Mechanisms involved in the amplification tropical Pacific Stergios Misios and Hauke Schmidt


Mechanisms involved in the amplification of the 11-yr solar cycle signal in the tropical Pacific

Stergios Misios and Hauke Schmidt

Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology


Hamburg, Germany

The detection of solar signals in the equatorial Pacific is difficult.

• Oscillations of different time scales with partly large amplitudes exist ( ENSO, decadal or multidecadal oscillations ).

• Shortness of quality-controlled observations ( start in 1880 but the spatial coverage in Pacific is poor before 1950 ).

• Choice of analysis technique may lead to different conclusions

( composites vs. multiple regression ).

(e.g. White et al. (JGR, 1997) and Roy and Haigh (ACP, 2010) have analyzed signals positively correlated with solar activity.)

Observed solar (?) signals



A La Niña-like response was identified in peak MAX years of SSNs (e.g. van

Loon et al., JGR, 2007).


No El Niño-like response is observed in MIN years of SSNs.

Observed solar (?) signals

Composite Multiple regression

Not only composites but multiple regression shows cooling in east Pacific (e.g.

Tung and Zhou, 2010,JAS)


Not consistent spatial patterns

Observed solar (?) signals

Basin-wide warming in data from 1955 onwards

White et al., 1997, JGR

Model Description – Simulation setup

Middle Atmosphere version of ECHAM5/MPIOM

Resolution: T31L90/GR30L40

Detailed stratospheric dynamics: internal QBO

Present-day greenhouse gas concentrations

140-yr CONTROL simulation


11 realizations

1955-2006 solar spectral irradiances (Lean et al., 2000, GRL)

Solar induced ozone concentration changes from HAMMONIA (Schmidt et al., 2010, JGR)

Uncoupled ENSEMBLE

9 realizations

Setup as in the coupled simulations

Climatological SST and SIC boundary forcing from CONTROL

Data analysis

Deseasonalized ensemble mean annual values from 1955-2006.

Two methods:

Regression analysis onto annual F10.7

Statistical significance with t-test

Multichannel Singular Spectrum Analysis

[Ghil et al., Rev. Geoph., 2002]

Two oscillatory modes of 10.9 yr period are isolated.

Attention: ENSO in MAECHAM5/MPIOM is stronger than observed.

Time evolution of SST anomalies at the



ENSO hides a basin-wide solar warming/cooling

Regression of unfiltered and filtered SSTs onto


Pacific-wide warming of ~0.1 K/100sfu.

The signal is stronger over the Pacific than in Indian and Atlantic oceans.

Atmosphere-Ocean responses at the Equator

Contours: Climatology

Shading: Anomalies

Weaker Walker circulation. Its western branch shifts eastward.

Reduced equatorial surface winds.

Thermocline shoaling in the western sector and thus negative anomalies in ocean temperature.

Reduced upwelling of cold water warms the surface

The average thermocline depth along the

Pacific is reduced.

Eastward shift of deep convection precipitation regressed onto time-lagged F10.7

Lag 0



Lag -5

(sun leading precipitation by 5 years) (mm/day)

Comparison of simulations with and without ocean coupling


Reduced surface easterlies occur independently of the ocean coupling.

Walker circulation weakens with higher temperatures (cf. Held and Soden, 2006;

Vecchi and Soden, 2007).

We find no explanation for a negative response in peak years. We can not rule out that solar forcing triggers some ENSO phase but the “signal” might also be accidental.

Simulations with MAECHAM-MPIOM demonstrate a Pacific-wide warming with increased solar activity.

The signal is weak but comparable to the analysis of White et al., (JGR, 1997).

The temperature signal in the tropical

Pacific is enhanced by a dynamical response of the ocean.

The weakening of the Walker circulation surface easterlies and the eastward displacement are simulated independently of the ocean coupling.



(White et al., JGR, 1997)


(Misios and Schmidt, J. Climate, submitted)
