Linear Programming and Network Optimization Zongpeng Li Department of Computer Science University of Calgary Zongpeng Li – p.1/28 Outline • Hello World linear program • The power of LP • LP models in network optimization • LP duality • Solving LPs • Beyond LP Zongpeng Li – p.2/28 Hello World maximize 2x + y s.t. : x y x+y ≤ 2 ≤ 2 ≤ 3 x, y ≥ 0 Zongpeng Li – p.3/28 Hello World y 2 1 0 1 2 x Zongpeng Li – p.4/28 The power of LP But we all know the world is nonlinear. — Harold Hotelling, 1948 Zongpeng Li – p.5/28 The power of LP But we all know the world is nonlinear. 1. If you have a problem that satisfies the axioms (of LP), then use it. If it does not, then don’t. — John von Neumann, 1948 2. Much more problems can be modelled using LPs than suggested by intuition. 3. LP constitutes building blocks for nonlinear programming Zongpeng Li – p.6/28 LP model: max-flow B 5/10 C 8/9 5/5 0/4 S 8/10 A 3/3 0/6 5/8 T 5/5 D • Maximum rate we can push flows from S to T in a given capacitied flow network. • flow-rate/link-capacity Zongpeng Li – p.7/28 LP model: max-flow → χ = f (T S) Maximize Subject to: ( → → → f (uv) ≤ C(uv) ∀ uv6=T S P P → → f ( uv) = f ( vu) ∀u v∈N (u) v∈N (u) → f (uv) ≥ 0 → ∀ uv Zongpeng Li – p.8/28 Totally unimodular LPs • Totally unimodular: every square sub-matrix of the coefficient matrix has determinant of 1 or -1. • Totally unimodular LPs always have integral optimal solutions. • The node-arc incidence matrix of a directed network is totally unimodular! Zongpeng Li – p.9/28 LP model: min-cut P Minimize Subject to: ( → → uv C(uv)y(uv) → → → y(uv) + p(v) ≥ p(u) ∀ uv6=T S p(T ) − p(S) ≥ 1 → y(uv) ≥ 0 → ∀ uv • Max-cut cannot be modelled as a simple LP; it is NP-hard. • Elegant approximation algorithm of max-cut based on semidefinite programming. Zongpeng Li – p.10/28 LP model: min-cost flow P Minimize → → uv → w(uv)f (uv) Subject to: → f (T S) = d → → → f (uv) ≤ C(uv) ∀ uv6=T S P → → P f ( uv) = f ( vu) ∀u v∈N (u) v∈N (u) → f (uv) ≥ 0 → ∀ uv Zongpeng Li – p.11/28 LP model: shortest path P Minimize Subject to: ( → → uv → w(uv)f (uv) → f (T S) = 1 P P → → v∈N (u) f (uv) = v∈N (u) f (vu) ∀u → f (uv) ≥ 0 → ∀ uv Zongpeng Li – p.12/28 LP model: the assignment problem • Assign n objects to n persons, 1-to-1 mapping • Each object o worths v(i, o) to each person i • Goal: maximize “total happiness” Maximize P P i Subject to: f (i, o) ≥ 0 o f (i, o)v(i, o) ( P o f (i, o) = 1 ∀i P i f (i, o) = 1 ∀o ∀i, ∀o • Totally unimodular LP, integral optimal solution • primal-dual algorithm design, the celebrated auction algorithm Zongpeng Li – p.13/28 LP model: max-rate multicast with network coding Given network coding, a multicast rate x is feasible in a directed network iff it is feasible as an independent unicast to every receiver. [Ahlswede et al. IT 2000][Koetter and Médard TON 2003] S S S a replication point a a T2 T1 T2 T1 T2 T1 S S S b a a T1 T2 T1 T2 T1 b a+b a a+b encoding point a+b b T2 Zongpeng Li – p.14/28 LP model: max-rate multicast with network coding Maximize Subject to: χ → χ ≤ fi (Ti S) → → fi (uv) ≤ c(uv) P P → → v∈N (u) fi (uv) = v∈N (u) fi (vu) → → c(uv) + c(vu) ≤ C(uv) → → c(uv), fi (uv), χ ≥ 0 ∀i (1) → uv6=Ti S → ∀i, ∀ ∀i, ∀u ∀uv 6= Ti S (2) (3) (4) → ∀i, ∀ uv Zongpeng Li – p.15/28 LP model: max-rate multicast without network coding Minimize Subject to: P t f (t) X f (t) ≤ c(e) ∀e t:e∈t f (t) ≥ 0 ∀t • Don’t be misguided by the seeming simplicity of the LP. • It has exponentially many variables. • We know a network instance with 16 nodes only, having ∼ 50 million different trees. • But, what else can we do? It’s an NP-hard problem. Zongpeng Li – p.16/28 Primal and dual LPs Minimize c1 x1 + c2 x2 + c3 x3 Subject to: a11 x1 + a12 x2 + a13 x3 ≥ b1 a21 x1 + a22 x2 + a23 x3 ≥ b2 a31 x1 + a32 x2 + a33 x3 ≥ b3 x1 , x2 , x3 ≥ 0 Maximize b1 y1 + b2 y2 + b3 y3 Subject to: ↔ y1 ↔ y2 ↔ y3 a11 y1 + a21 y2 + a31 y3 ≤ c1 a12 y1 + a22 y2 + a32 y3 ≤ c2 a13 y1 + a23 y2 + a33 y3 ≤ c3 ↔ x1 ↔ x2 ↔ x3 y1 , y2 , y3 ≥ 0 • Poor student vs. greedy drug store owner • Student: satisfying vitamin intaking needs with minimal budget • Store owner: maximizing revenue while maintaining competitiveness Zongpeng Li – p.17/28 LP duality • Every feasible solution in the primal (minimization) provides a lower-bound for the dual (maximization) and vice versa. • If the primal is feasible and has optimal solutions, then so does the dual; furthermore, their optimal objective function values must be the same. • Every max-min theorem (that I know of) in graph theory, combinatorial optimization and game theory can be derived as a corollary of the LP duality theorem and/or the matroid union theorem. Zongpeng Li – p.18/28 Complementary slackness • Let x∗ and y ∗ be a pair of corresponding optimal primal and dual solutions • y1∗ > 0 ⇒ a11 x∗1 + a12 x∗2 + a13 x∗3 = b1 , and so on • The shadow price is nonzero only if the resource supply is tight • Generalization into nonlinear programming: the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions Zongpeng Li – p.19/28 An example application of LP duality and CS Enforcing minimum-cost multicast routing, Li and Williamson, 2007. • Min-cost multicast, flows selfishly route themselves through cheapest paths available • Formulate primal and dual LPs • Use shadow prices to allocate edge costs and set edge taxes • Each optimal flow can be thus enforced; proof of Nash Equilibrium based on CS conditions Zongpeng Li – p.20/28 Solving LPs: the simplex method • Walk along a sequence of vertice, on the polyhedron boundary • with improved objective value at each step • multiple “better neighbors”, which to choose? • The pivot rule Zongpeng Li – p.21/28 Solving LPs: the interior-point method • Walk within the polytope • Each step, walk towards a new feasible solution in the polytope • which had better not be too close to the boundary • being close to the optimum is naturally good • Model the above concerns using barrier functions and potential functions Zongpeng Li – p.22/28 Solving LPs: the ellipsoid method • Solve optimization by solving feasibility, through binary search. • Enclose the feasibility polytope using an ellipsoid • either verify feasibility using a separation oracle • or cut the ellipsoid into two halves and enclose the feasible half using a smaller ellipsoid • Claim infeasibility when the ellipsoid becomes small enough. • Why ellipsoid? Why not a sphere? What about other geometric shapes? Zongpeng Li – p.23/28 Solving LPs: problem specific methods • Tailor the simplex algorithm: the network simplex algorithm • Lagrange relaxation and subgradient optimization ◦ Assume a network flow LP with an extra side constraint ◦ Can relax the side constraint and solve the smaller network flow LP using highly optimized algorithms ◦ Trade-off: need to solve a sequence of these ◦ Can help in distributed protocol design Zongpeng Li – p.24/28 Solving LPs: realworld experiences • 1000 variables/constraints ? — that’s easy • 1 million variables/constraints ? — that’s OK • 1 billion variables/constraints ? — no way • For general LPs: simplex and interior-point algorithms can compete with each other • For LPs with a network background: interior-point algorithms might perform much better (personal experience) • Ellipsoid algorithms are of theoretical interest mostly Zongpeng Li – p.25/28 Solving LPs: software available • GNU glpk, ◦ free ◦ simplex, interior-point, branch-and-cut • CPLEX, ◦ simplex, interior-point, integer programming, quadratic programming • CVX, boyd/cvx/ ◦ free ◦ Matlab library ◦ solves “disciplined” convex programs Zongpeng Li – p.26/28 Liner integer programming: layered multicast Maximize Subject to: P P i i l .x k k k (9) P → → i (vu)] i (uv) =0 − f [f v∈N (u) k k → → f i (uv) ≤ fk (uv) k P → → k fk (uv) ≤ C(uv) → i i xk+1 ≤ xik ≤ fk (lTki S) i → fk (uv), fk (uv) → ≥ 0, xik ∈ {0, 1} ∀k, ∀i, ∀u → ∀k, ∀i, ∀ uv → ∀ uv ∀k = 1..L − 1, ∀i → ∀k, ∀i, ∀ uv Zongpeng Li – p.27/28 Semidefinite/Vector programming: max cut Quadratic formulation of max cut (x(u) = 1 if u is in the source component; otherwise x(u) = −1): P 1 Maximize uv∈E 2 (1 − x(u)x(v)) Subject to: x(u) ∈ {1, −1}, ∀u Vector programming relaxation: P 1 Maximize uv∈E 2 (1 − x(u)x(v)) Subject to: ||x(u)||n = 1, ∀u x(u) ∈ Rn , ∀u; n ∈ Z+ Zongpeng Li – p.28/28