LUMINARY New Trends in University’s Research Funding AUGUST 2014

New Trends in University’s Research Funding
Research is a crucial element for a competitive economy.
It is also one of the driving forces of a modern day
university. Investment in research and development is
no longer an option for European countries, irrespective
of size or of economic traditions. Only such investment
can guarantee a sustainable economic stability for these
countries and will give European countries a fair chance
to become truly competitive notwithstanding the
global challenging scenarios being created by emerging
In a world beyond knowledge borders, the University
of Malta is expanding its research activities from
curiosity-driven studies to result-driven breakthroughs
thanks to a cultural shift and generosity of the Maltese
people with their contribution to the Research,
Innovation and Development Trust (RIDT), according to
Rector Professor Juanito Camilleri.
Through RIDT, the University is seeking to generate
substantial additional research funding from a variety
of sources, including corporates, NGOs and individuals.
For this purpose, apart from generating awareness
about the excellent research that is being carried out at
University, RIDT is introducing and promoting a culture
of giving to University research as this is another good
cause that deserves philanthropic support.
While in no way absolving the government’s obligation
to financially keep supporting University research, as
government financing remains crucial and needs to
be boosted, government should also consider ways of
supporting research funding, particularly via a number
of schemes to encourage and boost the flow of private
RIDT is dedicated to create a rich, multidimensional
research culture in Malta backed by the society it serves.
Signing of the Collective Agreement 2014 - 2018
The University of Malta today announced the signing
of the Collective Agreement for Academic Staff of the
University of Malta and Academic Staff of the Junior
College 2014-2018. The Agreement was signed by
Rector, Professor Juanito Camilleri, and Dr Michael
Sciriha, President of Council, on behalf of the University;
Professor Matthew Montebello, President UMASA,
and Professor Luciano Mulé Stagno, Council Member
UMASA; and Mr Kevin Bonello, President MUT, and Mr
Franklin Barbara, General Secretary MUT.
The Agreement was signed in the presence of the Hon.
Evarist Bartolo, Minister for Education and Employment,
and the Hon. Edward Scicluna, Minister for Finance.
Together with the Collective Agreement, other
documents that were signed comprise an Agreement
to facilitate the implementation of the Collective
Agreement for Academic Staff of the University of
Malta and Academic Staff of the Junior College, the
University of Malta Intellectual Property (IP) Policy
2014, and the University of Malta Manual of Conduct
and Procedures. This Collective Agreement places a high
focus on eLearning in all aspects, including promotions,
academic effort, research output and quality assurance.
It strengthens the Research Fellowship stream and
revises the promotions criteria for academics, that will
now include eLearning issues and intellectual property
generated to better reflect the University’s mission. A
revised Intellectual Property policy aims to ensure that
both the academics and the University itself benefit from
the output generated by academics. The Agreement
highlights the requirement for academics to provide an
updated list of publications on an annual basis. It revises
the employment conditions for Assistant Lecturers and
thus updates the recruitment policy.
Malta Airport - ALIVE2014 Cycling Challenge
The second edition of the Malta Airport - ALIVE2014
Cycling Challenge was a success as the Foundation exceeded its target of €65,000. The funds collected will
once again be donated to the University of Malta’s
Research Trust (RIDT) for a specialised programme in
breast cancer in Malta.
This year, forty-five cyclists undertook this tough challenge, covering almost 1,100km in seven days across
five countries in hot temperatures, wet weather, steep
hills and rough terrain.
The challenge began in Prague on July 10. The group
cycled to Vienna, then through Bratislava, Budapest and
Belgrade, covering a daily average of 155km. This year’s
route was notably hilly and much tougher than last
year’s with one particular elevation reaching 2,600m.
“Throughout the challenge we kept our spirits high,”
said Nicky Camilleri, Chairperson of ALIVE Charity Foundation. “Although we encountered varied weather con-
ditions and hilly routes our spirits were not dampened.
Exhausted in the sweltering heat and drenched in the
heavy rain and hail, we were all determined to complete
the challenge knowing that every kilometre cycled and
every Euro collected was going to help raise funds for
further research in breast cancer.”
For the past few years, the University of Malta in collaboration with Mater Dei Hospital Breast Clinic, has
registered progress in particular biochemical pathways
in breast cancer. Involved in this research are the Physiology and Biochemistry Department, the Anatomy Department and the Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Department at the University of Malta.
“We need to sustain this crucial research study in the
coming years. We therefore continue to rely on the generosity of the Maltese community,” said Wilfred Kenely,
Chief Executive of the University of Malta’s Research
University of Malta’s
Racing Team Heading to Italy
Late in 2012, a group of University students, mostly
from the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy, teamed up to
design, build and race an open-wheel formula style race
car from scratch. This was a daunting challenge which
has kept the team busy ever since. Work on the design
and construction of the car took up most of the students’ free time, in between lectures, in the evenings
and at weekends. Their efforts culminated last July
when all the various parts and components were assembled together to form the finished car.
The UoM Racing team is very pleased to announce that
the car has been successfully completed and everything
is set for the Formula ATA 2014 competition which will
be held from August 29th to September 1st at the Riccardo Paletti Circuit in Varano de Melegari (Parma, Italy).
Around 80 universities from all over the world participate in Formula ATA each year. This is the second time
that a team from the University of Malta will participate
in this competition, with the first team having participated in the 2007 edition.
Having sorted out countless logistical challenges along
the way, the team is now busy practising for the various events that make up the competition and making
fine adjustments where necessary. The competition
is made up of dynamic and static events. The team is
preparing safely for the various dynamic events by setting up a replica of the track at the large car park at the
University of Malta Campus and simulating the actual
competition as far as reasonably possible. Static events
consist of design and business presentations, focusing
on key technical and engineering aspects of the car and
presenting a business proposal to the panel of judges
who would be acting as potential investors. The whole
idea behind the business presentation is to build a car at
a sensible cost that allows for profits to be made if the
car is produced and sold commercially.
Through this exciting project, UoM Racing hopes to
encourage more students to come forward, improve
upon this year’s car and build new cars to participate
in Formula ATA and similar competitions in the future.
This project also stimulates research in the automotive
field at the University of Malta. To this end the project
is supported and assisted by the University’s Research,
Innovation and Development Trust (RIDT), along with
the Faculty of Engineering and the University of Malta
itself. The team would like to thank Dr Ing. Maurizio
Fenech who as faculty advisor guided the team through
all aspects of the project. Special thanks go also to Dr
Mario Farrugia, Ing. Noel Balzan and the technical staff
at the Faculty of Engineering who were vital to the
team in achieving its goal and successfully completing
the project.
Trailer Trash
Car Park Opposite Auberge de
Catalunya, Valletta
Saturday 6 September 2014
Entrance Free
Rating: 18+
A night of stand-up comedy
brought to you by Revolt!
Many, many millennia ago, round about the same time
that fire was discovered, a slightly deranged caveman
thought it would be a brilliant idea to stand up in his
cave, and try to make his fellow troglodytes laugh.
He stood up straight. (Well not completely straight, he
still had not evolved that much) How did it go? I hear
you ask.
Come and find out for yourselves!
Some of Malta’s naughtiest and funniest will be taking
part, with sets from Marie-Claire Pellegrini, Malcolm
Galea, Daniel Warrington, and Steve Hili.
This newletter is published by the Communications and Alumni
Relations Office within the University of Malta.
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