Have more questions?...Contact us! Drop by: Peters Business 302 Call: 559.278.2949 Email: alevi@csufresno.edu Website: www.fresnostate.edu/jcast/agbs Like us on Facebook: Fresno State Ag Business Dept. Follow us on Twitter: @FSAGBS Year 1 GE– A1 Oral Communication (Comm 7 recommended) GE– A2 Writing Intro to Ag Econ GE– D3 AGBS 1 Req. GE– C1 Arts Ag Fin. Accounting AGBS 31 (or ACCT 4A) *Ag. Foundation select 9 units from: AGBS, AGED, ASCI, CRSC, CULG, ENOL, FSC, HORT, IT, MEAG, NUTR, OH, SW, VIT, FSM, PLANT, AGRI Year 2 GE– A3 Critical Thinking GE–D1 (History 11 or 12) (Fin 30 recommended) GE– C2 GE– D2 GE– B2 Life Science Humanities GE– B4 GE–B1 (DS 71 or Math 70, 75, or 75A required) Ag Sector Analysis AGBS 2 GE– E1 Physical Science (Poli Sci 2) GE-C1 or C2 Arts & Humanities AGBS 32 (or ACCT 4B) Preq: AGBS 31 or ACCT 4A) Ag. Foundation* Ag Bus Info. System AGBS 76 (or IS 52 & 52L) Ag Quant. Analysis AGBS 71 (or DS 73 or Math 11) Management: AGBS 117, 122 Ag. Appraisal: AGBS 136 Natural Resources: AGBS 155 Product Marketing: AGBS 163, 164 Special Interest: AGBS 162, 173, 177 Topics: AGBS 185T Ag. Internship: AGBS 194 Mandatory Meet with dept. advisor every semester. Ag. Foundation* (or BA 18) Interm Ag Econ AGBS 100 Ag. Fin. Management AGBS 130 Preq: AGBS 1 & DS 71 Preq: AGBS 2, 31, 76, and AGBS 100 Agribusiness Mgt. InternationalAgriEcon AGBS 120 AGBS 150 Writing Requirement*** Exam** or Class with W*** *** Upper Division Writing Requirement Info: www.fresnostate.edu/catalog/ upper-division-writing.html ** Writing Exam (UDWE) Info: www.fresnostate.edu/ studentaffairs/testing/to/ or the Testing Office, FFS 110 AGBS 109 or 110 Preq: AGBS 71 and 100 Preq: AGBS 1, AGBS 2 or Econ 50 Sample AGBS Upper Division Electives: ~select three ~ AGBS 28 Ag Policy Ag. Foundation* Year 4 Mgt. of Agri-Food Supply Ag Law Preq: AGBS 1 (or Econ 50) Ag Mgl. Accounting Year 3 AGBS 140 Preq: AGBS 1 and AGBS 2 or Econ 50 AGBS U.D. Elective GE– IB (Plant 105 recommended) ***Writing Requirement Course Recommendations: PLANT 110W or IT 198W can count as the Writing Requirement and Ag Foundation, too. OR ANTH 105W can also count as GE-MI OR ANTH 116W can also count as GE-ID Ag. Marketing 100 Adv. Agbs Appl. AGBS 170S Senior Capstone Preq: AGBS 100 AGBS U.D. Elective AGBS U.D. Elective Arts & Humanities GE– ID GE– M/I AGBS 160 GE– IC (excludes AGBS155) Multicultural/ International Elective Elective Social Background Exceed expectations… Minor in: Spanish Plant Science Economics Animal Science International Business And many more! Rev:9-22-15