Honors Requirements Summary Sheet and Honors Advising

Honors Requirements Summary Sheet and Honors Advising
Requirements for Graduating with University Honors in:
Audio Production
Audio Technology
Elementary Education
Jewish Studies
Level I (100-200-level Honors courses)
Law & Society
Political Science
Secondary Education
Women & Gender Studies
Level II in major (300-level or above Honors courses)
= no mandatory minimum, but generally around 18 credits; these
can be fewer if more credits are taken in Level II
= at least 6 credits
Level II non-major (300-level or above Honors courses)
Level III (Honors Capstone Project)
= no mandatory minimum
= 6 credits
Grand Total
= 21-30 credits depending on when you entered the program
Requirements for Graduating with University Honors in All Other Majors
Level I (100-200-level Honors courses)
Level II in major (300-level or above Honors courses)
= no mandatory minimum, but generally around 18 credits; these
can be fewer if more credits are taken in Level II
= at least 9 credits
Level II non-major (300-level or above Honors courses)
= no mandatory minimum
Level III (Honors Capstone Project)
= at least 3 credits
Grand Total
= 21-30 credits depending on when you entered the program
Requirements for Graduating with General University Honors
Level I (100-200-level Honors courses)
Level II of any discipline (300-level or above Honors
Level III (Honors Capstone Project)
Grand Total
= no mandatory minimum, but generally around 18 credits; these
can be fewer if more credits are taken in Level II
= at least 6-9 credits
= 3-6 credits
= 21-30 credits depending on when you entered the program
What is General University Honors versus University Honor in the Major?
University Honors in the Major indicates that the student has completed their upper-level coursework, including the
Honors Capstone project, exclusively in the major. Their diploma will bear the designation, “University Honors in
[Major].” General University Honors indicates that the student’s upper-level coursework was interdisciplinary and the
diploma will bear the designation, “University Honors.” Unless the student knows of a reason why one may be more
advantageous for his or her specific plans, both are considered equally advantageous outside of the university.
Honors Credit Timeline (You can use this sheet to plan and track your Honors credit progress.)
Fall 2010
Spring 2011
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
Fall 2013
Spring 2014
Fall 2014
Spring 2015
Fall 2015
Spring 2016
Fall 2016
Spring 2017
Last Updated 11/4/2010