Phase Space Reconstruction and Predictability of Spectral Solar Irradiance from SOLSTICE Guoyong Wen1,2, and Robert F. Cahalan1 1NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center 2Goddard Earth Science and Technology Center, University of Maryland, Baltimore Co Introduction Example of Prediction y λ (n) = [Iλ (n),I λ (n + T),Iλ (n + 2T),...,Iλ (n + (d −1)T)] The Method of Analogues λ λ Quasi-Annual Cycle The average mutual information is a m easure of depende ncy bet ween t wo rando m variables I( X ,Y ) = ∑ ∑ r( x i , y j ) log i y(i+3) Figu re 2. In the met hod of ana logues one f inds the nea rest ne ighbo r of the cu rrent state at t im e ste p L in the vecto r space. The ev olut ion of phys ica l process afte r tim e step L i s ana logue to that fo r its nea rest ne ighbo r at t im e step i. Figure 4. The normalized average AMI(i) ) as a mutual information ( NAMI(i) = AMI(1) function of time lags for different wavelengths. A p eak near 360-day lag is clear for wavelength > 300 nm. Average Mutual Information A simple way to p redict a time series is the method of an alogues. In th is method one looks at the past ( y (1),y (2),...,y (L)) to f ind the vecto r y λ (i) that is nea rest to the latest y λ (L) in the d-dimensional space. The sca lar values afte r i’th obse rvation (i.e., Iλ (i + 1),Iλ (i + 2),Iλ (i + 3),Iλ (i + 4),...) are the p redictions after time step L (i.e., Iλ (L + 1),Iλ (L + 2), Iλ (L + 3),Iλ (L + 4),....). λ r y (i) Figure 3. (Upper panel): To predict the SSI after time step L, we find the vector y(i) = [I(i), I(i − 1),..., I(i − N + 1)] (dashed) is the closest to the cu rrent vector y(L) (solid), where L = 2199 (UARS days), i=1623 (UARS days). (Lower panel): The observed SSI aft er i’th step is used as prediction after L’th time step. y(i+2) y(L+2) y(i+1) y(i) y(L+1) I(T) = ∑ r(s(n), s(n + T )) log y(L) Autoco rrelation C(T) = ∑ (x i i − x)(x i +T − x) ∑( x i − x) 2 • A quasi-annual cycle in those wavelengths is evident. r(s(n),s(n + T )) p(s(n)) p((s(n + T)) i Summary • The predictability of SSI is associated with a distinct peak in relative mutual information at 360 day time lag. is often used in time series analysis. The autocorrelation measures the linear dependency of a time series and the delayed time series. The average mutual information is a m ore general measure of depende ncy bet ween t wo rando m variables. Figure 5. The enhancement parameter is defined to characterize if there is a peak near 360 day lag in mutual information. Similar to core to wing ratio, the enhancement parameter 2AMI(360) E= is large when a peak is AMI(340) + AMI(380) evident. Two spectral regions are distinctive. • The method of analogues is used to predict SOLSTICE time series in the time delayed phase space. The prediction is reasonably well in some spectral regions (e.g., > 300nm) in a time scale of year. r( x i , y j ) p(x i )q( y j ) where r(x, y) is the joint probability distribution of x and y , and p(x) and q(y) are marginal probability distributions of x and y . When x y are indepen dent to each other and r(x, y) = p(x)q(y) , the ave rage mutual information is zero. The averaged information between obse rvations at t ime step n and a time lag T later, namely, the average information about s(n+T) we have when we make the obse rvation of s(n), is n y(L-1) j Scaled Irradiance Figu re 1. Tim e se ries of SOLS TICE spect ral irr ad iances at (top) 121.6 n m (Ly man - α ), (mi dd le) 280 n m (M g-II), (botto m) 393 n m (C a II ). where Iλ (n) is observed spectral irradiance at wavelength λ and time step n. The time delay T is determined such that the ave rage mutual information between a time series and a de layed time series reaches minimum. The dimension d may be determined by th e false nearest neighbor analysis, or simply allowing y λ (n) to span 8~1 0 27-day rotation cycles. y λ (n) is a data po int in d dimensions vector space at time step n. The method of analogue is used to predict the time series. In a sepa rate study we demonst rated the low dimension for wave length < 280 nm and h igh dimension for wavelength > 280 n m. In this study we found that SSI may be predictab le in spect ral region > 300 nm using the m ethod of ana logues. Furthermore, we found the average mutua l information has a peak at ~ 360 -day time lag for those wavelengths. The time series of SSI at those w ave lengths appea r to have a 360 -day cycle (Fig. 6 ). Normalized Mutual Information Observations of TSI and SSI have been no w made for a relatively long time, allowing us to pe rform statistical analysis. This work focuses on the predictability of spect ral solar irradiance by ana lyzing SOLSTICE data. Inst ead of scalars we analyze the time series in the vecto r space. A time delay T ddimension vector is constructed Predictability vs Mutual Information UARS DAY Figure 6. Scaled SOLSTICE solar irradiance at 363 nm as a function of UARS days. A 360-day cycle is evident.