F.No. 11-26/2014-IA.III Government of India Ministry of Environment, Forest Climate Change

F.No. 11-26/2014-IA.III
Government of India
Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change
Indira Paryavaran Bhawan,
Jor Bagh Road,
New Delhi - 110 003
Dated: 12th May, 2015
The Chief - Trombay Station,
Mj s Tata Power Co. Ltd.
Trombay Thermal Power Station,
Mahul Road, Chembur,
Mumbai - 400074
Subject: Enhancing coal handling capacity, installation of coal conveyor,
stack yard and FDG disposal at Trombay Thermal Power Station,
Maharashtra by MIs Tata Power Company Ltd. - CRZ Clearance Reg.
This has reference to your proposal forwarded by the Member Secretary,
Maharashtra Coastal Zone Management Authority (MCZMA)vide letter no. CRZ
3 dated 22.05.2014
and your letters dated 06.09.2014
11.12.2014 seeking prior CRZ Clearance on the above-mentioned project.
The Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change has considered the
application. It is noted that the proposal is for grant of CRZ Clearance for
enhancing coal handling capacity, installation of coal conveyor,' stack yard
and FDG disposal at Trombay Thermal Power"Station, Maharashtra by MIs
Tata Power Co. Ltd. The proposal was considered by the Expert Appraisal
Committee (EAC)in its meetings held from 30th June, 2014 to 2nd July, 2014, 29th
September to 1st October, 2014 and on 28th - 30th January, 2015. The proponent
has informed that:
The proposal involves import of coal with low sulphur for modernization of
existing Unit #6 by change of fuel to use low sulphur imported coal
(sourced from outside India) in place of LSHSjLSWR.
11. Considering Gross Calorific Value (GCV)of 5000
Kcalj kg of fuel coal, the
coal requirement for Unit #6 is expected to be 6000 TPD. Annual
requirement is estimated to be 2.0 Million MT.
111. TTPS has its own captive coal berth facility for handling and unloading of
coal for other units at Trombay. The captive coal berth has installed
unloading capacity of 2.4 million Metric Tonne (MT) per year, which is
proposed to be suitably augmented with additional equipment to unload
coal. This will increase the coal unloading and handling capacity of the
Captive Coal Berth from 2.4 Million MTj year to 4.4 Million MTj year.
Additional coal storage facility will be created next to the coal berth for
storing coal up to 2 Lakh MT. The facility will be supported with the
mechanized coal handling system to handle coal in an environment friendly
manner with constant spraying of water. The existing coal berth will be
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optimally utilized with additional equipment without increase in the length
of berth.
To avoid any coal particles getting entrained in air, two coal conveyors are
proposed from the captive coal berth to the Unit #6 for feeding the coal from
the West side of the power Plant. The coal conveyor will be partially of belt
type and partially pipe type with the proper covering arrangement to avoid
dust emission.
All existing system of captive coal berth will be utilized during the proposed
modernization and there is no anticipation of any additional construction
except installation of equipments for coal unloading such as additional coal
unloader for enhancing coal unloading capacity, stacker reclaimer and
conveying system. Since the existing plant shall be used with current lay
out with minimal disturbance through optimum use of facilities, additional
land requirement is not envisaged.
Presently Unit #6 requires 66,000 m-' jhr of sea water for condenser cooling
which is taken from the Thane Creek. It has been estimated that there will
not be any change in the water requirement.
The sea water from the outlet of Unit # 6 Condenser will be sourced and
supplied to the FGD scrubber through the FGD sea water supply pumps.
The sea water, after scrubbing the flue gas within the scrubber tower, will
flow back to the FGD aeration basin by gravity wherein, additional air, by
aeration fans will be mixed with the scrubber effluent to convert the
dissolved Sulphur dioxide in the form of Sulphite to Sulphate.
After the aeration basin, the effluent will be mixed with additional sea water
from the condenser outlet in the dilution basin to dilute the Sulphate
content and to further increase the overall dissolved oxygen (DO) in the
effluent to meet the parameters laid down in the Consent to Establish
accorded by MPCB.
After conforming the standards, the effluent will be discharged into the
existing cooling water outlet channel through an outfall structure of
boulders. This will ensure additional surface area for further cooling and
provide aeration surface to the sea water before passing in to the main
cooling channel.
Main outfall channel ensures additional temperature drop before it is
discharged to the receiving water body (Thane Creek). Additional sea water
from condenser cooling system of units 5,7 and 8 will also be getting mixed
with the unit 6 discharge.
The net estimated increase in the Sulphate concentration of condenser
cooling sea water on dilution by total quantity of 60,000 m3jhr will be 1 %
of baseline sea water concentration of Sulphates (2000 -3500 ppm). This
process is already proven to be effective and environment friendly as the
sulphate is already present in sea water.
This minor increase in Sulphate concentration will be effectively diluted
and dispersed within a short distance after it meets the receiving water
body. Considering the very low relative increase in the sulphate
concentration there will not be any impact on the marine environment.
The temperature measurement at the surface form the discharge point
shows that the ambient temperature is achieved at a distance of 700m
towards west side and 100m in east direction and about 1100m in south
direction. Similar results were obtained for temperature at 1m depth during
low and high tide. Similarly, the pH variation is found to be minimal in the
sea water owing to its high buffer capacity.
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•. >
xv. Approvals: The total effluent discharge to sea is approx. 7,22,000 KLD.
Consent of State Pollution Control Board obtained vide letter dated
XVI. The Maharashtra
Coastal Zone Management Authority (MCZMA) has
recommended the project vide letter no. CRZ 2012jCRj288jTC
3 dated
Wildlife issues: There is no Eco-Sensitive area located within 10 km radius
of the proposed project site.
Forest land: No forest land involved in the project.
XIX. There is no court cases/violation
pending with the project proponent.
The EAC has recommended for grant of CRZ Clearance. Accordingly, the
Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change hereby accords CRZ Clearance
for the above-mentioned enhancing coal handling capacity, installation of coal
conveyor, stack yard and FDG disposal at Trombay Thermal Power Station,
Maharashtra by M/ s Tata Power Co. Ltd under the provisions of the Coastal
Regulation Zone Notification, 2011 and amendments thereto and Circulars issued
thereon and subject to the compliance of the following specific conditions, in
addition to the general conditions mentioned below:
"Consent for Establishment" shall be obtained from State Pollution
Control Board under Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act,
1981 and Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974.
The coal stock yard shall have double containment on all the sides
with clear driveway between two containments and the boundary
fence. The height of wind screen shall be 3 meters above the height of
coal stack. Water sprinkling shall be carried out for settling dust as
this coal stock yard is close to inhabited areas.
Three layers of green belt shall be provided on all sides including the
ash pond.
The marine outfall shall be through the existing outfall. All the
conditions stipulated by Maharashtra
Pollution Control Board
(MPCB)shall be complied with.
On line monitoring sensors at outlet
marine outfall shall be provided.
Continuous Online monitoring system shall be provided at the
chimney and data of emissions recorded so shall be submitted to the
concerned State Pollution Control Board.
the industry
and at the
(vii) All the recommendations and conditions specified by Maharashtra
State Coastal Zone Management Authority vide letter no. CRZ
3 dated 22.05.2014, shall be complied with.
(viii) The outlet quality as well as the sea water near the outfall shall be
monitored especially for temperature and sulphate regularly. If the
parameters are found significant in the future, necessary remediation
measures shall be taken. A report in this regard shall be submitted to
Regional Officer, MoEFCC along with six monthly monitoring report.
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Construction activity shall be carried out strictly according to the
provisions of CRZ Notification, 2011. No construction work other
than those permitted in Coastal Regulation Zone Notification shall be
carried out in Coastal Regulation Zone area.
A copy of the clearance letter shall also be displayed on the website of
the concerned State Pollution Control Board. The EC letter shall also
be displayed at the Regional Office, District Industries centre and
Collector's Office/ Tehsildar's office for 30 days.
The funds earmarked for environmental protection measures shall be
kept in separate account and shall not be diverted for other purpose.
Year-wise expenditure shall be reported to this Ministry and its
concerned Regional Office.
Officials from the Regional Office of MoEF&CC, Nagpur who would be
monitoring the implementation of environmental safeguards should be given full
cooperation, facilities and documents/ data by the project proponents during their
inspection. A complete set of all the documents submitted to MoEF&CC should be
forwarded to the CCF, Regional office of MoEF&CC,Nagpur.
In the case of any change(s) in the scope of the project, the project would
require a fresh appraisal by this Ministry.
The Ministry reserves the right to add additional safeguard measures
subsequently, if found necessary, and to take action including revoking of the
environment clearance under the provisions of the Environmental (Protection)
Act, 1986, to ensure effective implementation of the suggested safeguard
measures in a time bound and satisfactory manner.
All other statutory clearances
from Chief Controller of Explosives,
Forest Conservation Act, 1980 and
obtained, as applicable by project
such as the approvals for storage of diesel
Fire Department, Civil Aviation Department,
Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 etc. shall be
proponents from the respective competent
These stipulations would be enforced among others under the provisions of
Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, the Air (Prevention and
control of Pollution) act 1981, the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, the Public
Liability (Insurance) Act, 1991 and EIA Notification, 2006.
The project proponent should advertise in at least two local Newspapers
widely circulated in the region, one of which shall be in the vernacular language
informing that the project has been accorded Environmental Clearance and
copies of clearance letters are available with the State Pollution Control Board
and may also be seen on the website of the Ministry of Environment, Forests &
Climate Change at http://www.envfor.nic.in. The advertisement should be made
within Seven days from the date of receipt of the Clearance letter and a copy of
the same should be forwarded to the Regional Office of this Ministry at Nagpur.
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10. This Clearance is subject to final order of the Hon/ble Supreme Court of
India in the matter of Goa Foundation v/ s. Union of India in Writ Petition (Civil)
No.460 of 2004 as may be applicable to this project.
11. Any appeal against this clearance shall lie with the National Green
Tribunal, if preferred, within a period of 30 days as prescribed under Section 16
of the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010.
12. A copy of the clearance letter shall be sent by the proponent to concerned
Panchayat, Zilla Parisady Municipal Corporation, Urban Local Body and the Local
NGO, if any, from whom suggestions/ representations, if any, were received while
processing the proposal. The clearance letter shall also be put on the website of
the company by the proponent.
13. The proponent shall upload the status of compliance of the stipulated EC
conditions, including results of monitored data on their website and shall update
the same periodically. It shall simultaneously be sent to the Regional Office of
MoEF&CC, the respective Zonal Office of CPCB and the SPCB. The criteria
pollutant levels namely; SPM, RSPM, S02, NOx (ambient levels as well as stack
emissions) or critical sectoral parameters, indicated for the project shall be
monitored and displayed at a convenient location near the main gate of the
company in the public domain.
14. The environmental statement for each financial year ending 31 st March in
is mandated to be submitted by the project proponent to the
concerned State Pollution Control Board as prescribed under the Environment
(Protection) Rules, 1986, as amended subsequently, shall also be put on the
website of the company along with the status of compliance of EC conditions and
shall also be sent to the respective Regional Offices of MoEF&CC bye-mail.
Yours faithfully,
(Dr. Ranjini Warrier)
Copy to:
1. The Secretary, Department of Environment, Govt. of Maharashtra, Mantralaya,
Mumbai - 400 032.
The Chairman, CPCB, Parivesh Bhawan, CBD-cum-Office Complex, East
Arjun Nagar, Delhi - 32.
2. The Chairman, Maharashtra Pollution Control Board, Kalpataru Points, 3rd &
4th floor, Opp. Cine Planet, Sion Circle, Sion (E), Mumbai _ 400 022.
3. The Chief Conservator of Forests, Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate
Change, Regional Office, Nagpur.
4. Guard File.
S. Monitoring Cell.
(Dr. Ranjini Wartier)
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