Francisco Javier Ibáñez Castejón Post: Research Interests:

Francisco Javier Ibáñez Castejón
B.A. (Hons)
Post: Visiting Lecturer
Research Interests:
Spanish American literature with particular focus on the twentieth century; didactics
and pedagogical grammar for non native speakers; Spanish literature and theory of the
literary creation.
Educational background:
 2007 B. A. (Hons) / Spanish Philology. University of Alicante, Spain 
 2009 Advance studies certificate (Spanish American literature). University of
Spain 
Professional history:
 2008-2012: Valencian Community Scholarship holder at the University of
Alicante, Spain 
Currently I’m working in my doctoral thesis about Spanish American narrative.
Lecturing responsibilities at the University of Malta (I Semester): SPA 3013 Teaching
Spanish as a Foreign Language, SPA 3010 Spanish American Literature 2 (Post
Independence), (II Semester) SPA 2018 Spanish American Literature 1 (Colonial), SPA
1012 Spanish Literature 1 (Medieval), SPA 3005 Synoptic Study Unit (Language), SPA
3011 Hispanic Socio Linguistics, SPA 1021 Aspects of Spanish Lang. & Grammar 2.