Sustainability Subcommittee of Campus Planning California State University, Fresno June 17, 2010 8:30am-9:30am

Sustainability Subcommittee of Campus Planning
California State University, Fresno
June 17, 2010
Madden Library Room 2108
Members Present:
Andrew Bethke, Andrew Correa, Andrew Jones, Mailee Lee, David Moll,
Mike Mosinski, Gary Nelson, Curt Parkinson, David Williams
Tonya Bojorquez, Lisa Kao, Lanny Larson, Marco Diaz, Peter McDonald,
Christopher Pluhar, Nate Wills, Samantha Yang
Meeting called to order by David Moll at approximately 8:40 a.m.
Agenda Item #1 Welcome & Introductions
Agenda Item #2 Review & Approval Minutes of May 20th Meeting
Amendment to May minutes by Gary Nelson (Lanny Larson marked absent; should be
noted as present). Motion by Gary Nelson. Second by David Williams. Minutes approved
as amended.
Agenda item #3 DRMS and Sustainability Subcommittee Post-July 1st—Moll
David Moll announced that he will be retired, effective June 30th. In terms of
reorganization, the Department of Risk Management & Sustainability will remain
together. Tracey Garza will be doing workman’s compensation under Jan Parten,
Director of Human Resources. The department will go under Lisa Kao, who will be
reporting to Bob Boyd. Alaia Howell will be working on sustainability under Lisa Kao.
Kao will also take over Moll’s position as chair of the Sustainability Subcommittee of
Campus Planning and be responsible for sustainability; she was already handling solid
waste and recycling. Steve Martinez will retire in September and the responsibility of risk
coordinator will also go under Lisa Kao. The Sustainability Subcommittee will continue
to carry on with sustainability.
Nelson asked if someone will replace Martinez’ position. Moll stated that the position
will be changed to “Risk Coordinator”; Martinez will be replaced upon retirement, and
the new individual hired will be reporting to Lisa Kao as well. He also stated that
personnel related claims will continue to be handled by the Chancellor’s Office, under
Cindy Matson. He stated that the greatest challenge will be finding a risk coordinator.
Agenda Item #4 Resolution for Operation Green Light—Madsen
Cody Madsen was absent. Alaia Howell summarized the resolution, which is essentially
an effort to push for sustainable on-campus housing. Howell read the entire resolution.
Moll pointed out that the signature of support is not appropriate as titled “Assistant Vice
President, Department of Risk Management & Sustainability.”
Mosinski asks on whose behalf is the resolution is being submitted. Both Alaia Howell
and Gary Nelson clarify that this document had not been submitted to Associated
Students, Inc. (ASI); this was rather an effort on Madsen’s behalf as the Senator At-Large
of Residence. He wanted the support of the Sustainability Subcommittee prior to
presenting the resolution to Campus Planning Committee and Auxiliary.
Moll makes the suggestion that the “Resolved” section of the document should reflect
support of the “Sustainability Subcommittee of Campus Planning” rather than the
“Department of Risk Management & Sustainability”. Mosinski asks if it would be
appropriate for this document to be presented to ASI for approval of support; Nelson
states that this could be done in conjunction with our approval. Bethke speaks on behalf
of Madsen’s intentions to go through more of the administration due to the fact that
students have minimal impact regarding the decisions made for campus planning and
construction. Moll also agrees with the logic, but also agrees that it would be a good idea
to encourage ASI to co-adopt this resolution and pass it forward through Student Affairs.
Motion by Andrew Bethke. Second by Gary Nelson. Support of “Operation Green Light”
Resolution was approved as amended.
Agenda Item #5 Resolution Supporting Sustainability in G.E.—Howell
Selena Farnesi was absent last meeting, therefore the resolution was tabled. Alaia Howell
summarized the effort on behalf of former fellow ASI Senator Selena Farnesi; Howell
worked to help put together the resolution, which essentially states that sustainability
should in some way be integrated into general education. The resolution was presented to
ASI Senate and approved.
Motion by Dr. Andrew Jones. Second by Mike Mosinski. Support of “Sustainability in
G.E.” Resolution was approved.
Agenda Item #6 Report from SVTC Recycling Workshop—Howell
Alaia Howell attended the Solar Panel Recycling Workshop in May; this event was put
on by the Silicon Valley Toxic Coalition (SVTC) and took place at San Jose State
University. The seminar basically was a discussion on the issue of solar panels being
recyclable and not creating more waste. There were multiple presenters at this event: two
from the SVTC and two from private solar panel companies who are working on creating
recycling plants in Europe and take-back programs. Howell stated that the information
that she felt was best applicable to the university was the idea of, in future solar panel
projects, demanding that the company to include a commitment to recycling or take-back
in the power purchase agreement.
Agenda Item #7 CA Higher Education Sustainability Conference—Kao/Howell
Lisa Kao and Alaia Howell will be attending a statewide sustainability conference in Los
Angeles, California on Monday, July 21st. Their presentation will be focused on the
integrated effort of students, faculty and staff to maintain a sustainability program at
Fresno State. Dr. Pluhar will not be able to attend the presentation on behalf of faculty;
however, he created a brief video to be included in the PowerPoint presentation. Lisa will
discuss the staff/administrative aspect and Alaia will be discussing the role of students in
sustainability. Moll states that it was a great honor to be chosen as a presenter at the
Agenda Item #8 Fresno Green Team Report--Williams
Moll stated that he will attend the Fresno Green Team meeting the following Friday. He
also stated that he sent a letter of resignation from the Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory
Committee to the mayor, and asked the mayor to consult with Cindy Matson for a
suitable replacement to represent the university community.
Williams did not attend the previous meeting; however he received notes from the
meeting. A representative from Nissan made a commercial presentation at the meeting
about their new “Leaf” electric vehicle. The vehicle was stated to have a 100-mile range
and several new power options. Moll states that it is an interesting topic in regards to the
cost-benefit of electric vehicles.
Agenda Item #9 Library Green Team Report—McDonald
Dr. McDonald was absent. Nothing to report.
Agenda Item #10 Roundtable—All
Howell reported that she is currently working on the Greenhouse Gas Report for the
2009-2010 year and hopes to have it completed before the Fall 2010 semester.
Williams reported water pressure problems between Herndon Ave. and Shaw Ave.,
Maroa Ave. and Marks Ave. The City of Fresno is fairly short-staffed and is therefore
focusing on the areas with the greatest pressure problems.
Howell also reported that Dr. McDonald apologized for not being able to attend this
meeting, however, the Green Team is developing their website and it should be up and
running soon.
Nelson reported receiving a letter from Dr. Welty about a company that creates regalia,
such as graduation cap and gowns, from recycled plastic. They have a return program and
are willing to make a donation to the campus sustainability program. Nelson stated that
he will look into the costs and possible use for next year.
Dr. Jones announced that this would be his last meeting as a member of the Sustainability
Subcommittee. He will be doing research looking at biodiversity and water usage in
Clovis. He will name Henry Delcore in Anthropology as a potential replacement for his
position on the subcommittee.
Mosinski reported that Agricultural Operations is continuing with their sustainability
Williams also reported on the Kid’s Camp at Woodward Park. There were 97 registered
participants. Bottled water was not used this year.
Moll stated his thanks and farewell to the subcommittee.
Meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:30 a.m.
Next Meeting: Thursday, July 15th