Tutorial 5 Lesson planning (a)

Tutorial 5
Lesson planning (a)
Timetabling and general structure of lesson plans / activities (to link with sections in lesson plan
formats). Time dedicated to subjects etc. Use of two languages.
One of the hardest things to do as a Primary school teacher is to find the time to fit
everything in. Students need to be taught multiple skills and you have limited time in
the day or week. To make sure that the entire curriculum is taught effectively, one
needs to create a classroom timetable. Timetables minimize the chaos of switching
lessons and make the best use of class time, as children are ready for what's next on a
consistent basis.
As a Primary school teacher it is also important that once you have a schedule of
lessons you plan every lesson and ensure that you follow the curriculum department’s
guidelines regarding time dedicated to different subjects. When planning a lesson, you
allow yourself time to choose between possible approaches, you pre-empt any
difficulties that might crop up, you plan to include all pupils, and think about how you
will be assessing pupils’ learning as you go along. Good lesson preparation is a must
for an effective teacher!
Aims and objectives
By the end of the tutorial and observations you should:
Be familiar with the class timetable.
Be able to assess the class timetable with the departmental guidelines regarding time
allocation for different curriculum subjects.
Be familiar with the individual components that make up a coherent lesson plan.
Assess the faculty’s templates in accordance with the basic components.
Discussions and activities during the tutorial
• What follows are some guidelines to help a teacher plan a timetable. Remember
that most teachers would follow one of the NCF’s suggested timetables. NCF
also state that every timetable should be flexible and allow for flexible timings
that are child-friendly. Time of lessons varies between 30 and 60 minutes.
• Physical Education/Sport activities are allotted an average of 30 minutes a
day during the time allotted to Health Education.
• Core subjects (English, Maltese and Mathematics) are usually allotted
between 45-60 minutes a day. Model B dedicates 60 minutes slot on one
of the days for Maltese and on another day for English. Mathematics is
allotted 45 minutes per day in all three models. In the allotted time for
languages (English and Maltese) children should be exposed to the four
language skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing. As for
Mathematics children should develop the four strands, namely, use of
numbers, measurement, space and shapes and data handling and
engagement with investigative processes that lead to solutions (problem
• The main learning area that should feature in the Primary school timetable
are the following: Languages (Maltese and English), Mathematics,
Science, Religious Education, Citizenship Education (History,
geography, social studies and environmental education), technology
education, art education, Health Education (physical education and
Tutorial Activity 1
Before this tutorial ask your collaborating teacher to give you a list of school
activities for the term that will be affecting the contact time with your class.
During the tutorial discuss these activities and how they would be affecting
your weekly timetable. Discuss also which lessons would you sacrifice for
these activities.
Tutorial Activity 2
Ask your collaborating teacher to give you a copy of her timetable. Compare
and contrast this timetable with those suggested in the NCF document (see
below). Discuss with your tutor the differences and how this affects the
teaching and learning of each learning area. Are all the above-mentioned
learning areas included in the teacher’s timetable? How are the different
learning areas presented in the teacher’s timetable?
Tutorial Activity 3
Use the list of school activities and mid-week public holidays and draw up a
detailed schedule of lessons for a month. Eventually you need to be able to plan
in this manner for the whole term.
A lesson plan should include the following compulsory sections:
• Clear objectives or learning outcomes.
• Duration of the lesson
• A focused introduction (focus student attention, share the objectives of
the lesson and establish purpose)
• Instruction (Provide information, explain concept, state definitions,
identify main ideas, check for understanding, create ways for
• Guided practice (create directed activities, provide feedback and more
independent activities, monitor student work)
• Closure (Summarize the learning and whether all students met the state
outcomes, final check)
• Independent practice (written work, homework)
• Accommodations for specific students.
Tutorial Activity 4
Analyse the lesson plan templates suggested by the department of Primary
education and discuss how these templates incorporate or not the above
compulsory components. How does each model differ from the others?
Observation Session
1. Take a detailed log of all the activities, lessons etc. that take place
during the day you are observing. You may use the below schedule to
help you login all the occurrences. Discuss with the teacher whether this
is a usual day and if so, how does she emend to ensure that the children
receive their fair complement of curricular allotment.
(In this section, amongst other
things you should also indicate
the language used –
English/Maltese or codeswitching)
2. Ask the class teacher to give you a sample of her lesson plan/s and
analyse it for the above stated compulsory components. Observe how
closely the teacher follows her lesson plan in the delivery of the lesson.
3. Observe the extent of use of the textbook during the lesson and what
other texts and resources are used by the teacher.
Post-Observation Session
1. Discuss with your tutor the above log and the discussions you had with
your collaborating teacher.
2. Focus on the language used for the various lessons and activities and
discuss the value of such decisions.
3. Discuss with your tutor the lesson plans observed. Focus on the
structure of the lesson and the texts and resources used.
Appendix 1 (Please refer only to the table)
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Appendix 2: Model timetables for primary school
Appendix 3: Lesson plan templates
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