Cuff or Bluff 5HODWLRQVKLSV7KH +ROLGD\6HDVRQ CULTURATI Redefining Fashion Culture Honor Flow Productions Live Loud, Dream Fearless WE’VE COME SO FAR: A Look Back at USC BSA Lights, Camera, Fashion! FIAFashionShow God-Given, JGivens BV ,QVLGH7KLV,VVXH Feature Story We’ve Come So Far: A Look Back at USC BSA 5 HOLIDAY Tis! The Season! Holiday Traditions from Your Very Own USC Colleagues | 6 FASHION FIA: Lights, Camera, Fashion! | 9 &XOWXUDWL5HGHÀQLQJ)DVKLRQ&XOWXUH_8 OPINION/SOCIAL ISSUES Social Media Takeover | 10 We Just Want to Party | 3 MUSIC RELATIONSHIPS Relationships & The Holiday Season: Cuff or Bluff | 4 POP CULTURE Chelsea Settles into Reality TV | 18 God-Given JGivens: A Legend in the Making | 14 Honor Flow Productions: Live Loud, Dream Fearless | 16 EDUCATION / HEALTH Point Forward Day: Magic Johnson Reaches 20 Years of AIDS Awareness Efforts | 11 EVENTS Aaron Arnold!s Humble Rise to the Top | 12 An Evening with Amiri Baraka | 13 ´%ODFN9RLFHVLV86&·VÀUVWEODFNSXEOLFDWLRQ:HDUHFRPPLWWHGWR WKH EODFN FRPPXQLW\ DQG H[SORULQJ EODFN FXOWXUH IURP WKH GLYHUVH SHUVSHFWLYHVRI86&VWXGHQWV:HDLPWRFRPPXQLFDWHLVVXHVUHOHYDQW WR WKH EODFN FRPPXQLW\ ZLWK LQWHJULW\ FUHDWLYLW\ DQG WKRXJKW SURYRNLQJFRQWHQWWRHPSRZHUHGXFDWHDQGLQVSLUHRXUUHDGHUVµ ([HFXWLYH2IÀFHUV Editor in Chief | &RXUWQH\0DQQLQJ Managing Editor |(VVHQFHMR\(YDQJHOLVWD Copy Editor | -DFTXHOLQH-DFNVRQ Marketing / Advertising Director | 'H·5RQ0DUTXHV Staff Co-Art Directors |-HVV(YRUD5D\PRQG&RXUWQH\ Photographer | .RVLVR8JZXH]H Director of Finance / Staff Writer | $UOHQH:DVKLQJWRQ Relationship Columnist | /DYDVMDK:LOOLDPV : e y a t Wust W Par o J Opinion 6WXGHQW3URÀOH t n t S Shut Down and Shut Out Knia Frank ome consider USC a party school, but the USC Black community could easily protest this conception. For the second time this school year, LAPD was called in to shut down a party that never actually started. Being treated as if they were FULPLQDOV%ODFNVWXGHQWVZHUHEOLQGHGE\WKHÁDVKLQJ\HOORZ beamed lights that came from the helicopters as they were escorted off the premises. While law enforcement may argue WKDWWKHEDFNXSFDOOHGLQLVMXVWSUHFDXWLRQWKHTXHVWLRQVWLOO remains, why are parties on the row with drugs and alcohol not treated with the same “safety measures” as Black parties? In fact, the Row was placed on probation yet again in April of 2011 “because of recent negative events within the Greek community” (“The Row placed on probation once again”). There was even a member of the fraternity Kappa Sigma wrapped up in a sex scandal that made national headlines. Given these controversial and damaging incidents, the Row is yet again up and running. There is clearly a divide in the Greek community DPRQJWKH1DWLRQDO3DQ+HOOHQLF&RXQFLOWKHQLQHKLVWRULFDOO\EODFN Greek fraternities and sororities, and the USC Interfraternity Council. Although the sororities and fraternities are Greek, the councils have different areas of focus and expectations of its members. It seems OLNHDVLPSOHVROXWLRQWRWKHSUREOHPZRXOGEHIRURQHRIWKH13+& fraternities or sororities to invest in a house on The Row in order to receive the same treatment as the Interfraternity Council. +RZHYHU 13+& LV GLVFRXUDJHG IURP 7KH 5RZ EHFDXVH RI D lack of funding. Even though there are grants out there, most are exclusive to IFC. For instance, IFC has a Philanthropy Grant 3URJUDPDQGDFFRUGLQJWR86&,)&·VZHEVLWH´7KH,)&3KL lanthropy Grant is designed to contribute funds to fraternities that could use a hand in funding philanthropic events.” But it is also important to keep in mind that IFC has 23 fraternities and 10 sororities which translates into big funds for the council. If 13+& ZHUH DEOH WR FRPH WRJHWKHU WR UDLVH IXQGV IRU D KRXVH on or near The Row, then Black students would have more incentive to come out and support the parties. The Black VWXGHQWVRQFDPSXVZLOOMXVWKDYHWRZRUNDOLWWOHKDUGHUWRKDYH DJRRGWLPH+RSHIXOO\WKHUHZLOOEHDSDUW\VRRQQHDUFDPSXV that does not get shut down by LAPD. Parties would also be safer if there were not random residents in the area trying to get in and cause trouble. This also applies for 7KH5RZZKHUHJLYHQDQ\7KXUVGD\\RX·OOÀQGDJX\VWDQGLQJ outside a party he can’t get into trying to talk to almost every girl SDVVLQJE\%XWLWLVHYHQPRUHGLVWXUELQJZKHQ\RXÀQGRXWWKDW the guy does not even go to USC or any school. Even though their presence is not a threat initially, there have been incidents when a situation escalates and someone ends up hurt. Although the ideal solution to the LAPD party raids includes a house on RUQHDU7KH5RZZHFDQVWDUWPDNLQJSDUWLHVEHWWHUE\ÀQGLQJ venues and not the backyard of a house in a residential area. Black Voices | 3 Relationships “Cuff or Bluff” By LaVasjah Williams A s the holiday season approaches and the weather starts to get nippy, thousands of Americans DUHUHMRLFLQJDERXWÀQGLQJ´WKH one” or at least the one to keep them warm through these cold nights. To many college students and teenagers, the switch from summer to fall and fall to winter can only signal one thing ´&XIÀQJ 6HDVRQµ WKH infamous time where Black Voices | 4 HYHU\RQHJHWV´ERR·HGXSµ)RU\HDUV we have labeled this time of year ´&XIÀQJ 6HDVRQµ WKH DOOHJHG SHUIHFW WLPH WR ÀQG D VLJQLÀFDQW RWKHU LI QRW for love, at least for comfort. The question is when does WKH ´&XIÀQJ 6HDVRQµ HQG 'R WKHVH K\SRWKHWLFDO ´FXIIVµ ZH SODFH RQ RXU VLJQLÀFDQW RWKHU XQIDVWHQ ZKHQ WKH ZHDWKHU ZDUPV" 'RHV ´&XIÀQJ 6HDVRQµ OHDG WR KHDOWK\ ORQJWHUP relationships or short-term love affairs? If we really label the wintertime as ´&XIÀQJ 6HDVRQµ ZKDW KDSSHQV when spring or summer comes? Are these relationships or affairs erased, ignored or no longer relevant? Obviously, the answers to these questions vary depending on the people involved and the context of the situation. However, it is necessary to be mindful of who you allow in your life no matter what time of year. It is not productive or EHQHÀFLDO WR MXPS LQWR VSRQWDQHRXV relationships due to a change in season no matter how many people are doing it. The chance of these relationships leading to love and happiness is just as close as them leading to heartbreak and deception. Actually, according to UHODWLRQVKLSH[SHUW'U*DU\&KDSPDQ WKH ZLQWHU VHDVRQ LV FRQVLGHUHG ´FROG and harsh” for married couples; so what makes this season so special for college students? Our need for comfort and affection seems to increase as the weather gets colder, but the real question is do you want people in your life for a season or a reason? Are you being cuffed or bluffed? You FKRRVHDVZHHQWHU´&XIÀQJ6HDVRQµ Feature l l i t S e r A & r a A S F B o C S S U e t a m k c o a B C k e o o v ’ L e A : W d r a w r o F g n i Go -Black Voices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By Kosiso Ugwueze Mike Sadler Senior International Relations (Global Business) Favorite Holiday Recipes/Foods: Gotta go with the turkey, mac and cheese with breaded crumbs, greens, ham. A bit of everything. Do you remember how old you were when you found out Santa Claus doesn’t exist? I think I was about 7 when it became RIÀFLDOEXW,GHÀQLWHO\NQHZEHIRUHWKHQ Have you ever kissed someone under mistletoe? ,FDQ·WVD\WKDW,KDYHEXW,·PGHÀQLWHO\RSHQWRLW Sasha Smith Freshman Fine Arts Holiday Tradition: Making desserts Do you remember how old you were when you found out Santa Claus doesn’t exist? I think I was around 5 or 6. Have you ever kissed someone under mistletoe? Haven’t kissed someone under a mistletoe but I would like to. Black Voices | 6 0D\ÀHOG6PLWK -XQLRU %XVLQHVV Favorite Holiday Recipes/Foods: I love dessert. My mom makes bomb sweet potato pie. What do you miss about celebrating the holidays when you were little? I really miss decorating the Christmas tree. We don’t really do that anymore. When I was little I used to really look forward to putting up lights and putting my little decorations on the tree. Now when I go home it’s usually all set up. What are your favorite holiday songs? 'HÀQLWHO\0DULDK&DUH\²$OO,:DQWIRU&KULVWPDV +ROLGD\ 6WXGHQW3URÀOH -RHOOH6ZHHQH\ Sophomore 7KHDWHU Holiday Tradition: I usually eat dinner with family, and friends, and relatives What are your favorite holiday songs? I don’t really have any. I don’t like Christmas songs really. Have you ever kissed someone under mistletoe? (Laughs) Yes I have. $PDQGD0HUFHU )UHVKPDQ &RPSXWHU6FLHQFH What do you miss about celebrating the holidays when you were little? I really miss making Christmas lists! Do you remember how old you were when you found out Santa Claus doesn’t exist? (Laughs) I found out in 6th grade. It was painful! They had me for a long time Have you ever kissed someone under mistletoe? I want to! $-1RHO Sophomore &RPPXQLFDWLRQVDQG7KHDWHU Holiday Tradition: For Christmas I either spend it with my mom or dad in LA or go to Texas or Oklahoma to be with family. What are your favorite holiday songs? I love all the songs. Luther Vandross, Beyonce, Michael Jackson. They’ve all done Christmas songs at some point. What do you miss about celebrating the holidays when you were little? I miss the excitement I used to get about gifts. Now if I don’t get a gift it’s ok but back then I couldn’t wait to unwrap presents. %ODFN9RLFHV_ Fashion CULTURATI 5HGHÀQLQJ)DVKLRQ&XOWXUH &XOWXUDWLLVDQXSDQGFRPLQJEUDQG IRFXVHGRQFRPELQLQJFODVV\DQG XUEDQVWUHHWZHDUZLWKD WRXFKRIVRFLDOFRQVFLHQFH N ith a broad product line including VKLUWV ÀWWHG DQG VQDSEDFN KDWV VRFNV YDUVLW\WUDFN MDFNHWV FUHZ QHFNVKRRGLHVDQGDOLQHRIZDWFKHV LQ WKH ZRUNV &XOWXUDWL ´H[FOXGHV QR RQH DQG DSSHDOV WR HYHU\RQHµ :RPHQ·V DWWLUH LV ÀWWHG WR compliment their shapes and sizes ZKLOH WKH PHQ·V FROOHFWLRQ DOVR LV PRUHÀWWHG³QREDJJ\FORWKLQJ ,Q DQ LQWHUYLHZ ZLWK <XUL +DUUHOO DQG 5R\ 3LQNQH\ WKH\ GHVFULEH EHLQJ LQVSLUHG E\ OHDGLQJ RWKHUV WR VXFFHVV DQG PDNLQJ RWKHUV IHHO ZHOO DERXW WKHPVHOYHV ,Q DGGLWLRQ to clothing, the designers plan to ´WZLVWXSWKHIXWXUHRIIDVKLRQµZLWK SURGXFWV WKDW RIIHU LQVSLUDWLRQ DQG PRWLYDWLRQ :KHWKHU LW·V WKH TXRWHV ODQGPDUNVFDUWRRQVSHRSOHDUWZRUN Black Voices | 8 $YLDQFH:DVKLQJWRQ RU SKUDVHV SULQWHG WKH\ LQWHQG IRU WKHLUFORWKLQJWRVWDQGIRUVRPHWKLQJ DQG WR HQOLJKWHQ HYHU\RQH ,Q RUGHU WRGRWKLVWKH\GHVFULEHRQHRIWKHLU JRDOV WR EH KHOSLQJ WKRVH ZLWK YHU\ OLPLWHGUHVRXUFHVDQGVHYHUHLOOQHVVHV &XOWXUDWL SODQV WR OLQN XS ZLWK WKH $XWLVP 6LFNOH &HOO DQG /XSXV IRXQGDWLRQV WR VWDUW D ´QDWLRQZLGH EULJDGHµ LQ D FUXVDGH WR ÀJKW IRU WKRVH LQ QHHG ,Q DGGLWLRQ &XOWXUDWL DQG LWV DIÀOLDWHV KRSH WR SURYLGH KRXVLQJ WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ DQG WHFKQRORJ\ LQ WKLUG ZRUOG FRXQWLHV DV ZHOO DV LQ WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV ,Q WKHLU QHZ FROOHFWLRQ &XOWXUDWL 2:2&2QH:RUOG2QH&XOWXUHWKH brand’s aim is to educate the public WKURXJKIDVKLRQ7KHLUFXUUHQWOLQHRI VKLUWVFRQVLVWVRI´SURSDJDQGDVKLUWVµ VKRZLQJ HYHU\RQH ZKR &XOWXUDWL LV ZKDW WKH\ VWDQG IRU 2QH RI WKHLU PRVWLPSRUWDQWREMHFWLYHVLVWR´XQLWH UDWKHU WKDQ GLYLGHµ 7KHLU SURGXFWV UDQJH EHWZHHQ ZLWK VDOHV and promotions occurring throughout WKH\HDU &XOWXUDWLSURGXFWVFDQEH SXUFKDVHGDW ZZZ&XOWXUDWL'\QDVW\FRP 7RILQGRXWPRUH )ROORZ&XOWXUDWLRQ7ZLWWHU# &XOWXUDWL2:2&DQGOLNHWKHLU SDJHRQ)DFHERRN&XOWXUDWL '\QDVW\ !"#$%&'()*+,)' -)&$"./ - Jacqueline Jackson Fashion is everywhere. From what we look to buy, to what we own, students are in steady conversation on what this season’s biggest must haves are. However, for a group of USC students, being able to wear another designer’s clothes isn’t enough. They made the decision to become designers themselves and showcase their work on campus. The USC Fashion Industry Association (FIA) provided a platform that educates young designers and provides opportunities for them in the fashion industry. The organization hosted its 8th Annual Fashion Show on Sunday November 13th, 2011 in McCarthy Quad. As a new attendee of the show, I expected it to be on the lawn, and it was but in grand fashion. The fashion show’s runway was built under a tented area with surrounding lights, cameras and seating for couture lovers. The show featured 11 designers, who have throughout the semester, been involved with USC’s Fashion Industry Association including: Saivana, Superdry, Romeo & Juliet Couture and Didi Beck Bikini. Each designer placed their work on USC featured models in the perfect setting to showcase their creativity like the brand “I. AM.” Will. I. Am from the Black Eyed Peas developed the brand to embody not only music but also art and technology. The fashion line included a strong set of fall season colored jackets and sweaters that visually took inspiration from the artist himself. Fashion 6WXGHQW3URÀOH !"#$%&'$%()*+,-$"*,.$ /0(12,34$2,3$56.$76)+8-63) The Fashion show featured only one black GHVLJQHUIURP86&5D\PRQG&RXUWQH\RI0$&QLÀFHQW Collection. MAC clothes seeks to diversify the fashion LQGXVWU\E\EULGJLQJQRQSURÀWDQGIRUSURÀWLQGXVWULHV 3URFHHGVIURPKLVOLQHEHQHÀWVXUURXQGLQJFRPPXQLWLHV and the movement to increase social awareness. His line included jackets, shirts and sweaters all perfect for fall fashion. Each had the ability to transition from campus life to nightlife and the crowd was thrilled. MAC’s distinctive logo was captured on the items and many attendees requested more information on the line to make purchases. However, for designer Courtney it was the experience, not just the clothes that took center stage. “I wasn’t expecting to participate in a fashion show here on campus,” he said, “This is an excellent opportunity for me as a designer but also as a member of the Trojan community. I’m not sure how past shows have been but to be the only Black designer featured this year is an honor and it says something about where we’re headed as a university and a clothing line.” The annual Fashion Show is a great opportunity for designers at USC to gain much needed exposure IURPLQGXVWU\DIÀOLDWHVDQGVSRQVRUV7KLV\HDU·VVSRQsors include: Blackberry and Snappette App with goody bags provided by Sun’s Up, Reckless Behavior, Mark and %&%**HQHUDWLRQ)RU0$&QLÀFHQW&ROOHFWLRQDQGWKH other 10 designers, this event was a great start to a bright future of runway shows. Black |Voices |7 Black Voices 9 Opinion/Social Issues aASocial Social Media Media: SocialTakeover Takeover MediaTakeover How many minutes a day do you spend on social media sites? By: Jacqueline Jackson F orget TV, well just Facebook. In the past few years we’ve witnessed an extreme shift in how we communicate. According to a recent report young adults ages VSHQG DW OHDVW KRXUV D ZHHN online. The majority of this time spent on websites like Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. As students at USC we acknowledge that social networks have transformed how we communicate. We are able to connect with members of our university communities, reach networks across the world and reunite with friends from our past. However, even though these networks have found ways to unite us, WKH\DUHVORZO\ÀQGLQJZD\VWRGLYLGHXV Face to Face )DFHWR)DFH FRPPXQLFDWLRQ LV WKH most reliable way to speak with someone and up until the late 90’s it was the standard way of communicating. This became replaced with cell phones, which year after year, developed features that allowed us to minimize the amount of time we spent in front of each other. Parents, IRXQGWKHPVHOYHVÀUVWFDOOLQJWKHLUNLGV and then slowly texting them even from the room next door. Communication wasn’t the same anymore. Then Myspace, Facebook and Twitter arrived and our mode of communication took a drastic shift. We gained the ability to constantly communicate with the world. Not only could we friend people we knew but we also garnered new relationships with those in distant places. Our level of comfort transitioned. For many face to face communication is no longer needed to: laugh, cry, learn, grow and even fall in love. Black Voices | 10 Idle Time Countless minutes and hours are spent daily for millions across the world RQVRFLDOPHGLDVLWHV,QSODFHRIIDFH WRIDFH FRPPXQLFDWLRQ ZHEVLWHV OLNH )DFHERRN DOORZ XV WR ÀQG QXPHURXV reasons to waste time. Its contents LQFOXGH 3URÀOHV )DQ 3DJHV *URXS Pages and user submitted pictures and video that keep many constantly refreshing the screen to locate what’s different or search for new friends and look through the “ Who You May Know” sections. It somehow developed into a hobbie and even competition for people wanting obtain the most friends. As students, now much of our free time is spent on these sites as well as the time we should be using to study, socialize, or work. Social media is the new outlet for procrastination. Bullying Social media has also provided a platform for online bullying. The user SURÀOH KDV DOORZHG UHDO DFFRXQWV WR EH created with people who personify a fake FKDUDFWHURUZRUVHXVHWKHSURÀOHVWRGLV empower others. Behind screens, users type maliciously against many minority groups and organizations they otherwise wouldn’t,for fear of consequence. This outlet is being misused in this way, but one of the reasons why we simply cannot obliterate the online world is because it is one of the quickest ways to stay up to GDWHRQWKHQHZVVLQFHZHGRQ·WÀQGWKH time to actually read it anymore, with trends, gossip, and even with our favorite artist. This is one of the main reasons these sites grew so quickly. Celebrity Use Recently, top hip hop artist Drake spoke out on the issue to Source Magazine’s Kim Osario. “I’m really scared for my generation, you know.” he said, “The thing that scares me the most is Tumblr. I hate what Tumblr has become.” Drake pointed out that through Tumblr users RQO\ UHSRVW RWKHU·V ZRUN ZLWK IHZHU individuals creating original content. “Instead of kids going out and making their own moments, they’re just taking these images and living vicariously through other people’s moments. It just kills me.” he said. Even with this fear Drake himself uses Twitter as a medium to communicate with fans but sparingly, while other celebrities, tweet more frequently. Boiling Down It’s really coming down to personal choice. Social media sites have revolutionized the communication world and while many are playing catch up, we are early adopters of the sites, with increasing knowledge of how they function and the positive EHQHÀWV WKDW FDQ DFFRPSDQ\ WKHP However, as questions of content and privacy arise, many are calming down what they say and limiting their use but for most the damage is done...we’re addicted. QUICK POLL: Answer these questions… How often do you text, Facebook or tweet someone instead of calling them? +DYH\RXPHWXSZLWKSHRSOHRIÁLQHZLWKRXWZRUU\LQJLI\RXVDZ them face-to-face? How many hours a day do you spend on social media networks? Point (GXFDWLRQ+HDOWK 6WXGHQW3URÀOH Forward Day By Samantha Ojo Twenty years ago this month, Earvin “Magic” Johnson abruptly retired from the NBA after testing positive for the AIDS-causing KXPDQLPPXQRGHÀFLHQF\YLUXV (HIV). Upon announcing his retirement, Johnson proclaimed that he would go on living well for a long time – and has done just that. Magic Johnson addresses the audience at his 20th Anniversary Press Conference on Nov. 7, 2011. 5)(JVT Founded in 1991, the Magic Johnson Foundation focuses on changing the faces of urban communities. The organization’s goals include proliferating minority academic achievement, raising HIV/AIDS awareness, and promoting an alliance between all sectors of the community including businesses, educational institutions, legislative, community and faithbased organizations, and policymakers. The foundation also provides aid and resources for college students through its Taylor Michaels Scholarship Program. Named after the late Taylor Michaels, former COO of Magic Johnson Enterprises, the program emphasizes the importance of fostering minority youth in their pursuits of academic amelioration, HIV awareness, and digital literacy. As a recipient of a Taylor Michaels scholarship, I have been fortunate enough to reap the PDQ\EHQHÀWVRIWKLVXQLTXHSURJUDPLQFOXGLQJDWWHQGLQJD week long leadership conference with scholars of universities across the nation. In addition to providing support essential to collegiate success, what makes the program especially XQLTXHLVLWVHPSKDVLVRQJLYLQJEDFNWRWKHFRPPXQLW\ Magic Johnson announced his retirement and diagnosis on Nov. 7,1991. *55 One of Johnson’s earliest campaign ads for AIDS Awareness )SVN:WVY[Z*VS\TUJVT 2Q 1RYHPEHU WK WKH RIÀFLDO WZHQWLHWK DQQLYHUVDU\ RI Johnson’s retirement, the foundation kicked off their most recent philanthropic venture, Point Forward Day. Gaining its PRQLNHUIURP-RKQVRQ·VXQLTXHFRPELQDWLRQRIWZRSRVLWLRQV in his sport of basketball, the nationwide event not only celebrated the foundation’s achievements over the past twenty years, but continued in the efforts to raise HIV awareness. Taylor Michaels scholars volunteered at Magic Johnson’s Community Empowerment Centers (CECs) nationwide, and a number of scholars organized on campus HIV and STD testing centers. Scholars at FAMU aided in their school’s “Late Night Testing” initiative, in which the health center stays open late and provides free testing. Johnson’s efforts have forever altered the perception of HIV and AIDS. By focusing his efforts on the youth, Johnson aims to put an end to skyrocketing contraction rates. In this vane, Johnson stated, “Young people don’t want to listen to any message because they feel they know it all. They just have to keep drilling it in their heads that HIV is here and here to stay and you have to do a better job protecting yourself and your partner. Hopefully that message will get to them.” Point Forward Day represented a historic day for the foundation, and served as an excellent example of raising awareness while giving back to the community. Black Voices | 11 Feature %/$&.0(1 Roc k $$521$512/'·V +XPEOH5LVHWRWKH7RS %\&RXUWQH\0DQQLQJ The Chi town native’s story started with print journalism at FAMU; but 3XEOLF 5HODWLRQV OHG KLP WR ZRUN IRU VRPH RI WKH WRS ÀYH ÀUPV LQ 1HZ York and his hometown including Ketchum and Edelman. What’s more impressive? He left it all, including the paycheck, to pursue his dream. A lthough Aaron Arnold had the opportunity to travel and support KLPVHOI ÀQDQFLDOO\ LQ FRUSRUDWH $PHULFD LW MXVW ZDVQ·W FXWWLQJ LW IRU KLP FRPLQJ IURP D IDPLO\ RI PXVLFLDQVKLVWUXHSDVVLRQZDVPXVLF DQGKHZRXOGGRZKDWHYHULWWRRNWR PDNHLWLQWRDFDUHHU,WWXUQHGRXWKH KDG D IULHQG ZRUNLQJ IRU 'LGG\ DW WKHWLPHDQGJRWDQLQWHUYLHZLQWKH PDUNHWLQJGHSDUWPHQW7KHGD\DIWHU KLVZHGGLQJKHJRWWKHFDOOEDFNDQG ended up missing his honeymoon WR LQWHUQ IRU IUHH LQ WKH PDUNHWLQJ GHSDUWPHQW WKDW OHG WR DQ XQSDLG DVVLVWDQWMREZLWK3'LGG\ :KLOHLWVRXQGVOLNH$UQROGKDGLW PDGH KH VWLOO ZDVQ·W FRQÀGHQW WKDW WKLVZDVWKHULJKWURXWHVRKHRIIHUHG D \HDU RI KLV IUHH LQWHUQ VHUYLFHV LQ H[FKDQJH IRU D PHQWRUVKLS DQG LW HQGHG XS FKDQJLQJ KLV OLIH $UQROG ZDVHDJHUWRJHWRQWKHMREKHORYHG WKH FUHDWLYH DVSHFWV RI EHLQJ DQ DVVLVWDQWDQGDFWXDOO\DOPRVWJRWÀUHG IRUWU\LQJWRJRDERYHDQGEH\RQGKLV WLWOH$DURQ EHJDQ WR GUHDP EH\RQG %DG %R\ 5HFRUGV DIWHU DWWHQGLQJ Black Voices | 12 many inspiring meetings and aimed to FDUU\RQWKHOHJDF\´,ZDQWHG\RXQJ PHQRIFRORUWRNQRZWKDWWKH\FRXOG EHVXFFHVVIXOLQPXVLFZLWKRXWVHOOLQJ GUXJVRUVKRRWLQJSHRSOH,QHYHUVROG DQ\DQGWKDQN*RG,·YHQHYHUEHHQ VKRWEXW,ZDQWEODFNPHQWRNQRZ that they are the next generation of H[HFXWLYHVµVD\V$UQROG +H GLGQ·W VHH KLPVHOI JURZLQJ at Bad Boy and he realized after OHDUQLQJ IURP 'LGG\ KH FRXOG GR LW KLPVHOI7KDW·VZKDWOHGKLPWRIRXQG 0XVLF,V0\%XVLQHVV 7KH FRPSDQ\ UHFHQWO\ UHOHDVHG ´5XQ LW %DFNµ WKHLUÀUVWRIÀFLDOYLGHRDQGKDVEHHQ FKDQJLQJ WKH PXVLF LQGXVWU\ VSKHUH E\H[SDQGLQJWKHLUVHUYLFHVWREUDQG PDQDJHPHQWDQGSURGXFWLRQ´,GLGQ·W ZDQWLWWREHMXVWDODEHO,ZDQWHGLWWR EHUHÁHFWLYHRIP\SDVWH[SHULHQFHVµ KH VDLG 6LQFH WKHQ KLV LQWHJUDWLYH LQQRYDWLYH FRQFHSW KDV EHHQ QDPHG RQH RI WKH FRXQWU\·V ´6PDUWHVW 1HZ &RPSDQLHV OHG E\ 3HRSOH 8QGHU µ E\ ,QF 0DJD]LQH DQG KH KDV EHHQ GXEEHG RQH RI WKH ´<RXQJ 3HRSOH :KR 5RFNµ E\ &11 $UQROG VD\V LW·V VXUUHDO ´<RX KDYH ELJGUHDPVDQG\RXZRUNVRKDUG\RX KDYHEUHDNLQJSRLQWPRPHQWVZKHUH LW·V VR HDV\ WR TXLW DQG \RX QHYHU NQRZZKDWZLOOFRPHRILW%XW,QHYHU LPDJLQHGLW³LWJLYHVXVFUHGLELOLW\DV EODFNPHQµVDLG$UQROG He gets his motivation from KLV SDUHQWV ZKR KH GHVFULEHV DV DZHVRPH HGXFDWHG DQG DFFRPSOLVKHG DQG \RXQJ EULJKW SHRSOH LQ FROOHJH GRLQJ WKHLU WKLQJ $UQROG LV LQVSLUHG E\ KLV IHDU WR EH DYHUDJHDQGQHHGWREHKDSS\:KDW PDNHV$DURQ$UQROGURFNVRKDUGLV his humility: he says that everything LV D EOHVVLQJ +H OHIW D FRPIRUWDEOH ÀQDQFLDO VLWXDWLRQ D IDPLO\ DQG D PDUULDJHWRZDONE\IDLWKDQGSXUVXH ZKDW KH ZDV WUXO\ FDOOHG WR GR +LV DGYLFHWRXV"´)ROORZ\RXUKHDUWDQG WUXVW\RXULQVWLQFWVKDYHXQZDYHULQJ IDLWK LQ ZKDW \RX·UH GRLQJµ$UQROG VD\V\RXFDQ·WFKHDWWKHSURFHVVEXW LI\RXVWD\IDLWKIXOWR\RXUYLVLRQ\RX ZLOO EH UHZDUGHG +H·V OLYLQJ SURRI Events 6WXGHQW3URÀOH An Evening with O Amiri Baraka n Wednesday, November 16th, one of USC’s esteemed professors and poets Javon -RKQVRQ DSSHDUHG RQ WKH ÁRRU RI the Ronald Tutor Campus Center Ballroom to introduce a man and fellow poet who has greatly inspired him, Amiri Baraka. Javon explained how enthused he had been about Amiri Baraka’s words over the years ever since he read the line “If Elvis Presley is King, who is James Brown, God?” and how excited he was to introduce Amiri as the Visions and Voices speaker for the night. Poet, playwright, and political activist, Baraka is predominantly known for his work for both the Black Power and Black Arts movements. Without him, symbols VXFK DV WKH NQRWWHG %ODFN 3RZHU ÀVW and phrases such as “black is beautiful” would not be so highly integrated into our community’s colloquialism. He started his discussion speaking about African American beginnings, and where we are in the world today; he shed light on the fact that we arrived as slaves, and today there is an African American man leading our country as president. However, he also spoke on how although Obama is not By Jordan Caldwell IXOÀOOLQJ KLV SURPLVHV ZH VKRXOG UHPDLQ supporting him because it is better than what the Republicans have to offer. Before Baraka started his reading of poetry, he touched on one last point that empathized with students: he emphasized how students, especially those that are as privileged to attend top institutions such as USC, are supposed to help their communities. In this collective effort, we should disregard race and unite under the identity of the issue rather than our ethnic backgrounds. He reminded us of the ideals of Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcom X: in order to be successful we need a united front to get our goals met. This point successfully resonated with students and reminded them that the grades and the degree are only one part of being a student, that our keen minds should be expendable when it comes to confronting social issues that pervade this society. Students that made it to this Visions and Voices were very fortunate to hear the stories and thoughts from someone as profound as Amiri Baraka. %ODFN9RLFHV_ Music God-Given, JGivens: A Legend in the Making By Courtney Manning This ’10 Alum from Sin City had a Greater calling, not of this world. But for J, it’s not about him, it’s about Him. I had the pleasure of interviewing the humble artist and extremely talented graphic designer & you now have the pleasure of reading his compelling & life-changing story-uncut! Q: Tell me about your experience growing up in Sin City JGiv: I was exposed to sex and drugs at a very young age. I mean that stuffs everywhere but it’s a different monster here, like we had porn in newspaper stands, there’s gambling everywhere, it’s like the Disneyland for adults. Of course casinos everywhere too. But other than that, it was amazing growing up here, it’s a great place to raise a family especially in the suburbs. There’s not a lot of crime here not like L.A., I’m actually from L.A. but I say I’m from here cause you know I went to elementary, junior high and high school here. But yeah, I’ve been able to maximize my networks here cause it’s not as big, it’s like small town meets big city. Q: What led you to Christ? At what point did you realize your calling—did you have an epiphany? JGiv: Yeah that exactly. I was raised in church you know a Christian family, very involved in the church in high school and I went to all the retreats and stuff; I was more involved with church culture than with Jesus. You know high school was like the experimental stage and all, I went to USC, you already know, I was in a frat, I Black Voices | 14 did it all. And I was comfortable with it like it was just what you did, it was a part of “American culture.” But God came to me toward the end of 2009 while I was smokin’ weed, sellin’ it; I was a resident manager for Lambda I wasn’t in the frat but one night I was super blacked out in the bathroom and I realized I was just spiraling downward and I cried out to God, I was like I can’t do this anymore. So I joined SBG, I knew the Bible but you know I wasn’t living it. So in 2010 I got involved with the Passion for Christ movement online ministry and I found out it was in L.A. so I was like let me just go. And the Word really spoke to me that day, the Spirit hit me and I was like OMG, I think I’m a fake Christian! But yeah after that like late 2009, early 2010 I was trying to stop smoking weed and listening to Lil’Wayne—cuz listening to Lil’ Wayne makes you wanna smoke weed and smoking weed makes you wanna listen to Lil’ Wayne. So the more I read, God started giving me these rhymes, it wasn’t intended to be raps it was just therapeutic but I let my friend Warren hear it one day and he was like dude, you spittin! So he told me to make a mixtape and yeah. 6WXGHQW3URÀOH Music Q: What does a typical studio sesh look like to you? JGiv: You know I used to record in my room-like everybody does right. So I’ve gone from recording on a mic in a room at Cardinal Gardens to recording in $50,000 studios just recently you know, but wherever God leads me really. Q: Where do you get your inspiration from? What would an ideal collab look like to you? JGiv: the Bible. I try to stay away from talking about myself and just talk about Jesus. I write based off of what I read in the Bible, instead of talking about how I know him, I just talk about Him. I try to tell people what they don’t know and bring an urban context to it cause you know this Jesus of the culture does not match the Jesus of the Bible. We’re all wack and would be going to Hell. I think people can relate to what I have to say, they’re all going through it they’re just not saying it. But an ideal collaboration—Kanye West. Everyone says he’s in Illuminati and all that stuff, but I’m like, what would you do if he was your brother? Pray for him. Q: What or who has contributed to your success aside from God? -*LY 0\ PRP GHÀQLWHO\ KDV EHHQ KXJH VKH·V EHHQ EHKLQG PH 110% like lets me stay at home, works my tables huge. But also I.C. Jonez and Doc Jones—ironic right?—they let me perform and ever since then we wrote together and been working on the Saint City Project doing concerts all over Vegas. Q: How do you maintain your motivation to stay in the Word? JGiv: I don’t wanna sound like I’m always in the Word cause I struggle with it too. I’m in it way more than before but I have to be busy doing something Godly. It also has to do with your circle, you have to have boundaries—my album title “Run” is that for a reason—when I feel like I’m gonna stumble, I just run. But you constantly have to ask the Holy Spirit to help you because as humans, we don’t naturally have motivation to stay in the Word. Q: What advice do you have for young black people trying to make it? JGiv: Go to college. Like omg if it’s just for a semester, go. Read more. We’re becoming so indolent, if we could actually appreciate HGXFDWLRQ , PHDQ MXVW ÀQLVK -XVW JUDGXDWH³JHW WKDW GHJUHH because as long as you have that degree you’ll be good. Also, make sure you maximize your network Outside of ‘SC. I was President of Alpha Phi Alpha, was in engineering, lived in Pardee Tower instead of Somerville, so I really tried to immerse myself in USC culture as a whole. Get involved with the Trojan Family—really Be a Trojan. Find JGivens on FB @ JGivens Twitter @PRAY4JGivens Black Voices | 15 Music Honor Flow Productions: +RQRU )ORZ 3URGXFWLRQV FDQ EHVW EH GHVFULEHG DV IUHH DW OHDVW WKDWV KRZ , IHOW ZKHQ , OLVWHQHG WR WKHLU ODWHVW DOEXP 9,6,216 )UHH IRUP IUHH YHUVH WKH\ H[SUHVV WKHPVHOYHV IUHHO\ DQG LQLPLWDEO\ Live Loud, Dream Fearless Courtney Manning F ounded and based out of Los Angeles, the band is made up of 8 guys, 2 of which are ‘SC alumni and the others from Marymount and LMU—you might have heard them on KXSC last month. Old school, hipKRSMD]]\RXQDPHLW³WKH\GHÀQLWHO\ break the boundaries surrounding contemporary music. These college IULHQGV KDYH EHHQ RQ D ORXG ÀYH year journey, living their dreams. HFP’s owner and Director of Operations Charles V. Nunley IV describes the band’s journey as a shared growth. “What is special about this band in terms of our journey is while we were friends before a part of this collective, we became brothers through the music. We jokingly call ourselves the “Band of Brothers” because that is what it is. We have all grown together and grown through this band. That is why this album is to me, a ‘coming of age’ story.” Black Voices | 16 Their growth guided them to the stage. The band’s eclectic feel and the “out of body” experience they offer is what landed them headlining performances at the coveted Roxy, Key Club, and Whisky A Go-Go venues in Hollywood. It’s also what led them to their latest album this past August: V.I.S.I.O.N.S. (Various Inspired Stories Insightful on Night and Sunlight), a culmination of the EDQG·V YR\DJH HDFK WUDFN UHÁHFWLQJ HDFK RI WKH PHPEHU·V LQÁXHQFHV³ another aspect of HFP that contributes to their distinctness. Nunley says their live shows are the “bread and butter” of the operation, but they made sure to bring the same diverse vibe while recording the album. “Many industry ‘experts’ have told me to channel in one sound, identity, and/or image on the band and sell it. To me, that is the worst idea for this band because it creates a disservice to our capabilities. We would be selling ourselves short because to me, that is the biggest strength of this band; our eclecticness and versatility gives us what every real musician wants, and that is longevity and a career. “ HFP succeeds in its efforts to create a “human experience” through music, DQG WKDW·V ZKDW PDNHV WKHLU ÁRZ VR original. “Making music that people can feel in their souls and identify with never goes out of style. That’s what we mean by creating a ‘human experience’ through music,” Nunley says. *Soul Claps & Salutes* to YOU Honor Flow Productions. You are inspiration. Check them out at: Honor Flow Productions’ debut album, V.I.S.I.O.N.S, is now available for download at Pop Culture Chelsea Settles into RealityTV By Arlene Washington C helsea Settles, MTV’s newest reality star, navigates through the fashion industry while battling issues of being overweight during her prime as she makes her new home in the city of angels. Although the show focuses on Chelsea’s plan for weight loss, viewers are invited to follow the young woman through her ups and downs as she fights to not only make over her figure, but her life in general. image physically but to also to improve her emotionally. Viewers are able to watch Chelsea grow into a woman aspiring to accomplish her dreams of fashion and most importantly to love herself for who she truly is. With its eighth episode airing next Tuesday, Chelsea opens up to the camera as she explains her self-esteem issues. After “settling” in to her new home with new roommate, Jenna, and receiving a job at the women’s clothing store Vanity Room, where she is asked to model in plus-size clothing, Settles is ready to ditch her lax DWWLWXGH RI EHFRPLQJ ÀW DQG LV UHDG\ WR commit to a trainer. Call it a less glamorous and more downto-earth version of “The Hills” as an ordinary girl isn’t afraid to expose her IDXOWVZKHUHVKHVRPHWLPHVÀQGVUHMHFWLRQ IURPSHRSOHQRWDFFHSWLQJRIKHUÀJXUHDQG disappointment when it’s time to check the progress on the scale. &KHOVHDÀQGVDUHDVRQWRVPLOHDPLGKHU struggle to settle | Chelsea may weigh in at 324 pounds, but her quirky and genial personality attracts young viewers in making her a more beautiful person despite whether or not she is shedding the pounds. After episodes have aired addressing the 23-year-old’s weight and eating habits, the show has evolved into more than simply another show targeting to makeover a young woman’s Black Voices | 18 Throughout the name calling and whispers behind her back, she encounters a nightclub on her own; what stands out the most is Chelsea’s GHVLUHIRUFRQÀGHQFHRYHUDOORIWKHSRXQGV she could ever shed. Although she would love to have the “ideal” body that is socially DFFHSWDEOHE\WKHZRUOG·VGHÀQLWLRQVKHÀUVW and foremost would rather have the self-esteem strength to walk in the skin she is currently in. The reality star constantly stresses that although she is working towards becoming PRUH SK\VLFDOO\ ÀW \RX ´FDQQRW OHW \RXU weight stop you from living your life.” The spark of this new show sets it apart from another True Life or “I Used To Be Fat” series with constant drops of positivity throughout every episode and less of a “you either succeeded or failed your goal” attitude. Chelsea told MTV that she feels the show has only displayed her in all tears during WKHÀUVWFRXSOHRIHSLVRGHVDQGKRSHVIDQV will be able to see more sides of her before the season ends. As the cameras continue to IROORZ KHU WKURXJKRXW KHU PRVW GHÀQLQJ moments, the current status of the show promises a fulfilling first season. “Chelsea Settles” airs on MTV Tuesday nights at 11/10c. The show follows Chelsea through her weight struggles | Black Voices 6WXGHQW3URÀOH Letter From the Editor Did you know it was national adoption month? Well it is! As BV EIC, this month is particularly important to me because well, I was adopted and I am so thankful for what God has given me. Increase awareness about this celebration, encourage adults you know to adopt a child who deserves a better life, and if you want to help out, contact L.A. County’s DCFS! Black Voices has made great strides this year after our revamp, and we are so thankful for a successful fall season! Special thanks to USC BSA, Annenberg & our adviser Jabari Brown IRUKHOSLQJXVPDNHWKLVKDSSHQ6KRXWRXWVWR&%&6$%$$8SVZLQJ&XOWXUDWL0$&QLÀcent, Cal Poly BSU, and all of our readers! Have a happy holiday season and we hope to see you reading next Spring! -Courtney Manning, Editor –in-Chief Ĥ HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM BLACK VOICES Look for our new Column this Spring: Ask LV! You will soon be able to submit anonymous questions to our ask columnist and see them answered in the next issue! Stay tuned for dates! WANT TO ADVERTISE OR BE FEATURED IN BV? Hit us up! We’re always open to any and all collaborations, in and outside of ‘SC! Feel free to contact the EIC at with a description or shoot us a message on Facebook! We look forward to working with you @USCBlackVoices Black |Voices |7 Black Voices 19