Reprinted from Crop Science V ol 39,N o.2 Registration of KS96WGRC34 Leaf Rust-Resistant Hard Red Winter Wheat Germplasm KS96WGRC34(Reg. no. GP-553, Pl 604219)is a leaf rustresistanthard red winter wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) germplasm developedcooperativelyby the USDA-ARS, the KansasAgricuItural Experiment Station, and the Wheat Genetics Resource Center.It was releasedas a germplasmin August 1996. Seedlingsof KS96WGRC34exhibiteda low infectiontype(;C to ;2C) when inoculatedwith sevenraces of leaf rust (Puccinia reconditaRobergeex Desmaz.),KDB-10, MGM-10, MCD-10, TBG-10, MBR-10, PNM-10,18,PNM-10, and MCR-10 (1,2). Seedlingsof KS96WGRC34exhibited a 3- infection type when inoculatedwith raceTFG-10(2). Adultplantsdisplayedlow infection types undermoderateto heavy leaf rust infectionsat Manhattan and Hutchinson,KS, in the years 1992to 1996,but had a high infection typewhen testedunderheavyinoculumlevelsatBeeville, TX, in 1995 (2). Seedlingsand adult plants of the wheat parents 'TAM 107' and 'Wrangler' exhibited high infection types in all cztses. KS96WGRC34 is an Fr-derived line with the pedigreeTAM n7nA74g/lWrangler. TA749 is a leafrust-resistant accession of Triticum monococcumL. subsp.aegilopoifus (Link) Thell (syn. wbsp. boeoticura).Leaf rust resistancein KS96WGRC34is conditioned by a single, dominant gene from TA 749. The gene is located on chromosome5A' and segregatesindependentlyof all other known genestansfened from T. monococcamto hexaploid wheat(3). KS96WGRC34is similar to Wranglerin height,daysto heading,and overall phenotypebut hasthe TIAL.IRS hanslocation carriedby TAM 107. Small quantities(2 g) of seedof KS96WGRC34are available upon written request.Appropriate recognitionof sourceshouldbe givenwhen this germplasmconfibutesto researchor development of a new breedingline or cultivar. Seedstocksare maintainedby the Wheat GeneticsResourceCenter, Dep. of Plant Pathologr, Throckmorton Plant SciencesCenter, Kansas State University, Manhattan,KS 66506-5502. T. S. Cox, R. G. SEARS, B. S. GILL,T. Hussmn, R. L. BowDEN,ANDG. L. Bnown-Gurone* (4) Referencesand Notes 1. Inng, D.L., ad J.A.Kokner.1989.A NorftAmerican systmof nornenclauuefor Pu)ccinia recondita f . q. tritici.Phyopathology 79:525-529. 2. Hussien, T., R.L.Bowden, B.S.Gill,T.S.Cox,ad D.S.Manhall.1997. Performance genestransferredto common of four new leaf nrstrcsistance whearfiom Aegilopstauschii arf, Tritiarn nonacoccum.Plant Dis. 81: 582-586. 3. Hussien,T., R.L. Bowden,B.S. Gill, ad T.S. Cox. 1998.Chromosomal locationsin commonwheatcf threenew leaf rust resisarrcegenesfrom Trticum nnnococcutn.hrphytica LOl:lZ7-131. 4. T.S. Cox, ICRISAT, PaarrcheruPO, AP 502 324,Idia (formedyUSDAARS and KSLD; R.G. Sean, Dep. of Agronomy, and G.L. BrownGuedira,USDA-ARSandDep. of Agronorny,KansasStaEUniv., Manhaftan,KS 6650G5501;B.S. Gill, T. Hussien,ard R.L. Bowden,Dep. of PlantPatrology,KansasStaEUniv., Manhaten,KS6650G5502.Cooperative investigationsof the USDA-ARSand the KansasAgric. Exp. Str.. Contributionno. 98-395-I, KansasAgric. Exp. Sh., KansasSae Univ., Manhauzn,KS 6650G4008.Registrationby CSSA. Acceprcd31 Oct. 198. *Correspordingauthor( Publishedin Crop Sci. 39:595(1999'1.