The American University Honors Program (AU Honors) is a rigorous, hands-on, four-year
living-learning community dedicated to exploring real world issues through an
interdisciplinary lens. It is a liberal arts program for creative thinkers and problem solvers,
providing them with advanced skills in research, communication, and innovation.
AU Honors students are dedicated, hard-working, intelligent, and committed to expanding their worldview. The
program is designed to challenge students who performed and continue to perform in the top of their classes in high
school and at AU. Students are housed in Hughes Hall during their first year, and live with fellow scholars in Honors
and other specialized AU programs. After that students can choose from a variety of living options.
Students Accepted Per Year: 25 students
Student-Faculty Ratio: 12:1
Participate in one of four core inquiry courses every semester for the first two years at AU.
Course Examples:
o Climate Change: Science, Politics, and Policy
o Burden of Proof: Forensic Science and Criminal Justice
o Thinking Emotion: From Physiology to Ethics
o Creativity and Innovation: Art, Film, and Perception
Each core inquiry course is taught by a team of two to three internationally known faculty members from
different disciplines. Courses include weekly lab experiences and take advantage of guest speakers,
opportunities in DC, and other hands-on activities.
Learn about research methods and prepare for the challenge course with the Honors research module.
With the guidance of a faculty mentor, students will form teams to complete a challenge course, and test
their ability to apply learned skills in interdisciplinary thinking, collaboration, research,
communication, and innovation.
Students complete the program with a capstone course in their major, which can include an
interdisciplinary twist.
Upon enrollment, students receive a $30,000 merit award every year.
Live and learn in an intimate and diverse community.
Tackle complex real world problems using multi-disciplinary perspectives.
Conduct high-quality research independently and in teams.
Apply creativity and critical thinking in the arts, humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.
Evolve your communication skills both in written and oral formats, using various technologies.
Develop working relationships with faculty and leading professionals, scholars, artists, and policy-makers.
Culmination of a unique project to share with future graduate programs, job, and internship opportunities.
To apply to the AU Honors Program, you must complete the program application which is available on the
Admissions and Honors websites.
american.edu/honors  honors@american.edu  202-885-6194