Theme 1 The University will improve learning for its diverse student population by placing emphasis upon effective traditional teaching methods, innovative pedagogy and active learning through research experiences, internships, service learning, and learning communities/cohorts. We will accomplish this by promoting teamwork, academic rigor, learning assessment, personal inquiry, information literacy, ethics, and problem solving. Staff and faculty leaders associated with Technology Innovations for Learning and Teaching (TILT) and the Center for the Scholarly Advancement ofLearning and Teaching (CSALT) developed this vision statement in alignment with the University's strategic plan: To transform learners through an inspired faculty using both traditional and innovative evidence based pedagogy and technology. Strategies Support for faculty in utilizing innovative pedagogy, on-line delivery systems and emerging technological tools that enhance learning effectiveness. TILT is setting the stage for continuous improvement ofexisting teaching and learning technology, and useful exploration of innovative pedagogy. For example, there is group of faculty experimenting with a variety of tools associated with electronic portfolios. We expect this number to grow next year. We continue to provide guidance to faculty and departments interested in developing on-line courses and programs. We expect our on-line offerings to increase next year. Ofgreat importance, a faculty member will champion process coordination and improvement for moving on-line courses and programs from ideation to implementation with the important goals of academic rigor, student learning, and sustainability. Several faculty are involved in a formal evaluation of My WritingLab, a web-based writing assessment and tutorial tool. In addition, we continue to support users of Criterion, a similar writing foedback tool. Investment in technology that encourages and enhances exceptional teaching. We were granted access to iTunesU and have one faculty member actively using it and another wanting to do so. We are piloting wireless presentation technology (Mac AirPlay) that willfree faculty from the front of the classroom in two classrooms in the fall. In a Title VITILTICSALT partnership, eight Faculty Learning Communities, with approximately 40 faculty participants, have run throughout the 20J J-J 2 academic year. Faculty Learning Communities (FLCs) enable faculty to form groups across multiple disciplines to engage in active discussions in a collaborative environment to share teaching strategies using technology, on-line tools, and campus resources. It is important to note that not all exceptional teaching includes the use of technology as technology is commonly conceptualized. The Center for the Scholarly Advancement ofLearning and Teaching conducts several workshops and seminars dedicated to "traditional" pedagogy including Large Lectures, Classroom Management, and Enhancing Critical Thinking. Emphasis on improved physical spaces, including "learning commons," that provide effective environments for instruction and study. TILT is leading the effort from pedagogical and fiscal perspectives in developing new learning environments. This work will be successful with the support of Plant Operations and Classroom Services among others. Instructional support teams to assist faculty with enhancing learning. This summer will be the first formal attempt at providing an instructional support team. Participants in the Summer Teaching Innovations Academy will work closely with instructional designers. academic technology support staff, and the Title V researcher to provide faculty assistance in their course redesign efforts. The goal is to marry pedagogy, technology, and assessment so that faculty maximize the likelihood ofsuccess with their course redesign. The goal of course redesign is to enhance student learning. Overall Assessment Progress is being made in all areas in Theme 1 Strategies directly related to Academic Affairs. We expect increases in activity and outcomes in the 2012-13 academic year.