Document 13083553

Patrick Peter Kalas completed his Master’s Degree in Political Science from the Graduate Institute in
Geneva, Switzerland, investigating Public-Private / Multi-stakeholder Partnerships
for Delivery of Water and Sanitation Services. In addition, he completed his Postgraduate Studies
(CAS) on Developing Countries from the Nadel Institute at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.
After experiences with international NGOs such as the Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development
(CSEND) and the Diplo Foundation, he joined Mr. Adolf Ogi, the UN Special Adviser to the
Secretary-General on Sport for Development and Peace. During his support, he contributed to the
International Year of Sports and Physical Education (IYPSE) through coordinating UN Member States
activities in 70 countries ( After his involvement during the two
World Summits on the Information Society (WSIS), he joined the Swiss Agency for Development and
Cooperation (SDC) in January 2006 in the realm of ICTs for Development. He recently edited the
publication “Planting the knowledge seed- Adapting to climate change using ICTs” on behalf of the
BCO Alliance (