MEMORANDUM TO: FR: RE: DA: Richard A. Davey, Secretary & CEO Frank DePaola, Highway Division Administrator Ongoing Work in the MHS Tunnels April 13, 2012 To follow is a summary of maintenance and construction activities performed over the last week in the Metropolitan Highway System tunnels. Please feel free to contact me if you need additional information. Overnight work: • • • • • • • • MassDOT implemented a full closure of the I-93 Southbound Tunnel to facilitate maintenance. These closures will continue, overnight, on the first Tuesday of each month. The Northbound side of the tunnel will also be closed, overnight, on the third Tuesday of each month. More than 100 MassDOT workers performed maintenance and repairs, and also cleaned multiple parts of the tunnel system. Maintenance and repairs were concentrated on areas over center lanes of the roadway, because these areas are more difficult to reach during standard laneclosures. Contractors continue to make repairs to tunnel joints in the area of Ramp R-T, linking Essex Street to I-93 Northbound. The work is part of MassDOT’s ongoing efforts to repair water infiltration. Water infiltration repairs to nearby Ramp A-CN are ongoing. Work is also occurring in the Northbound side of the O’Neill Tunnel itself. Additional water infiltration repair work is occurring at Ramp CN-SA, near Exit 26 from I-93 Northbound, Ramp SA-CS (Surface Artery Southbound to I-93 Southbound), Ramp CS-P (I-93 Southbound to Purchase Street) in the area of Exit 23, Ramp S-N (Leverett Circle to I-93 Northbound), Ramp L-CS (Leverett Circle to I-93 Southbound) and Ramp SA-CT (Surface Artery Southbound to Callahan Tunnel). MassDOT replaced 2 cases of lamps in the Prudential Tunnel Westbound and the adjacent ramp from Clarendon Street. MassDOT inspected the fire extinguishers in the Prudential Tunnel Westbound. All were charged. No replacements were necessary. MassDOT performed additional repairs and maintenance on cross-passage doors in the Prudential Tunnel Eastbound. A contractor is continuing substructure repairs in the Storrow Tunnel Westbound under Leverett Circle. This work is scheduled to last through the end of the summer. MassDOT has an ongoing routine inspection underway throughout the tunnel system. That ongoing inspection will require periodic closures of various parts of • • • • • • • • the system to allow for better access by inspectors. Last week’s inspection work included inspections of the HOV Tunnel. A contractor is also performing a routine ceiling inspection in the I-90 Connector Tunnel Eastbound and in the Prudential Tunnel Eastbound. A contractor installed conduit on the South wall of the Prudential Tunnel Eastbound. A contractor continued milling pavement in the Prudential Tunnel Westbound. Milling is grinding and removing pavement from the roadway so that repairs can be made below the wearing (driving) surface of the roadway. Repairs to the concrete slab have also begun. MassDOT replaced catch basin grates in the I-93 Southbound Tunnel. A contractor cleaned trench drains in the area of Tunnel S-N (Storrow Eastbound Tunnel to Northbound Leverett Ramp), at the I-93 Southbound Tunnel exit portal, at Ramp SA-CN (Cross Street to I-93 Northbound) and at Ramp ST-CN (Sumner Tunnel to I-93 Northbound). A contractor made emergency repairs to a grate covering a trench drain in the Dewey Square Tunnel (I-93 Southbound). The grate was repaired because of a bolt failure during trench drain cleaning. The contractor then inspected the drain grates throughout the I-93 Tunnels (both directions). The contractor is in the process of replacing these grates. No additional issues were found with the grates. MassDOT cleaned cameras in the CANA (City Square) Tunnel, Northbound and Southbound. MassDOT cleaned and swept Ramp L-CS (Leverett Circle to I-93 Southbound) in preparation for paving work.