UNIVERSITY OF MALTA FACULTY OF ARTS Geography Programme of Studies (for academic year 2011-2012) Geography Honours FIRST YEAR (2011-2012) 1st Semester (October 2011 - January 2012) Compulsory study-units (all students must register for these units): GEO1003 GEO1012 GEO1015 GEO1028 SKILLS IN GEOGRAPHY I CLIMATE AND BIOGEOGRAPHY FIELDWORK IN HUMAN GEOGRAPHY POPULATION, CULTURE AND SOCIETY I (5 credits) (4 credits) (2 credits) (4 credits) Elective study-unit: GEO1031 APPLIED HUMAN GEOGRAPHY (2 credits) Minimum workload this semester: 15 compulsory credits 2nd Semester (February 2012-June 2012) Compulsory Study-units (all students must register for these units): GEO1004 GEO1016 SKILLS IN GEOGRAPHY II FIELDWORK IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY (5 credits) (2 credits) Elective study-units: GEO1010 GEO1029 GEO1032 OCEANOGRAPHY AND GEOMORPHOLOGY POPULATION, CULTURE AND SOCIETY II APPLIED PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY Minimum workload this semester: 7 compulsory credits Geography workload this year: 26 credits (4 credits) (4 credits) (2 credits) B.A.first year students must also choose elective study-units to the value of 4 credits from the following over semester 1 and semester 2: GEO1010, GEO1029, GEO1031, GEO1032 B.A. students are reminded that during their first year of study they are required to register for study units from the other area of study to the value of 26 credits and also to register for optional study units, which may be taken from any area of study (including their main or subsidiary area), to the value of 8 credits. Requirement for regular progression to YEAR II: 26 credits in Geography 26 credits in the other main area 8 credits in optional study-units ________________________________________________________________________ Total B.A. course this year: 60 credits UNIVERSITY OF MALTA FACULTY OF ARTS Geography Programme of Studies (for academic year 2011-2012) Geography Honours SECOND YEAR (2011-2012) Year (October 2011-June 2012) (This study-unit starts in semester 1 and continues in semester 2): Compulsory study-unit (all students must register for this unit): ANT3038 ECOLOGY&CULTURE IN THE MEDITERRANEAN (4 credits) 1st Semester (October 2011 - January 2012) Compulsory study-units (all students must register for these units): GEO2000 GEO2035 GEO3004 GEOLOGY GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY (4 credits) (4 credits) (4 credits) Elective study-units: GEO2008 GEO2009 GEO2010 GEO3021 GEO3096 APPLIED GEOMORPHOLOGY I APPLIED GEOMORPHOLOGY II ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT MEDITERRANEAN SUSTAINABILITY AND DEVELOPMENT AGRICULTURE (4 credits) (4 credits) (4 credits) (4 credits) (4 credits) Minimum workload this semester: 14 compulsory credits 2nd Semester (February 2012 – June 2012) Compulsory study-units (all students must register for these units): GEO2038 GEO2072 GEO3082 REMOTE SENSING SKILLS IN GEOGRAPHY III ECOLOGICAL COMMUNITIES (2 credits) (8 credits) (4 credits) Elective study-units: GEO2007 GEO3006 GEO3028 APPLIED GEOLOGY I SETTLEMENT AND URBANISATION A GEOGRAPHICAL APPROACH TO TRAVEL PLANNING (4 credits) (4 credits) (4 credits) Minimum workload this semester: 16 compulsory credits Geography workload this year: 46 credits B.A.(Hons.) second year students have to choose a minimum of 16 electives from the following over semester 1 and semester 2: GEO2007, GEO2008, GEO2009, GEO2010, GEO3006, GEO3021, GEO3028, GEO3096. N.B: B.A.(Hons.) students are reminded that during their second year of study they are required to register for study-units from their subsidiary area programme of study to the value of 10 credits and also to register for optional study-units, which may be taken from any area of study (including their main or subsidiary area), to the value of 4 credits. Requirement for regular progression to YEAR III: 46 credits in Geography 10 credits in the subsidiary area 4 credits in optional study-units Total B.A.(Hons.) this year: 60 credits UNIVERSITY OF MALTA FACULTY OF ARTS Geography Programme of Studies (for academic year 2011-2012) Geography Honours THIRD YEAR (2011-2012) Year (October 2011-June 2012) (This study-unit starts in semester 1 and continues in semester 2): Compulsory study-unit (all students must register for this unit): ANT3038 ECOLOGY&CULTURE IN THE MEDITERRANEAN (4 credits) 1st Semester (October 2011 - January 2012) Compulsory study-unit (all students must register for this unit): GEO3004 ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY (4 credits) Elective study-units: GEO2008 GEO2009 GEO2010 GEO3021 GEO3096 APPLIED GEOMORPHOLOGY I APPLIED GEOMORPHOLOGY II ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT MEDITERRANEAN SUSTAINABILITY & DEVELOPMENT AGRICULTURE (4 credits) (4 credits) (4 credits) (4 credits) (4 credits) Minimum workload this semester: 6 compulsory credits 2nd Semester (February 2012-June 2012) Compulsory study-units (all students must register for these units): GEO3000 GEO3088 GEO3089 * DISSERTATION SYNOPTIC STUDY UNIT I* SYNOPTIC STUDY UNIT II* (12 credits) (6 credits) (6 credits) A compensated pass cannot be awarded to a student who fails to obtain the minimum pass mark. Elective study-units: GEO2020 GEO2038 GEO3006 GEO3028 COASTAL PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS REMOTE SENSING SETTLEMENT AND URBANISATION A GEOGRAPHICAL APPROACH TO TRAVEL PLANNING (4 credits) (2 credits) (4 credits) (4 credits) Minimum workload this semester: 26 compulsory credits Geography workload this year: 60 credits B.A.(Hons.) third year students have to choose a minimum of 28 electives from the following over semester 1 and semester 2: GEO2008, GEO2009, GEO2010, GEO2020, GEO2038, GEO3006, GEO3021, GEO3028, GEO3096. Requirement for successful completion of YEAR III (final year): 60 credits in Geography Requirement for award of B.A.(Hons.) in Geography: 180 credits, of which: 132 in Geography as in this programme of studies, 36 in a subsidiary area, and, 12 in optional units. Note: This course of study is governed by “The General Regulations for Undergraduate Courses” and by the Bye-Laws for the award of the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) under the auspices of the Faculty of Arts.