Safe Composition of Web Communication Protocols Adam D. Bradley Azer Bestavros

Computer Science
Safe Composition of Web
Communication Protocols
Adam D. Bradley
Azer Bestavros
Assaf J. Kfoury
Computer Science Department
Boston University
14 August, 2002
7th International Workshop on Web Content Caching and Distribution (WCW
Computer Science
 HTTP Versions
 The Expect/Continue Feature: Is it “Safe”?
Model-based Analysis
 Building Models from RFCs
 Verification Results
 General Claims
Conclusions and Future Directions
14 August, 2002
7th International Workshop on Web Content Caching and Distribution
(WCW 2002)
HTTP Versioning Problem
Computer Science
HTTP - informal docs, internet-drafts
 RFC1945
 RFC2068 (1/97), superceded by RFC2616 (6/99)
 “HTTP/1.1” does not uniquely identify semantics
14 August, 2002
7th International Workshop on Web Content Caching and Distribution
(WCW 2002)
Computer Science
Clients can send entities in requests
 POSTing a form, Image, PDF paper,
Web Service invocation (SOAP etc.)
Don’t send entity if doing so accomplishes nothing
 Authentication failure, server overload, failed predicate
“100 Continue” Interim Response
 Server signals interest in request entity
 Introduced in RFC2068
“Expect: 100-continue” Request Header
 Client signals it will wait for a 100 Continue message
 Introduced in RFC2616
14 August, 2002
7th International Workshop on Web Content Caching and Distribution
(WCW 2002)
Expect/Continue: Problems!
Computer Science
This changes the event model for HTTP!
What’s a proxy to do? (Pre-RFC2616)
 Is “100 Continue” hop-by-hop?
Defeats most obvious use: Bandwidth-starved client
 Is “100 Continue” end-to-end?
Deadlock-prone [Mogul97]
 Is it either/both? (Choose either at whim?)
Confuses (deceives) downstream agents?
14 August, 2002
7th International Workshop on Web Content Caching and Distribution
(WCW 2002)
The “Fix”
Computer Science
RFC2616 added Expect: 100-continue
Defined Expect/Continue as Hop-by-Hop
Rules for graceful interoperability with RFC2068
Problem solved…
or IS it?
14 August, 2002
7th International Workshop on Web Content Caching and Distribution
(WCW 2002)
Formal Modeling
Computer Science
 Finite-State Model Checker
Strength: Find deadlocks, livelocks, LTL violations
 Gerard Holzmann - Bell Labs
 Freely Downloadable
 C-like code for non-deterministic state machines
 Useful constructs for communication modeling
The Challenge:
 Translate prosaic RFCs into Reactive State Machines
14 August, 2002
7th International Workshop on Web Content Caching and Distribution
(WCW 2002)
Promela/SPIN Models
Computer Science
 client-1945, -2068, -2616
 server-1945, -2068, -2616, -2616-may
 proxy-1945
 proxy-2068-e2e, -2068-hbh, -2068-hybrid
 proxy-2616, -2616-fixed
Code available via web:
14 August, 2002
7th International Workshop on Web Content Caching and Distribution
(WCW 2002)
Client-Server Results
Computer Science
Write Deadlock:
C1.1 - S1.1
Resembles a
DoS attack
 Benevolent Peers!
Rare in practice
 Large S/R buffers
all cases verify
14 August, 2002
7th International Workshop on Web Content Caching and Distribution
(WCW 2002)
Client-Proxies-Server Results
Computer Science
Experiment with proxy-2068-hybrid
 Use -e2e, -hbh to explore reasons for failures
All Deadlock-Prone Cases:
 RFC1945 Server or Proxy upstream of a 1.1 Proxy
 Included an RFC2068 Proxy downstream somewhere
2068-e2e behavior induces problems
2068-hybrid aggravates it (deception)
Interaction of RFC2068 and RFC2616 rules can fail
 Experiments 2.8, 4.3, 4.6, 4.12, 4.13
14 August, 2002
7th International Workshop on Web Content Caching and Distribution
(WCW 2002)
Computer Science
handles this correctly
14 August, 2002
7th International Workshop on Web Content Caching and Distribution
(WCW 2002)
Computer Science
first hop
14 August, 2002
7th International Workshop on Web Content Caching and Distribution
(WCW 2002)
Generalizing: Reductions
Computer Science
Tested all CS, CPS, CPPS
 Longer chain = greater computational cost
CS: seconds
CPS: minutes
CPPS: hours
CPPPS: days
How do we argue about C(P*)S?
 Reduction Rules
 Failure Patterns
14 August, 2002
7th International Workshop on Web Content Caching and Distribution
(WCW 2002)
Reduction Rules, Failure Patterns
Computer Science
 e.g.: “A sequence of proxy-2616 agents behaves
(causally) exactly as a single proxy-2616 would.”
Our 8 reductions can reduce any arbitrarily long
C(P*)S to one of 53 finite-length models (see [3])
Gives rise to two failure patterns:
 p/c-2068  proxy-1.1  p/s-1945
 c-1.1  (p-1.1 )* p-2068  p/s-1945
14 August, 2002
7th International Workshop on Web Content Caching and Distribution
(WCW 2002)
Conclusions and Future Work
Computer Science
Modeling informs standards writers
 Do modeling/verification at design/draft time
 Force semantic disambiguation
 Formalize goal of “interoperability” as
requiring verifiable reductions/reducibility
Automatically Identifying Reductions
 Ideas from I/O automata [Lynch 89, etc]
Backend tools for Flow Calculus
 Language-level safety of net protocols and programs
14 August, 2002
7th International Workshop on Web Content Caching and Distribution
(WCW 2002)
Computer Science
 Supported in part by:
 NSF awards ANI-9986397, ANI-0095988,
CCR-9988529, ITR-0113193
 U.S. Dept of Education GAANN Fellowship
14 August, 2002
7th International Workshop on Web Content Caching and Distribution
(WCW 2002)