Master of Arts Public Policy Leadership Department of Public Policy UNIVERSITY OF MALTA

Master of Arts
Public Policy Leadership
Department of Public Policy
Master of Arts Public Policy Leadership
Programme overview
This programme meets the needs of those who
aspire to become leaders in public life, whether
in governing institutions, within Malta or the
European Union, in the commercial business
sector, as well as in local government and civil
society groups.
The programme develops ethical and effective
leaders who are capable of bringing about planned
change while maintaining institutional stability.
It provides a distinctive learning journey that
accentuates the intimate link between leadership
and policy sciences.
Its driving philosophy is “leading through policymaking” whereby students get the opportunity to
think, move from theory to action and develop their
potential to lead. To this effect, the programme is
designed to foster unexplored leadership qualities
in our students in order to diversify and enrich their
existing talent platform. Furthermore, it provides
well-grounded public management tools to
engage successfully in public affairs as executives,
analysts, consultants and policy advisors in state,
business and non-governmental organisations.
Beginning with a foundation of political thought,
policy processes and research methodologies,
the curriculum proceeds to examine the arts of
leadership, accentuating the policy leader’s role
in innovation, decision-making, problem-solving
and good governance.
Utilising a variety of learning methods, including
case studies, workshops, study visits and group
work, the programme assesses leaders’ decisions,
analyses contexts and evaluates policy outcomes.
Our revamped MA in Public Policy Leadership is our flagship
programme at the Department of Public Policy. It empowers
students with the knowledge and competencies necessary to lead
public enterprise, boost research and analysis, and improve policy
success. You are most welcome to enrol with us and share with
our enthusiastic students the challenge and joy of high quality
Dr George Vital Zammit
Head, Department of Public Policy
Master of Arts Public Policy Leadership
Structure and thematic units
The programme is a part-time, evening course
spread over six semesters (3 academic years). A
solid curriculum of theoretical and applied study
units characterises the taught component during
the first two years of the programme, while the
third year is dedicated to the research-based
A set of fundamental
study units in the first year provides
the conceptual and methodological
cornerstones of the programme.
Core units
› Quantitative and qualitative research methods for policy and business
› Comparative and theoretical aspects of public policy
› Political economy
› Patterns of leadership in government
The portfolio of core and elective study units
brings together the most up-to-date scholarly
research and good practice in the fields of public
policy and leadership; challenging students to
apply the latest theory, research findings and
new managerial methods to help solve real-world
governance and policy issues.
In their second year
of studies, students have the opportunity
to choose between one of two options:
Comparative Governance or Comparative Issues in
Public Management.
Stream A
Students opting for Comparative Governance have the option of further
specialising in two of three intertwined themes, namely policy sciences,
spheres of governance and institutional leadership. These themes are
explored and mastered through a set of core study units and a selection of
electives to choose from:
Core units
› Comparative governance and institutional design
› The politics of public policy
› Strategy, policy implementation and review
Elective units
final stage of
the programme requires
students to complete a dissertation of a
maximum length of 25,000 words. Students
benefit from a number of workshops and
round table seminars wherein they are given the
opportunity to present and discuss their workings
during the different stages of the research project.
› Competitiveness and innovation
› Good governance and leadership
› Business continuity in the public sector
› Communicating government
› Leadership in public organisations
Stream B
Students opting for Comparative Issues in Public Management,
offered by the Institute of Public Administration and Management
(IPAM), gain a command of best practices, instruments and
techniques in leading the public sector, as well as a deep
appreciation of the impact of the European Union
and other global actors on public affairs
Master of Arts Public Policy Leadership
Our next graduate could be you
If you want to
sharpen your critical thinking skills
engage in action-centred knowledge
identify your uncharted talent and develop a portfolio of leadership skills
and policy science
take your leadership role to the next level
and you meet these requirements
a Bachelor degree with at least Second Class (Honours) in Public Policy
or in related areas. Past alumni for our MA programme had read for
first degrees in Management, Economics, Small States Governance,
Social Policy, Youth studies, European Studies, Criminology, Psychology,
International Relations and Diplomatic studies; OR
a Bachelor degree obtained with Third Class (Honours) in Public Policy or
related disciplines, provided that you have obtained other qualifications,
including not less than 3 years on-the-job experience; OR
any other first degree which is not solidly grounded in the social sciences,
and a disposition to undergo a one year preparatory programme
(part time, evening) focusing on Political Sociology, Constitutional
Development, Governing Institutions and Policy Processes
then the Master of Arts in Public Policy Leadership
will definitely deliver what you are aspiring to.
Master of Arts Public Policy Leadership
Public Policy Leadership for Business Professionals
We are committed to making our distinctive academic programmes effective and relevant not only
to talented public sector officials but also to ambitious business executives. For professionals in
the business and not-for-profit sectors, the MA in Public Policy Leadership provides opportunity to
improve their research and analytical thinking, and to master the complex relationship between
public policy and the business environment.
As a partner to the business sector, public policy revolves around the ability to convert ideas into
action within a context determined by executive and regulatory institutions, market forces and
European/global triggers of change. Through excellence in learning and research, we strive to offer
a unique experience where you will learn how to:
Articulate ideas
Think deeply and strategically
Particiapte in engaging debates
Transform ideas into workable projects
Work within and through institutions
Lead your organisation to higher levels of performance
So whether you wish to improve your career prospects in the private sector, become a consultant,
work abroad or lead your business team successfully, the Department of Public Policy will give you
the knowledge, skills and networking to make it happen.
EU advisors
Civil society leaders
People in
leading and
Journalists and
opinion leaders
Public sector officers
Young scholars
Executives in statutory
Master of Arts Public Policy Leadership
The MA programme has been a crucial
vehicle for my career development at the
National Audit Office. The expertly delivered
lectures stimulated discussion on the most critical
and current aspects of policy-making and public
affairs management. Although demanding, it is
also flexible and the learning tailored to suit our
needs not only as students, but also as
professionals within a limited time. William Peplow
Senior Audit Manager
National Audit Office
The MA experience is certainly challenging
and does require commitment and a
careful balancing of time. But I have found
the lectures and tutors to be very goal oriented,
whilst flexible and understanding of my needs and
responsibilities. It is one of the most rewarding
learning experiences possible.
Daniel Borg
Senior Policy Analyst
Tourism and Economic Development Directorate
Ministry for Gozo
My experience within the Department of
Public Policy was immensely helpful and
enriching. It equipped me with an array
of knowledge and analytical skills required of
a diplomat serving the Government of Malta; a
profession which entails strong interpersonal skills
as well as a thorough understanding of
both local and international politics.
Chantal Sciberras
Chargé d’Affaires
Maltese Embassy in Dublin, Ireland
The dissertation at a post-graduate level
requires a deep understanding of research
methods and the ability to critically analyse
the topic under academic scrutiny. It is surely a
very demanding task but the Department of Public
Policy has a great team of supervisors who mentor
and encourage students to realise their full
Katya Unah
Research Analyst
Commission on Domestic Violence
This MA programme provides deep
theoretical understanding as well as applied
knowledge in the major areas of policy and
leadership. I am now a much better professional
and a more informed decision maker. As a public
officer, I would definitely recommend this
Janette Schembri
Department for Social Welfare Standards
Personally this academic experience
unveiled new and broader horizons,
equipping me with the right tools and
skills, both professional and personal, demanded
to embrace an ever more-complex institutional
design and policymaking environment. I am very satisfied with my choice.
Ian Bugeja
Projects Manager
Planning and Priorities Coordination Division
Ministry for European Affairs
Master of Arts Public Policy Leadership
A student friendly environment
The Department of Public Policy forms part of the
Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy at
the University of Malta. Since its inception in 1979, the
Department has been totally committed to the highest
quality research, learning, mentoring and expertise in
the areas of policy formulation, organisational change
and institutional design.
The Department cares for its students and provides them
with professional and pastoral support during their
academic programmes leading to Diploma, Honours,
Masters and Doctoral degrees. Our coursework marking
scheme is transparent, so that students are well informed
about how they are assessed.
Besides being academically well-qualified, our
team of lecturers comes with years of professional
experience in the public, private and NGO sectors.
Lecturers know each student individually and share
their passion for leadership competencies and
public affairs management.
Leadership casts a long shadow. This observation
certainly holds true for our distinguished alumni.
They are now spread across different employment
sectors, both locally and overseas. Through their
intellect, applied knowledge and passion for
excellence, our graduates have led many entities
through re-engineering processes to achieve higher
standards of effectiveness, efficiency and quality.
Learning styles
The Master of Arts in Public Policy Leadership assures its participants an invaluable
opportunity of professional and personal growth. Our student centred approach shifts
the focus of knowledge transfer from the academics to the learners. Our approach
makes use of different learning methods, including:
ACTIVE LEARNING where students solve problems, formulate questions of their
own, answer questions, discuss, explain, debate or brainstorm during class;
COOPERATIVE LEARNING where students work in teams on problems and
projects under conditions that assure both positive interdependence and
individual accountability;
INDUCTIVE TEACHING AND LEARNING where students are first presented
with challenges (questions or problems) and learn the course material in the
context of addressing the challenges.
University of Malta
Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy
Department of Public Policy
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy
of the information in this brochure, we continually review
our courses and reserve the right to discontinue or amend
course programmes.
Editor: Mario Thomas Vassallo
Artwork: Melchiore Farrugia
Printing Unit, University of Malta
June 2014
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