KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION COLLEGE ALLOCATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2013 CALL TO ORDER | Chair Mong called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. in Union 226. ROLL CALL Member Mackenzie Mong Mason Grittman Molly Wessling Nickolas Thibault Zachary Manuel Jordan Pieschl Brianne Pierce Position Chair Vice-Chair Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Present X X X X X X Excused Unexcused X Voting Members: 5 ANNOUNCEMENTS Review of Questions to ask: o Does the allocation directly affect the number of students attending? o Is the number of students attending set in stone? o Future fundraising plans? o Plans for transportation within the city where the event is held? o Impact to the rest of the college? o Organized plans to present to other students? o What value do the presenters personally see in the event? o How does the organization pick the students that attend travel events? o How will the information be brought back to the rest of the organization? Vote on Mason Grittman as Vice Chair- official vote during first official meeting NATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF MINORITY ARCHITECTURE STUDENTS Coordinate with the Diversity Committee of the Architecture college and have events for people within the college and university-wide o Africa-themed and middle-east themed events last year o Hosted guest speakers during Diversity Week o Designed the “Coretta Scott King Gardens” which will be on campus in the future September 8, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 2 Asking for funds to attend the NOMAS national conference in Indianapolis, IN Various guest speakers and a design competition at the event Networking at the event offers an advantage to those that attend Speak to the people of the college after the conference o “Informationals” at the beginning of each semester that partially discusses the NOMAS conference Considering a bake sale fundraiser for this semester Discussion: o Worried about the formality of the presentation after the conference to the rest of the student body o Like the event and the competition that the club has in the design competition with prominent IV League schools o Worried about the lack of current fundraising dollars o Would like to allocate $350 LEGISLATION PASSED OUT OF COMMITTEE None yet! ADJOURN | Chair Mong adjourned the meeting at 9:12pm. The next College Allocations Committee meeting will be on Sunday, September 15, 2013 at 8:00pm in Union 226. Respectfully Submitted, Mason Grittman College Allocations Committee Vice Chair 785-224-4903 | mgrit25@ksu.edu September 8, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION COLLEGE ALLOCATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2013 CALL TO ORDER | Chair Mong called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. in Union 226. ROLL CALL Member Mackenzie Mong Mason Grittman Molly Wessling Nickolas Thibault Zachary Manuel Jordan Pieschl Brianne Pierce Stephen Kucera Position Chair Vice-Chair Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Present X X X X Excused Unexcused X X X X Voting Members: 5 ANNOUNCEMENTS We still do not have enough voting members We all did introductions because Stephen Kucera is now on our committee! Quotes of the night, “I love the way you blow your nose”- Molly talking about my coldcaused nose-blowing Chair Mong’s favorite mythical character is a siren… She enjoys sending men to their doom Next week on Sunday, September 22nd, UAC and CAC will be having a joint meeting at 7pm in the OSAS Conference Room! BILINGUAL EDUCATION STUDENT ORGANIZATION Spread diversity by participating in various functions on and off campus Advocate for bilingual education among other students Attending 2 different conferences o National Association for Bilingual Education San Diego, CA, Feb. 12-16, 2014 Focus on ESL (English as a Second Language) Connect and gain access to a large bilingual community September 15, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 3 Learn new policies, share best practices, and comment on issues that bilingual education is facing Requesting $7,384, but we can only fund $1,000 When they attended last year, they came back so fired up that they restarted this organization o Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages St. Louis, MO, March 20-22, 2014 Promote the study of world languages on all levels of instruction Having presentations in the Education Department Hoping to find possible future speakers to bring to campus at the event Trip provides the organization with networking opportunities Teachers that attend these conferences return with new ideas, projects, and objectives Discussion: o Good with both requests o VERY Excited about attending! o Fundraising is a concern, but they’re still working to build the organization o Wanting to fund them both but the statues only allow for $1,000 for an organization’s travel throughout the year o Looking to split it $500 evenly next week when we can actually vote. FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES INTEREST GROUP (FACS) Students who are training to be home-economics teachers in high schools College of Human Ecology until the last two years when they join the College of Education Requesting funds for Wild About FACS Day Speaker will talk to current and potential students about the benefits of a teaching degree She’ll discuss opportunities for teachers outside of just teaching Share her experiences thus far since graduating Professional development event with the College of Education Alumnae of the university that is passionate about K-State Raised money to assist with the event from other sources as well DCE (Division of Continuing Education) will be assisting with promotions Requesting $500 for LSE Fee Discussion: o Also receiving monetary assistance from the College, Department, and an outside source that will go towards the event o Like the event enough to fully fund it next week LEGISLATION PASSED OUT OF COMMITTEE None yet! ADJOURN | Chair Mong adjourned the meeting at 9:03pm. The next College Allocations Committee meeting will be on Sunday, September 22nd, 2013 at 7:00pm in the OSAS Conference Room. September 15, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 Respectfully Submitted, Mason Grittman College Allocations Committee Vice Chair 785-224-4903 | mgrit25@ksu.edu September 15, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION COLLEGE ALLOCATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2013 CALL TO ORDER | Chair Mong called the meeting to order at 8:07 p.m. in Union 226. ROLL CALL Member Mackenzie Mong Mason Grittman Molly Wessling Nickolas Thibault Zachary Manuel Jordan Pieschl Stephen Kucera Jordan DeLoach Mollie Hart Tyler O’Briant Cidra Husseini Robert Clark Kyle Kneale Position Chair Vice-Chair Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Intern Intern Intern At-Large At-Large At-Large Present X X X X X Excused Unexcused X X X X X X X X Voting Members: 11 ANNOUNCEMENTS We had a pre-meeting with UAC to build relationships, discuss the process, outline our guidelines for the semester in allocating money, and learn about the value of communications! Thanks UAC for a great joint allocations meeting! Introductions! We met our three new at-large members and three new interns! Voted Senator Grittman as Vice Chair 2 ½ hours of Allocations Goodness tonight! Waiting on 3 new members in the near future The Committee likes respectable casual dress (no cutoffs or holey clothes) as our attire ARMY ROTC (AROTC) 4 Year program that trains students to be officers in the Army Requesting funds for a trip to Army Ten Miler and U.S. Army Convention in Washington, D.C. Sunday, September 22, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 3 The trip builds exprit de corps (Spirit of the Corps for those not fluent in French like me) and camaraderie between cadets attending Gain Valuable insight about the future of the Army Experiences and knowledge gained will be brought back and shared within the battalion o AAR’s (After Action Report) posted online and at shared at meetings Requesting funds for fuel for the driving trip to Washington, D.C. Help to spread a good name for the military by teaching cadets life skills Requesting $1,000 for travel Discussion: o Leading by example after returning from the event as well as the AAR o Slight issue with the lack of concrete ways to spread the knowledge gained to the rest of the College of Arts and Sciences o Battalion as a whole looks to the Ten Miler attendees with extra respect, according to At Large Kneale who was once in AROTC Senator Wessling moved to allocate $800 for travel. Senator Kucera seconded. Motion passed 11-0-0. AGRICULTURE AMBASSADORS Work with the Deans of the College of Ag Spread the name of the College of Ag with prospective students and with alumni Requesting funds to attend the National FFA Convention K-State’s College of Ag has events at the convention to meet with potential students, meet with employers that attend the expo, and attend workshops Bring some of the best inspirational speakers to the event and many of these speakers end up coming to campus for the Kansas FFA convention Spread the general leadership skills gained through their membership in other organizations and at their meeting o 45 minute presentation during the general meeting after the conference to disseminate the knowledge o Ag Ambassador meetings aren’t open to anyone that isn’t an ambassador, but nearly all members are involved in other organizations within the college o One member will report on the trip to Ag Council following the event Over 900 prospective students are contacted during the event and Ag Ambassadors send a postcard to each one Requesting $800 for travel Discussion: o Really like the event and love the push for prospective students o Funding most of the trip themselves, which is very positive Vice Chair Grittman moved to allocate $800 for travel. At Large Clark seconded. Motion passed 11-0-0. NATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF MINORITY ARCHITECTURE STUDENTS (NOMAS) Reviewed the discussion from 2 weeks ago and re-familiarized ourselves with the request Still like partially funding $350 as we previously discussed Sunday, September 22, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 Vice Chair Grittman moved to allocate $350 for travel. Senator Wessling seconded. Motion passed 6-0-5. BILINGUAL EDUCATION STUDENT ORGANIZATION Reviewed the discussion from 2 weeks ago and re-familiarized ourselves with the request 10 people will definitely be attending for each conference according to the organization Discussed how much of the $1,000 total that we want to fund should be allocated to each of the two trips o Worried about the feasibility of attending to both events (~$9,500 in total costs) o Want more information from them about how much they would prefer us fund for each trip since we can only fund a cumulative $1,000 Intern Kucera moved to allocate $500 for travel to the National Association of Bilingual Education annual conference. Senator Wessling seconded. The motion was rescinded. Vice Chair Grittman moved to table both requests until next week after we’ve gained more information. At Large Kneale seconded. Motion passed. FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES INTEREST GROUP (FACS) Reviewed the request and discussion from last week Still felt comfortable with funding the entire event Senator Thibault moved to allocate $500 for LSE Fee. At Large Husseini seconded. Motion passed 9-0-2. LEGISLATION PASSED OUT OF COMMITTEE The following pieces of legislation will be passed out of committee with corresponding authors: Ag Ambassadors– Vice Chair Grittman will author FACS– Chair Mong will author NOMAS– Chair Mong will author AROTC– Senator Kucera will author ADJOURN | At Large Clark adjourned the meeting at 9:32pm. The next College Allocations Committee meeting will be on Sunday, September 29, 2013 at 8:00pm in Union 226. Respectfully Submitted, Mason Grittman College Allocations Committee Vice Chair 785-224-4903 | mgrit25@ksu.edu Sunday, September 22, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION COLLEGE ALLOCATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2013 CALL TO ORDER | Chair Mong called the meeting to order at 8:06 p.m. in Union 226. ROLL CALL Member Mackenzie Mong Mason Grittman Molly Wessling Nickolas Thibault Zachary Manuel Jordan Pieschl Amanda Osarczuk Jordan DeLoach Mollie Hart Wyatt Pracht Cidra Husseini Robert Clark Kyle Kneale Position Chair Vice-Chair Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Intern Intern Intern At-Large At-Large At-Large Present X X X X Excused Unexcused X X X X X X X X X Voting Members: 11 ANNOUNCEMENTS Soon-to-be Senator Osarczuk will be joining our committee next week after she is sworn in during Senate on Thursday AGRICULTURE COMMUNICATORS OF TOMORROW (ACT) Students interested in the Ag-Comm industry and growing professionally and networking Hosting the Regional Professional Development Conference in February o 150 Participants from 7 surrounding states o Speakers from industry will be presenting Rick Bergman from D.C. and Dr. Barry Flinchbaugh, a K-State Emeritus Professor Kicking off a huge fundraising plan next week Total cost will be around $15,000 Sunday, September 29, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 3 IF money is not received, the organization will do its best to bring both speakers to campus with the funds raised Students that are attending the conference from other universities will be paying for registration but the event will be open to any and all K-State students Requesting $4,487.50 for no specific category o Total request includes $1,200 for Rent of Space, $10,000 for LSE, and $3,787.50 for Promotions but they’re only requesting for $4,487.50 Discussion: o Really like the event, but the amount is a question o Like that it is made to impact any K-State student o Heavily discussed whether we wanted to fully or partially fund Some members believed the costs were too high Others thought that the event met all of our criteria and we should take money away when the only reason we have for not fully funding is the cost Senator Kucera moved to allocate $1,200 to Rent of Space, $2,162.50 for LSE, and $137.50 for Promotions. At Large Husseini seconded. Motion passed 6-4-1. AGRICULTURE EDUCATION CLUB (AG-ED CLUB) Ag-Ed is a club that promotes and helps to educate people about agriculture Conference is very leadership-based Requesting money for the National Convention in Louisville, KY Attend break-out sessions, judge national speech contests, and see multiple speakers Members applied and eight were selected to go to the event, each submitting a $50 deposit towards the trip Use the event as a recruiting tool for K-State as well Have a meeting after the event, which is open to any student, where each event attendee will present about their experience Using Social media during and after the event to promote it Requesting $800 for travel Discussion: o Like that the attendees are putting in their own funds o Love how the organization uses social media o Strongly compared this week’s request with last week’s Ag Ambassadors request Intern Hart moved to allocate $700 for Travel. At Large Husseini seconded. Motion passed 7-31. BILINGUAL EDUCATION STUDENT ORGANIZATION (BESO) After hearing back from the organization, they preferred donating all of the $1,000 that we can to the regional conference. We still prefer to fully fund the organization as much as we can. Intern DeLoach moved to allocate $1,000 for Travel to the BESO Central States Conference. Senator Kucera seconded. Motion passed 11-0-0. Vice Chair Grittman moved to deny funding to BESO for the National Association of Bilingual Education. Senator Wessling seconded. Motion passed 11-0-0. Sunday, September 29, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 LEGISLATION PASSED OUT OF COMMITTEE The following pieces of legislation will be passed out of committee with corresponding authors: ACT– Senator Kucera will author Ag-Ed Club– Intern Pracht will author BESO– Intern DeLoach will author Ag Ambassadors– Vice Chair Grittman moved to pass the bill out of committee with a favorable recommendation. Intern DeLoach seconded. Motion passed 11-0-0. AROTC– Vice Chair Grittman moved to pass the bill out of committee with a favorable recommendation. At Large Clark seconded. Motion passed 11-0-0. ADJOURN | Intern DeLoach adjourned the meeting at 9:30pm. The next College Allocations Committee meeting will be on Sunday, October 6, 2013 at 8:00pm in Union 226. Respectfully Submitted, Mason Grittman College Allocations Committee Vice Chair 785-224-4903 | mgrit25@ksu.edu Sunday, September 29, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION COLLEGE ALLOCATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2013 CALL TO ORDER | Chair Mong called the meeting to order at 8:06 p.m. in Union 226. ROLL CALL Member Mackenzie Mong Mason Grittman Molly Wessling Nickolas Thibault Zachary Manuel Jordan Pieschl Amanda Osarczuk Jordan DeLoach Mollie Hart Wyatt Pracht Cidra Husseini Robert Clark Kyle Kneale Position Chair Vice-Chair Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Intern Intern Intern At-Large At-Large At-Large Present X X X X Excused Unexcused X X X X X X X X X Voting Members: 11 ANNOUNCEMENTS Soon-to-be Senator Osarczuk will be joining our committee next week after she is sworn in during Senate on Thursday AGRICULTURE COMMUNICATORS OF TOMORROW (ACT) Students interested in the Ag-Comm industry and growing professionally and networking Hosting the Regional Professional Development Conference in February o 150 Participants from 7 surrounding states o Speakers from industry will be presenting Rick Bergman from D.C. and Dr. Barry Flinchbaugh, a K-State Emeritus Professor Kicking off a huge fundraising plan next week Total cost will be around $15,000 Sunday, September 29, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 3 IF money is not received, the organization will do its best to bring both speakers to campus with the funds raised Students that are attending the conference from other universities will be paying for registration but the event will be open to any and all K-State students Requesting $4,487.50 for no specific category o Total request includes $1,200 for Rent of Space, $10,000 for LSE, and $3,787.50 for Promotions but they’re only requesting for $4,487.50 Discussion: o Really like the event, but the amount is a question o Like that it is made to impact any K-State student o Heavily discussed whether we wanted to fully or partially fund Some members believed the costs were too high Others thought that the event met all of our criteria and we should take money away when the only reason we have for not fully funding is the cost Senator Kucera moved to allocate $1,200 to Rent of Space, $2,162.50 for LSE, and $137.50 for Promotions. At Large Husseini seconded. Motion passed 6-4-1. AGRICULTURE EDUCATION CLUB (AG-ED CLUB) Ag-Ed is a club that promotes and helps to educate people about agriculture Conference is very leadership-based Requesting money for the National Convention in Louisville, KY Attend break-out sessions, judge national speech contests, and see multiple speakers Members applied and eight were selected to go to the event, each submitting a $50 deposit towards the trip Use the event as a recruiting tool for K-State as well Have a meeting after the event, which is open to any student, where each event attendee will present about their experience Using Social media during and after the event to promote it Requesting $800 for travel Discussion: o Like that the attendees are putting in their own funds o Love how the organization uses social media o Strongly compared this week’s request with last week’s Ag Ambassadors request Intern Hart moved to allocate $700 for Travel. At Large Husseini seconded. Motion passed 7-31. BILINGUAL EDUCATION STUDENT ORGANIZATION (BESO) After hearing back from the organization, they preferred donating all of the $1,000 that we can to the regional conference. We still prefer to fully fund the organization as much as we can. Intern DeLoach moved to allocate $1,000 for Travel to the BESO Central States Conference. Senator Kucera seconded. Motion passed 11-0-0. Vice Chair Grittman moved to deny funding to BESO for the National Association of Bilingual Education. Senator Wessling seconded. Motion passed 11-0-0. Sunday, September 29, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 LEGISLATION PASSED OUT OF COMMITTEE The following pieces of legislation will be passed out of committee with corresponding authors: ACT– Senator Kucera will author Ag-Ed Club– Intern Pracht will author BESO– Intern DeLoach will author Ag Ambassadors– Vice Chair Grittman moved to pass the bill out of committee with a favorable recommendation. Intern DeLoach seconded. Motion passed 11-0-0. AROTC– Vice Chair Grittman moved to pass the bill out of committee with a favorable recommendation. At Large Clark seconded. Motion passed 11-0-0. ADJOURN | Intern DeLoach adjourned the meeting at 9:30pm. The next College Allocations Committee meeting will be on Sunday, October 6, 2013 at 8:00pm in Union 226. Respectfully Submitted, Mason Grittman College Allocations Committee Vice Chair 785-224-4903 | mgrit25@ksu.edu Sunday, September 29, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION COLLEGE ALLOCATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2013 CALL TO ORDER | Chair Mong called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. in Union 226. ROLL CALL Member Mackenzie Mong Mason Grittman Molly Wessling Nickolas Thibault Zachary Manuel Jordan Pieschl Stephen Kucera Amanda Osarczuk Jordan DeLoach Mollie Hart Wyatt Pracht Robert Clark Cidra Husseini Kyle Kneale Position Chair Vice-Chair Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Intern Intern Intern At-Large At-Large At-Large Present X X X X X X X X X X X X X Excused Unexcused X Voting Members: 12 Guests: Speaker Nuss, Senator Lockwood, Percy Henriquez (student at large) and Senator R. Kays Senator Wessling left the meeting prior to any votes, so vote total is out of 11. ANNOUNCEMENTS Introduced the new committee members Wyatt and Amanda! Speaker Nuss spoke to the committee on being fiscally responsible but also following the outlined procedures o Accessibility to the average student is one of Speaker Nuss’s main concerns of requests because Educational Value is in almost everything “If I abstain on a neutral recommendation is that like an abstain squared?” Sen. Osarczuk Like the idea of attending one of our requests as a committee Hoping to hold a future meeting with senators to discuss our criteria for funding requests KAPPA DELTA PI (KDP) Education honors society with a speaker at each meeting Sunday, October 6, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 3 Convocation is a national event that KDP holds every year Listen to Key Note speakers, like teachers of the year and nationally known educators One of the two members attending will be presenting her own round-table at the event Knowledge is shared through a presentation to the group and the meeting is open to every Education major Requesting $200 for travel Discussion: o Like the large amount of fundraising! o Very defined reasoning for bring the knowledge back through a powerpoint Intern DeLoach moved to allocate $200 for travel. At Large Husseini seconded. Motion passed 10-0-1. ENGINEERING STUDENT COUNCIL (ESC) Focus on retention for the college o Host events such as E-Week (Engineering Week) and bi-weekly meetings with industry speakers and topics related to student organization success o Require all Engineering organizations to attend meetings in order to receive college funding support Attending the regional conference at KU on October 31-November 3 Conference includes breakout sessions, industry tours, and networking Following the event, the knowledge will be shared with engineering organizations through a presentation at one of the meetings as the student organization success topic Altered the request to be for $75 for travel and only 4 people attending Discussion: o Like the event and the way it is being brought back Intern Hart moved to allocate $75 for travel. Senator Kucera seconded. Motion passed 9-0-2. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS (AICHE) Bring in speakers to talk about all engineering aspects that are open to everyone Attending AIChE’s National Conference in San Francisco, CA on November 1-4 Taking 19 people on the trip, including many members that have dual membership on the ChemE Car Design Team Network with professionals and have presented at the conference in the past (last year) Event will focus on industry networking and scholarly sessions ChemE Car competition will be held during the event as well Doing an “Organization Spotlight” during an ESC meeting for the whole college and will briefly discuss the trip Also presenting much more thoroughly at a Chemical Engineering Assembly which is open to all students and has required attendance for ChE majors Requesting $1,000 for travel Discussion: o Like how ChemE Car will be attending the conference for the first time in 5 years o Like the two separate meetings for bringing knowledge back Intern Pracht moved to allocate $1,000 for travel. Intern Hart seconded. Motion passed 9-0-2. Sunday, October 6, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 ENGINEERING STUDENT COUNCIL (ESC) “The Ohm” Newspaper will focus on STEM (Science, Engineering, Technology, and Math) subjects for those that are interested in those types of stories New paper on campus starting at the end of this semester and beginning on a weekly basis next semester Newspaper will include science projects and puzzles Printing 1,000 copies per week and hoping to reach over 1,000 people per edition Staff of 10 people including 6 writers and 4 editors with a meeting once a week o All are volunteering all of their time Initially it will be localized in the College of Engineering December 4th will be the first edition with 14 editions next semester Hand distribution during the first edition Considering other fundraising options prior to the first edition Discussion: o Like the idea but slightly worried about whether we can or can’t fund it Intern Pracht moved to table the request until next week. Senator Kucera. The motion passed. LEGISLATION PASSED OUT OF COMMITTEE The following pieces of legislation will be passed out of committee with corresponding authors: KDP– Senator Manuel will author ESC– Senator Osarczuk will author AIChE–Intern Hart will author Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow discussion o Reviewed the discussion of the past week o Intern Hart moved to pass the bill out of committee with a neutral recommendation. Senator Manuel seconded. Motion passed 11-0-1. Ag-Ed Club discussion o Reviewed the discussion of the past week o Vice Chair Grittman moved to pass the bill out of committee with a neutrally recommendation. Senator Kucera seconded. Motion passed 11-0-1. BESO– Vice Chair Grittman moved to pass the bill out of committee with a favorable recommendation. Intern DeLoach seconded. Motion passed 11-0-1. ADJOURN | Intern DeLoach adjourned the meeting at 9:59pm. The next College Allocations Committee meeting will be on Sunday, October 6, 2013 at 8:00pm in Union 226. Respectfully Submitted, Mason Grittman College Allocations Committee Vice Chair 785-224-4903 | mgrit25@ksu.edu Sunday, October 6, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION COLLEGE ALLOCATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2013 CALL TO ORDER | Chair Mong called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. in Union 226. ROLL CALL Member Mackenzie Mong Mason Grittman Molly Wessling Nickolas Thibault Jordan Pieschl Stephen Kucera Amanda Osarczuk Jordan DeLoach Mollie Hart Wyatt Pracht Robert Clark Cidra Husseini Kyle Kneale Hersy Enriquez Position Chair Vice-Chair Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Intern Intern Intern At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large Present X X X X X X X X X X Excused Unexcused X X X X Voting Members: 11 Senator Laudan, Treasurer Kennedy, and Speaker Nuss were all guests on our committee this week! ANNOUNCEMENTS We got a new at-large member! Hersy Enriquez from the Graduate School! Looking to “Dazzle Senate with our excellence” in our upcoming legislation o Get Excited! NO CAC MEETING NEXT WEEK DUE TO PANT THE CHANT! Just fyi AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HEATING AND AIR-CONDITIONING ENGINEERS (ASHRAE) Put on technical presentations and attend conferences as an organization Keep technical presentations relevant to the students on campus, including one recently done on the new Engineering Complex addition plans Attending the ASHRAE International Conference Sunday, October 13, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 4 o Well known for being professional and marketing the university positively o The conference is in New York City, NY o See “real world” engineering projects and have technical sessions Competition team presents at K-State Open House after the event Plan other presentations as well in the College of Engineering Requesting $1,000 for travel Discussion: o Sounds like a very educational trip with a sweet venue o Like that the competition team presents at Open House and other presentations for the rest of the organization Senator Osarczuk moved to allocate $1,000 for travel. Senator Kucera seconded. Motion passed 10-0-1. Senator Wessling left the meeting for another commitment, so all other vote totals are out of 10. ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING INSTITUTE (AEI) Requesting funding for Greenbuild Conference in Philadelphia, PA put on by USGBC (U.S. GreenBuilding Council) Workshops throughout the weekend o Attendees are required to go to at least 5 hours of workshop attendance o Focus on LEED certification and learning more about the process o Over 100 different topics that each student has the chance to pick from Keep up on industry trends for the student group and the Architectural Engineering Department as a whole Competition against teams from Nebraska, Ohio State, Penn State, and others at the event o 350 page report as part of the competition- YES, THREE-HUNDRED-FIFTY PAGES Formally present before and after the conference o Faculty advisor requires members to do projects following the event too Requesting $1,000 for travel Discussion: o Like the amount of work members have put forward towards the event o Fundraising is substantial as well Senator Kucera moved to allocate $1,000 for travel. Senator Osarczuk seconded. Motion passed 10-0-0. ENGINEERS WITHOUT BORDERS (EWB) Offer an option to do work internationally o Mainly Engineering work but also work towards developing communities Been to India, Guatemala, and Ecuador over the past 5 years Requesting funds for the Midwest EWB Conference at KU Registering the project and attending the conference for the first time since 2009 o Registration involves oversight and engineering checks by a PE (professional engineer) Sunday, October 13, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 Learn how to register a project with EWB as well as network with others while at the conference Will be presenting learnings from the conference after returning to campus to the College of Engineering Spanish, Health and Nutrition, and Biology majors attended last year’s event as well as Engineers Currently talking with four different companies to fund projects as well as prominent alumni, such as the Staley’s (donors of the majority of funds for the Leadership Student Building) Requesting $450 for travel Discussion: o Like that they’re doing it for a really good cause o The event will help the students by having professional engineers reviewing the projects Speaks to the university o Requesting a very humble amount for the trip’s expenses Vice Chair Grittman moved to allocate $450 for travel. Intern DeLoach seconded. Motion passed 10-0-0. GAMMA THETA UPSILON (GTU) The presenters did not attend our meeting. We like the event but have questions that are unanswered We are assuming that 5 members will attend the event because the request form says 5-6 Due to the time sensitive nature of the request, we decided to move forward with funding Requesting gas for 2 cars if 6 people go or 1 car if 5 people go, so we decided to fund for 1 car and the hotel rooms (2 rooms of the 3 listed) Originally requesting $800 for travel (can fund a max of $100/person) Intern DeLoach moved to allocate $280 for travel. Intern Pracht seconded. Motion passed 7-03. ENGINEERING STUDENT COUNCIL REQUEST FOR “THE OHM” STEM NEWSPAPER Continued discussion from last week Discussed whether or not we are allowed to fund a newspaper Decided with the help of Treasurer Kennedy and Speaker Nuss that we are allowed to fund the newspaper one issue at a time, so for now, we want to fund the first issue of the newspaper in December The committee feels as a whole that we are in favor of funding the first issue, which is about $180 The funding category would be “Other” Request was originally for $500 for the whole years worth of funding Senator Kucera moved to allocate $180 for Other. Intern DeLoach seconded. Motion passed 50-5. Sunday, October 13, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 LEGISLATION PASSED OUT OF COMMITTEE The following pieces of legislation will be passed out of committee with corresponding authors: ASHRAE– Senator Pieschl will author AEI– Senator Thibault will author EWB– Intern Hart will author GTU– Chair Mong will author ESC (Ohm Request)– Intern DeLoach will author ESC (travel request), KDP, and AIChE– Vice Chair Grittman moved to pass all 3 bills out of committee with a favorable recommendation. Intern Pracht seconded. Motion passed 8-0-2. ADJOURN | Intern Pracht adjourned the meeting at 9:38pm. The next College Allocations Committee meeting will be on Sunday, October 27, 2013 at 8:00pm in Union 226. Respectfully Submitted, Mason Grittman College Allocations Committee Vice Chair 785-224-4903 | mgrit25@ksu.edu Sunday, October 13, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION COLLEGE ALLOCATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2013 CALL TO ORDER | Chair Mong called the meeting to order at 1:26 p.m. ROLL CALL Member Mackenzie Mong Mason Grittman Molly Wessling Nickolas Thibault Jordan Pieschl Stephen Kucera Amanda Osarczuk Jordan DeLoach Mollie Hart Wyatt Pracht Robert Clark Cidra Husseini Kyle Kneale Position Chair Vice-Chair Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Intern Intern Intern At-Large At-Large At-Large Present X X X X X X X X X X Excused Unexcused X X X Voting Members: 8-11 ANNOUNCEMENTS This meeting was held so we could simply pass legislation out of committee LEGISLATION PASSED OUT OF COMMITTEE The following pieces of legislation will be passed out of committee with corresponding authors: Gamma Theta Upsilon – Senator Wessling moved to pass the bill out of committee with a favorable recommendation. Intern DeLoach seconded. Motion passed 8-0-0. o A motion failed to amend the amount to $300 by a vote of 1-7-1. EWB, AEI, and ASHRAE– Vice Chair Grittman moved to pass the bills out of committee with a favorable recommendation. At Large Kneale seconded. Motion passed 8-0-0. ADJOURN | At Large Kneale adjourned the meeting at 6pm. The next College Allocations Committee meeting will be on Sunday, October 27, 2013 at 8:00pm in Union 226. Tuesday, October 22, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 2 Respectfully Submitted, Mason Grittman College Allocations Committee Vice Chair 785-224-4903 | mgrit25@ksu.edu Tuesday, October 22, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION COLLEGE ALLOCATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2013 CALL TO ORDER | Chair Mong called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. in Union 226. ROLL CALL Member Mackenzie Mong Mason Grittman Molly Wessling Nickolas Thibault Jordan Pieschl Stephen Kucera Amanda Osarczuk Jordan DeLoach Mollie Hart Wyatt Pracht Cidra Husseini Kyle Kneale Position Chair Vice-Chair Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Intern Intern Intern At-Large At-Large Present X X X X Excused Unexcused X X X X X X X X Voting Members: 6, not quorum… ANNOUNCEMENTS This is an unofficial meeting… Later in the week on Monday, we had a very short meeting to pass the legislation with quorum, which is where the vote totals come from below EARLY CHILDHOOD STUDENT ASSOCIATION (ECSA) Monthly meetings with guest speakers from the early childhood education occupation Community events participation including the PPP-on-P Fundraising includes T-Shirt sales and possibly an auction in the future Asking for funds to attend the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Conference in Washington, D.C. Bring back knowledge to the program students through a presentation during a ECSA meeting which is open to any student interested in early childhood education o Some of these majors could include Elementary Ed majors, Family Studies, and many others o Early Childhood is officially birth through age 8 Sunday, October 27, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 3 Learning something new every day! 2 non-members that are K-Staters are presenting at the conference and will later present to ECSA following the conference as well Requesting $400 for travel Discussion: o Like the event and that it markets to students in multiple majors o Spend a half hour discussing at their meeting, which is more concrete than what we sometimes here Intern Hart moved to allocate $400 for travel. Intern Deloach seconded. Motion passed 8-0-1. THERIOGENOLOGY CLUB Study of Reproduction in the College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) Student Chapter of the American Veterinary Medicine Association (SCAVMA) Symposium at Colorado State University Four students on the palpation team will compete at the national symposium o Palpation is rectally checking for pregnancy in cows, for those non-Ag majors like myself Student chapter covers the registration for the event Hands on experience with Wet Labs o Basically labs that teach a certain procedure or process Normally they are experiments that can’t be done at K-State Students will bring the experience from these wet labs and speakers back to other members of the CVM through a presentation at one of their monthly meetings which are open to any CVM student Requesting $475 for travel but only 4 student travelers, so the max we can fund is $400 Discussion: o Open to the college, but seemed slightly closed o Hard to find more relevant experience than wet labs for a CVM student o Any student can take the qualifying test to attend the conference and compete Intern Hart moved to allocate $400 for travel. Intern Pracht seconded. Motion passed 8-0-1. AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY (AFS) Sub-Chapter of the overall Kansas Chapter of AFS Asking funds for the Kansas Natural Resource Conference in Wichita Research will be presented at the conference by graduate schools throughout the state so students can gain knowledge about the industry One of the meetings after the event will include a presentation over the conference $50 registration fee for the conference is covered by students attending At this time, only 6 confirmed people are attending Requesting $850 for travel, but as of now, since we only have 6 guaranteed people, the max we can fund is $600 Discussion: o Worried about the surety of the number of travelers but like the event o The amounts are also unsure Sunday, October 27, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 Like funding $350 for hotel rooms (4 rooms) if ten people and $260 if six people and $100 for fuel, but food is the question Intern DeLoach moved to table the request. Intern Hart seconded. Motion passed. ALPHA KAPPA PSI (AKPSI) Business fraternity with all different majors, including a few non-business majors Visiting Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas to visit four different companies o CRM Studios, The Richards Group, The Dallas Cowboys Stadium, and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing Present about the trip at Chapter and at informational meetings for recruitment into AKPsi Discussion: o Stephen would “slobber over the chance to go on this trip” o Worried about how this knowledge is being disseminated to the rest of the college Accessibility is an issue because the presentation is only open to Chapter members o Also, we didn’t find it fair to discount the group by a large amount due to the number of students attending, which is 25 o Some members of the committee wanted to fully fund and some wanted to fund $800 and some $900 (2 people for each), so unlike the U.S. government, we compromised to $900 Intern Hart moved to allocate $900 for travel. Senator Wessling seconded. Motion passed 8-0-1. LEGISLATION PASSED OUT OF COMMITTEE The following pieces of legislation will be passed out of committee with corresponding authors: ECSA – Senator Wessling will author Theriogenology Club – Senator Thibault will author AKPsi – Senator Kucera will author ADJOURN | Senator Wessling adjourned the meeting at 9:30pm. The next College Allocations Committee meeting will be on November 3, 2013 at 8:00pm in Union 226. Respectfully Submitted, Mason Grittman College Allocations Committee Vice Chair 785-224-4903 | mgrit25@ksu.edu Sunday, October 27, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION COLLEGE ALLOCATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2013 CALL TO ORDER | Chair Mong called the meeting to order at 8:03 p.m. in Union 226. ROLL CALL Member Mackenzie Mong Mason Grittman Molly Wessling Nickolas Thibault Jordan Pieschl Stephen Kucera Amanda Osarczuk Jordan DeLoach Mollie Hart Wyatt Pracht Morgan Denton Justin Haun Cidra Husseini Kyle Kneale Position Chair Vice-Chair Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Intern Intern Intern At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large Present X Excused Unexcused X X X X X X X X X X X X X Voting Members: 10 ANNOUNCEMENTS Introduced two new members! o At-Large Morgan Denton from the College of Architecture o At-Large Justin Haun from the College of Education We made Quorum! I wasn’t at the meeting but got the notes so I could send the minutes out, just so no one is confused Committee Ugly Sweater Christmas party and possibly Ice Skating tentatively on December 8th at 6pm LEGISLATION PASSED OUT OF COMMITTEE The following pieces of legislation will be passed out of committee with corresponding authors: ECSA– Intern DeLoach moved to pass the bill out of committee with a favorable recommendation. Senator Kucera seconded. Motion passed 9-0-1. Sunday, November 3, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 2 Theriogenology Club– Intern DeLoach moved to pass the bill out of committee with a favorable recommendation. Senator Wessling seconded. Motion passed 7-0-3. Alpha Kappa Psi– Intern Pracht moved to pass the bill out of committee with a favorable recommendation. At Large Kneale seconded. Motion passed 7-1-2. o Discussion was brought up about the UAC Blue Key Allocation. A committee member thought we should increase the allocation to $100 because if someone asked AKPsi to give a presentation, they probably would, just like Blue Key does. Plus the membership is exclusive in the same sense for both organizations. Another member described how he didn’t believe Blue Key only brings the knowledge back through their presentations Intern Hart moved to continue to hold the request for AFS in committee until more information is garnered. Intern Deloach Seconded. Motion passed. ADJOURN | Senator Kucera moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:43pm. The next College Allocations Committee meeting will be on Sunday, November 10, 2013 at 8:00pm in Union 226. Respectfully Submitted, Mason Grittman College Allocations Committee Vice Chair 785-224-4903 | mgrit25@ksu.edu Sunday, November 3, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION COLLEGE ALLOCATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2013 CALL TO ORDER | Chair Mong called the meeting to order at 8:03 p.m. in Union 226. ROLL CALL Member Mackenzie Mong Mason Grittman Molly Wessling Nickolas Thibault Jordan Pieschl Stephen Kucera Amanda Osarczuk Jordan DeLoach Mollie Hart Wyatt Pracht Morgan Denton Justin Haun Cidra Husseini Kyle Kneale Position Chair Vice-Chair Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Intern Intern Intern At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large Present X X Excused Unexcused X X X X X X X X X X X X Voting Members: 11 ANNOUNCEMENTS The Ohm request was found to be illegal by the state accountant KSU COLLEGIATE CATTLEWOMEN (CCW) National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Convention in Nashville, TN Workshops in the past have included industry leaders’ panel, young producers council (ages 18-35), and National Cattlewomen’s meetings Last year’s main speakers were the Tuohy’s (Real-life family from the Blind Side) and this year’s speaker is the actual Captain Phillips (movie recently came out based on his experience with Somali pirates) 25 women plus two advisors will be attending Cattle producers from across the U.S. of both sexes will be attending Applications were submitted by members to attend the conference Share knowledge gained with other members during a meeting Sunday, November 10, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 3 Booth at Open House and Beef promotions at marathons and at grocery stores promote what the organization learns at the conference Requesting $1,000 for travel Discussion: o Great Trip!!! o Intern Hart has no “beef” with this request... Intern Hart moved to allocate $1,000 for travel. At-Large Kneale seconded. Motion passed 11-00. GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDANT’S ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (GCSAA) National Turf Grass Convention in Orando, FL Vendors and Superintendants from around the company attend o Provides a fantastic opportunity for networking for students Great chance to attain student internships Compete in a four hour turf grass competition while at the conference Confirmed eight as of now with the possibility of four more Seminars at the conference will be talked out during a club meeting which is open to anyone Discussion: o Like the event a lot, but only eight people are confirmed attending as of now Intern DeLoach moved to allocate $800 for travel. Intern Hart seconded. Motion passed 9-0-2. ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING SOCIETY (IES) Architectural engineering organization that act as liaisons between the lighting industry and the department Assisted with a recent renovation of their department’s lighting Organization for each specialty of architectural engineering and this is the one for lighting LightFair International event allows students to see the leading technologies in the lighting industries Includes tours of facilities in the industry and teaches students about upcoming technologies Wanting to push K-State towards more sustainable lighting technologies IES was at the forefront of K-State’s campus transition to LED lighting a few years ago! There will be a group meeting to discuss the conference following the event that is open to all students in the college They sell BURRITOS! As a fundraiser!!! Discussion: o Awesome fundraising o Campus advocacy is fantastic! Intern DeLoach moved to allocate $800 for travel. At Large Haun seconded. Motion passed 110-0. Sunday, November 10, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 LEGISLATION PASSED OUT OF COMMITTEE The following pieces of legislation will be passed out of committee with corresponding authors: CCW– Intern Pracht will author GCSAA– Intern DeLoach will author IES– Senator Kucera will author ADJOURN | At Large Kneale adjourned the meeting at 8:43pm. The next College Allocations Committee meeting will be on Sunday, November 10, 2013 at 8:00pm in Union 226. Respectfully Submitted, Mason Grittman College Allocations Committee Vice Chair 785-224-4903 | mgrit25@ksu.edu Sunday, November 10, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION COLLEGE ALLOCATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2013 CALL TO ORDER | Chair Mong called the meeting to order unofficially at 8:04 p.m. in Union 226 due to lack of quorum. ROLL CALL Member Mackenzie Mong Mason Grittman Molly Wessling Nickolas Thibault Jordan Pieschl Stephen Kucera Amanda Osarczuk Jordan DeLoach Mollie Hart Wyatt Pracht Morgan Denton Justin Haun Cidra Husseini Kyle Kneale Position Chair Vice-Chair Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Intern Intern Intern At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large Present X Excused Unexcused X X X X X X X X X X X X Voting Members: 5 ANNOUNCEMENTS We didn’t make quorum tonight :( Our committee will have a meeting in the Union Courtyard tomorrow at 6:30pm Absences Overview o Excuses sent to the GroupMe will not be considered valid; they must either be sent to Mackenzie’s personal phone number or email to be considered o ONLY academic, illness, or emergency situations are considered excused, at the Chair's discretion; all others will most likely be considered unexcused o Only excuses received BEFORE noon on Sunday will be considered. Excuses received after that time will be invalid, no matter the reasoning Will deny funding to the Ohm since we can’t fund it during our meeting tomorrow Sunday, November 17, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 4 KSU CVM SCAAEP Organization within the College of Veterinary Medicine Various people in their profession come and speak to them about opportunities after school o These individuals have hosted wet labs for hands-on experience, too Didactic for first three years in the organization o Wet labs allow students the chance to actually touch animals, in this case, horses Students attending the conference are the ones most interested in studying horse medicine Eight third year students are attending this year o There is a wet lab every year specifically for third year students and 23 total wet labs are put on by professionals Wet labs from this event are later presented to the group at meetings o The group has invited the community to attend in the past o Hoping to become certified in the wet labs There are opportunities for different emergency courses at the event that are not included in the curriculum Wet labs are capped at 30 people and typically 20 Universities attend The organization provides lunch or dinner at every monthly meeting at $4/6 per person This event is the only traveling opportunity for third year students in vet school Assuming $3.25 per gallon, 670 miles each way, 20 mpg, and two vehicles leads to $435.50 of fuel costs Requesting $1,000 for travel, but only eight people are going, so the max we can fund is $800 Discussion: o Committee likes the idea in general o Hotel and food add up to $800 alone o Senator Thibault recommends we vote for $800 at the official meeting AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTURE STUDENTS (AIAS) Student chapter of the national professional organization Goal is to connect students to the community, education, professionals, and advance the art and science of architecture by involving the community Asking for funds to attend the national meeting of AIAS o Have two per year and past representation by K-State has been lacking o Want to have better attendance to show we are as good as our rankings show Funding is a large problem for the group o $300 registration fee alone o Educational tours are very expensive too ($30-$40 each) o $600 per student average out of pocket for conference o Flights paid for by individuals attending Portfolio and resume workshops will take place at the event o A well put together portfolio is ESSENTIAL to attain a job in the future Concepts about diagramming and new architecture ideas will also be shared at the event Members of the group and non-members that are also in the College of Architecture are allowed to attend Sunday, November 17, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 Great opportunity for mentoring and networking relationships to form Hoping to host a national meeting in the future at K-State o This will only happen if younger members become excited for it by attending Time at a group meeting on campus open to anyone is set aside time for students that go on the trip to present about the conference and the competitions they went to Each student will put together a powerpoint of what they learned, how they are bringing the knowledge back and why it applies to their education Eight people are for sure going on the trip The last time K-State students presented at the forum was four years ago with three students o Due to the budget, this has not been possible since The number attending would potentially be affected by our funding Design Intelligence ranked K-State’s Architecture College’s programs as: o Landscape Architecture #2 o Interior Architecture #7 o Architecture #8 All rankings include Ivy league schools, just fyi Requesting $800 for travel Discussion: o Committee thought that this event is exactly what we like to fund o See the value for K-State and getting our name out there o Senator Kucera thinks that the Architecture College rankings should be 'in a tweet' or something to build his social media platform; going to start a Facebook group page for himself separate from his own Facebook page o The committee feels very comfortable with $800 o Students learn portfolio skills, which the committee feels is extremely valuable o K-State value is also the potential of eventually having this conference here AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY (AFS) After receiving more information from a few weeks ago, we brought this request back up to reconsider it The organization is for sure taking 9 people now, so we can fund up to $900 of the $1,000 that they originally requested Feel that the food costs at over $13 per person per meal are a little high o Felt more comfortable with $300 for the weekend for all meals Request was for five hotel rooms, but there is no way that they could use that many with four people per room even with different sexes, so we knocked it down to four rooms at $100 per room, so about $400 Gas costs to Wichita are about $100, so we felt comfortable with that number Overall wanting to fund $800 for travel ADJOURN | The unofficial meeting was adjourned at 8:35pm. The next College Allocations Committee meeting will be tomorrow, November 18, 2013 at 6:30pm in the Union Courtyard. Sunday, November 17, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 Respectfully Submitted, Mason Grittman College Allocations Committee Vice Chair 785-224-4903 | mgrit25@ksu.edu Sunday, November 17, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION COLLEGE ALLOCATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2013 CALL TO ORDER | Chair Mong called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Union Courtyard. ROLL CALL Member Mackenzie Mong Mason Grittman Molly Wessling Nickolas Thibault Jordan Pieschl Stephen Kucera Amanda Osarczuk Jordan DeLoach Mollie Hart Wyatt Pracht Morgan Denton Justin Haun Cidra Husseini Kyle Kneale Position Chair Vice-Chair Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Intern Intern Intern At-Large At-Large At-Large At-Large Present X X X X Excused Unexcused X X X X X X X X X X Voting Members: 9 ANNOUNCEMENTS This is the very short version of our meeting from yesterday because we have quorum today! We had a brief discussion on Open House budgets and how we can attain the requests from the various college councils o The deadline for requests was the first Friday in November and not one request was turned in, so the committee was in favor of somehow extending the deadline to the Friday of “dead week” and better communicating with requestees KSU CVM SCAAEP Like the discussion from yesterday and the amount of $800 Vice Chair Grittman moved to allocate $800 for travel. Senator Kucera seconded. Motion passed 4-0-5. Sunday, , 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 2 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTURE STUDENTS (AIAS) Like the discussion from yesterday and the amount of $800 Senator Kucera moved to allocate $800 for travel. Vice Chair Grittman seconded. Motion passed 3-0-6. AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY (AFS) Like the discussion from yesterday and the amount of $800 Intern DeLoach moved to allocate $800 for travel. Senator Kucera seconded. Motion passed 90-0. LEGISLATION PASSED OUT OF COMMITTEE The following pieces of legislation will be passed out of committee with corresponding authors: KSU CVM SCAAEP– At Large Denton will author AIAS– Senator Wessling will author AFS– Senator Thibault will author GSCAA, CAA, and IEU– Senator Kucera moved to pass the bills out of committee with a favorable recommendation. Intern DeLoach seconded. Motion passed 7-0-2. ADJOURN | Senator Kucera adjourned the meeting at 6:44pm. The next College Allocations Committee meeting will be on Sunday, December 1, 2013 at 8:00pm in Union 226. Respectfully Submitted, Mason Grittman College Allocations Committee Vice Chair 785-224-4903 | mgrit25@ksu.edu Sunday, , 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION COLLEGE ALLOCATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES SUNDAY, JANUARY 26, 2013 CALL TO ORDER | Chair Mong called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m. in Union 226. ROLL CALL Member Mackenzie Mong Mason Grittman Molly Wessling Nickolas Thibault Nathan Laudan Stephen Kucera Amanda Osarczuk Jordan DeLoach Mollie Hart Abby Steiner Morgan Denton Kyle Kneale Cierra Patterson Position Chair Vice-Chair Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Intern Intern Intern At-Large At-Large At-Large Present X X X X X X Excused Unexcused X X X X X X X Voting Members: 11 ANNOUNCEMENTS We have new committee members!!! “You can’t judge a person by his tail”- Chair Mong describing a supervillian Chair Mong- “What’s your favorite superhero?” Senator Kucera- “For favorite soundtrack, I like Batman…” Speaker Nuss- “My favorite superhero is EcoKat” o Boom, boom- chic Intern DeLoach moved to change the meeting time next week to 2pm. Senator Kucera seconded. Motion passed. o Due to the Super Bowl! Enjoy the commercials and the game! We have $10,000 total for Open House requests EDUCATION OPEN HOUSE Provide an opportunity for students to grow professionally and become prepared o Gain professional hours during weekly club meetings Sunday, January 26, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 4 Coordinates 12 organizations to attract students to the College Interact with potential students and their families as well as individuals from the community Represent K-State College of Education to the community and all attendees Bouncy houses and miniature train rides, as well as other interactive activities Requesting $915 Discussion: o Like the supplies request ($150), but we can’t fund the balloons ($100) because they’re not reusable. We will look to fund the “fun” items after we hear all requests. We want to make sure all “essentials” are funded first. HUMAN ECOLOGY OPEN HOUSE One of the biggest events for the college Networking with community members, students, and alumni 12 student organizations will be participating o All will be hosting a booth to promote their club $200 in student organization funding and the Dean of the college funds $450 Requesting $2,112.10 Discussion: o Overall a little high, but not unreasonable o Want to verify that all supplies requested are reusable Accountant Amy will be checked with to verify what is and isn’t reusable STUDENT CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (SCAVMA) Serves as an umbrella organization for all other organizations in the college o 16 total organizations under their jurisdiction Work closely with the state, alumni, and faculty of the college Host wet labs, speakers, etc. for members of the college Requesting funds for Open House/One Health Expanding on what was done in the past One Health combines animal, human, and environmental health Focus on zoonotic diseases o These are ones that can be transmitted from humans to animals and vice-versa Rabies, for example Bovine Practitioners focus on pink eye in cattle and humans Hoping to draw the public in and teach them about the diseases Passport program is held during the event to encourage visitors to attend the booth/event of each organization o Mainly geared towards children Flea Jump-Around at the event (bouncy castle) Red Cross will be doing first aid and CPR basic training o Not certifications, but wanting to educate the public on health Requesting $1,000 for supplies for organizations Sunday, January 26, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 Discussion: o Really like their idea and how they’ve organized the event o If we were deciding tonight, we would want to fully fund Vice Chair Grittman moved to table the requests to SCAVMA, Human Ecology Open House, and Education Open House. At Large Kneale seconded. Motion passed. AMERICAN CRIMINAL JUSTICE ASSOCIATION (ACJA) New academic co-ed fraternity officially named Lambda Alpha Epsilon o Kappa Sigma Upsilon (KSU!) local chapter Got to pick their name and what a great choice! Open to all criminology majors and anyone interested in the field Present speakers from the field, such as the FBI, KBI, ATF, Boarder Patrol, Sheriff’s Office, etc. Learn the resources available to people in the community Wanting funds to attend the National Conference from March 9-14, 2014 o Gun shooting competition o Crime-scene investigation o Testing about the subject matter o Ranked overall as a school in a variety of categories Current fundraisers are going towards preparing the team members for the national competition Job fair is held during the event as well for a great networking opportunity Helps to expand on K-State’s Criminology awareness nationally Many other chapters haven’t go to nationals within their first 5 years and our organization is only in their third year on campus 8 people confirmed and a possibility of 2 more Possible fundraising idea to have a crime-scene investigation on campus Speakers during the club meetings are open to anyone o Have many people attend that aren’t members Adrian Diaz attended a meeting last year Requesting $1,000 for travel o Currently can only fund $800 because that is the number of confirmed attendees Discussion: o Like the event and the initiative o Wanting to fully fund as much as we can, if there are 10 attendees o Tabling the motion because we want to see if they can confirm 10 attendees At Large Kneale moved to table ACJA. Senator Laudan seconded. Motion passed. LEGISLATION PASSED OUT OF COMMITTEE No Legislation passed out of committee tonight ADJOURN | Intern DeLoach adjourned the meeting at 9:30pm. The next College Allocations Committee meeting will be on Sunday, February 2, 2013 at 2:00pm in Union 226. Sunday, January 26, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 Respectfully Submitted, Mason Grittman College Allocations Committee Vice Chair 785-224-4903 | mgrit25@ksu.edu Sunday, January 26, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION COLLEGE ALLOCATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2013 CALL TO ORDER | Chair Mong called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m. in Union 226. ROLL CALL Member Mackenzie Mong Mason Grittman Molly Wessling Nickolas Thibault Nathan Laudan Stephen Kucera Amanda Osarczuk Jordan DeLoach Mollie Hart Abby Steiner Morgan Denton Kyle Kneale Cierra Patterson Position Chair Vice-Chair Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Intern Intern Intern At-Large At-Large At-Large Present X X Excused Unexcused X X X X X X X X X X X Voting Members: 10 At Large Kneale was proxy for Senator Wessling. Senator Kucera was proxy for Intern Hart. Intern DeLoach was proxy for Senator Laudan. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chair Mong didn’t know who Blake Slaughter is… Learned all about Private Equity and investing today during our meeting! Had a discussion about whether we should list Open House requests as Promotions and Open House or just as all Open House Tell Chair Mong (personally, not via GroupMe) if you can’t be present at a meeting As a review, our CAC Standards are: 1. Student opportunity 2. Bringing it back (travel only) 3. K-State value (does it represent K-State well? positively increase reputation?) 4. Organization effort (includes fundraising and presentation) 5. Educational value (substance > fluff) Sunday, February 9, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 3 STUDENT FINANCE ASSOCIATION (SFA) Trip to NYC to visit hedge fund manager, national rating agencies, investment banks, fixed income manager, and the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) o March 4-9, 2014 Taking 10-12 of the most involved students in the club 90-95 students attend the meetings on a regular basis Visit K-State alumni while on the trip as well The trip is funded by the students attending, approximately $500 per student Spread the name of K-State to investment banks and firms while on the trip The organization is open to anyone and everyone is encouraged to attend the meetings Pictures and information from the trip will be posted on the website Finance 450 mentoring is done by students in this club Requesting $1,000 for travel Discussion: o The trip is SOOOO cool o Slightly worried about the knowledge brought back but the website and tutoring makes up for it we thought Intern DeLoach moved to allocate $1,000 for travel. At Large Kneale seconded. Motion passed 9-0-1. SIGMA TAU DELTA Organization in the English Department that focuses on promoting literacy across campus Trying to create relationships in the community with various tutoring centers Four students are attending the Sigma Tau Delta Convention in Savannah, GA o Two will be presenting research and received scholarships for the trip Most ever undergraduate attendance at the convention Panels, presentations, and workshops will be given by famous authors, professors, and students Requesting $200 for two student travelers Discussion: o Really like the honesty of the club by only requesting for $200 because they could have requested $400 o Like that the club promotes research for other English majors Intern DeLoach moved to allocate $200 for travel. At Large Kneale seconded. Motion passed 10-0-0. PRE-DENTAL CLUB Active club in oral health education o Visit elementary schools in the community and stress oral health awareness Bring speakers in from around the community to present Did a “K-State Dentistry” shirt fundraiser that they sold to alumni Kansas Mission of Mercy event in Dodge City o Free oral health care for anyone in the community Mainly attend for volunteering and shadowing the professionals Sunday, February 9, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 30 students are attending 2 working days at the event Requesting $940 for travel Discussion: o Like the value that the event provides o A large population of students attending o HUGE learning event for these students Occupational and people skills gained Senator Kucera moved to allocate $940 for travel. At Large Kneale seconded. Motion passed 10-0-0. Vice Chair Grittman moved to table the Open House requests until next week pending a discussion with Treasurer Kennedy related to what we can and can’t fund. At Large Patterson seconded. Motion passed 5-0-5. LEGISLATION PASSED OUT OF COMMITTEE SFA– Senator Thibault will author Sigma Tau Delta– Intern Steiner will author Pre-Dental Club– Intern DeLoach will author Intern DeLoach moved to change the recommended amount for ACJA to $800. Senator Kucera seconded. Motion passed 10-0-0. ACJA– Senator Kucera moved to pass the bill out of committee with a favorable recommendation. Intern Steiner seconded. Motion passed 10-0-0. ADJOURN | Vice Chair Grittman adjourned the meeting at 9:20pm. The next College Allocations Committee meeting will be on Sunday, February 16, 2013 at 8:00pm in Union 226. Respectfully Submitted, Mason Grittman College Allocations Committee Vice Chair 785-224-4903 | mgrit25@ksu.edu Sunday, February 9, 2013 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION COLLEGE ALLOCATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2014 CALL TO ORDER | Chair Mong called the meeting to order at 8:03p.m. in Union 226. ROLL CALL Member Mackenzie Mong Mason Grittman Molly Wessling Nickolas Thibault Nathan Laudan Stephen Kucera Amanda Osarczuk Jordan DeLoach Mollie Hart Abby Steiner Morgan Denton Kyle Kneale Cierra Patterson Position Chair Vice-Chair Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Intern Intern Intern At-Large At-Large At-Large Present X X X X Excused Unexcused X X X X X X X X X Voting Members: 9 Intern Hart was proxy for Senator Laudan this week. ANNOUNCEMENTS Spread the word about upcoming elections! GRADUATE STUDENTS OF ECONOMICS (GSE) Club is made up of 35 students including 24 international students and 27 PhD students Members teach 9 principle econ courses and 8 intermediate ones Planning a trip to Topeka to learn more about the legislative process in the U.S. o Visiting the Kansas Legislative Research Department Use this information to better teach the econ courses at K-State Plan to make a presentation after returning from the trip About 20 members are attending Requesting $275 for travel Discussion: o Like that international K-State students are interacting with K-State legislators Sunday, February 16, 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 4 o Club members affect a large number of students at K-State through econ courses Senator Kucera moved to allocate $275 for travel. Intern DeLoach seconded. Motion passed 90-0. GAMMA THETA UPSILON (GTU) International Geographical Honor Society Further interest in geography through Geography Awareness Week and many other events Bringing Sanho Tree to K-State to discuss the War on Drugs o Fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, D.C. o Current Director of the Drug Policy Project o Presenting on “Has the War on Drugs Failed?” Use this knowledge while teaching Geography Courses Speaking on campus on Thursday, April 17th in Forum Hall with an expected attendance of 300-400 Received $900 from the College of Arts and Sciences and the Department of Geology Requesting $400 for LSE and $25 for Promotions Discussion: o Like that it’s an on-campus request, which we don’t see very often o Incredibly relevant topic! Senator Wessling moved to allocate $400 for LSE and $25 for promotions. Senator Thibault seconded. Motion passed 9-0-0. KSU SCULPTURE ALLIANCE (KSU SA) Travel twice a semester to various conferences Use these trips to network with professionals for graduate school and other contacts K-State is one of 23 schools internationally that use a continuous pouring method of sculpting metal Attending the University of West Georgia Sculpture Symposium where a new facility was just built and a new graduate program is starting soon Looking at a variety of new fundraising methods New techniques are gained from the conference and then disseminated to teachers who use it in the classroom 15 confirmed attendees Requesting $1,000 for travel Discussion: o Great that this knowledge can be brought back and taught at K-State o This is the first time this organization has requested from SGA! o They learn techniques that even their instructors don’t know Intern DeLoach moved to allocate $1,000 for travel. At Large Patterson seconded. Motion passed 9-0-0. ASSOCIATED GENERAL CONTRACTORS (AGC) Largest student organization in the Construction Science and Management Department in the College of Engineering Sunday, February 16, 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 Organize seminars for the Department throughout the year Participate in work projects in the community, especially Habitat for Humanity, and go on tours at local companies Attending the AGC National Convention in Las Vegas, NV on March 3rd Seminars will be held at the convention o Cover topics from construction safety to new trends in the industry 1,000s of vendors and other students attend the conference Last year, a speaker from the convention spoke at K-State after the conference Students that attend will disseminate the knowledge gained to the rest of the Chapter Received 4th best Chapter overall in the country last year Requesting $500 for travel Discussion: o Trip has a large amount of educational value o Finished top 4 in the nation last year, which is awesome! Intern DeLoach moved to allocate $500 for travel. Senator Wessling seconded. Motion passed 9-0-0. OPEN HOUSE DISCUSSION We reviewed whether to classify the signs for the College of Ag Open House are under Promotions or the Open House Budget with the help of Treasurer Kennedy Treasurer Kennedy decided that the signs are not promotions, but rather, are considered under the Open House budget LEGISLATION PASSED OUT OF COMMITTEE GSE – At Large Denton will author GTU – Senator Wessling will author KSU SA – Vice Chair Grittman will author AGC – Intern Hart will author Open House Legislation – o Senator Kucera moved to amend the Allocation to College of Agriculture Student Council to delete line 28 and amend line 29 to read “$2,530” instead of “$1,930.” Intern DeLoach seconded. Motion passed 8-0-1. o Vice Chair Grittman moved to amend the Allocation to Education Student Council by deleting line 23, replacing line 24 with “Open House” as the category, “$915” as the request, and “$815” as the recommendation. Senator Kucera seconded. Motion passed 9-0-0. o Vice Chair Grittman moved to amend the “Project 1” line under all Open House bills to read “Open House; College of ___ (respective college); April 5, 2014.” Senator Wessling seconded. Motion passed 9-0-0. o Intern DeLoach moved to pass all Open House bills out of committee with a favorable recommendation. Senator Kucera seconded. Motion passed 9-0-0. Student Finance Association, Pre-Dental Club, and Sigma Tau Delta- Intern DeLoach moved to pass all three bills out of committee with a favorable recommendation. Senator Wessling seconded. Motion passed 9-0-0. Sunday, February 16, 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 ADJOURN | Vice Chair Grittman adjourned the meeting at 9:33pm. The next College Allocations Committee meeting will be on Sunday, February 23, 2014 at 8:00pm in Union 226. Respectfully Submitted, Mason Grittman College Allocations Committee Vice Chair 785-224-4903 | mgrit25@ksu.edu Sunday, February 16, 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION COLLEGE ALLOCATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2014 CALL TO ORDER | Chair Mong called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. in Union 226. ROLL CALL Member Mackenzie Mong Mason Grittman Molly Wessling Nickolas Thibault Nathan Laudan Stephen Kucera Amanda Osarczuk Jordan DeLoach Mollie Hart Abby Steiner Morgan Denton Kyle Kneale Cierra Patterson Position Chair Vice-Chair Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Intern Intern Intern At-Large At-Large At-Large Present X X Excused Unexcused X X X X X X X X X X X Voting Members: 10 ANNOUNCEMENTS Great meeting tonight just over an hour! Talked about how cool SafeTrek is! Be sure to download it this week, FOR FREE! Aiming for PERFECT attendance next week! If we make it, Chair Mong is bringing treats!!! K-State Proud is this week! Distinguished Young Alumni Presentations on Tuesday evening UPC’s Dancing with the K-State Stars is immediately following Primary Elections are Tuesday/Wednesday of this week SOCIETY FOR HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (SHRM) National organization focused on HR Four members attending the Southwest Central Region Student Conference in Phoenix Learn about new topics associated with HRM Sunday, February 23, 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 3 Participating at the Case competition at the event o 3-4 hours to prepare a 5 page paper and a 20 minute presentation Last year’s team got first place at the Regional level and went on to the National level Students are paying whatever isn’t fundraised out of pocket Meeting following the conference will include a discussion of the topics at the conference Requesting $400 for Travel Discussion: o Represent K-State in a positive light! Intern DeLoach moved to allocate $400 for travel. Vice Chair Grittman seconded. Motion passed 10-0-0. ECONOMICS CLUB Host speakers and events that promote Economics Field trip to Boston, MA with 12 students Meeting with Bain Capital Executives and touring the company Visiting a Hedge fund as well Touring New Balance Sitting in on a Harvard Business School class hopefully Possibly going to see the Federal Reserve as well Doing a Skype session with the Senior Seminar Econ class and a Bain Capital Executive Discussing the trip at a club meeting following the event Requesting $1,000 for Travel Discussion: o Variety of events that bring back the knowledge in a very unique way o Experience is career relevant o Unique fundraising Intern DeLoach moved to allocate $1,000 for travel. Intern Hart seconded. Motion passed 10-00. ASSOCIATED GENERAL CONTRACTORS (AGC) Organization helps the industry disseminate information to students Visiting Goldsboro, NC to build or completely remodel a house 22 K-State students will be attending Driving 22 hours to North Carolina over spring break! Habitat costs listed on the BRF are for food and lodging About 1/3 of students attending haven’t done construction before and will be learning throughout the week Requesting $500 for Travel Discussion: o Looks great for K-State! o Hands on experience o Lots of people for not a lot of money o Community service o Harder to bring back the knowledge with a hands-on event like this, but the thought was that it was a relevant experience and therefore was educational Sunday, February 23, 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 Intern DeLoach moved to allocate $500 for travel. Senator Kucera seconded. Motion passed 100-0. Intern Steiner had to leave the meeting, so remaining vote totals are out of nine. LEGISLATION PASSED OUT OF COMMITTEE SHRM – Senator Thibault will author Econ Club – Senator Laudan will author AGC – Senator Kucera will author Sculpture Alliance– Intern Hart moved to pass the bill out of committee with a favorable recommendation. Intern DeLoach seconded. Motion passed 8-0-1. Graduate Students of Economics – Intern Kucera moved to pass the bill out of committee with a favorable recommendation. Senator Laudan seconded. Motion passed 8-0-1. Gamma Theta Upsilon – Intern DeLoach moved to pass the bill out of committee with a favorable recommendation. Senator Kucera seconded. Motion passed 8-0-1. Associated General Contractors – Intern Kucera moved to pass the bill out of committee with a favorable recommendation. At Large Patterson seconded. Motion passed 8-0-1. ADJOURN | Senator Laudan adjourned the meeting at 9:06pm. The next College Allocations Committee meeting will be on Sunday, March 2, 2014 at 8:00pm in Union 226. Respectfully Submitted, Mason Grittman College Allocations Committee Vice Chair 785-224-4903 | mgrit25@ksu.edu Sunday, February 23, 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION COLLEGE ALLOCATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 2014 CALL TO ORDER | Chair Mong called the meeting to order at 8:07 p.m. in Union 226. ROLL CALL Member Mackenzie Mong Mason Grittman Molly Wessling Nickolas Thibault Nathan Laudan Stephen Kucera Amanda Osarczuk Jordan DeLoach Mollie Hart Abby Steiner Morgan Denton Kyle Kneale Cierra Patterson Position Chair Vice-Chair Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Intern Intern Intern At-Large At-Large At-Large Present X X X X X X Excused Unexcused X X X X X X X Voting Members: 9 ANNOUNCEMENTS Finance Update: We’re working it out, but it doesn’t look good… We’re going to run out of money! So close to full attendance again! Next meeting is the day before classes start after Spring Break at Bluestem at 10pm! o Sunday, March 23, 2014!!! Spring Break is five days away! NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS (NSBE) Promote black culture educationally and professionally Host companies, social events, study halls, and Engineering the Dream (event for middle school students) Attending the 40th National Convention in Nashville, TN Work on communications skills and networking with companies and other students All eight students that attend will present on what they learned at a NSBE meeting Sunday, March 9, 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 4 Requesting $800 for travel Discussion: o Struggling with the educational value of the event Feel that there is as much as many of the other events that we’ve funded o Impressive fundraising numbers Vice Chair Grittman moved to recommend $800 for travel next meeting. The committee supported the recommendation. PI OMEGA PI (POP) Business education club Three students visiting the National Business Education Association Conference in Las Angeles, CA Attending sessions on teaching business classes Learn about the newest technologies in the field Members will be presenting a session on the topic: “How are military families perceived by college-aged students and what is the impact on military kids in the schools?” Will be presenting their research on campus following the event at the Education Student Council as well Requesting $300 for travel Discussion: o Like the uniqueness of the conference and the presentation o Relatable to the Manhattan community o The conference is a huge opportunity for these individuals Intern DeLoach moved to recommend $300 for travel next meeting. The committee supported the recommendation. AGRICTULTURE ECONOMICS AND AGRIBUSINESS CLUB (AGECON) Industry professionals speak at meetings and the club takes trips to various businesses Taking a contingent on a two day trip to Cobank, an agricultural credit bank for cooperatives and JBS, the largest multinational food processor in the world 20 members will be attending April 10-12 CoBank will be presenting on campus following the trip, with presenters from the club offering presentations as well Possibly visiting the U.S. Mint too Requesting $1,000 for travel Discussion: o This organization brings a lot of value to the College of Agriculture Senator Kucera moved to recommend $1,000 for travel next meeting. The committee supported the recommendation. PHI MU ALPHA (PMA) Social music fraternity on campus Bringing in Brett Valliant to present on campus Last year, he presented a silent opera on campus with about 100 people in attendance Sunday, March 9, 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 o Hoping for even more attendance this year! World renowned organist who will be performing in the recently renovated All Faiths Chapel Offering private lessons to organist students while on campus Requesting $300 for LSE Discussion: o Counts for recital attendance for music majors o For those who don’t know, Senator Kucera informed us that you watch a silent film and the individual plays the organ to the scenes shown o Like that it’s an on campus request Intern DeLoach moved to recommend $300 for LSE next meeting. The committee supported the recommendation. KSU BLOCK AND BRIDLE (BAB) Attending the National Block and Bridle Convention in Springfield, MO Host seminars, go on industry tours, and network with students and industry professionals A presentation will be given at a BAB meeting about the new technologies in the industry and other knowledge gained from the convention Requesting $1,000 for travel Discussion: o Similar to other requests that we heard tonight Vice Chair Grittman moved to recommend $1,000 for travel next meeting. The committee supported the recommendation. HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT SOCIETY (HMS) This organization did not visit our committee to discuss Attending the National Restaurant Association Food Show There will be educational sessions and they will host a booth at the trade show Requesting $1,000 for travel Discussion: o The committee didn’t feel comfortable fully funding the event without more information from a speaker o The organization only got one opportunity to attend and didn’t respond Other organizations have multiple opportunities Don’t want to fully penalize them by not funding the trip at all Vice Chair Grittman moved to recommend $500 for travel next meeting. The committee supported the recommendation. INVESTMENT CLUB (IC) This organization did not visit our committee to discuss Visiting Chicago, IL via charter bus with 30-40 students to various institutions o Morningstar, Chicago Board of Trade, and the Chicago board of Options Exchange The organization only filled out half of the pages of the budget request form Requesting $1,000 for travel Sunday, March 9, 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 Discussion: o Don’t feel comfortable funding without a full budget request form and no information from a speaker Senator Laudan moved to deny funding to the Investment Club. Intern Hart seconded. Motion passed 8-1-0. ADJOURN | Intern DeLoach adjourned the meeting at 9:34pm. The next College Allocations Committee meeting will be on Sunday, March 23, 2014 at 10:00pm at Bluestem Bistro. Respectfully Submitted, Mason Grittman College Allocations Committee Vice Chair 785-224-4903 | mgrit25@ksu.edu Sunday, March 9, 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION COLLEGE ALLOCATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2014 CALL TO ORDER | Chair Mong called the meeting to order at 9:07 p.m. in Hale 401. ROLL CALL Member Mackenzie Mong Mason Grittman Molly Wessling Nickolas Thibault Nathan Laudan Stephen Kucera Amanda Osarczuk Jordan DeLoach Mollie Hart Abby Steiner Morgan Denton Kyle Kneale Cierra Patterson Position Chair Vice-Chair Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Intern Intern Intern At-Large At-Large At-Large Present X X Excused Unexcused X X X X X X X X X X X Voting Members: 7, not quorum… ANNOUNCEMENTS Tonight’s meeting is unofficial. Votes will take place during tomorrow’s meeting PRE-MED CLUB The organization did not visit our meeting We can’t tell what they’re requesting money for Requesting $550 for promotions o $500 of the promotions are things that we can’t fund Suggest denying funding when we meet quorum. MEAT SCIENCE ASSOCIATION (MSA) Connect the Department of Animal Science and the College of Agriculture to the Meat Science Industry BBQ Bootcamp Sunday, March 23, 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 4 o Competition on the Weber lawn between Animal Science grad students o Open to the public during open house o Coincide with the Little American Royal that takes place during Open House in Weber Hall o Will be describing meat cooking methods, cutting methods, marination, safe handling, etc. Requesting $750 of the total expenses which are: $80 for promotions, $736 for rent of equipment, and $410 for supplies (food) o Can’t fund the food Discussion: o Comfortable funding the whole $750 Suggest funding $80 for promotions and $670 for rent of equipment. HORTICULTURE CLUB The organization did not visit our meeting because they are on their way back from Colorado on a group trip We can’t tell what event they’re requesting money for Requesting $750 for promotions Discussion: o Sending them an email with questions ENGINEERING AMBASSADORS (ENGG AMB) – FY2015 Represent the College of Engineering in on-campus tours and off-campus events National Engineering Ambassadors Network Conference in Washington, D.C. Networking with other organizations throughout the country to improve the organization Five members will be attending the trip Requesting $1,000 for travel o Can only fund $500 due to five travelers Discussion: o Like the event as much as other similar ones Suggest full funding. STUDENT SPEECH LANGUAGE HEARING ASSOCIATION (SSLHA) The organization did not visit our meeting, but they told Chair Mong ahead of time Attending Kansas Speech Hearing Association (KSHA) Annual Conference Requesting $1,000 for travel Discussion: o Sending them an email with questions SOCIETY OF MANUFACTURING ENGINEERS (SME) – FY2015 Create and sell 100 K-State spatulas per year o Picture shown below! o Made completely by hand except the CNC work CNC is a metal cutting machine, just so everyone knows Sunday, March 23, 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 Hands on experience for club members. o Some examples are: Welding Metal Polishing Sanding The club visits trade shows and plant tours once a year Visiting the International Manufacturers Technology Show o Latest and greatest technology o Tour a plant on the way to the trade show Share the information gained at an IMSE Assembly Also go to freshman introductory classes every fall to describe what the club does Over ten people will be visiting the trade show in Chicago Requesting $1,000 for travel Discussion: o Unique way to bring the knowledge back through the IMSE Assembly Suggest full funding. SOCIETY OF HISPANIC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS (SHPE) Connect engineers and the Hispanic culture within the college, university, and local community Visiting the Regional Leadership Development Conference at the Colorado School of Mines o Workshops o Career Fair o Corporate tours o Corporate lunch o Prepares young students to become executive members in SHPE and gain valuable leadership traits o Gain ideas from other Chapters on “best practices” Goal is to take ten members Fundraise every year with a Tamale sale o Doing a dunk tank and Jayhawk piñata’s for fundraising this year too! Participants will give a presentation to the organization following the event Requesting $1,000 for travel Discussion: o Not sure on the number of attendees o Unsure of educational value Seems to only be about bettering the club o Promoting the club improves the club overall which improves the college We will talk more tomorrow about whether we want to fully or partially fund. Sunday, March 23, 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 INVESTMENT CLUB (IC) Club supporting the Certificate of Investment Management in the Finance Department Visiting Chicago in April via Charter bus o 30-40 students are expected to attend Each student will pay about $200 for the trip out of pocket Morningstar Equity Firm, Exchanges, etc. will be visited Recap the trip at a club meeting following the trip Requesting $1,000 for travel Discussion: o Impacts a large number of students o Requested funding from an alumnus for the fall trip that they took Like the unique fundraising Suggest fully funding. HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT SOCIETY (HMS) Introductory club for Hotel and Restaurant Management Department o Introduce students to all three majors in the department Each person in the department is required to participate in three different internships Club is traveling to the National Restaurant Association Food Show in Chicago Host a booth at the event to promote K-State Attend education sessions and network with industry professionals Opens up options for students in the major to network with national and international employers Six students and four faculty are signed up Requesting $1,000 for travel o Can only fund $600 due to the number of travelers Discussion: o Like the event o The speaker felt that his major was the most thankless of any on campus, so be sure to thank your event planners and servers while at fancy events! Suggest fully funding. ADJOURN | Vice Chair Grittman adjourned the meeting at 10:54pm. The next College Allocations Committee meeting will be tomorrow, Monday, March 24, 2014 at 9:00pm in Radina’s Coffee Shop in Aggieville. Respectfully Submitted, Mason Grittman College Allocations Committee Vice Chair 785-224-4903 | mgrit25@ksu.edu Sunday, March 23, 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION COLLEGE ALLOCATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2014 CALL TO ORDER | Chair Mong called the meeting to order at 9:22 p.m. in Radina’s in Aggieville. ROLL CALL Member Mackenzie Mong Mason Grittman Molly Wessling Nickolas Thibault Nathan Laudan Stephen Kucera Amanda Osarczuk Jordan DeLoach Mollie Hart Abby Steiner Morgan Denton Kyle Kneale Cierra Patterson Position Chair Vice-Chair Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Intern Intern Intern At-Large At-Large At-Large Present X X Excused Unexcused X X X X X X X X X X X Voting Members: 7 with 2 proxies At large Kneale was proxy for Senator Wessling Intern Hart was proxy for Senator Laudan ANNOUNCEMENTS AND UPDATES FROM LAST NIGHT’S MEETING We can allocate the full $1,000 to Society of Manufacturing Engineers because they are taking 11 people SHPE will be taking a confirmed ten student travelers o Briefly discussed the educational value Add diversity to the college Brings knowledge back to the campus through collaboration with other honoraries Some members were unsure of whether it offered enough educational value o The committee compromised to support the organization with $800 Horticulture Club didn’t respond to our email… Sunday, , 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 3 Student Speech Language Hearing Association (SSLHA) o All participants will be volunteering at the conference o Like that they responded in detail to our email o Want to fund a reasonable amount for the gas to KC and back o Felt that up to four cars at $75 round trip per car ($300) is a reasonable total Intern Hart moved to allocate $800 for Travel to the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE). Senator Kucera seconded. Motion passed 9-0-0. Intern DeLoach moved to allocate $1,000 for Travel to the KSU Block and Bridle (BB). Senator Kucera seconded. Motion passed 9-0-0. Intern DeLoach moved to allocate $300 for Travel to the Pi Omega Pi (POP). Senator Kucera seconded. Motion passed 9-0-0. Senator Kucera moved to allocate $300 for LSE Fee to the Phi Mu Alpha (PMA). Intern Hart seconded. Motion passed 8-0-1. Intern DeLoach moved to allocate $600 for Travel to the Hospitality Management Society (HMS). Intern Hart seconded. Motion passed 9-0-0. Intern DeLoach moved to allocate $1,000 for Travel to the Agriculture Economics and AgriBusiness Club (Ag-Econ). Intern Hart seconded. Motion passed 9-0-0. Senator Kucera moved to allocate $1,000 for Travel to the Investment Club (IC). Intern Hart seconded. Motion passed 9-0-0. Senator Kucera moved to deny funding to KSU Pre-Med Club. At Large Kneale seconded. Motion passed 9-0-0. Intern Hart moved to allocate $670 for Rent of Equipment and $80 for Promotions to the Meat Science Association (MSA). Vice Chair Grittman seconded. Motion passed 9-0-0. Intern Hart moved to deny funding to the Horticulture Club. At large Denton seconded. Motion passed 9-0-0. Intern Hart moved to allocate $500 for Travel to Engineering Ambassadors (EnggAmb). Senator Thibault seconded. Motion passed 9-0-0. Intern Hart moved to allocate $300 for Travel to the Student Speech Language Hearing Association (SSLHA). At large Kneale seconded. Motion passed 9-0-0. Intern Hart moved to allocate $1,000 for Travel to the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME). Senator Kucera seconded. Motion passed 9-0-0. Sunday, , 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 Intern Hart moved to allocate $800 for Travel to the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE). Intern DeLoach seconded. Motion passed 6-2-1. LEGISLATION PASSED OUT OF COMMITTEE NSBE – Intern Hart will author BB – Senator Thibault will author POP – At large Denton will author PMA – Senator Kucera will author HMS – Chair Mong will author Ag Econ – Vice Chair Grittman will author IC – Senator Thibault will author MSA – Vice Chair Grittman will author EnggAmb – Intern DeLoach will author SSLHA – Chair Mong will author SME – Intern DeLoach will author SHPE – Senator Kucera will author ADJOURN | Senator Kucera adjourned the meeting at 10:26pm. The next College Allocations Committee meeting will be on Sunday, March 30, 2014 at 7:00pm at La Fiesta! Respectfully Submitted, Mason Grittman College Allocations Committee Vice Chair 785-224-4903 | mgrit25@ksu.edu Sunday, , 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION COLLEGE ALLOCATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 2014 CALL TO ORDER | Chair Mong called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. at La Fiesta. ROLL CALL Member Mackenzie Mong Mason Grittman Molly Wessling Nickolas Thibault Nathan Laudan Stephen Kucera Amanda Osarczuk Jordan DeLoach Mollie Hart Abby Steiner Morgan Denton Kyle Kneale Cierra Patterson Position Chair Vice-Chair Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Intern Intern Intern At-Large At-Large At-Large Present X X X Excused Unexcused X X X X X X X X X X Voting Members: 7, with 2 proxies At large Kneale proxied for Senator Thibault Senator Kucera proxied for Intern Hart ANNOUNCEMENTS Last meeting of the year! Shortest meeting of the year! LEGISLATION PASSED OUT OF COMMITTEE MSA, PMA, POP, AgEcon, HMS, BaB, EnggAmb, SME, SSLHA, SHPE – Intern DeLoach moved to pass all of the bills out of committee with a favorable recommendation. Senator Kucera seconded. Motion passed 9-0-0. ADJOURN | At large Kneale adjourned the meeting at 7:21pm. Sunday, March 30, 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 2 Respectfully Submitted, Mason Grittman College Allocations Committee Vice Chair 785-224-4903 | mgrit25@ksu.edu Sunday, March 30, 2014 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2