Manhattan Community Gardens March 2013 Inside this issue: President’s corner Time to get the dirt tilled and pull on our garden gloves! We are less than a month from the start of the 2013 growing season. We have many new board members and officers this year. As your President for 2013, “I pledge to make this year the best I can”. I have asked the board to review the garden rules and would ask that all gardeners do the same. If we all adhere to the rules we will be able to prevent our beautiful gardens from turning into a “dump”. As caretakers of this land we strive to preserve our gardens to their best “natural” state. With the addition of our “B” phase at Collins Lane, we have a lot of experienced gardeners joining us from Riley Lane. Because of our expansion we welcome many new gardeners as well. I invite the experienced gardeners to act as mentors for these many new gardeners. With the turning on of the water and the beginning of a new planting season, please introduce yourself to each other. Don't be strangers! Remember we are a Community Garden not and Individual Garden! As your President, as well as the members of the board, it is our responsibility to help each and every one of you. Please feel free to contact any one of us with any questions or concerns you may have. I want to wish all our Gardeners a productive growing season. John H Rodgers Community Garden President Meet the MCG Board 2 Collins lane garden development 3 Volunteer Assignments (mowing) 4 Volunteer Assignments (workdays) 5 Volunteer Assignments (socials) 6 Organic Gardening Class 6 Rules and Safety 7 Gardening: where to get information 7 Mentoring Program 9 So many seeds - so little time. MCG Board In the table below, you will find the names and contact information for the Manhattan Community Garden Board members. We are looking forward for this year’s gardening season and wish all gardeners are happy gardening. Please don’t hesitate in contacting any one of us if you have questions or comments. See you at the gardens. President John Rodgers 785-230-6050 Vice President Leila Maurmann 785-323-7957 Secretary John Drach 785-539-0202 Treasurer Linda Teener 785-539-8763 Past President Pat Butler 785-539-2857 Kruger Bryant 785-477-9077 Jenn Campbell 785-640-3828 Ron Downey 785-537-2129 J. David Mattox 785-776-8459 Cybil Perkins 785-587-8750 Max Urick 785-539-6336 Dean Zollman 785-539-4547 Page 2 Manhattan Community Gardens Collins lane garden development The development of the new garden area at Collins Lane has presented us new opportunities. To aid in our development of the garden, the Community garden Board has established a long-range planning committee divided into 2 groups. One group, made up of all gardeners, was tasked with the development of potential ideas for Collins Lane development. The other group, using the ideas from the first group as well as their own ideas, will draft the final long-range plan for the garden. The second group includes both gardeners and individuals with knowledge of gardening issues. We will ask Riley County to review the plan for any problems or concerns they may have. The final plan will be discussed and voted on by the Community Garden Board members. The planning process recognized the following principles and limitations in developing ideas and the plan: Collins Lane garden is in a floodplain and no permanent structures are allowed; additions must not result in any significant increase in annual garden fees (be low cost); changes not be made unless a significant proportion of gardeners will benefit from the change; any changes minimize the need for maintenance efforts from the garden leadership or gardeners in general; and the major portion of the land be used for individual gardeners. Ron Downey MCG Board Member New MCG maps A new set of maps has been created for the Riley and Collins lane gardens, you can find them on the community garden website. March 2013 Page 3 Volunteer Assignments All gardeners are required to fulfill a volunteer duty through the gardening year… These assignments are established so the common areas of the gardens such as flower beds and pathways can be cleaned, grass mowed and the equipment that we so heavily depend on can be maintained. The following pages have the volunteers and their assignments, please keep this information for you to remember what you signed up for. A reminder email will be sent with the time and location for the workdays and socials. It is always possible to reschedule and change your signup. If you have any questions, please contact us at Volunteer Assignments—Mowing Mowing Collins Lane Gardens Volunteer – push mower Koppel and Swanson Hampton Exdell and Johnson, R Redmon and Williams Haynes and Veatch Tadros Volunteer – riding mower Jackson and McLaughlin Barnes and Boyer Logan Brown and Toburen Redmon Month March/April May June July August September October/November Mowing Riley Lane Gardens Volunteer Chang Smith, R Smith, S Hinkle Vestweber Minton Rader Page 4 Month March/April May June July August September October/November Manhattan Community Gardens Volunteer Assignments—Workdays Workdays are typically on Saturday mornings. Volunteers work for about 2 hours on the common areas of the gardens, such as pathways, flowerbeds and general maintenance of the gardens. We try our best to let everyone know of any changes. An email will be sent out as a reminder of the workday. If you need to reschedule or if you have any questions let us know: March 2013 Page 5 Volunteer Assignments—Socials April 6th Ballowe Boiko Carroll May 4th Ballowe Duever Hayden June 8th Beyer Brandsberg Hardy July 13th Beyer Cook Exdell Green Hodges Hawes Haun Kirchhoff Liu, L Jilka Liu,X Malinowsky Olsen Mohamed Olsen Owens Muturi Potenski Rhodes Ratcliffe Rose Ring Rosenblatt Rosenblatt Schoneweis, S Shanoyan Sidorfsky Sisson Thompson, E Weiss-Cook Stanton Wright Stork Williams Wilson August 10th Goolsby Johnso, J. Palenske September 7th Carroll Goolsby Jilka October 5th Barta Brokesh Hardy Lewison Kirchhoff Jilka Thompson, E Moeller Johnson, J Mohamed Lake Schoneweis, S “Social volunteers” are a group of gardeners that bring some refreshments (drinks and food) that will be shared by all gardeners that join the event. The group is also responsible for setting up the event and for the cleanup. The socials are scheduled on the same day as workdays. We hope all gardeners can participate, even if you are not volunteering with workdays or socials. An email will be sent as a reminder. Come and join us at the gardens!! Organic Gardening Class—Q&A session!! For those of you interested in organic gardening, we are planning on a “Car Talk” style Q & A session with the help of a professor from the horticulture department at KState. To help us prepare for this session, please send us your questions!! Email Leila Maurmann at by March 20th with your organic gardening questions. We will send an email with the date and time for this class. Page 6 Manhattan Community Gardens Rules & Safety We ask that all gardeners, returning and new, to take some time and read our MCG rules. If you do not have a copy you can find one on the website: This document includes guidelines on plot maintenance, plot deposits, equipment use, mulch, compost, water, use of pesticides and safety regulations. It is extremely important that all gardeners understand these rules and adhere to them. . Our membership includes people from all backgrounds coming together to experience the rewards of gardening and to beautify our community. Please help us keep our gardens a healthy and relaxing environment for all to enjoy. By March 31st, we ask that all gardeners clear their plot for any plastic and paper bags or containers. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate and contact any of the board members. Gardening: where to get information The K-State Research and Extension website ( has information for those new to gardening or if you’d would like to learn something new. The Kansas Garden Guide (has information on planning a garden, compost, soil improvement, seeding and planting, watering and a details of a variety of different crops and the types that best fit our Kansas weather; as well as a garden calendar, with a list of the crops to be planted at specific times of the year. Other publications, such as compost & mulch, pesticide and organic gardening can be found at the K-State Research and Extension website and on the K-State Horticulture, Forestry & Recreation website ( Additional information can be found at websites from a number of universities. March 2013 Page 7 Gardening Calendar Crop Days to Spring Plant- Fall Planting Seed/Pla Distance Maturity ing Dates Dates nts Between 100 ft. Rows Distance Depth Between to Plant Plants Asparagus 2nd season Apr 5 - 25 Bean, bush 50-60 Apr 25 - May 30 Bean, pole Bean, lima Beet 65-75 65-75 55-65 Broccoli 50 roots 3 to 5 ft. 1½ to 2 ft. 6 in. July 25-Aug 5 ½ lb. 3 ft. 2 to 4 in. 1-1½ in. May 10 - 20 May 10 -25 Apr 1 - 15 Aug 1 - Sept 25 ½ lb. 1 lb. 1 oz. 3 ft. 2 to 2½ ft. 2 to 2½ ft. 6 to 12 in. 3 to 4 in. 2 in. 1-1½ in. 1-1½ in. 1 in. 60-80 Mar 25 - Apr 5 Sept. 25 - 30 100 plants 2½ ft. 14 to 18 in. - Cabbage 65-80 Apr 1 - 20 Sept 20 -30 100 plants 2½ ft. 12 in. - Cantaloupe 80-90 May 10 - 20 1 oz. 4 to 6 ft. 3½ to 4 ft. 1½ in Carrot 70-80 Mar 25 - Apr 10 Sept 20 -30 ½ oz. 2 ft. 2 to 3 in. ½ in. Cauliflower 55-60 Apr 1 - 20 Sept 20 - 30 100 plants 3 ft. 12 to 18 in. - Collard 55-70 Mar 20 - Apr 10 ½ oz. 2½ ft. 8 to 16 in. ½ in. Corn 80-100 May 1 - July 20 ¼ lb. 3 to 3½ ft. 12 to 18 in. 2 in. Cucumber 60-65 May 10 - 30 1 oz. 3½ to 5 ft. 3 to 4 ft. 1½ in. Eggplant 75-90 May 15 - 25 50 plants 3 ft. 2½ to 3 ft. - Kale 50-70 Mar 25 - Apr 5 ½ oz. 3 ft. 10 in. ½ in. Kohlrabi Lettuce 50-70 60-85 Apr 1 - 15 Apr 1 - May 15 Sept 20 - 25 Sept 1 - 15 ½ oz. ½ oz. 3 ft. 2 to 2½ ft. 10 in. 10 to 12 in. ½ in. ½ in. Mustard 40-50 Mar 25 - May 1 Aug 1 - 30 ½ oz. 2 ft. 1 in. ½ in. Okra Onion (mature) 55-60 100-120 3 to 3½ ft. 1 to 2 ft. 6 in. 3 to 4 in. 1 in. ¾ in. Peas, garden 60-80 2½ ft. 1 in. 1½-2 in. Peas, southern 60-70 May 1 - 15 - ½ lb. 3 ft. 4 to 6 in. 1½-2 in. Pepper 65-80 May 15 - 30 - 50 plants 2½ ft. 1½ to 2 ft. - Potato, Irish 70-90 Apr 1 - 15 1 peck 2½ to 3 ft. 10 to 14 in. 5 in. Potato, sweet 90-150 May 15-June 5 - 100 plants 3½ ft. 12 in. - Radish 25-30 Mar 25 - May 1 Aug 1- 20 1 oz. 1½ ft. 1 in. ½ in. Spinach 40-45 Apr 1 - 20 Aug 10 - Sept 20 1 oz. 1½ to 2 ft. 1 to 2 in. ¾ in. Squash, bush 50-55 May 15 - 30 1 oz. 3 to 4 ft. 2 ft. 1½-2 in. squash, winter 85-90 May 15 - 30 ½ oz. 5 ft. 3 ft. 1½-2 in. Tomato 70-85 May 15 - 30 50 plants 3 to 4 ft. 2½ to 3 ft. - Turnip 45-65 ½ oz. 1 to 2 ft. 1 to 2 in. ½ in. Watermelon 80-90 1 oz. 10 ft. 8 to 10 ft. 1½ in. Page 8 May 10 - 25 1 oz. Mar 25 - Apr 15 Sept. 1-Dec. 31 300 plants or ½ gal. sets Mar 25 - Apr 10 1 lb. - Mar 25 - May 1 Aug 5 - Sept 20 May 10 - 20 Manhattan Community Gardens Mentoring Program The mentoring program was established to create a way for the community gardeners to share knowledge with others in hopes of creating more confident and productive gardeners. The program also helps connect gardeners who would be willing to lend a hand to other gardeners that need a little extra hands-on help. If you are an experienced gardener and enjoy sharing your skills with others you can become a Mentor. Mentors can help new gardeners by providing answers to basic questions, helping with plant selection and providing motivation and support. The Mentee are new gardeners that want to learn about gardening in general or some specific crops. Even experienced gardeners may wish to learn something about food preservation, weed control or flowers. The program will match the mentors and mentees based on their interest, knowledge and availability. If you would like to join the mentoring program please contact Leila Maurmann, When emailing please indicate what your needs or interests are and we will contact a potential match for you. If you would like to share your knowledge with other gardeners please apply as a MCG Mentor. There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments." -- Janet Kilburn Phillips March 2013 Page 9 Manhattan Community Garden c/o UFM 1221 Thurston Street Manhattan KS 66502 Butterfly Garden The Collins Lane Butterfly Garden is now a registered Monarch Waystation.