Division of Communications and Marketing  Higher Learning Commission  Marketing Plan 

Division of Communications and Marketing Higher Learning Commission Marketing Plan Objective
Create widespread awareness on-campus about the April 2012 visit by the Higher Learning Commission
(HLC) reaccreditation team. Engage students, faculty and staff involvement in learning more about the
importance of accreditation and the university’s goal to become a Top 50 public research institution by
Kansas State University is seeking continued reaccreditation from the Higher Learning Commission for an
additional 10 years. In April 2012, a reaccreditation evaluation team will visit Manhattan. The visit will
include interviews (scheduled and impromptu) with students and faculty. The campus community must be
prepared to answer questions about K-State and should feel vested in the reaccreditation process.
The HLC campaign theme/tagline is:
Discover. Create. Engage. Serve.
Overall messaging will tie into K-State 2025’s aspirational goal of becoming a Top 50 public research
institution by 2025.
Target audiences
Staff and faculty
 More attuned to traditional media
 More likely to understand the importance of accreditation
 Short attention span; interactive message delivery will be key
 Relating the reason for and importance of accreditation will be critical
Campaign Goals and Action Plan
PHASE 1 — Fall 2010-Fall 2011
Action: Formulate the campaign's look and content. Communicate the importance of
reaccreditation and the need for campus-wide participation in the process.
 Create website for the university’s HLC process.
 Develop a PowerPoint and schedule presentations with key faculty/staff
groups, including deans, department heads, Faculty Senate and Classified
Senate. Holding one or two open forums is also suggested.
 Design a series of homepage features, to begin following the HLC retreat.
Link to website and tied to the four themes. The features would be direct
folks to the most current information or action items.
 Release a letter from the President/Provost about HLC accreditation and its
Coordinate with professors to make a brief announcement in class about the
HLC, perhaps provide a small handout or giveaway.
Outcome: HLC committee receives ample feedback for the reaccreditation process and selfstudy.
PHASE 2 — Fall 2011-Spring 2012 (Launch in November 2011)
Division of Communications and Marketing Higher Learning Commission Marketing Plan Action: Educate the campus community about the university's mission, values, and core
capabilities through an integrated marketing campaign. Heighten awareness about the
importance of reaccreditation and the April 2012 visit.
 Make a K-State Today announcement immediately following HLC retreat in
October. Link to website.
 Produce a companion personal video from the President/Provost to campus
to go with each K-State Today announcement. A video should also be
produced to promote the upcoming visit; to be linked from customized home
page feature.
 Hang “Welcome” banners in early April. Top of the Union, Quad and Coffman
Commons are possible locations.
 Create a series of two posters; could be a single reversible poster. The first
poster will feature an anticipation-based message; the second a “have your
say” message.
 Design a series of two direct mail postcards to all faculty/staff based on the
poster concept. Second piece should be a “keeper” and should feature key
milestones and primary messages.
Design a napkin, coaster, bookmark, or some other small but useful
takeaway item for students, featuring milestones or messages for the HLC.
Create informative, action-oriented table tents and work with the Union,
Dining Centers and Hale Library to display them. Develop a mini display
option also for the Rec Center, residence halls and the bookstore.
Pitch a story to The Collegian about why students should care and be
involved. An editorial/ad may also be effective.
Create a poster for all general use classrooms, residence halls and other
high-traffic areas on campus.
Periodic announcements in the upcoming email newsletter for students.
Solicit periodic coverage from the K-State Collegian, 91.9 radio and Wildcat
Outcome: Campus constituents are actively engaged in the campaign and are prepared to
welcome the HLC reaccreditation committee. Measured by tracking participation in campaign
PHASE 3 — Spring 2012
Action: Create excitement around campus that encourages participation in the HLC process and
site visit.
 Organize a regular table in the Union over lunch with a banner and
countdown clock (could be the website featured on a big screen). Free tshirts, candy, giveaways, and handouts available for taking part in a Q&A
game show or a spin-the-wheel game. This would target both faculty/staff
and students. This would be coupled with one or two “don’t miss out”
announcements in K-State Today about the events. Pictures could be shared
on Facebook and on HLC website. Ads are also possible.
Division of Communications and Marketing Higher Learning Commission Marketing Plan Students
Organize and distribute free food like hot chocolate, popcorn, and other
snacks, at key times in the semester (e.g. midterms, spring break, finals,
Design an email animation targeting students and directing them to a website
with interactive ways to learn about the HLC; Also to be featured on
Facebook. The site would contain a tongue-in-cheek quiz, crossword puzzle,
computer/cell phone wallpaper, cell phone ringer, etc. There would be a
reward for taking part, perhaps food coupons for free coffee, pita, sandwich,
Design and distribute t-shirts and promote rewards for people who “get
caught” wearing them. Could post pictures on Facebook. Options include
football/basketball tickets, food coupons, free coffee, etc. Will need to
practice this promotion before the actual visit and award biggest prize during
Outcome: Five thousand students, staff and faculty wear their "Welcome HLC" t-shirts to
campus on the day of the visit and are able to offer insightful answers to questions from
the site visit team.
Attachment A
Division of Communications and Marketing
Higher Learning Commission
Campaign timeline
Attachment A
Action Plan
Phase I: Announcement (Fall 2011)
Website launch
PowerPoint presentation
Design/Schedule homepage features
Arrange for classroom announcement
Letter from the President/Provost
Phase II: Mission, Vision, Values (Fall 2011‐Spring 2012)
K‐State Today announcements/ video message from President Schulz
Banners on campus
Series of posters
Two postcards
Takeaway item distribution
Table tents
Student media stories/ads/editorials
Announcements in student newsletter
Phase 3: HLC site visit (Spring 2012)
Union display/game show
Banner production and installation
K‐State Today announcements regarding display
Free food and literature distribution
Email animation and supplementary website development/promotion