TO: Frank DePaola, Acting Secretary & CEO
RE: Ongoing Work in the MHS Tunnels
DA: November 14, 2014
To follow is a summary of maintenance and construction activities performed last week
and the week before in the Metropolitan Highway System Tunnels.
Overnight work:
Contractors are repairing water infiltration at multiple points within the O’Neill
Tunnel (both directions) and on related ramps. Recent work included slurry wall
repairs and repair and replacement of fireproofing materials.
Water infiltration repair work is also underway in the I-90 Connector Tunnel (both
directions) and the Ted Williams Tunnel Eastbound.
Workers are also repairing water infiltration in the Sumner Tunnel. The contractor
who recently made water infiltration repairs in the Sumner was instructed to make
additional repairs in the same area where water infiltration repair work had already
occurred. Water infiltration had recurred in that segment of the tunnel. The
additional repair work was done at no cost to MassDOT.
A contractor working on behalf of the Massachusetts Convention Center Authority is
performing ongoing ceiling-related construction in the Prudential Tunnel. Recent
work included installation of catchment nets and fireproofing materials, and
placement of door latches on the inspection hatches. This work is almost finished,
with a tentative completion date of November 22.
A contractor working on behalf of the owner of the Prudential Center continued work
on the ceiling of the Prudential Tunnel Westbound. This is a different section of the
ceiling than what has been noted above.
MassDOT workers striped lines onto the pavement in the I-93 Southbound Tunnel
from the Zakim Bridge to the Dewey Square area. Adjacent ramps were striped as
needed. The work required lane closures. It was piggy-backed onto other work in the
area, primarily water infiltration repairs.
A contractor replaced an expansion joint in the Ted Williams Tunnel Westbound.
A contractor performed a routine inspection of portions of the I-93 Southbound
Tunnel and related ramps. A contractor also performed a similar inspection on the
Northbound side. Contractors are also inspecting the Eastbound and Westbound
tunnel sets and related ramps.
MassDOT workers and contractors are also performing routine inspections of
highway signs, lighting and sign structures.
MassDOT plumbers finished replacing a sump pump in the Ted Williams Tunnel
MassDOT workers replaced light fixtures in the fan rooms in the Prudential Tunnel
A contractor did finishing work on the recently restored median area at the edge of
the Prudential Tunnel Eastbound, near the entrance portal.
MassDOT workers replaced the power supply on a Variable Message Sign board near
the entrance portal to the I-93 Southbound Tunnel.
MassDOT electricians inspected the lights at the exit portal of the Ted Williams
Tunnel Westbound. The electricians replaced components of seven of the lights.
MassDOT workers and a contractor performed routine maintenance on the fire
detection pull stations in the I-90 Westbound Connector Tunnel.
MassDOT workers replaced a failed traffic camera and repaired the pan/tilt/zoom unit
on another. Workers also cleaned the lenses of nine nearby cameras. The work
occurred near Ramps D (Congress Street to I-93) and F-D (Ted Williams Tunnel
Westbound, Exit 24 to I-93).