Spirituality  in  children  and  young  people:  a  suitable  topic  for  educational and child psychologists?

Spirituality in children and young people: a suitable topic for educational and child psychologists?
Educational Psychology in Practice: theory, research and practice in educational psychology
Volume 26, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 25 ‐ 34 Authors: Beverley Ruddocka; R. J. (Se n) Camerona
Abstract In this article the concept of spirituality, especially with relation to school age children and young people, is discussed. Some of the possibilities and constraints present in this area are noted, especially the unease with which many researchers and practitioners view such a difficult to define topic and also its traditional association with religious organisations. However, in more recent literature, the spiritual dimension has been seen as a universal human characteristic (within which spirituality in religion is viewed as a sub‐set), which is characterised by a deeper state of meaningfulness. In the case of children and young people, modern writers have argued that the encouragement of spiritual growth is important because it is related to a non‐material, ethical and self‐awareness aspect of their development and is a necessary counterbalance to the attainment‐focused demands of the National Curriculum. As an aid to future study in this area, a possible measurement of spirituality in school‐aged children (The SQ Pupil Inventory) is reproduced at the end of this article. This inventory represents the work in progress of the late Beverley Ruddock who was carrying out her doctoral research in this topic until her sudden death in late 2008 