T he C ryogenic S olar A bsolute R adiometer (CSAR) and the M onitor to M easure the I ntegrated T ransmittance (MITRA) of W indows André Fehlmann, W. Finsterle, and W. Schmutz, PMOD/WRC, Switzerland R. Winkler, N. Fox, and E. Usadi, NPL, United Kingdom P. Blattner, METAS, Switzerland On the 1st April 2010 WMO officially signed the BIPM Mutual Recognition Agreement. Thereby all signatories recognise the World Radiometric Reference (WRR) as the reference for solar radiative flux measurements. WMO in turn agreed on ‘... the importance of SI traceable measurements to monitor climate change.’ Although the WRR is currently not directly traceable to the primary SI radiant power standards, comparisons using transfer instruments demonstrated that the two scales agree to better than 0.03%, however with a large uncertainty of 0.14 %. This is still within the WRR‘s originally stated uncertainty of 0.3 % (k= 1). PMOD/WRC as WMO’s designated institute for irradiance measurements, and the two national metrology institutes National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and Federal Office of Metrology (METAS) make a collective effort to introduce a possible new directly SI traceable solar irradiance standard. We are adopting cryogenic technology to build a Cryogenic Solar Absolute Radiometer (CSAR). Vacuum can CSAR will be fully characterised and directly compared to NPL’s primary standard radiometer. At the end of September 2010 it will participate in the 11th International Pyrheliometer Comparison (IPC) in Davos where it has to demonstrate its performance compared to the WRR. To achieve the anticipated absolute accuracy of 0.01 %, we need to measure the integrated transmittance of the entrance window. Our monitor MITRA is designed to fulfil this task. Once CSAR has proven its stability in two IPCs it may be considered a potential substitute for the WRR. Thereby we could guarantee the continuity and SI traceability of the ground based solar irradiance standard. Furthermore, this CSAR instrument serves as an engineering model for the proposed TRUTHS space mission. The ultimate goal of this satellite is to bring a primary standard for radiant power and total solar irradiance into space. This would give us the opportunity to recalibrate instruments in orbit and hence increase the accuracy of earth observation data. Reference blocks RhFe temperature sensors 20 mm diameter TSI cavity To measure temperatures, we use RhFe sensors from LakeShore. To avoid heat being dissipated in the wires feeding the heaters, we are using superconducting materials. We are testing NiTi (Tc ~ 9 K) which is only suitable for a working temperature of 4 K and MgB2 (Tc ~ 39 K) which is still superconductive at 15 K. CSAR We are testing two different cavity diameters (15 and 20 mm). The cylindrical part of the cavities are painted with a diffuse Nextel black paint. The back plates are coated with either Nextel black paint or NEC Toshiba NiP black. First reflectivity measurements have been made at a wavelength of 647 nm. Further measurements at different wavelengths are planned. absorptance 15 mm cavity; Nextel back plate 99.983 % 20 mm cavity; Nextel back plate 99.982 % 15 mm cavity; NiP back plate 99.996 % Mechanical Gifford McMahon cryo-cooler from Sumitomo • 1st stage15 W @ 40 K • 2nd stage 0.4 W @ 4 K 10 cm Terrestrial solar Spectrum (MODTRAN) Quartz (Suprasil) Saphir Diamond Since the cryocooler for space applications has less cooling power, we introduced additional optional heat links to simulate its 15 K and 120 K stages. Both instruments have diamond turned, vulcano shaped precision apertures made from aluminium. This geometry prevents light from from being reflected via the window into the cavity. MITRA housing We used a ultrasonic welding technique to realise an ideal thermal contact between the MITRA cavities made from silver and the labyrinth thermal resistor made from aluminium. This design gives us a thermal relaxation constant of the cavity of 14 s and a temperature rise of 1 K with 20 mW power absorbed in the cavity. MITRA The window transmittance needs monitoring because a fraction of the solar spectrum lies above the cut off wavelength of the window material. And due to changes in the atmosphere this fraction may change. Initial measurements will be made with flat Quartz (Suprasil 3001) windows which have a diameter of 120 mm. CSAR and MITRA each have a similar window. The equivalence of the two windows is going to be characterised by measuring the spectral transmittance over both disks. cut off fraction of TSI above cut off 4 µm 0.36 % 8 µm 0.10 % 15 µm 0.0006 % 5 cm References: MITRA cavity, thermal resistor and heat sink MITRA finite element simulation Dual cavity design allows differential measurement of the solar irradiance. Thus values of the integrated transmittance of windows may be determined. Finsterle W., et al., “Third comparison of the World Radiometric Reference and the SI radiometric scale”, 2008, Metrologia, 45(4), 377-381 Fox N.P, et al., “Traceable Radiometry Underpinning Terrestrial- and Helio- Studies (TRUTHS)”, 2003, Adv. Space Res., 32, 2253-2261