Constitutional Law-Libel-Plaintiff Must Meet New York Times Standard of Proof to Recover if the Alleged Defamatory Misstatement of Fact Concerns a Matter of Public Interest. Rosenbloom v. Metromedia,/nc.,403 U.S. 29 (1971). George Rosenbloom, a distributor of nudist magazines in Philadelphia, was arrested twice for alleged violation of the city's obscenity law. Books and magazines were seized by the police in his home and his warehouse. Rosenbloom brought suit against the city and police officials seeking to enjoin their interference with his business; he based his action on the allegation that his magazines were not obscene. After he had been acquitted of criminal obscenity charges, Rosenbloom filed suit in a federal district court against Metromedia, Inco under the Pennsylvania libel law. t He alleged that he had suffered losses from damage to his reputation and business by the news broadcasts of Metromedia's radio station WI P which characterized his magazines as obscene 2 and mentioned him by name at the time of his arrests. Rosenbloom claimed further that, although he and his business associates were not named in the broadcasts reporting his suit for injunctive relief, WI P's characterization of him and his associates as "smut distributors" and "girlie book peddlers" was false and defamatory. The federal district court held 3 that the knowing or reckless falsity standard of New York Times Co. v. Sullivan 4 did not PA. STAT. ANN. tit. 12. § 1584a (Supp. 1971) provides: I) In an action for defamation, the plaintiff has the burden of proving, when the issue is properly raised: (a) The defamatory character of the communication; (b) Its publication by the defendant; (c) Its application to the plaintiff; (d) The recipient's understanding of its defamatory meaning; (e) The recipient's understanding of it as intended to be applied to the plaintiff; (f) Special harm resulting to the plaintiff from its publication; (g) Abuse of a conditionally privileged occasion. 2) In an action for defamation. the defendant has the burden of proving. when the issue is properly raised: (a) The truth of the defamatory communication; (b) The privileged character of the occasion on which it was published; (c) The character of the subject matter of defamatory comment as of public concern. 2. The first two of the series of broadcasts described the literature as "obscene" but the subsequent broadcasts corrected the wording to "allegedly obscene" or "reportedly obscene." 3. Rosenbloom v. Metromedia, Inc., 289 F. Supp. 737 (E.D. Pa. 1965). 4. 376 U.S. 254 (1964). The Supreme Court held in that case that the implementation of the first amendment's guarantee of free discussion of the stewardship of public officials required greater "breathing space" for the inevitable erroneous statement than that afforded by the defense of truth or reasonable care. The allegedly defamed public official had to prove that the defamatory falsehood I. 159 HeinOnline -- 3 Tex. Tech L. Rev. 159 (1971-1972) 160 TEXAS TECH LA W REVIEW [Vol. 3:159 apply and that Pennsylvania law was determinative of the liability of the defendant. The jury found for the petitioner awarding $25,000 in general damages and $725,000 in punitive damages which was reduced by the trial court to $250,000. The Third Circuit Court of Appeals 5 reversed the trial court holding that the broadcasts involved matters of public interest and that the petitioner's status as a private rather than a public figure was not decisive in view of the need to implement the guarantees of free and open discussion of matters of public concern under the first amendment. The Supreme Court affirmed the reversal holding that in order to recover, the petitioner would have had to meet the New York Times standard by showing that the false and defamatory statements made in the broadcasts were made by the respondent with knowledge of their falsity or in reckless disregard of whether they were false or not. Rosenbloom was the first case heard by the United States Supreme Court in which the person defamed by the news media was "a private individual who held no public office, who had not taken part in any public controversy and who had lived an obscure private life."6 Prior to this decision the Court had extended a conditionaF constitutional privilege to publication of false and defamatory statements regarding the conduct of public officials 8 and activities of public figures. 9 Actual malice 10 had to be proved by these categories of defamed persons in order to defeat the privilege and to recover when the defamation occurred in the course of reporting an event which was a matter of public concern. Thus, within the Court's previous definition of the scope of the first amendment's protection of free discussion on public issues, private indiwas published with "actual malice" which was defined as knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not. This is commonly known as the New York Times standard. 5. Rosenbloom v. Metromedia, Inc., 415 F.2d 892 (3d Cir. 1969). 6. Rosenbloom v. Metromedia, Inc., 403 U.S. 29, 78 (1971). 7. The condition was defeated when the false and defamatory statement was made knowing its falsity or in reckless disregard of whether it was false or not. 8. New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 (1964). For discussion of this landmark case and the Supreme Court's expansion of the definition of "public official," see T. EMERSON, THE SYSTEM OF FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION 520-26 (1970) and Note, Public OjJicial and Actual Malice Standard. 56 IOWA L. REV. 383,393-96 (1970). 9. The Supreme Court first applied the New York Times standard of actual malice to public figures in the consolidated cases Curtis Publishing Co. v. Butts and Associated Press v. Walker, 388 U.S. 130 (1967). 10. It should be noted that actual malice is used as defined in New York Times. not as in common law libel. HeinOnline -- 3 Tex. Tech L. Rev. 160 (1971-1972) 1971 ] LI BEL & "PU BUC INTEREST" 161 viduals such as Rosenbloom could recover damages allowed by state libel laws with no constitutional restriction. II Justice Brennan, t2 in his plurality opinion, found little justification for the Court's continued use of the plaintiff-status classification in its determination of whether the defendant's false and defamatory statement warranted the constitutional protection of requiring the plaintiff to prove actual malice. He pointed out that the' function of the first amendment is to assure the free and open debate of "matters of legitimate public or general interest" and a classification of the subject matter of the statement serves the purpose of the first amendment better than the classification of the plaintiff. It is clear that there has emerged from our cases decided since New York Times the concept that the First Amendment's impact upon state libel laws derives not so much from whether the plaintiff is a "public official," "public figure," or "private individual," as it derives from the question whether the allegedly defamatory publication concerns a matter of public or general interest. . . . In that circumstance we think the time has come forthrightly to announce that the determinant whether the First Amendment applies to state libel actions is whether the utterance involved concerns an issue of public or general concern . . . . 13 The community was held to have a vital interest in the proper enforcement of its criminal laws, particularly such laws as obscenity laws where "a number of highly important values are potentially in conflict: the public has an interest both in seeing that the criminal law is adequately enforced and in assuring that the law is not used unconstitutionally to suppress free expression."14 The defamatory falsehood having been made in the reporting of an issue of legitimate public interest, the status of Rosenbloom as a "private" or "public" figure was irrelevant. II. The Supreme Court did. however. extend constitutional privilege to false and nondefamatory statements made about private persons in the "false light" privacy case. Time. Inc. v. Hill, 385 U.S. 374 (1967). The statements were held to be concerning a subject of public interest. For recovery for invasion of privacy. it was necessary that proof be given of the publisher's knowing the falsity of the statements or his reckless disregard of whether they were false or not. Some lower federal courts have extended the New York Times rule to defamation cases where the alleged injured party was a private person or institution. but the statements protected regarded subjects of public interest. See Bon Air Hotel, Inc. v. Time. Inc.• 426 F.2d 858 (5th Cir. 1970); Time v. McLaney. 406 F.2d 565 (5th Cir. 1969); United Medical Labs .• Inc. v. Columbia Broadcasting Sys.• lnc.• 404 F.2d 706 (9th Cir. 1968). em. denied. 394 U.S. 921 (1969). 12. Chief Justice Burger and Justice Blackmun joined Justice Brennan. 13. Rosenbloom v. Metromedia, 1nc .• 403 U.S. 29.44 (1971). 14. [d. at 43. HeinOnline -- 3 Tex. Tech L. Rev. 161 (1971-1972) 162 TEXAS TECH LA W REVIEW [Vol. 3: 159 Basic to the plurality's rationale for the extension of constitutional protection to matters Of public interest was the concern that the news media, in fear of an inability to prove the truth of their statements or the non-negligence of their false statements, would apply a self-imposed censorship which could deny the public information and discussion essential to its interests. The concurring justices agreed with the plurality's opinion in its result, but not in the extension of the standard. Justice White felt that the statements involved activities of the police which placed it within the "public officials" category and justified the application of the New York Times standard. The plurality's extension of the New York Times standard was thus unnecessary for the decision in Rosenbloom. He viewed an extension unwise until the Court sets forth some "solid First Amendment grounds based on experience" for an extension which nullifies much of the state libella w. 15 Justice Black restated his position 16 that the Court should "abandon New York Times Co. v. Sullivan and adopt the rule to the effect that the First Amendment was intended to leave the press free from harassment of libel judgments." 17 Both dissenting opinions took issue with the plurality's resolution of the conflict between society's interest in protecting the reputation and dignity of the private individual from damage and its interest in a free and unfettered press to inform the citizenry. IS Justice Harlan found the distinction between the public and private person a valid one on the grounds that the private person neither puts himself in the spotlight nor normally has access to channels of communication to rebut defamatory falsehood as does the public official or public figure. For these reasons he felt that the defamed private individual should not have to meet the actual malice standard, but only the standard of proof of lack of reasonable care. He viewed this common tort standard as sufficient protection of the individual's reputation and of society's right to have free and open discussion under the first amendment. Justice Marshall 19 rejected the plurality decision as one which had made a general rule impossible of general application. If the rule cannot 15. 403 U.S. at 60. 16. Justice Black's position was stated earlier in Curtis Publishing Co. v. Butts, 388 U.S. 130, 172 (1967). It should be noted that Justice Douglas and Justice Black are essentially in agreement in this area of the law. Justice Douglas did not, however, participate in the Rosenbloom decision. 17. 403 U.S. at 57. 18. 403 U.S. at 62, 78. 19. Justice Stewart joined in this dissent. HeinOnline -- 3 Tex. Tech L. Rev. 162 (1971-1972) 1971 ] LI BEL & "PU BUC INTEREST" 163 be applied generally, the Court must balance on an "ad hoc" basis the two conflicting interests and constantly supervise defamation litigation. His solution is I) to leave the standard of care to be determined by state libel laws in cases involving private persons and 2) to restrict damages to actual proven damages, eliminating presumed and punitive damages. Reducing the risk of heavy losses in damage suits would lessen the news media's tendency to self-censorship, while giving actual damages to the private citizen would give him proper relief for damage suffered to his reputation. The result of Rosenbloom is that the Court has limited the protection afforded the defamed person by state libel laws to cases where the subject matter of the statement is purely personal, or where he can give evidence of the publisher's actual malice in making a false and defamatory statement involving a matter of public interest. It appears that even in these kinds of cases protection remains in question, dependent in some degree upon the breadth of the definition given by the Court to "matters of legitimate public or general concern." The phrase "matters of public interest" is an elusive term, and attempts by courts and scholars to devise an all-inclusive definition have not been satisfactory. 20 "Matters of public interest" has been the determinant for the fair comment 21 privilege in state courts, and the Court will possibly be influenced 22 in its case by case definition of its scope by the state courts' conclusions. The Court is concerned, however, with a determination of the subject matter protected by the first amendment; its guarantees, as the Court sees them, will guide its definition of matters of public interest. Despite its preoccupation with classifying the plaintiff in order to determine whether he had to meet the actual malice standard, the Supreme Court has identified many areas of public interest in cases since New York Times. Underlying the "public official" and "public figure" cases has been the supposition that the allegedly defamed persons were involved in matters of public interest, the discussion of which is protected by the first amendment in the absence of proven malice. In New York Times the Court stated "that freedom of expression upon public ques20. See T. EMERSON, supra note 8, at 541-42; Pedrick, Freedom of the Press and the Law of Libel: The Modern Revised Translation. 49 CORNELL L.Q. 581,592 (1964). 21. For a list of matters held to be of public concern see W. PROSSER, LAW OF TORTS 82223 (4th ed. 1971). 22. It is worth noting that the New York Times Court cited the fair comment case Coleman v. Mac Lennon, 78 Kan. 711. 98 P. 281 (1908) in justifying its holding. HeinOnline -- 3 Tex. Tech L. Rev. 163 (1971-1972) 164 TEXAS TECH LA W REVIEW [Vol. 3: 159 tions is secured by the First Amendment"23 and proceeded to indicate some of the subject matter protected by the first amendment by quoting Coleman v. MacLennon. The correct rule, whatever it is, must govern in cases other than those involving candidates for office. It must apply to all officers and agents of government, municipal, state and national; to the management of all public institutions; education, charitable, and penal; to the conduct of corporate enterprises affected with the public interest, transportation, banking, insurance; and to innumerable other subjects involving the public welfare. 24 The New York Times decision, even though it did not define matters of public interest, identified two major categories of subject matters shielded by the first amendment: (I) discussion of the official conduct of public officials which by implication and expansion in later cases 25 included all matters of government action and public affairs as well as politics; and (2) discussion of subjects affected with the public interest and welfare. 26 The second category is the more difficult one to define. The Court has held that matters of public interest included "an alleged 'fix' of a football game,"27 events surrounding the enforcement of a court decree ordering the enrollment of a Negro at the University of Mississippi,28 the opening of a play the subject of which was linked to a real incident 29 alleged criminal activity,30 and activities of protest in the civil rights movement. 31 Justice White, concurring in Rosenbloom, interpreted matters of public inerest to include "health and environmental hazards of widely used manufactured products, the mental and emotional stability of executives of business establishments, and the racial and religious prejudices of many groups and individuals. "32 23. 376 U.S. 254, 269 (1964). 24. 78 Kan. 7\ I, 734-35,98 P. 281, 289 (1908). 25. See Monitor Patriot Co. v. Roy, 401 U.s. 265 (1971) (politics). Pickering v. Board of Educ.. 391 U.S. 75 (1970) (activities of the school board). Rosenblatt v. Baer. 383 U.S. 75 (1965) (management of a county recreation area). 26. The Coleman quote emphasizes the public welfare aspect of the public's interest which usually concerns such areas as the health, safety and morals of the community. W. PROSSER. supra note 2\, defines matters of public interest as those "which are of legitimate concern to the community as a whole because they materially affect the interests of all of the community." 27. Curtis Publishing Co. v. Butts, 388 U.S. 130 (1967). 28. Curtis Publishing Co. v. Butts, 388 U.S. 130 (1967). The reference is to the consolidated case Associated Press v. Walker. 29. Time, Inc. v. Hill, 385 U.S. 374 (1967). 30. Rosenbloom v. Metromedia, Inc., 403 U.S. 29 (1971). 31. New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 (1964). 32. Rosenbloom v. Metromedia, Inc., 403 U.S. 29, 59 (1971) HeinOnline -- 3 Tex. Tech L. Rev. 164 (1971-1972) 1971 ] LI BEL & "PU BUC INTEREST" 165 Some lower federal courts, prior to Rosenbloom, interpreted New York Times as protecting discussion of matters of public interest irrespective of the status of the plaintiff. In arriving at their conclusion that the subject matter was of public interest, the courts often referred to the purpose served by the dissemination of information on the subject. A frequently cited statement is from Thornhill v. Alabama: "Freedom of discussion, if it would fulfill its historic function in this nation, must embrace all issues about which informaion is needed or appropriate to enable the members of society to cope with the exigencies of their period."33 This statement has been interpreted as viewing the constitutional system as one of self government where the people have reserved to themselves the power to oversee the functioning of their society. This has led some scholars 34 to conclude that a matter of public' interest or concern is one on which the people will have to make a judgment or form an opinion. Basic to this conclusion is the concept that certain matters affect a large segment if not all of the community, and that the public, if informed, will exercise their duty and their right to effect change through their activities at the polls or through public opinion. 35 The importance of an informed public opinion was noted in Cerrito v. Time, Inc. 36 An article in Life magazine identified Cerrito as head of the Cosa Nostra "family" in San Jose. The court held that the New York Times standard applied because organized crime is an area of public interest. The court quoted the President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice 37 in its finding "that any effective attack upon organized crime in this country must have sustained public support. Experience has shown that public awareness of the nature and extent of the problem results in public pressure to get rid of it."3s Another group of cases indicate that there are matters of public interest because information is necessary for the protection of an individual's physical and economic well being. The Ninth Circuit denied 33. 310 u.s. 88,102 (1940). 34. Pedick, supra note 20, at 592; Note, Public OJJicial and Actual Malice Standard. 56 IOWA L. REV. 383,400 (1970). 35. The opinion in Thornhill v. Alabama, 310 U.S. 88, 103 (1940) stated that "discussion of the conditions in industry and the causes of labor disputes appears to us indispensable to the effective and intelligent use of the processes of popular government to shape the destiny of modern industrial society . . . [and] essential to the securing of an informed and educated public opinion with respect to a matter which is of public concern." 36. 302 F. Supp. 1071 (N.D. Cal. 1969). 37. PRESIDENT'S COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE: THE CHALLENGE OF CRIME IN A FREE SOCIETY (1969). 38. Cerrito v. Time, Inc., 302 F. Supp. 1071, 1073 n.2. (N.D. Cal. 1969). HeinOnline -- 3 Tex. Tech L. Rev. 165 (1971-1972) 166 TEXAS TECH LA W REVIEW [Vol. 3:159 recovery to United Medical Laboratories 39 in its suit against Columbia Broadcasting System for its allegedly false statements regarding the inaccuracies of tests made by mail order laboratories. They were required to meet the New York Times standard of actual malice by the publisher in his discussion of "conditions allegedly capable of widespreadedly affecting public health" which are "inherently subject to the right of public information and discussion. "40 The Fifth Circuit likewise applied the New York Times standard in its denial of recovery to Bon Air Hotel in the hotel's libel suit against Time, Inc. 41 A Sports Illustrated article concerning the Masters Golf Tournament and the accommodations available described the hotel's "decline into dishevelment." In concluding that the condition of the hotel was a matter of public interest, the court pointed to the interest of thousands of spectators in the tournament and the Bon Air Hotel's prominence in the tournament scene. The rationale of these cases is that free discussion is essential not only for the development of an informed public opinion which is necessary to effect social and political change, but also that certain information is necessary for the individual citizen to protect himself in making daily decisions regarding his health and economics. There is little reason to doubt that the Supreme Court will extend constitutional protection to discussion of information in these areas. The more difficult question is whether the Supreme Court's concept of "matters of public interest" extends beyond those identified in previous defamatory misstatements of fact cases to include matters which have public interest only as news, or matters which the press thinks the public is interested in out of curiosity. Support exists for the view that the scope of first amendment protection of defamatory misstatements of fact may eventually include matters which are only newsworthy.42 First, language in Rosenbloom 39. United Medical Labs., Inc. v. Columbia Broadcasting Sys., Inc., 404 F.2d 706 (9th Cir. 1968), cert. denied. 394 U.S. 921 (1969). 40. [d. at 711-12. For another recent case applying the New York Times standard to a public health issue, see All Diet Food Distribs., Inc. v. Time, Inc., 56 Misc. 2d 821, 290 N. Y.S.2d 445 (Sup. Ct. 1967). 41. Bon Air Hotel, Inc. v. Time, Inc., 426 F.2d 858 (5th Cir. 1970). 42. The newsworthiness of the matter published is not a condition for the privilege in common law defamation cases, but it is in the invasion of right of privacy cases. Courts have difficulty defining "news" and "newsworthiness" in right of privacy cases. Included within the definitions given have been matters of public interest and matters of popular interest. The lack of clear guidelines for the matters of public interest standard and the newsworthiness standard raises the question whether the privileges of libel and right of privacy torts will blend under the first amendment. For discussion of the problems in defining news and newsworthiness see Comment, The Right of Privacy: Normative-Descriptive Confusion in the Defense of Newsworthiness. 30 U. CHI. L. REV. 722 (1963). HeinOnline -- 3 Tex. Tech L. Rev. 166 (1971-1972) 1971 ] LIBEL & "PUBLIC INTEREST" 167 suggests that some justices may be including that which is newsworthy within the matters of public interest concept. Justice Marshall's comment that "assuming . . . courts are not simply to take a poll to determine whether a substantial portion of the population is interested or concerned in a subject"43 infers a standard of reader interest. Justice Harlan made a plea for a rule of sufficient predictability"to avoid subjecting the press to judicial sa:ond-guessing of the newsworthiness of each item they print."H Secondly, the Court's opinion in Time, Inc. v.' HilI45 has raised the question whether newsworthiness is within the "ambit of constitutional concern" under the first amendment in "false light" privacy cases. 46 If it is, false and nondefamatory statements on matters which are newsworthy would be constitutionally privileged. Harry Kalven, JrY has made the following observation: "The upshot, and it is an important one, is that the logic of New York Times and Hill taken together grants the press some measure of constitutional protection for anything the press thinks is a matter of public interest."48 Another reason lies in the nebulous nature of the phrase itself. The difficulty which courts may have in delineating matters of public interest offers the potential for expansion into those matters which are usually considered only newsworthy. This appears to be the concern of the dissenters when they stated that "courts would be unable to identify interests in privacy and dignity,"49 and "all human events are arguably within the area of public and general concern."50 A commentator, who has urged the broadening of the definition of legitimate public concern to nearly all communication, argues that all events help to shape values and the individual's opinion on what his environment is and should be. 51 Although the Rosenbloom decision was not unexpected, it will nevertheless be heralded by many first amendment authorities as the "correct" decision, and by some as the interpretation which should have been given to New York Times. 52 The Court has finally gone to the heart u.s. at 79. Justice Marshall's comment was in dissent. 43. 403 44. [d. at 63. 45. 385 U.S. 374 (1967). 46. For an interesting discussion of this question see Kalven, The Reasonable Man and the First Amendment: Hill. Butts. and Walker. \967 SUP. CT. REV. 267,278-90. 47. Professor of Law, University of Chicago, author of many articles on the first amendment. 48. Kalven, supra note 46, at 284. 49. 403U.S.at49n.17. 50. [d. at 79. 51. Meikeljohn, The First Amendment is an Absolute. 196\ SUP. CT. REV. 245, 255-56. 52. Bertelsman, Libel and Public Men. 52 A.B.A.J. 657,66\-62 (\966); Pedrick, supra note 20. HeinOnline -- 3 Tex. Tech L. Rev. 167 (1971-1972) 168 TEXAS TECH LA W REVIEW [Vol. 3: 159 of the first amendment guarantee of freedom of discussion and debate with its decision that it is the subject matter, not the status of the person defamed, which determineswhether the New York Times standard of actual malice applies. That Rosenbloom is a highly significant case in what it portends for actions in defamation is clear. The extent of the inroad by the first amendment into the protection given by state libel laws is not clear. A narrow, "traditional" interpretation of matters of public interest could preserve some measure of protection. An expansion of the definition to include that which is only newsworthy would toll the death knell for defamation actions. Annette Marple HeinOnline -- 3 Tex. Tech L. Rev. 168 (1971-1972)