Steering Committee Friday, October 7, 2011 | 4:00 - 5:00 Meeting Summary

Higher Learning Commission Self-Study: Steering Committee
Friday, October 7, 2011 | 4:00 - 5:00
401 Hale Library
Meeting Summary
1. Welcome
Members Present: Fred B., Steve H., Laurel L., Kelli C., Sharon M., Bettie M., Annarose H., David P.,
Nelson G., David D., Vicki C., Alan K., Gary C., Carla J., Don B., Brian N., Steve L., Carol K., Katie
M., Daryl B., John P., and Lynn E.
2. Update on where we are
a) Self-Study document editing
Document is currently in editing stages; plan to have document ready by end of October.
b) HLC Retreat agenda: Thursday, October 13, 9-11, K-State Student Union Ballroom
Agenda will include: a report of the current self-study document, update on marketing plans,
plans leading up to the site visit, and how the community can get involved.
c) Timeline for submitting self-study
i. Current edits will be completed by middle of October
late October
ii. Document open to K-State community for comment (late Oct. through mid-Nov.)
Document is scheduled to be released by the end of October; university wide release
will go out seeking feedback by the beginning of November. The community will
have approximately 4-weeks to submit feedback.
iii. Make final edits during November/December
more likely in December
iv. Send to Marketing for customizing the look by late December
1. HLC only wants electronic version
2. Should we make supply of hard copies?
A small supply of hard copies will be made available
v. Ready to send –February 2012
3. Gathering feedback through HLC website
Reviewers of the self-study document will provide their feedback via a web page on K-State’s
accreditation website ( Reviewers will be required to provide their
name and email address in order to leave feedback; this will allow us to follow-up in case there are any
questions or additional information is needed.
4. Tasks to complete Document
a. Need all current year numbers (Kelli C. will coordinate)
b. Section on Federal Compliance (Steve H. will coordinate)
See handout. Steve and Laurel will be following up with units, departments, and
colleges to compile the necessary information required for the site visit.
i. Sample of general structure
see examples provided by the University of Cincinnati, New Mexico State
University, and the University of Arizona
c. Executive Summary
An executive summary will be produced and distributed across campus.
5. Site Visit Team
Site visit team has been announced and approved by President Schulz. Information on the site visit
team will be made available on the accreditation website.
6. Resource Room preparation (Laurel L.)
a) Handout listing Materials Needed by Unit
Refer to handout. Resource room will be comprised of 1,500 - 3,000 documents. Steve and
Laurel will be following up with units, departments, and colleges to compile the necessary
information required for the site visit.
7. Communications & Marketing
a) Current Plans (Jeff M. and Katie M.)
Katie presented the most recent draft of the marketing plan (see handout). Any comments
related to the plan should be sent directly to Katie at by Wednesday,
October 19, in order to finalize by Friday, October 21.
Have completed the cover and page design. Currently working on the feedback page.
8. Update presentations:
a) So far:
a. President’s Cabinet, Dean’s Council, Department Heads, College of Agriculture,
Classified Senate
b) Need to get on agenda for:
a. Faculty Senate, Student Senate, Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club
b. Other units?
Lions Club (Sunflower), Lions Club (Manhattan), Manhattan Rotary Club,
Manhattan Konza Rotary Club, Manhattan Jaycees, Manhattan Solar Kiwanis Club,
Little Apple Optimist Club
9. Site Visit Arrangement Subcommittee
a) Possible members?
Laurel Littrell, Steven Hawks, Representatives from: Student Life, Communications and
Marketing, event planning program (?), office of the Provost/President (?)
10. Go around – Any concerns? Input?
A comment was made regarding the connection the Division of Continuing Education has with many
programs across campus, and to make sure that is discussed within different sections of the document.
A comment was made regarding the role of Extension at K-State, and how it can be incorporated into
the process and site visit.