An Interface Layer for Machine Verification Andrei Lapets February 24, 2010 An Interface Layer for Machine Verification (of Formal Reasoning) Andrei Lapets February 24, 2010 “formal reasoning” • mental manipulation of abstract mathematical concepts (numbers, sets, vectors, graphs, functions, lists, arrays) – in a classroom setting (examples, assignments) – in novel research in other areas of study (scheduling, cryptography, networking) • examples of the kinds of formal reasoning we are interested in corroborating… algebra (mathematics) Assert for any n, m ∈ Z, m 6= 0, n and m are relatively prime, √ 2 = n/m implies √ that m · √2 = m · (n/m), m · √2 = n, (m · 2)2 = n2 , √ 2 2 m · 2 = n2 , m2 · 2 = n2 , n2 = m2 · 2, n2 = 2 · m2 , n2 is even, n is even, and n2 = (2 · (n/2))2 , n2 = 22 · ((n/2)2 ), n2 = 4 · ((n/2)2 ), 2 · m2 = 4 · (n/2)2 , m2 = 2 · (n/2)2 , m2 is even, m is even, and GCF(m, n) ≥ 2, GCF(m, n) = 1, there is a contradiction. algebra (mathematics) Assume for all x, y, x0 , y 0 ∈ R, (x, y) + (x0 , y 0 ) = (x + x0 , y + y 0 ). Assert for any x, y, x0 , y 0 ∈ R, (x, y) + (x0 , y 0 ) = (x + x0 , y + y 0 ), x + x0 = x0 + x, y + y 0 = y 0 + y, (x + x0 , y + y 0 ) = (x0 + x, y 0 + y), (x0 + x, y 0 + y) = (x0 , y0 ) + (x, y), (x, y) + (x0 , y 0 ) = (x0 , y0 ) + (x, y). algebra (functional programming) Introduce #cons, nil#. Introduce #map#. Assume #\forall f. map f nil = nil#. Assume #\forall f,x,xs. map f (cons x xs) = cons (f x) (map f xs)#. Introduce #idf#. Assume #\forall x. idf x = x#. Assert # \forall x,xs. #. \Rightarrow \wedge map idf xs = xs cons x (map idf xs) = cons x xs map idf (cons x xs) = cons (idf x) (map idf xs) \wedge idf x = x \wedge \wedge \wedge map idf (cons x xs) = cons x (map idf xs) cons x (map idf xs) = cons x xs map idf (cons x xs) = cons x xs logic and set theory (DSL type systems) Assert for any M, I, O, C, C, C 0 , (M, I, O, C) : C, pre((M, I, O, C), C 0 ) V pre((M, I, O, C), C), and post((M, I, O, C), C) V post((M, I, O, C), C 0 ) implies that for any V , if V |= ((M, I, O, C) : C) then V |= pre((M, I, O, C), C 0 ) implies that V |= pre((M, I, O, C), C) and for all V 0 , if V ⊆ V 0 and for all K ∈ C, V 0 |= K then V 0 |= post((M, I, O, C), C), V 0 |= post((M, I, O, C), C 0 ). formal modeling (e.g. scheduling) Introduce T, T 0 . Assume T ∈ N, T 0 ∈ N, T ≥ 1, T0 ≥ T. Assert for any n ∈ N, a ∈ {0, 1}∗ , {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} ⊆ {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, for any S, S 0 , V, V 0 , S = {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)}, S 0 = {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, V = {ai |i ∈ S}, V 0 = {ai |i ∈ S 0 }, impliesP that P x∈V x ≤ x∈V 0 x. “(in)formal argument” “user” “verifier” “feedback” machine involvement… • a human activity (e.g. calculation or computation) might improve: accuracy/correctness capacity • … in formal reasoning improves: accuracy/correctness ? capacity domain domain model model “user context” domain model domain domain model model we seem to be stuck at the assembly language level Markus Wenzel. Isar - a generic interpretative approach to readable formal proof documents. In TPHOLs '99: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, pages 167-184, London, UK, 1999. Springer-Verlag. domain model domain domain model model domain model domain domain model model “simulated context” domain model domain model “comprehension” domain domain model model “verification” • large – containing many familiar syntactic idioms [1,2] – encompassing a library of facts and definitions [1,2,3] • indexed by structure – “retrieval by content rather than by name” [1,2] – “implicit arguments, explicit results” • flexible and aggressive – provides useful feedback for partial or complete arguments • supports construction of arguments in any order as in [1,2] – predicts the user’s understanding of an argument • this encompasses “automation” as in [1,2,3] 1. A. Abel, B. Chang, and F. Pfenning. Human-readable machine-veriable proofs for teaching constructive logic. In IJCAR Workshop on Proof Transformations, Proof Presentations and Complexity of Proofs (PTP01), 2001. 2. C. E. Brown. Verifying and Invalidating Textbook Proofs using Scunak. In Mathematical Knowledge Management, MKM 2006, pages 110–123, Wokingham, England, 2006. 3. F. Wiedijk. Comparing mathematical provers. In MKM '03: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management, pages 188-202, London, UK, 2003. Springer-Verlag. √ 2 is irrational Assert for any n, m ∈ Z, m 6= 0, n and m are relatively prime, √ 2 = n/m implies √ that m · √2 = m · (n/m), m · √2 = n, (m · 2)2 = n2 , √ 2 2 m · 2 = n2 , m2 · 2 = n2 , n2 = m2 · 2, n2 = 2 · m2 , n2 is even, n is even, and n2 = (2 · (n/2))2 , n2 = 22 · ((n/2)2 ), n2 = 4 · ((n/2)2 ), 2 · m2 = 4 · (n/2)2 , m2 = 2 · (n/2)2 , m2 is even, m is even, and GCF(m, n) ≥ 2, GCF(m, n) = 1, there is a contradiction. domain model domain model domain domain model model domain model domain model domain domain model model “aartifact" •syntactic •syntacticconstructs constructs •propositions •propositions parser parser inference inferencealg. alg. simulated static context (relational db) simulated dynamic context (executable) • interface (web, command line) – ASCII text input • other standards, such as MathML can easily be accommodated – raw input returned with highlights • syntax/parser – subset of LaTeX – supports user-defined predicate phrases, operators • context-sensitive parser built using functional combinators – no syntactic references to results, algorithms, etc. • basic inference/search algorithm – typical higher-order logic inference rules – limited recursive search for derivations – arguments processed sequentially ∆,Φ`e1 ∆,Φ`e2 ∆,Φ`e1 ∧e2 • large – containing many familiar syntactic idioms [1,2] – encompassing a library of facts and definitions [1,2,3] • indexed by structure – “retrieval by content rather than by name” [1,2] – “implicit arguments, explicit results” • flexible and aggressive – provides useful feedback for partial or complete arguments • supports construction of arguments in any order as in [1,2] – predicts the user’s understanding of an argument • this encompasses “automation” as in [1,2,3] 1. A. Abel, B. Chang, and F. Pfenning. Human-readable machine-veriable proofs for teaching constructive logic. In IJCAR Workshop on Proof Transformations, Proof Presentations and Complexity of Proofs (PTP01), 2001. 2. C. E. Brown. Verifying and Invalidating Textbook Proofs using Scunak. In Mathematical Knowledge Management, MKM 2006, pages 110–123, Wokingham, England, 2006. 3. F. Wiedijk. Comparing mathematical provers. In MKM '03: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management, pages 188-202, London, UK, 2003. Springer-Verlag. static context • simulates general user knowledge – ontology implemented using a relational database – expressions stored in a specialized representation – subexpression retrieval possible without iteration/recursion • indexed by syntax, concepts, and relationships • interface for manual, expert-directed, distributed management and expansion • retrieval – deliberate browsing, search – implicit (context- / syntax-directed inference) • large – containing many familiar syntactic idioms [1,2] – encompassing a library of facts and definitions [1,2,3] • indexed by structure – “retrieval by content rather than by name” [1,2] – “implicit arguments, explicit results” • flexible and aggressive – provides useful feedback for partial or complete arguments • supports construction of arguments in any order as in [1,2] – predicts the user’s understanding of an argument • this encompasses “automation” as in [1,2,3] 1. A. Abel, B. Chang, and F. Pfenning. Human-readable machine-veriable proofs for teaching constructive logic. In IJCAR Workshop on Proof Transformations, Proof Presentations and Complexity of Proofs (PTP01), 2001. 2. C. E. Brown. Verifying and Invalidating Textbook Proofs using Scunak. In Mathematical Knowledge Management, MKM 2006, pages 110–123, Wokingham, England, 2006. 3. F. Wiedijk. Comparing mathematical provers. In MKM '03: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management, pages 188-202, London, UK, 2003. Springer-Verlag. static context • inference propositions with single universal quantifier for all x. e1 (x) ∧ . . . ∧ en (x) ⇒ e(x) • syntax- and context-directed inference propositions with single universal quantifier considering e(x). e1 (x) ∧ . . . ∧ en (x) ⇒ e(x) in context for all x. e1 (x) ∧ . . . ∧ en (x) ⇒ e(x) •syntactic •syntacticconstructs constructs •propositions •propositions parser parser inference inferencealg. alg. simulated static context (relational db) simulated dynamic context (executable) dynamic context • simulates understanding of the argument at hand • data structure – tuple (E, Q, R) representing “working” context • E: set of all expressions/subexpressions encountered so far • Q: set of equivalence classes over E • R: hypergraph of predicate/relation hyperedges with node set Q • context-/syntax-directed inference algorithm – computes hypergraph closure • maintains marks/flags to track recently modified relations • only considers propositions from static context that involve recently modified relations • discards expressions and variables that fall out of scope • large – containing many familiar syntactic idioms [1,2] – encompassing a library of facts and definitions [1,2,3] • indexed by structure – “retrieval by content rather than by name” [1,2] – “implicit arguments, explicit results” • flexible and aggressive – provides useful feedback for partial or complete arguments • supports construction of arguments in any order as in [1,2] – predicts the user’s understanding of an argument • this encompasses “automation” as in [1,2,3] 1. A. Abel, B. Chang, and F. Pfenning. Human-readable machine-veriable proofs for teaching constructive logic. In IJCAR Workshop on Proof Transformations, Proof Presentations and Complexity of Proofs (PTP01), 2001. 2. C. E. Brown. Verifying and Invalidating Textbook Proofs using Scunak. In Mathematical Knowledge Management, MKM 2006, pages 110–123, Wokingham, England, 2006. 3. F. Wiedijk. Comparing mathematical provers. In MKM '03: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management, pages 188-202, London, UK, 2003. Springer-Verlag. σ0 …,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0… σ σ0 ≥ σ there is a contradiction there is a contradiction S is a set S S ⊆ S0 S0 x=y f is a total map from X to Y * is a set S x y f X Y * is a total map from * to * Introduce T , T 0 . Assume T ∈ N, T 0 ∈ N, T ≥ 1, T0 ≥ T. Assert for any n ∈ N, a ∈ {0, 1}∗ , {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} ⊆ {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, for any S, S 0 , V, V 0 , S = {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)}, S 0 = {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, V = {ai |i ∈ S}, V 0 = {ai |i ∈ S 0 }, implies that P P x. x∈V x ≤ x∈V 0 Introduce T , T 0 . Assume T ∈ N, T 0 ∈ N, T ≥ 1, T0 ≥ T. Assert for any n ∈ N, a ∈ {0, 1}∗ , {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} ⊆ {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, for any S, S 0 , V, V 0 , S = {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)}, S 0 = {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, V = {ai |i ∈ S}, V 0 = {ai |i ∈ S 0 }, implies that P P x. x∈V x ≤ x∈V 0 Introduce T, T 0 T T0 Introduce T , T 0 . Assume T ∈ N, T 0 ∈ N, T ≥ 1, T0 ≥ T. N 1 Assert for any n ∈ N, a ∈ {0, 1}∗ , {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} ⊆ {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, for any S, S 0 , V, V 0 , S = {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)}, S 0 = {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, V = {ai |i ∈ S}, V 0 = {ai |i ∈ S 0 }, implies that P P x. x∈V x ≤ x∈V 0 Assume T ∈ N, T 0 ∈ N, T ≥ 1, T0 ≥ T. T T0 Introduce T , T 0 . Assume T ∈ N, T 0 ∈ N, T ≥ 1, T0 ≥ T. N 1 Assert for any n ∈ N, a ∈ {0, 1}∗ , {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} ⊆ {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, for any S, S 0 , V, V 0 , S = {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)}, S 0 = {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, V = {ai |i ∈ S}, V 0 = {ai |i ∈ S 0 }, implies that P P x. x∈V x ≤ x∈V 0 Assume T ∈ N, T 0 ∈ N, T ≥ 1, T0 ≥ T. T T0 Introduce T , T 0 . Assume T ∈ N, T 0 ∈ N, T ≥ 1, T0 ≥ T. N 1 Assert for any n ∈ N, a ∈ {0, 1}∗ , {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} ⊆ {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, for any S, S 0 , V, V 0 , S = {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)}, S 0 = {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, V = {ai |i ∈ S}, V 0 = {ai |i ∈ S 0 }, implies that P P x. x∈V x ≤ x∈V 0 Assume T ∈ N, T 0 ∈ N, T ≥ 1, T0 ≥ T. T T0 Introduce T , T 0 . Assume T ∈ N, T 0 ∈ N, T ≥ 1, T0 ≥ T. Assert for any n ∈ N, a ∈ {0, 1}∗ , {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} ⊆ {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, for any S, S 0 , V, V 0 , S = {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)}, S 0 = {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, V = {ai |i ∈ S}, V 0 = {ai |i ∈ S 0 }, implies that P P x. x∈V x ≤ x∈V 0 N 1 T T0 n for any n ∈ N, a ∈ {0, 1}∗ , Introduce T , T 0 . Assume T ∈ N, T 0 ∈ N, T ≥ 1, T0 ≥ T. Assert for any n ∈ N, a ∈ {0, 1}∗ , {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} ⊆ {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, for any S, S 0 , V, V 0 , S = {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)}, S 0 = {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, V = {ai |i ∈ S}, V 0 = {ai |i ∈ S 0 }, implies that P P x. x∈V x ≤ x∈V 0 N 1 T T0 n for any n ∈ N, a ∈ {0, 1}∗ , Introduce T , T 0 . Assume T ∈ N, T 0 ∈ N, T ≥ 1, T0 ≥ T. Assert for any n ∈ N, a ∈ {0, 1}∗ , {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} ⊆ {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, for any S, S 0 , V, V 0 , S = {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)}, S 0 = {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, V = {ai |i ∈ S}, V 0 = {ai |i ∈ S 0 }, implies that P P x. x∈V x ≤ x∈V 0 N 1 T T0 T −1 T0 − 1 n + (T − 1) {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} ⊆ {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, n + (T 0 − 1) {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)} {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} n Introduce T , T 0 . Assume T ∈ N, T 0 ∈ N, T ≥ 1, T0 ≥ T. Assert for any n ∈ N, a ∈ {0, 1}∗ , {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} ⊆ {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, for any S, S 0 , V, V 0 , S = {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)}, S 0 = {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, V = {ai |i ∈ S}, V 0 = {ai |i ∈ S 0 }, implies that P P x. x∈V x ≤ x∈V 0 N 1 T T0 T −1 T0 − 1 n + (T − 1) {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} ⊆ {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, n + (T 0 − 1) {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)} {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} n Introduce T , T 0 . Assume T ∈ N, T 0 ∈ N, T ≥ 1, T0 ≥ T. Assert for any n ∈ N, a ∈ {0, 1}∗ , {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} ⊆ {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, for any S, S 0 , V, V 0 , S = {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)}, S 0 = {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, V = {ai |i ∈ S}, V 0 = {ai |i ∈ S 0 }, implies that P P x. x∈V x ≤ x∈V 0 N 1 T T0 T −1 T0 − 1 n n + (T − 1) {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} ⊆ {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, n + (T 0 − 1) {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)} {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} * is a set * is a set Introduce T , T 0 . Assume T ∈ N, T 0 ∈ N, T ≥ 1, T0 ≥ T. Assert for any n ∈ N, a ∈ {0, 1}∗ , {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} ⊆ {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, for any S, S 0 , V, V 0 , S = {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)}, S 0 = {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, V = {ai |i ∈ S}, V 0 = {ai |i ∈ S 0 }, implies that P P x. x∈V x ≤ x∈V 0 N 1 T T0 T −1 T0 − 1 n n + (T − 1) {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} ⊆ {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, n + (T 0 − 1) {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)} {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} * is a set * is a set Introduce T , T 0 . Assume T ∈ N, T 0 ∈ N, T ≥ 1, T0 ≥ T. Assert for any n ∈ N, a ∈ {0, 1}∗ , {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} ⊆ {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, for any S, S 0 , V, V 0 , S = {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)}, S 0 = {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, V = {ai |i ∈ S}, V 0 = {ai |i ∈ S 0 }, implies that P P x. x∈V x ≤ x∈V 0 N 1 T T0 T −1 T0 − 1 n n + (T − 1) for any S, S 0, V, V 0 , n + (T 0 − 1) {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)} * is a set {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} * is a set Introduce T , T 0 . Assume T ∈ N, T 0 ∈ N, T ≥ 1, T0 ≥ T. Assert for any n ∈ N, a ∈ {0, 1}∗ , {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} ⊆ {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, for any S, S 0 , V, V 0 , S = {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)}, S 0 = {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, V = {ai |i ∈ S}, V 0 = {ai |i ∈ S 0 }, implies that P P x. x∈V x ≤ x∈V 0 for any S, S 0, V, V 0 , S0 S V V0 Introduce T , T 0 . Assume T ∈ N, T 0 ∈ N, T ≥ 1, T0 ≥ T. Assert for any n ∈ N, a ∈ {0, 1}∗ , {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} ⊆ {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, for any S, S 0 , V, V 0 , S = {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)}, S 0 = {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, V = {ai |i ∈ S}, V 0 = {ai |i ∈ S 0 }, implies that P P x. x∈V x ≤ x∈V 0 S = {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)}, S 0 = {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)} S0 N {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} S V V0 Introduce T , T 0 . Assume T ∈ N, T 0 ∈ N, T ≥ 1, T0 ≥ T. Assert for any n ∈ N, a ∈ {0, 1}∗ , {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} ⊆ {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, for any S, S 0 , V, V 0 , S = {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)}, S 0 = {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, V = {ai |i ∈ S}, V 0 = {ai |i ∈ S 0 }, implies that P P x. x∈V x ≤ x∈V 0 S = {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)}, S 0 = {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)} S0 * is a set * is a finite set N {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} S * is a set * is a finite set V V0 Introduce T , T 0 . Assume T ∈ N, T 0 ∈ N, T ≥ 1, T0 ≥ T. Assert for any n ∈ N, a ∈ {0, 1}∗ , {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} ⊆ {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, for any S, S 0 , V, V 0 , S = {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)}, S 0 = {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, V = {ai |i ∈ S}, V 0 = {ai |i ∈ S 0 }, implies that P P x. x∈V x ≤ x∈V 0 {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)} S0 * is a set * is a finite set N {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} S * is a set * is a finite set n n + (T − 1) S = {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)}, S 0 = {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, V V0 Introduce T , T 0 . Assume T ∈ N, T 0 ∈ N, T ≥ 1, T0 ≥ T. Assert for any n ∈ N, a ∈ {0, 1}∗ , {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} ⊆ {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, for any S, S 0 , V, V 0 , S = {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)}, S 0 = {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, V = {ai |i ∈ S}, V 0 = {ai |i ∈ S 0 }, implies that P P x. x∈V x ≤ x∈V 0 {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)} S0 * is a set * is a finite set N {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} S * is a set * is a finite set n n + (T − 1) * is the set of integers from * to * S = {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)}, S 0 = {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, V V0 Introduce T , T 0 . Assume T ∈ N, T 0 ∈ N, T ≥ 1, T0 ≥ T. Assert for any n ∈ N, a ∈ {0, 1}∗ , {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} ⊆ {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, for any S, S 0 , V, V 0 , S = {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)}, S 0 = {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, V = {ai |i ∈ S}, V 0 = {ai |i ∈ S 0 }, implies that P P x. x∈V x ≤ x∈V 0 {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)} S0 * is a set * is a finite set N {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} S * is a set * is a finite set n n + (T − 1) * is the set of integers from * to * V = {ai |i ∈ S}, V 0 = {ai |i ∈ S 0}, V V0 * is a set * is a finite set * is a set * is a finite set Introduce T , T 0 . Assume T ∈ N, T 0 ∈ N, T ≥ 1, T0 ≥ T. Assert for any n ∈ N, a ∈ {0, 1}∗ , {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} ⊆ {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, for any S, S 0 , V, V 0 , S = {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)}, S 0 = {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, V = {ai |i ∈ S}, V 0 = {ai |i ∈ S 0 }, implies that P P x. x∈V x ≤ x∈V 0 {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)} S0 * is a set * is a finite set N {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} S * is a set * is a finite set n n + (T − 1) * is the set of integers from * to * V = {ai |i ∈ S}, V 0 = {ai |i ∈ S 0}, V V0 * is a set * is a finite set * is a set * is a finite set Introduce T , T 0 . Assume T ∈ N, T 0 ∈ N, T ≥ 1, T0 ≥ T. Assert for any n ∈ N, a ∈ {0, 1}∗ , {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} ⊆ {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, for any S, S 0 , V, V 0 , S = {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)}, S 0 = {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, V = {ai |i ∈ S}, V 0 = {ai |i ∈ S 0 }, implies that P P x. x∈V x ≤ x∈V 0 P V P V0 P x∈V x≤ P x∈V 0 x. * is a set x∈V x * is a set x∈V 0 * is a finite set x * is a set * is a finite set N Introduce T , T 0 . Assume T ∈ N, T 0 ∈ N, T ≥ 1, T0 ≥ T. Assert for any n ∈ N, a ∈ {0, 1}∗ , {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} ⊆ {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, for any S, S 0 , V, V 0 , S = {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)}, S 0 = {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, V = {ai |i ∈ S}, V 0 = {ai |i ∈ S 0 }, implies that P P x. x∈V x ≤ x∈V 0 P V x∈V x≤ P x∈V 0 x∈V x * is a set P x∈V 0 x * is a set * is the sum of * x. * is a finite set * is the sum of * V0 P * is a set * is a finite set N Introduce T , T 0 . Assume T ∈ N, T 0 ∈ N, T ≥ 1, T0 ≥ T. Assert for any n ∈ N, a ∈ {0, 1}∗ , {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} ⊆ {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, for any S, S 0 , V, V 0 , S = {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)}, S 0 = {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, V = {ai |i ∈ S}, V 0 = {ai |i ∈ S 0 }, implies that P P x. x∈V x ≤ x∈V 0 P V x∈V x≤ P x∈V 0 x∈V x * is a set P x∈V 0 x * is a set * is the sum of * x. * is a finite set * is the sum of * V0 P * is a set * is a finite set N Introduce T , T 0 . Assume T ∈ N, T 0 ∈ N, T ≥ 1, T0 ≥ T. Assert for any n ∈ N, a ∈ {0, 1}∗ , {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)} ⊆ {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, for any S, S 0 , V, V 0 , S = {n, . . . , n + (T − 1)}, S 0 = {n, . . . , n + (T 0 − 1)}, V = {ai |i ∈ S}, V 0 = {ai |i ∈ S 0 }, implies that P P x. x∈V x ≤ x∈V 0 P V * is a set x∈V x * is a set * is a finite set * is the sum of * P V0 x∈V 0 x * is a set * is the sum of * * is a finite set N 300 |R| |E| |Q| context component size 250 250 240 251 253 255 258 121 108 124 109 128 134 111 114 200 156 150 114 102 100 118 106 102 93 92 88 89 86 87 85 85 84 82 134 129 126 118 105 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 assertion point in sequence 9 10 11 12 √ 2 is irrational Assert for any n, m ∈ Z, m 6= 0, n and m are relatively prime, √ 2 = n/m implies √ that m · √2 = m · (n/m), m · √2 = n, (m · 2)2 = n2 , √ 2 2 m · 2 = n2 , m2 · 2 = n2 , n2 = m2 · 2, n2 = 2 · m2 , n2 is even, n is even, and n2 = (2 · (n/2))2 , n2 = 22 · ((n/2)2 ), n2 = 4 · ((n/2)2 ), 2 · m2 = 4 · (n/2)2 , m2 = 2 · (n/2)2 , m2 is even, m is even, and GCF(m, n) ≥ 2, GCF(m, n) = 1, there is a contradiction. √ 2 is irrational 450 400 |R| |E| |Q| context component size 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 assertion point in sequence |R| ≤ 6|Q| R is a vector space ⇒ R2 is a vector space Assume for all x, y, x0 , y 0 ∈ R, (x, y) + (x0 , y 0 ) = (x + x0 , y + y 0 ). Assert for any x, y, x0 , y 0 ∈ R, (x, y) + (x0 , y 0 ) = (x + x0 , y + y 0 ), x + x0 = x0 + x, y + y 0 = y 0 + y, (x + x0 , y + y 0 ) = (x0 + x, y 0 + y), (x0 + x, y 0 + y) = (x0 , y 0 ) + (x, y), (x, y) + (x0 , y 0 ) = (x0 , y 0 ) + (x, y). R is a vector space ⇒ R2 is a vector space Assume for all $a,x,y \in \R$, $a * (x,y) = (a*x, a*y)$. Assume for all $x,y,x',y' \in \R$, $(x,y) + (x',y') = (x+x',y+y')$. Assert for any $x,y,x',y' \in \R$, $(x,y) + (x',y') = (x+x',y+y')$, $x+x' = x'+x$, $y+y' = y'+y$, $(x+x',y+y') = (x'+x,y'+y)$, $(x'+x,y'+y) = (x',y') + (x,y)$, $(x,y) + (x',y') = (x',y') + (x,y)$. Assert for any $x,y,x',y',x'',y'' \in \R$, $(x,y) + (x',y') = (x+x',y+y')$, $(x+x',y+y') + (x'',y'') = ((x+x')+x'',(y+y')+y'')$, $((x,y) + (x',y')) + (x'',y'') = ((x+x')+x'',(y+y')+y'')$, $(x+x')+x'' = x+(x'+x'')$, $(y+y')+y'' = y+(y'+y'')$, $((x+x')+x'',(y+y')+y'') = (x+(x'+x''),y+(y'+y''))$, $(x,y) + (x'+x'',y'+y'') = (x+(x'+x''),y+(y'+y''))$, $(x+(x'+x''),y+(y'+y'')) = (x,y) + (x'+x'', y'+y'')$, $(x'+x'', y'+y'') = (x',y') + (x'',y'')$, $((x,y) + (x',y')) + (x'',y'') = (x,y) + ((x',y') + (x'',y''))$. Assert for all $x,y \in \R$, $(0,0) + (x,y) = (0+x,0+y)$, $0 + x = x$, $0 + y = y$, $(0+x,0+y)= (x,y)$, $(0,0) + (x,y) = (x,y)$. Assert for all $x,y \in \R$, $(x,y) + (0,0) = (x+0,y+0)$, $x + 0 = x$, $y + 0 = y$, $(x+0,y+0)= (x,y)$, $(x,y) + (0,0) = (x,y)$. Assert for all $a,x,y,x',y' \in \R$, $(x,y) + (x',y') = (x+x',y+y')$, $a * ((x,y) + (x',y')) = a*(x+x',y+y')$, $a*(x+x',y+y') = (a*(x+x'),a*(y+y'))$, $(a*(x+x'),a*(y+y')) = (((a*x)+(a*x')),(a*y)+(a*y'))$, $(((a*x)+(a*x')),(a*y)+(a*y')) = (a*x,a*y) + (a*x',a*y')$, $(a*x,a*y) = a*(x,y)$, $(a*x',a*y') = a*(x',y')$, $a * ((x,y) + (x',y')) = (a * (x,y)) + (a * (x',y'))$. Assert for all $a,a',x,y \in \R$, $a' * (x,y) = (a'*x, a'*y)$, $a * (a'*x, a'*y) = (a*(a'*x), a*(a'*y))$, $(a*(a'*x), a*(a'*y)) = ((a*a')*x, (a*a')*y)$, $((a*a')*x, (a*a')*y) = (a*a')*(x,y)$, $a * (a' * (x,y)) = (a * a') * (x,y)$. Assert for all $1 * (x,y) = $1*x = x$, $1*y = y$, $(1*x,1*y) = $1 * (x,y) = $x,y \in \R$, (1*x,1*y)$, (x,y)$, (x,y)$. Assert for all $x,y \in \R$, $-1 * (x,y) = (-1*x, -1*y)$, $((-1*x), (-1*y)) + (x,y) = ((-1*x)+x,(-1*y)+y)$, $-1*x+x = 0$, $-1*y+y = 0$, $(-1 * (x,y)) + (x,y) = (0,0)$. Assert for all $a,b,x,y \in \R$, $(a + b) * (x,y) = ((a+b)*x, (a+b)*y)$, $((a+b)*x, (a+b)*y) = (a*x + b*x, a*y + b*y)$, $(a*x + b*x, a*y + b*y) = (a*x, a*y) + (b*x, b*y)$, $(a*x, a*y) = a*(x,y)$, $(b*x, b*y) = b*(x,y)$, $(a*x, a*y) + (b*x, b*y) = a*(x,y) + b*(x,y)$, $(a + b) * (x,y) = a*(x,y) + b*(x,y)$. R is a vector space ⇒ R2 is a vector space 250 |R| |E| |Q| context component size 200 150 100 50 0 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 assertion point in sequence \vbeg Assume for any $X,Y,Z$, $Z = X - Y$ implies $Z \cup Y = X$. Assume for any $O'',O',O, P$, if $O'' = O' \cup (O - P)$ then $O'' \subseteq O \cup O'$. \vend soundness of NetSketch formalism \vbeg Assert for any $x,y,z \in \R$, if $x > y$ and $y > z$ then $x > z$. \vend \vbeg Introduce constant $\Const$. Assume for any $C$, $C$ is a constraint set iff $C \subseteq \Const$. Assume for any $C$, if $C$ is a constraint set then $C$ is a set. Introduce constant $\XC$. Assume for any $P$, $P$ is a parameter set iff $P \subseteq \XC$. Assume for any $P$, if $P$ is a parameter set then $P$ is a set. Introduce constant $\parameters$. Assume for any $C$, if $C \subseteq \Const$ then $\parameters(C) \subseteq \XC$. \vend \vbeg Assume for any $A,I,O,C$, $(A,I,O,C)$ is an untyped module iff $I \subseteq \parameters(C)$, $O \subseteq \parameters(C)$, $O \cap I = \emptyset$, and $C \subseteq \Const$. \vend \vbeg Introduce set operator $\hastype$. Assume for any $A,I,O,C,C'$, $(A,I,O,C) \hastype C'$ is a typed module iff $(A,I,O,C)$ is an untyped module, $C' \subseteq \Const$, and $\parameters(C') \subseteq I \cup O$. \vend \vbeg Introduce set operator $\sats$. \vend \vbeg Introduce set operators $\Rrightarrow, \LleftRrightarrow$. Assume for any $C,C'$, if $C \subseteq \Const$, $C' \subseteq \Const$ then $C \Rrightarrow C'$ iff {for all $V \in \XC \rightarrow \N$, $V \sats C$ implies $V \sats C'$}. Assume for any $C,C'$, {$C \LleftRrightarrow C'$} iff {$C \Rrightarrow C'$ and $C' \Rrightarrow C$}. \vend \vbeg Assume for any $C,C'$, $C' \subseteq C$ implies $C \Rrightarrow C'$. \vend \vbeg Introduce constant $\clo$. Assume for any $C$, $\clo(C) = \{c | c \in \Const, C \Rrightarrow \{c\}\}$. Assume for any $C$, if $C \subseteq \Const$ then $\clo(C) \subseteq \Const$. \vend \vbeg Assume for any $C$, $C \subseteq \clo(C)$. Assume for any $C,C'$, $C \subseteq C'$ implies $\clo(C) \subseteq \clo(C')$. \vend \vbeg Assume for all $C,C'$, if $\parameters(C) \cap \parameters(C') = \emptyset$ then $\clo(C \cup C') = {\clo(C) \cup \clo(C')}$. \vend \vbeg Assume for any $C,C'$, $\parameters(C) \cap \parameters(C') = \emptyset$ implies $\parameters(\clo(C)) \cap \parameters(\clo(C')) = \emptyset$. \vend \vbeg Introduce set operators $\upharpoonright, \downharpoonright$. Assume for any $C,P$, $C \subseteq \Const$ and $P \subseteq \XC$ implies that $C \upharpoonright P = \{c | c \in C, \parameters(c) \subseteq P\}$, $C \downharpoonright P = \{c | c \in C, \parameters(c) \cap P \neq \emptyset\}$. \vend \vbeg Assume for any $C,P$, $C \upharpoonright P \subseteq C$. Assume for any $C,P$, $C \downharpoonright P \subseteq C$. Assume for any $C,C',S,S'$, if $C \subseteq C'$ and $S \subseteq S'$ then $ {C' \upharpoonright S'} \Rrightarrow {C \upharpoonright S}$. Assume for any $C,C',S,S'$, if $C \subseteq C'$ and $S \subseteq S'$ then ${C' \downharpoonright S'} \Rrightarrow {C \downharpoonright S}$. Assume for any $C,C',P,P'$, $\parameters (C) \cap \parameters(C') = \emptyset$ implies that $(C \downharpoonright P) \cup (C' \downharpoonright P') = (C \cup C') \downharpoonright (P \cup P')$. \vend \vbeg Introduce constants $\pre, \post$. Assume for any $M,I,O,\CC,C$, $\pre((M,I,O,\CC),C) = \clo(C) \upharpoonright I$, $\post((M,I,O,\CC),C) = \clo(C) \downharpoonright O = \clo(C) - \pre((M,I,O,\CC),C)$. \vend \vbeg Assume for all $M,I,O,\CC,C$, $C \Rrightarrow {\pre((M,I,O,\CC),C)}$. Assume for all $M,I,O,\CC,C$, $C \Rrightarrow {\post((M,I,O,\CC),C)}$. \vend \vbeg Assume for any $M,I,O,\CC,C$, for any $V$, $V \sats ((M,I,O,\CC) \hastype C)$ iff {$V \sats {\pre((M,I,O,\CC),C)}$ implies that for all $V'$, $V \subseteq V'$ and {for all $K \in \CC$, $V' \sats K$} implies that $V' \sats {\post((M,I,O,\CC),C)}$}. \vend \vbeg Assume for any $V,V',C$, if $V \subseteq V'$ and $V \sats C$ then $V' \sats C$. Assume for any $V,C,C'$, if $C \Rrightarrow C'$ and $V \sats C$ then $V \sats C'$. Assume for any $V,C,C'$, $V \sats C$ and $V \sats C'$ iff $V \sats {C \cup C'}$. \vend \vbeg Assume for any $M,I,O,\CC,C$, $((M,I,O,\CC) \hastype C)$ is strongly valid iff {for all $V \in I \rightarrow \N$, $V \sats ((M,I,O,\CC) \hastype C)$}. \vend \vbeg Introduce constants $\Conn, \Loop, \Hole$. \vend \vbeg Introduce constant $\constraints$. Assume for any $\theta \in \XC \rightarrow \XC$, $\constraints(\theta)$ is a constraint set. \vend \vbeg Introduce constants $\cn,\lp,\hl$. \vbeg Assume for any $M,I,O,\CC,C,\theta$, for all $I',O',C'$, $\vdash {(M,I,O,\CC) \hastype C}$, $\theta \in O \rightarrow I$, $\theta$ is injective, and $I' = I-\ran(\theta)$, $O' = O - \dom(\theta)$, $C' = C \upharpoonright {I' \cup O'}$, and $\pre((\Loop(\theta,M),I',O', \lp(\theta,\CC)), C') \Rrightarrow {\pre((M,I,O,\CC), C)}$ implies that $\vdash {(\Loop(\theta,M),I',O', \lp(\theta,\CC)) \hastype C'}$. \vend \vbeg Assume for any $n,X,M,I,O,\CC,C$, for all $M',I',O',\CC',C'$, {for all $i \in \{0,\ldots,n\}$, $\vdash {(M_i,I_i,O_i,\CC_i) \hastype C_i}$, {for all $\phi \in I' \rightarrow I_i, \psi \in O_i \rightarrow O'$, $C' \cup \constraints(\phi) \cup \constraints(\psi) \LleftRrightarrow C_i$}}, $M' = \Hole(X, \{M_i | i \in \{0,\ldots,n\}\})$, $\CC' = \hl(n,I,O,I',O', \CC)$, ${\pre((M',I',O',\CC'),C')} \Rrightarrow {\post((M', I', O', \CC'), C')}$ implies that $\vdash {(M', I', O', \CC') \hastype C'}$. \vend \vbeg Assume for any $M,I,O,\CC, C,C'$, $\vdash {(M,I,O,\CC) \hastype C}$, $\pre((M,I,O,\CC),C') \Rrightarrow {\pre((M,I,O,\CC),C)}$, and $\post((M,I,O,\CC),C) \Rrightarrow {\post((M,I,O,\CC),C')}$ implies that $\vdash {(M,I,O,\CC) \hastype C'}$. \vend \vbeg Assume for any $C,P,P'$, if $P \subseteq P'$ then ${{C \upharpoonright P'} \upharpoonright P} = {C \upharpoonright P}$. Assume for any $C,P,P'$, if $P \subseteq P'$ then ${\clo(C \upharpoonright P') \upharpoonright P} \Rrightarrow {\clo(C) \upharpoonright P}$. Assume for any $V,C,P,P'$, if $V \sats {C \downharpoonright P}$ and $V \sats {C \upharpoonright P'}$ then $V \sats {C \upharpoonright {P' \cup P}}$. \vend \vbeg Assume for any $C,C',C''$, if $C \Rrightarrow C'$ and $C' \Rrightarrow C''$ then $C \Rrightarrow C''$. Assert for any $A,I,O,C,C'$, $(A,I,O,C), C'$ is a typed module and $C \Rrightarrow C'$ implies that for any $V$, if $V \sats {\pre((A,I,O,\{C\}),C')}$ then for all $V'$ if $V \subseteq V'$ and {for all $K \in \{C\}$, $V' \sats K$} then $V' \sats C$, $C' \Rrightarrow {\post((A,I,O,\{C\}), C')}$, and $C \Rrightarrow {\post((A,I,O,\{C\}), C')}$, $V' \sats {\post((A,I,O,\{C\}), C')}$. \vend \vbeg Assert for any $M,I,O,\CC,C,C'$, $(M,I,O,\CC) \hastype C$, $\pre((M,I,O,\CC),C') \Rrightarrow {\pre((M,I,O,\CC),C)}$, and $\post((M,I,O,\CC),C) \Rrightarrow {\post((M,I,O,\CC),C')}$ implies that for any $V$, if $V \sats ((M,I,O,\CC) \hastype C)$ then $V \sats {\pre((M,I,O,\CC),C')}$ implies that $V \sats {\pre((M,I,O,\CC), C)}$ and for all $V'$, if $V \subseteq V'$ and {for all $K \in \CC$, $V' \sats K$} then $V' \sats {\post((M,I,O,\CC),C)}$, $V' \sats {\post((M,I,O,\CC),C')}$. \vend \vbeg Assert for any $n,X,M,I,O,\CC,C$, for all $M',I',O',C',\CC'$, {for all $i \in \{0,\ldots,n\}$, $\vdash {(M_i,I_i,O_i,\CC_i) \hastype C_i}$, {for all $\phi \in I' \rightarrow I_i, \psi \in O_i \rightarrow O'$, $C' \cup \constraints(\phi) \cup \constraints(\psi) \LleftRrightarrow C_i$}}, $M' = \Hole(X, \{M_i | i \in \{0,\ldots,n\}\})$, $\CC' = \hl(n,I,O,I',O', \CC)$, ${\pre((M',I',O',\CC'),C')} \Rrightarrow {\post((M',I',O',\CC'), C')}$ implies that for any $V$, if $V \sats {(M', I', O', \CC') \hastype C'}$ then $V \sats {\pre((M',I',O',\CC'), C')}$ implies that $V \sats {\post((M', I', O', \CC'), C')}$, for all $V'$, if $V \subseteq V'$ and {for all $K \in \hl(n,I,O,I',O', \CC)$, $V' \sats K$} then $V' \sats {\post((M',I',O',\CC'), C')}$. \vend \vbeg Assert for any $M,I,O,\CC,C,\theta$, for all $I',O',C'$, $M,I,O,C,I',O',C'$ are sets, $\vdash {(M,I,O,\CC) \hastype C}$, $\theta \in O \rightarrow I$, $\theta$ is injective, and $I' = I - \ran(\theta)$, $O' = O - \dom(\theta)$, $C' = C \upharpoonright {I' \cup O'}$, and $\pre((\Loop(\theta,M),I',O', \lp(\theta,\CC)), C') \Rrightarrow {\pre((M,I,O,\CC), C)}$ implies that \vend \vbeg for any $V$, if $V \sats {((M,I,O,\CC) \hastype C)}$ then if $V \sats {\pre((\Loop(\theta,M),I',O',\lp(\theta,\CC)),C')}$ then $V \sats {\pre((M,I,O,\CC), C)}$, for all $V'$, if $V \subseteq V'$ and {for all $K' \in \lp(\theta,\CC)$, $V' \sats K'$} then {for all $K \in \CC$, $V' \sats K$}, $V' \sats {\post((M,I,O,\CC), C)}$, $\post((M,I,O,\CC), C) = {\clo(C) \downharpoonright O}$, $V' \sats {\clo(C) \downharpoonright O}$, ${O - \dom(\theta)} \subseteq O$, $C \upharpoonright {I' \cup O'} \subseteq C$, ${\clo(C) \downharpoonright O} \Rrightarrow {\clo(C') \downharpoonright O'}$, $\post((\Loop(\theta,M),I',O', \lp(\theta,\CC)), C') = {\clo(C') \downharpoonright O'}$, $V' \sats {\clo(C') \downharpoonright O'}$, $V' \sats {\post((\Loop(\theta,M),I',O', \lp(\theta,\CC)), C')}$. \vend \vbeg Assert for any $M,I,O,\CC,C, N,I',O',\CC',C',\theta$, for all $I'',O'',C''$, $I,O$ are sets, $I',O'$ are sets, $C$ is a constraint set, $C'$ is a constraint set, $\parameters(C) \cap \parameters(C') = \emptyset$, $\vdash {(M,I,O,\CC) \hastype C}$, $\vdash {(N,I',O',\CC') \hastype C'}$, $\theta \in O \rightarrow I'$, $\theta$ is injective, $I'' = I \cup (I'-\ran(\theta))$, $O'' = O' \cup (O - \dom(\theta))$, $C'' = {C \cup C'} \upharpoonright {I'' \cup O''}$, and $\post((M,I,O,\CC),C) \Rrightarrow {\pre((N,I',O',\CC'), C') \downharpoonright \ran(\theta)}$ implies that for any $V$, if $V \sats ((M,I,O,\CC) \hastype C)$ and $V \sats ((N,I',O',\CC') \hastype C')$ then if $V \sats {\pre((\Conn(\theta,M,N), I'', O'', \cn(\theta,\CC,\CC')), C'')}$ then ${\pre((\Conn(\theta,M,N), I'', O'', \cn(\theta,\CC,\CC')), C'')} = {\clo(C'') \upharpoonright I''}$, $V \sats {\clo(C'') \upharpoonright I''}$, $V \sats {\clo({C \cup C'} \upharpoonright {I'' \cup O''}) \upharpoonright I''}$, ${\clo({C \cup C'} \upharpoonright {I'' \cup O''}) \upharpoonright I''} \Rrightarrow {\clo(C \cup C') \upharpoonright I''}$, $V \sats {\clo(C \cup C') \upharpoonright I''}$, $ {\clo(C \cup C') \upharpoonright I''} \Rrightarrow {\clo(C) \upharpoonright I}$, $V \sats {\clo(C) \upharpoonright I}$, $\pre((M,I,O,\CC),C) = {\clo(C) \upharpoonright I}$, $V \sats \pre((M,I,O,\CC),C)$, for all $V'$, if $V \subseteq V'$ and {for all $K' \in \cn(\theta,\CC,\CC')$, $V' \sats K'$} Assume for any $\CC, \CC', \theta$, $\cn(\theta,\CC,\CC') = \{C \cup C' \cup \constraints(\theta) | C \in \CC, C' \in \CC'\}$. Assume for any $\CC, \theta$, $\lp(\theta,\CC) = \{C \cup \constraints(\theta) | C \in \CC\}$. Assume for any $n,I,O,I',O',\CC$, $\hl(n,I,O,I',O',\CC) = \{C_i \cup \constraints(\phi) \cup \constraints(\psi) | i \in \{0,\ldots,n\}, \phi \in I' \rightarrow I_i, \psi \in O_i \rightarrow O', C \in \CC\}$. \vend \vbeg Assume for any $V, \CC, \theta$, {for all $K \in \lp(\theta,\CC)$, $V \sats K$} implies that {for all $K' \in \CC$, $V \sats K'$}. Assume for any $V,\CC,\CC',\theta$, {for all $K \in \cn(\theta,\CC,\CC')$, $V \sats K$} implies that {for all $K' \in \CC$, $V \sats K'$} and {for all $K'' \in \CC'$, $V \sats K''$}. \vend \vbeg Introduce constant $\vdash$. \vend \vbeg Assume for any $A,I,O,\CC,C,C'$, $(A,I,O,C) \hastype C'$ is a typed module, and $C \Rrightarrow C'$ implies that $\vdash {(A,I,O,\{C\}) \hastype C'}$. \vend \vbeg Assume for any $M,I,O,\CC,C, N,I',O',\CC',C',\theta$, for all $I'',O'',C''$, $\vdash {(M,I,O,\CC) \hastype C}$, $\vdash {(N,I',O',\CC') \hastype C'}$, $\theta \in O \rightarrow I'$, $\theta$ is injective, $I'' = I \cup (I'-\ran(\theta))$, $O'' = O' \cup (O - \dom(\theta))$, $C'' = {C \cup C'} \upharpoonright {I'' \cup O''}$, and $\post((M,I,O,\CC),C) \Rrightarrow {\pre((N,I',O',\CC'), C') \downharpoonright \ran(\theta)}$ implies that $\vdash {(\Conn(\theta,M,N),I'', O'', \cn(\theta,\CC,\CC')) \hastype C''}$. \vend then {for all $K' \in \CC$, $V' \sats K'$} , $V' \sats \post((M,I,O,\CC),C)$, $V' \sats {\pre((N,I',O',\CC'), C') \downharpoonright \ran(\theta)}$, $\pre((N,I',O',\CC'), C') ={\clo(C') \upharpoonright I'}$, $V' \sats {{\clo(C') \upharpoonright I'} \downharpoonright \ran(\theta)}$, ${\clo(C') \upharpoonright I''} \Rrightarrow {\clo(C') \upharpoonright (I'-\ran(\theta))} $, ${\clo(C \cup C') \upharpoonright I''} \Rrightarrow {\clo(C') \upharpoonright I''} $, $V' \sats {\clo(C') \upharpoonright (I'-\ran(\theta))}$, $ {I' - \ran(\theta)} \subseteq I'$, $ {{\clo(C') \upharpoonright I'} \upharpoonright (I'-\ran(\theta))} = {\clo(C') \upharpoonright (I'-\ran(\theta))}$, $V' \sats {{\clo(C') \upharpoonright I'} \upharpoonright (I'-\ran(\theta))}$, $ {(I'-\ran(\theta)) \cup \ran(\theta)} = I'$, $V' \sats {{\clo(C') \upharpoonright I'} \upharpoonright {(I'-\ran(\theta)) \cup {\ran(\theta)}}}$, $V' \sats {{\clo(C') \upharpoonright I'} \upharpoonright I'}$, $V' \sats {\clo(C') \upharpoonright I'}$, $V' \sats \pre((N,I',O',\CC'),C')$, $V' \sats {(N,I',O',\CC') \hastype C'}$, for all $V''$, if $V' \subseteq V''$ then {for all $K'' \in \CC'$, $V' \sats K''$ and $V'' \sats K''$}, {for all $K' \in \CC'$, $V'' \sats K'$}, $V'' \sats \post((M,I,O,\CC),C)$, $V'' \sats \post((N,I',O',\CC'),C')$, $\post((M,I,O,\CC),C) = \clo(C) \downharpoonright O$, $\post((N,I',O',\CC'),C') = \clo(C') \downharpoonright O'$, $V'' \sats {\clo(C) \downharpoonright O}$, $V'' \sats {\clo(C') \downharpoonright O'}$, $V'' \sats {{\clo(C) \downharpoonright O} \cup {\clo(C') \downharpoonright O'}}$, ${\clo(C) \downharpoonright O} \cup {\clo(C') \downharpoonright O'} = {{\clo(C) \cup \clo(C')} \downharpoonright {O \cup O'}}$, $V'' \sats {{\clo(C) \cup \clo(C')} \downharpoonright {O \cup O'}}$, $\clo(C \cup C') = {\clo(C) \cup \clo(C')} $, $V'' \sats {\clo(C \cup C') \downharpoonright {O \cup O'}}$, $C \cup C' \subseteq \clo(C \cup C')$, ${C \cup C'} \upharpoonright {I'' \cup O''} \subseteq {C \cup C'}$, $O'' \subseteq {O \cup O'}$, $C'' \subseteq {C \cup C'}$, $\clo(C'') \subseteq \clo({C \cup C'})$, $ {\clo(C \cup C') \downharpoonright {O \cup O'}} \Rrightarrow {\clo(C'') \downharpoonright O''}$, ${\post((\Conn(\theta,M,N), I'', O'', \cn(\theta,\CC,\CC')), C'')} = {\clo(C'') \downharpoonright O''}$, $V'' \sats {\post((\Conn(\theta,M,N), I'', O'', \cn(\theta,\CC,\CC')), C'')}$. \vend soundness of NetSketch formalism 500 450 |R| |E| |Q| context component size 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 111 121 131 141 151 161 171 181 assertion point in sequence quadratic worst-case: complete “≤” hypergraph 14000 |R| |E| |Q| context component size 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 assertion point in sequence Introduce x. Assume x ∈ N. Assert 14 ∗ x = x + x + x + x + x + x + x + x + x + x + x + x + x + x. √ 2 is irrational 16 14 expression com plexity 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 assertion point in sequence R is a vector space ⇒ R2 is a vector space 18 16 expression com plexity 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82 assertion point in sequence soundness of NetSketch formalism 20 18 expressio n com p lexity 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73 81 89 97 105 113 121 129 137 145 153 161 169 177 assertion point in sequence • syntax and dynamic context improve usability – undergraduates (including freshmen) familiar with mathematical conventions able to adapt with almost no guidance • approach is tractable for typical arguments – size of R exhibits linear growth – high degree of redundancy in the collection of subexpressions within an argument – support for high-level reasoning leaps substantially reduces: • argument size • quantifier depth • opportunities for “garbage collection” within the hypergraph structure – e.g. x < y < z, where y never appears again • further development – grow static context (syntax, propositions) – support distinct working “contexts” for terms, propositions – target static context contents to specific verifiers demo, source code, examples: these slides: