - Qualifications Directive 1. an ability to create architectural designs that satisfy both aesthetic and technical requirements, 2 an adequate 2. d t k knowledge l d off th the hi history t and d th theories i off architecture hit t and d th the related l t d arts, t technologies and human sciences, 3. a knowledge of the fine arts as an influence on the quality of architectural design, 4. an adequate q knowledge g of urban design, g ,p planning g and the skills involved in the p planning g process, 5. an understanding of the relationship between people and buildings, and between buildings and their environment, and of the need to relate buildings and the spaces between them to human needs and scale, scale 6. an understanding of the profession of architecture and the role of the architect in society, in particular in preparing briefs that take account of social factors, 7. an understanding of the methods of investigation and preparation of the brief for a d i project, design j t 8. an understanding of the structural design, constructional and engineering problems associated with building design, 9. an adequate q knowledge g of p physical y p problems and technologies g and of the function of buildings so as to provide them with internal conditions of comfort and protection against the climate, 10. the necessary design skills to meet building users' requirements within the constraints imposed by cost factors and building regulations, 11. an adequate knowledge of the industries, organizations, regulations and procedures involved in translating design concepts into buildings and integrating plans into overall planning. Title of European Engineer - FEANI a. An understanding of the engineering profession, and of the registrant's responsibility to colleagues, to employers or clients, to the community and to the environment. b A thorough knowledge of the principles of engineering b. engineering, based on physics and mathematics, mathematics appropriate to his discipIine. c. A general knowledge of good engineering practice, in his field of engineering and the properties, behaviour, fabrication and use of materials and components. d. Familiarity with the tools of the new technologies and ability to handle technical information and statistics. e. The ability to develop and use theoretical models from which the behaviour of the physical world can be predicted. f. A capacity to exercise independent technical judgement through scientific analysis and logical thought. g. An ability to work on multi-disciplinary projects. h. Knowledge of industrial relations and the principles of management, taking into account technical, financial and human considerations. i. Skill in communication, oral and written, including the ability to write clear, cogent reports. j. An ability to apply the principles of good design in the interest of ease of manufacture and maintenance, and quality, at economical cost. k. An active appreciation of the progress of technical change and of the continuing need not to rely solely on established practice but to cultivate an attitude of innovation and creativity in the exercise of the profession of engineering. I. An ability to assess conflicting and multifarious factors (e.g. cost, quality and time-scale) both in the short and long terms and to find the best engineering sol u I ion. m. An A ability bilit tto provide id ffor environmental i t l considerations. id ti n. The capacity to mobilize human resources. o. The aim to be fluent one European language other than the mother tongue. Title of Planner ? a. Acquire due knowledge for: · the nature, purpose, theory and method of planning; · the historyy of p planning g as an institution and a p profession;; · the cultural differences in planning on a European and international level; · developments in the natural and man-made (economic and social) environment and knowledge of the impact of men's exploitation, i.e. possibilities for sustainable development; · the political, legal and institutional context of planning practice both at the national level and at the (evolving) international i.e. i e European level; · the instruments and performance of instruments for implementing planning policies; · specialized fields in planning; · relationships across and between these fields. b. Develop practical competence in: · methods for problem definition and collaborative problem-solving in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary settings; · thinking in terms of concepts, instruments and measures and management of knowledge for practical application; · techniques for data collection, for data analyses and synthesizing, including modern information technology; · valuing and managing the built and natural environment; · anticipating future needs of society society, including the appreciation of new trends and emerging issues in planning; · methods for generating strategic planning proposals and the advancement of implementation; · integrating aesthetic and design dimensions in planning proposals; · devising plans, programmes and measures and guiding the implementation policies. · written, oral and graphic communication c. Develop an attitude i.e. a feeling for: · planning to be basically oriented towards solving the needs of society within the framework of sustainable development; · the cultural embedding of the man-made environment; · the value dimension of planning; · the ethical implications of planning. planning d.Opportunities to specialize in particular fields of planning such as housing, infrastructure and transport, recreation, land development and building, design and international i.e. European affairs. Faculty for the Built Environment Second Tier Specialisation Taught Masters Level Specialisation Masters Conservator.Restorer Warrant – within EnCORE criteria M.Sc. in Conservation (of Decorative Architectural Surfaces) Entry requirements – Bachelor degree in Built Environment Studies, Science, History, Engineering Duration: one "foundation" year + 2 taught years + two years internship h Foundation year will be tailored in accordance with background of candidates: ie Arts, Science or Conservation backgrounds Year 1 of taught course will include 35 ECTS of lecture-study units, and 25 ECTS of practicals in conservation laboratoryy or in-situ,, in summer semester. Year 2 of taught course will include 30 ECTS of lecture study-units, and 30 ECTS of Dissertation According to Cultural Heritage Act, two years of internship, in Malta or abroad, are necessary to qualify for Warrant of Conservator-Restorer, Final Comment And a World which sees art and engineering as divided i not seeing is i the h World ld as a whole E.Happold. A Personal Perception of Engineering in Great Engineers, D.Walker, 1987 http://www.um.edu.mt/ben