– Learner challenge Science and technology in counter terrorism Terrorism

Science and technology in counter terrorism – Learner challenge
Information for teachers
This learner challenge is provided by Education Scotland to support the teaching of emergency and resilience education. It challenges learners to come up with an invention which
will assist in the detection of terrorist activity.
The accompanying ‘Information for learners’ sheet provides a challenge brief, sets out the tasks, gives examples of useful resources and offers questions for learners to reflect
Please note: This resource includes web links to YouTube. It is recommended that practitioners check the clips, and any appended comments, in advance to assess their
suitability. Education Scotland is not responsible for content on external websites.
Experiences and Outcomes
Taking it further
As I explore the rights to which I and others are entitled, I am able to exercise
these rights appropriately and accept the responsibilities that go with them. I
show respect for the rights of others. HWB 1-09a - 4-09a
Learners could use the development of surveillance technology to discuss whether
allowing the government to watch our movements is a positive step, discussing the
ethical questions this raises, the practicality and the cost.
I am learning to assess and manage risk, to protect myself and others, and to
reduce the potential for harm when possible. HWB 1-16a - 4-16a
The discussion should be well structured and focus on the issues rather than the
personalities of the learners or the imagined personalities of terrorists. Managed well,
these discussions can be rich sources of critical thinking development.
I know and can demonstrate how to keep myself and others safe and how to
respond in a range of emergency situations. HWB 1-17a - 4-17a
I can access, retrieve and use information from electronic sources to support,
enrich or extend learning in different contexts. TCH 1-03b
Alternatively learners could attempt to try and test some of their surveillance ideas. This
would involve collaboration across various curricula areas especially the sciences and
technologies. They may also consider contacting the Home Office to see what support
may be forthcoming.
Science and technology in counter terrorism – Learner challenge
Information for learners
Challenge brief
The Home Office is responsible for protecting British citizens’ security within the
United Kingdom. Within the Home Office, the Office for Security and CounterTerrorism looks at new ways to help the UK government put into practice its
counter terrorism strategy (CONTEST).
Part of putting CONTEST into practice is the use of science and technology to
prevent terrorist activity. This is known as INSTINCT: Innovative Science and
Technology in Counter Terrorism. INSTINCT can help the Government
understand how new inventions could be used to counter terrorism and also
identifies what types of new inventions might be developed.
One very important issue for the Government is how to protect crowded places
from terrorist attack. Such places include shopping malls, train stations and sports
stadia. The Government wants your help in coming up with new ways to protect
the people in these places from a terrorist attack.
YouTube: The Surveillance Hummingbird
Digital Trends: Surveillance technology which can search up to 36 million faces
per second
YouTube: Is your cell phone bugged?
Reflective questions
How obvious should it be that people are being watched?
Is there anything already in use which could be turned into a ‘terrorist detecting
How practical are the inventions?
If technology is not going to be used how else could large crowds of people be
Is it right to rely on the government to protect us against terrorists?
Is it possible to anticipate every terrorist threat? Why?
Your task is to invent a new device or system, or adapt an existing invention, to
help the Government identify when a terrorist attack might take place so that they
can prevent it. In particular what is needed is a device which identifies unusual or
out of the ordinary behaviour of people in crowded places.
The resources listed might help provide you with some inspiration.