REGULATING REGULATION CF SCIENCE: AN EVALUATION RECOMBINANT E.'.vir o n m e n t a l frcfesscr Frank Law F. OF THE D M A ETXPTRI M E N T A T I O N Bsnnnar Skillsrn Valerie M. Spring 00110 ^ 1986 Focjleman •i -.(•.• I- r n r CONPTTT!JTIONAL ISSUES RAISED rDMA E XPER IM E N T A T ION HI. rDNA EXPERIMENTATION pf-ci sionrr.akgrs B- Scops._of_ I s s u e s C. C r i teri.a,. / A s s e s s m e n t A- CURRENT I. m~ B. or 7 ...... j f-i SYSTEM • 13 I.nsti.tutgs_of J j s & l t h l Ul t a i 1 2. 3 . „ REGULATORY Xt?.®„bldit.i.3Qsl •t • ? PEGU!..AT•;•!,:?. A. THE IlY R E G U L A T T N O . ISSL'^r, in. G T R U C T U R I M G FOR la *- " The- N a t i o n a l -> 1 - r' i.-1 13, u:-;rf • p . ' i f .1 I E n v i r a,, m r- - J h e , W h i , t p . H o u s e _0_f f;1cg of 1 Act . . . . 16 Science sQv! . . T e c h n p ] ogy[..Pol i c y 26 C. Tht?_Nrii , .i-cnal...Sciencre_Found&hjgn 30 D l b ® .!4oi tiftdL_States_Dejiartmf t nh > E. 1. Federal Plant Pest 2. Federal Noxious Weed o f . Ag1H.cult.u17e Federal 1 2. Toxic Act "... Act Substances 31 Z7 Insecticide, Fungicide Rodenticide . . - Art The...En v i r o n m e n t a 1 P r a t e c t i a n _ A g e n c y 1. V. •.)..» iNTRCDLirjTION II. IV. |>i >i i n 34 35 ar.d 37 Control Act A Z RECOMMENDATIONS (Will ;J:I INTRODUCTION Regulation scientists group of subject that to of be scientific regulated prominent required scientific In discovered.C41 When DNA became with restriction creators.C73 The input rDNA the for of the as into whose to conduct experiment after whereas an a probably Inowever, can has content-based be of DNA was deciphered, pieces with cells Molecular life; were pieces of it other completes biologists they became was spurred Frankenstein of release by its visions monsters,C83 been on not be conducted. unconstitutional, one Regulators whether prohibition (imw regulating aspect experimentation. problem. experiments until and methods a unique Risks, settled.C33 by stripping of 'thus technology living on recombinant subsequently into be focused structure the a decisions.C9D evaluate pose rDNA imagination chimeras technology—direct experiments to technology.C63 research will totally combining observers research unique—and not manipulation rDNA was by 1973 when whether was DNA in attention helical code Requests their public still double and creating that of combined unreasonable. would Thus, technology genetic public, nrticie permission that rarer. leading the passive scientists This 1953 known longer demanded advances enzymes, Insertion no issue (rDNA) available the t e c h n i q u e release rare. suggested regulations—is spectacular. DNA.E53 The acid special The of even is to controls,CI 3 unprecedented deoxyribonucleic of m a d are scientists research.C23 were research inherent completely Part on r D N A incidental II Direct must base risks are assessed will argue experimentation regulation of experimentation health and safety scientists and regulations. regulating a based public Part direct scientific protection is p r o p e r . the regulatory on release examine will the that structure the current on Scientific communication formulation express of expression has two of via ideas Although pursuit knowledge of free invariably According such aspects experimentation to and in t h e and Barron, action "the differentiation experiment science . . . . "some experimentation experimental method is inquiry."C153 Conduct that In the case of Neither has much can be rDNA is words, and component has made presents that the protection speech.£113 Scientific A person's mindE123 speech plus.Z133 thus traditional separation litigation" integral is hypothesis Emerson be expression part of to harm has not and argued since the scientific the public excluded.C163 experimentation 00113 and encompass the potential however, on only Professor an controls dichotomy "between . . . . would so from t h i s e x p e r i m e n t a t i o n , "C143 recommend products. written in c o n s t i t u t i o n a l to the that V will formulation would is easily applied in for first Amendment outside conduct, Professor speech argument scientific place scheme between The protection of taking involves and experimentation. implied federal components: protection. is of EX P E R I M E N J A T I O N spoken a persuasive speech,C103 communicative between via 'constitutional problems. of ideas by scope technological II. C O N § I I i y i I Q M f i L _ I S S y i S _ R A I S i D „ B Y „ r D N A public and Part differentiates controls and evaluate arguments experimentation. structure and III regarding IV will processes Part c.f t h e e n v i r o n m e n t the state has a a legitimate health interest and of drafted the only This to state justify safety would suppressed, to show could research were solely arise aspects organisms the into Such r e g u l a t i o n s interest that of would not ncnspeech were narrowlyfor Tf knowledge was would probably be regulations.C201 aimed limit dangers implicit. Therefore, experiments as long did not seek to prohibit them, the regulations as the ideas withstand the of novel however.C211 and place inherent regulations experiments should in release be valid, of at Regulations the time, manner, the expression the e x p e r i m e n t s . C 2 3 1 specifically content-based. experimentation—the merely the be basis the regulations environment—should experimentsII223 regulating for public should regulations government potential noncommunicative on be sufficient. necessarily at the measures,r19} a rational the a compelling and interest regulations If probably however, A problem directed •f the environment experimentation.M81 to address required rDNA important" regulations being protecting safety.C171 "suff i c i e n t l y element in on in rDNA in t h e g u i s e of constitutional scrutiny.L241 I I I . I S S U E S _ I N „ S T R U C T U R I N G ..REGUL A I I O N S „ F O R _r D N A _ E X P E R I M E N T A T I O N In and order safety to protect while not intruding experimentation, the delineated. critical will Three regulate, regulations, s a ,f e t. y o f and (2) (Z) scope what what experiments. the environment of too criteria the public severely regulations issues must be issues and will will be on must scientific be determined: be to clearly (1) who by the assess the addressed used health 3 A. Decisionmakers The in r D N A the issue technology early and s u g g e s t e d / recommended The was n o t when that letter data.C283 began Suspicion was held to The research issue of experimentation has guidelines has scientists because are of based that a rDNA they p a u s e d and then when, to suggested moratorium admits that in comedy of anticipating / worth.C30] was the The dangerous. a scientific restrictive meeting guidelines 1976.T323 since the in t h e c o n t r o l 1976. increase Relaxation public danger and scientists, letter t h e c r e d e n t i a l s of participation to the instead basis for a*ter issued proceeded potential scientists technology were black misused. The scientific technology,C313 Involved became regulations, emotionalism rDNA revealing in on letter's intensified characters the One author certainty tended the in formu.1 a t e d . C 2 7 ] self-interestC333 industry.C343 with for banned. contained the scientistsC263 the need Unfortunately, public not of began intentionally Indeed, no scientific suspect to discuss regulating was transcended turned be which existed.[293 to of be temporarily document. scientific public could experimentation The controversy experiments guidelines in S c i e n c e ) easily scientific group themselves be (published authors small certain a scientific even regulate technology should "Berg" a hazard a convinced that cancer should is controversial.C25H rDNA scientists cause who 1970's that concerned The of of rDNA of the suspicion of rDNA lucrative technology deals meanwhile, view themselves that with 00115 ^ they helped caution in that createC353 the face with as when of risks. uncertain thereby overreacted, exploit the that r D N A convince situation.C363 the public Scientists can understand not the level, public completed be simply of risks discussed most scientists unless take place safety to in rDNA to t h i s argument, at t h e research research begins.[393 of b e n e f i t s exchange scientists, believe participants after production to unable experimentation conjectural to are of are merely meaningful now research. According to many amenable they public research rDNA matter.[331 should the the investigation a that of rationally commercial thorough According is not that dangers conducted—can place.[403 the safety before a opponents Although participation but then—after of subject potential consider is not h a z a r d o u s , T373 argue because been allowing technology technology scientists The and of regulations Only risks ideas rapidly-moving by is has take research nonscientific decisionmakers.[413 The safety scientists' of rDNA technicail. technical experiments Public be i n t i m i d a t e d argument by issues for fear of be arrogance Scientific scientific knowledge ; c o m m u n i t y . £453 criteria i -ii.ii safety. of The is an analog experiments public has Discussions in s c i e n t i f i c and on discussions are hesitant. satisfied the to part *c to scientific within the right of peer t h e s c o p e of to regulate tend to raise demands appears to scientists. [441 not and the and to Public by what everyone, P u b l ic: on scientific embarrassment.[433 are not belongs me^it. necessarily scientists,[423 however, and are participants for a c c o u n t a b i l i t y , elitism has merely comments review, the lite to the allowing experiments' potential risks to Irheir safety, scientific rather C46U gypsy moths knowledge. and to a consideration of ma'teri a l i z e , the reproduce by ability It DDT view of the reason of and of technology the pests legitimate blindly environment in possess an witnessed Introduced the concerns, trufet do organismsC49] bacteria.C513 the been adequate and animals, as resistant to without rDNA common have that microorganisms people such are wastes engineered people one-half not from introduction States benefits genetically affect face toxic risls antibiotic the and indisputable for the United of affect is of In valid into r i s k s . C48I! If spread States.C523 a involving to significantly the such' as the accidental ants myopic organisms 'account has fire could worl d w i d e . £ 5 0 3 ability disasters Problems attributed to in s e l f - r e g u l a t i o n h y community.£473 Environmental of trust than United the public uncommunicative sci e n t i s t s . Unless the public for a d e t e r m i n a t i o n public is permitted that risk find its own criteria of r i s k , C 5 3 3 This criteria will which skepticism effective become regarding community the public Rather too involved technical, ssae.itial issues to the and than its protest scientists pabl.ic,r573 provided Without and on rDNA strive to win to by Scientists technology the subject should the disenchantment.and polarize.C553 that by of r D N A e x p e r i m e n t s successfully the assessment technology.C543 risks basis exist, to b a s e an be for the public have communicated in t h e p a s t . [ 5 6 3 probably perceived and or d o e s n o t on w h i c h notorious science communication, the s c i e n t i f i c and has », is minimal will media, to knpw the scientists' matter is communicate the public's, ' confidence.C58 3 Opponents skillful in in guise the will not It if seams were their weakened when fear of reasonable The problem for for arguing The ideology rDNA rDNA that is, R i f k i n , .are technology those fears. Scientists technology scientists of course, restrictions self-interest. argue by whether only Jeremy fears about ignore of as research Public .issue arguing they such rDNA scientists the mi s t a k e n . C 6 0 3 against research, science.C591 raised scientists B. of allayed dangerous. / were rDNA exploiting be initially of of issue who thev when were scientists' relaxation show that they was the arguing credibility is regulations.C^l3 t Scggejof_Issues Closely tied experimentation risk a r i s e in Social known need risks are to is rDNA risk not the the scope technology: encompasses be known if technology is interest. C653 viewed as In t h e f a c e of alteration of r D N A is viewed viewed as arrogant Although concern in application applying can be show rDNA viewed advance fears of such as risk technology to precursor that appears can of the uses be that the rDNA public of the continued to "play of risk.[623 against wrong;C673 social flfti 1 Q [a311 future rDNA Two types knowledge or about attempting as the M it c l e a r l y people),[663 that regulate and physical context, as morally characters surveys risk dangerous£643 <such a s g e n e t i c research social In t h i s will the regulations. arguments in inordinate."C633 of of rDNA pursuit scientists are God."C683 is not a predominant plants,[691 such to a limitless use of 1 rDNA technology. Rifkin, argues rather than should be goal is to place in The occurrence and An to whether sociological have of the unknown and ethical judgments such some to rDNA to prohibit all To would research difficulties involves technology have were prevented research to the of stifle ability-to argument not Only be in cell no-one can argue that base value se has no made before after a rational is creation They necessarily per then, knowledge the Ace knowledge should state that is dangerous.C743 should purpose.C773 application precludes path. bioloqv ' the to delineate research to judgments because quantifiable-r7Rl attempting of way risk knowledge value,C763 whether does not whose than scientific example only path knowledge Good world research rather molecular leading been with scientific The social and, become control unrelated. judgments,C753 to formula. discoveries would of rDNA knowledge Rifkin aspects "designed" that different excellent a Jeremy genetics.C733 Opponents applied adyn-.ates to participate selected technology, to "a d i f f e r e n t a Rifkir.'s rDNA lead Unfortunate! y, attempting and of of will He better predictable.C723 unanticipated know in under itself. biology research choosing research • inherent their in for opponent o n e . 1701 -foresee h o w be i m p o s s i b l e rDNA rDNA a natural criteria not leading nature."T713 continue / is that foresaken dominate the The in of be knowledge on and is costs made the public judgments intrinsic knowledge benefits decision value as to interest, prematurely sound scientific evidence;C793 On knowledge a purely is practical probably level, nonexistent. 00119 the Even ability if to ban the United new States * banned all research in ethical issues in o t h e r countries.£803 It would molecular is d i f f i c u l t regulating rDNA implies that The i s s u e not to research. ri-sk i n h e r e n t in discusses regulation the Physical components: risk (1) (2) t h e (3) h a r m caused If totally false, proven to be not e v i d e n c e to research. in by the any of of of these Not risks but all was c o n d u c t e d . £ 8 6 3 The dilemma safety, and the of rDNA not facing while ensuring environment are not proceed. the physical this Article research. has not three existing environment in of is^it virtually exist until regulators is release the experiment is permitting that the public adversely be scientific direct after risk be impossible in in to would "£a3bsence and and/or be shown technology inherent apparent exist in t h e e n v i r o n m e n t , to the only risks become proceed organism of will experiments components could do not to in r D N A Unfortunately, would experiments a unique organism absence."£843 experimentation,£853 risk context becomes of and continue regulations that research establishment novel would the that technology biohazards£S23 that in remainder physical unfounded.£833 of made The rDNA one risk fact sociological Research by the regulations organism's the prove experiments The construction nature, people.£813 the social has been addressed the be eliminated. address a decision to be biology, health and Not only affected. QcLteria_Assessment Regulating is it r a r e rDNA research to regulate is especially scientific difficult. r e s e a r c h , £873 00120 thus guaranteeing ^ an a d v e r s a r i a l on which reaction to •first b e i n g base Regulators potential risks The risk or the by assessment,C903 which quantitative substances has its how s m a l l has has risks. for were had not by been changed. conducting Unfortunately are been agencies in of the the reason rDNA research By can and "the for effects used risk be quantified Risk identification, and extensively environmental using health or p o p u l a t i o n s . " C 9 1 3 "hazard is qualitative assessment, process, health as the potential exposure The for is defined components: science. a hazard regulating individuals assessment, base regulations data experiments chosen on four characterization."C923 the f e d e r a l criteria technology missing characterization has dose-regime but regulations.CB93 tool assessment. When situation for such regulated, rDNA potential analytical of p a r t i c u l a r in This assess posed being is scarce. dangers compensate to promulgating no shown.C883 must experiments those regulations formulated unequivocally from risk throughout decisionmaking, assessment, to„reduce questions of subjectivity in decisionmaking.C933 Risk assessment quantifying and the Quality and is probably qualifying potential environment.C943 has described it the best Indeed, as "the hazards the only method to Council tool in e x i s t e n c e the publi-c on for safety Environmental available for making discriminations among environmental health problems."C95] Nevertheless, the process is still infancy, and an science. Z961 art as scientific assumptions a Risk findings.C973 involves' in its assessments Selection value judgments, ( W 1 2 1 of are not is as much equivalent to scientificaJ 1 y-based as qoes the choice of l o methodologi es for data.C983 The significantly weight by decisionmaking The of is theoretical data.C1003 low the and to available scientific risk interpretations evidence disciplines assessment especially analyses No of is of influenced represented contain of on splits and t h e public.C1023 due opinion in between such of a rDNA on empirical for m e a s u r i n g the As a result, such judgments, risk resulting experts themselves, research as dependence lack a methodology value Scientific to for catastrophe.r1013 substantial extreme techniques laden compensate exists a for new value to consensus probability assessments given data, body.C993 use technology extrapolating and in experts in r D N A t e c h n o l o g y poses r the in additional the problem research that itself the risk rather being than in assessed is an product of is only the end inherent t e c h n o l o g y . I". 1 0 3 ] Even first after step manage in the process which Risk than a Risk The decisionmaking is completed, must management alternative them."T1043 decision how is d e f i n e d as of agency,C1053 made,C1063 deter'mine regulatory choice and it "the options and alternatives the statute political, to is under social, and factors. management, scientific significant tc the is Regulators risk. evaluating by the economic d e c i si o n m a k i n g . among influenced assessment assessed of selecting risk. become decision. scientific social therefore, involves Decisions uncertainty—such policy decisions 00152 a science policy m a d e on as issues rDNA rather rather involving research—tend than factual 11 determinations.C1073 containing a especially and are In t h e therefore, especially only he face of that a the the rather than establishment agency of Finally, knowledge structure that and the not and risk passed, freeze comparison. when that value risks and communicate the agency assessment must procedures in is advisory being imperative, its credibility appear also boards Science with aided to from it, but with strict boards the of by review advisory independent conducting charged effectively controls Credibility science is agencies regulatory o n l y of it agency retain must risk providing i t s e l + .t 1 1 4 3 be controls resulting abuse, d e c i s i o n s . C I 133 regulations advances, can safety independent process peer r e v i e w has of to is risks substantial reseach, for means p e r m i s s i v e . £ 1123 advantage, assessment This and rulemaking have t h e potential decisionmaking public the p u b l i c , £ 1 1 1 3 rDNA statute predicted.C1093 with t h e p u b l i c . H 1 1 0 3 protecting in a implies that and subject involves by decisionmaking analysis quantifiable, necessarily judgments,E1083 is regulated requirement, Risk-benefit known, analysis benefits can research risk-benefit vulnerable. benefits This If r D N A flexible. must long also after unnecessary As scientific advance. A the necessity e x p e n d i t u r e s of rigid for time them and money. i IV. A - IHE._CURRENJ... R E G U L A I Q R Y _ S Y S I E M Ibe_National_Institutes_gf.Health The traditional regulatory emm scheme for rDNA technology experimentation of H e a l t h 307, is (NIH). and 361 their 1. the N I H the in 1974 (Director) drawn primarily are public, published in actions which on (NEPA),£ 1163 currently rDNA Advisory modifying, and were due to regulating rDNA Committee (RAC) formulated for fields.£1193 lay activities is provided and was increased fields the NIH Reports of replace of the has the its composition, and diversified to to are RAC been RAC's comments addition the the RAC notice of the of M e e t i n g s of "'public in p e r s o n s . £1233 by 1976 to Because after to criticism scientific in t h i s t a s k , m e m b e r s of p o s s i b l e , £ 1203 Responding interpreting t e c h n o l o g y . £ 1183 scientific plus are the include molecular Public oversight of RAC Advisory Committee to the (DAC).£1243 The NIH designed for guidelines body developing, biology, Director subject Guidelines F e d e r a l .....Register. £ 1 2 1 3 of are T h e R A C a d v i s e s 'the D i r e c t o r membership representatives Act Health disseminated, encouraged.£ 1223 Service Act,£1153 301, agency. the NIH. whenever are sections by needed from the committee's of under DNA by expertise drafted Institutes Recombinant restrictions scientific of t h e N a t i o n a l Policy a federal guidel ines, £1173 i informal Health experienced is chartered by Institutes most technology Guidelines, the Public promulgation The jurisdiction Environmental The National NIH The NIH of to t h e N a t i o n a l in t h e Guidelines, basic are, or s p o n s o r i n g research however, rDNA formulated only in by the RAC, are rDNA binding reseafgj^i^ the on specifically technology.£ 1253 institutions institution The conducting receives NIH f u n d i n g . E 1 2 6 3 is t o s t o p I the research review is not during RAC's requested, consideration current local or requiring experiments (4) e x e m p t of requiring it, NIH divide notification only ten require RAC Direct release experiments that version "Ew3ith highly the of recombinant beneficial to added t h a t of b e n e f i t s Two that became years that later, grant exceptionsEl353 state by NIH Committee percent of and (IBC); IBC;- (3) IBC; and system of of all prohibited rDNA universally the near the stated it seems future accepted into the environment."E1333 the guidelines when in The Director knowledge, be ^in as any being The Director scientific evidence 1978, the guidelines' prohibition experiments wa^-cevised stated The classes: the appropriate twenty will is in after that consideration impact.' [1373 act.[1293 available.[1343 release careful there alter direct The D i r e c t o r of were expressly limited introduce he would to appropriate the NIH Guidelines.E1323 organism withdrawn review.E1313 present unlikely is this decentralized to experiments original the all voluntary into four Biosafetv of by If by RAC plus approval e x p e r i m e n t s . II1303 U n d e r classification, is p o w e r l e s s experiments approval recourse Compliance vol n o t a r y . [ 1 2 8 1 Institutional requiring only NIH's a request, for r e v i e w review institution's (2) e x p e r i m e n t s is if guidelines are violated, funding.C1271 institutions (1) e x p e r i m e n t s the guidelines institution's other The f the current review "all of waiver of version the of 001^5 to allow the Director proposals by the decisions potential will on to RAC.E1363 include a environmental the guidelines requires RAC '4- review and unless the NIM released Waivers have also respond the have to final flexibility complexity.. on requests however, is a the experiments plant.T1383 has been single basis. read, release to the guidelines, involving a piecemeal base, direct There to data for is an e :empt difficult Flexibility, expanding approval organism specific bcome IBC added added guidelines have and issues by major for the will to modifying guidelines scientists.C1393 advantage. "Cgluidelines they a tendency As a result even but Because never of the be complete or . . . ."CI40 3 NIH vigorously risk a s s e s s m e n t promotes subcommittee community and the public on assessment experiments.C1423 risk assessment provides input the need for The public e x p e r i m e n t s . [ 141 3 A from different is a l s o decisionmaking process through local r e v i e w of IBC's p r o v i d e community input into safety f e a r of rDNA thus aid in The Health dispelling RAC's Service questionable research.CI463 purpose, to statutory been whether it Another protect implement authority limited by narrow be read disadvantage The safety is that choice statutory in of 361 to of the that c o i r s Public but cover it all section diseases, appropriate regulatory requirements. and technology.C1443 Nevertheless, deems the procedures. rDNA does not broad power to system is 361's the 361 provides the NIH with it risk decisions,E1433 from communicable of -section t y p e s of b r o a d l y , C1453 the environment. regulations biotechnology.C1473 could people of construed scientific involved authority—section Act—has include p r o t e c t i o n statutory public the to cover is not IS The RAC's criticized assessing review as the "amorphous, deciding assessment."C1483 This individual different direct release this s t a g e of Another does not NIH's criticism mission appearance guidelines to not were unduly h a m p e r rDNA contrast potential aid risks but research with and conflict always regulating drawn up on in "Points to proposals for at Z1503 agency places and Rather, it in the biotechnology the rigorously.C1523 Indeed, the Thus, the NIH they were not stands that traditionally scientific 18 ^ fact agency agencies control.C1553 an the the premise that research.C1543 t.o r e g u l a t o r y gi^en such procedure regulating has any organisms a regulatory research for the guidelines.t1503 biomedical promoting new a standardized the The from in p r e p a r i n g is not for a i s not. f e a s i b l e . been even overlooks published researchers promote testing, nor different has has method is n e c e s s a r y involve is that NIH of field however, RAC compliance position of The scientific concurrently.C1513 marked criticism, proposal 5 standardized information e x p e r i m e n t s , T. 1 4 9 3 monitor conflicting to no r i s k s of experiments document release with what environments. Consider" direct environmental criteria • for that of advances to out to in subject strict 2. The National NEPA main is Environmental applicable avenues: to the Policy direct NIH The original followed by an environmental 1978, t h e EIS high / risk NIH issued revisions an did NIH's guidelines to be laboratory guidelines.T1573 When the guidelines were failed of granting not b e e n to permitted granted a University other permission of . direct release the the preparation of of taken functional 3i.-s.r-.Ksi * c, permitted under in the the that the environment.11581 Sirica in F o u n d a t i o n held environmental that (which In NIH of approval addition, had Sirica initiation against NIH consequences experiments against on the guidelines). C1603 and the 1978, (EA>, c o n c l u d i n g injunction NIH a of was 1 District against actions a original a programmatic injunction of being EIS for its review program for experiments.C1623 appeal, dispersal by challenging experiments.E161 3 .i. prepare NEPA of in an a c t i o n release experiment approval In challenged the two (EIS).C1563 Judge direct the California release On under . • to for preliminary direct ordered address via statement were revised subsequently adequately with affect icgngmic_.iTrends.__,_v.__Heckl e r . C 1 5 9 3 had complied assessment significantly actions NIH impact adequate experiments and experiment environmental not release Guidelines, experiments. held Act an the by EA e q u i v&ler.L ; RAC of •.lance Columbia University the of experiment.E1633 novel "organisms the of had net in r e v i e w i n g NEPA. C1641 of the been RAC upheld California The court found and were to the recommendation the pending addressed, the experiment rtcr.irding 0Qir8 Circuit not that IhoL the court, the that the 17 ment be acceptance court's conducted were speci f i e d . C 1653 injunction against experiments,T1663 preparation When the of it was conclusorv but NIH scrutinized District of The- c o u r t approval strongly a programmatic because no reasons of o t h e r suggested that the his district direct release the NIH consider EIS.C1673 the University Columbia vacated for Circuit of C a l i f o r n i a compared experiment, the Director's stated * intentions to experiments after he consider with in the NEF'ft h a d not been omit to an but recommendations The approval was agency's of easily formulated the to as reviewed (The a the argument experiment were of RAC's plus a has discussion effects were implying The that the be termed elevated Director's to those conclusory. the review, modification, the functional equivalent NEPA The NIH guidelines were engineered organisms As the mentioned in in court NIH's c o n c e r n , C1733 t h e R A C m e m b e r s include and of organisms being did not of published court in the e n v i r o n m e n t . C1723 environmental that of by gfenetically than experiment situation in h o l d i n g acceptance them.C1703 that omission indeed of by the court.C1713 dispersal major effects such- RAC's recommendation^ were alien regulate noted, despite of did the Director's decision rather release Director environmental Only rejected laboratories EIS can his direct. Director's The recommendations acceptance accepting The- little difficulty for potential in public, d i s c u s s i o n w i t h . CI693 those substance. reasons for having reasons experiment's over of effects experiment.C1633 complied with t h e D i r e c t o r ' s form lack court state recommendations, the his approved resulted environmental experts in who dispersal. incl u d e s ecol og is t . H 174] ! shows, however, evaluated the from w h i c h ice-nucleating RAC's actions comments had the proposal had been proposal plots, NEPA's mitigation experiment's The of had reasonably proposal is significant survival genetically hazardous composition nature with occurred that as no had the known been The of such taken of Register and approval of in t h e number is c o n s i s t e n t facts, a hard t h e small of the bacteria Wild the with court look at either University the California not pose a and novt^l The bacteria.C1813 not bacteria been with engineered bacteria engineered of did lack s i z e of t h e e x p e r i m e n t had into was the genetically bacteria with to existed had the environment.t1823 had replaced be chemical effects bacteria the shown the same Harmful altered introduced omission the bacteria adverse effects. bacteria in not same No with capacity.l1833 The researchers' the e n v i r o n m e n t Given the genetically that a decrease NIH's major of chemically existed ice-nucleating of harmful. when composition evidence even bacteria effects.C179] capacitv engineered or Federal in t h e that NIH had dispersal because carefully deleted.C175] Notice including dispersal that risk the l i m i t e d found had The NIH had deferred problematic.C1803 stated been made.C177] This action finding of RAC onto potato plants, requirement.H178] have -court's organisms been the published revisions, environmental discussion genes had sought.C176] of t e s t could to release been until that of the isolation naturally and subsequent altered 00130 introduction bacteria was, in into effect, l1 risk a assessment engineered bacteria the field the h a r m f u l harmful would where effects effects had dispersal was lock."C1853 have Courts, decisions involving deferred the adequate if evidence its o w n risk quantifying mentioned had in been a footnote of the to that conern,"C1903 the communication between the p u b l i c . dispersal rDNA The research the the risk the court's Columbia Thus, have than been have The of data.E1873 conducted the values considered.C1883 a evidence scientific identifying "hard reviewing may review of Circuit, when appears to longer procedure, issues.C1863 to no it u s e d court or simply engineered organisms chemically mutated composition.CI893 dispersal was a "significant emphasizes scientists Foundation on able a significant risk. communicated the lack involved Economic was had of that the genetically court data,C1913 was it survive same stating scientific without that uncertainty of because rulemaking deference able of assessment. survived great been Thus, evidence discussed scientific had evidence environment a formal to review, the court shown organisms By the the the risk have consideration assessment affect not scientific court agency Without on genetically the District exercised based to would risk the d e t e r m i n a t i on including determination was during his insignificant not The of were applied.C1841 conducted that traditionally agency probably shown had experiment. dispersal dispersal been foreseeable proposed that they of If t h e D i r e c t o r i't i s their demonstrated assessment beyond of to environmental of effective in r D N A r e s e a r c h Trends, convince using the If t h e s c i e n t i s t s and dubious court that involved more effectively with the -: n public 9 0 to a l l a y foray perceived into scientific the a b s e n c e seems to of have the regulation writing for rDNA decisionmaking concerns public. the of the difficulty scientific District of the may have been the of the technology, communication, demonstrates the Wright, regarding effective mirrored Heckler NEPA t o fears avoided. court's involved research. Columbia court's decision in applying Judge Circuit In Skelly stated that words and / the c a s e challenged vigorous spirit of NEPA frontiers of science."C1923 brisk concern expressed ability o•i f the people even no to At the guarantees exist that scientific information only enacted technology to on scientific be application science the an misdirected in the also referred to history regarding the court it will the conducting stage, into will a new environment. the The decisionmakers experiment. decisionmaking not the experiment evolve encourages e n v i r o n m e n t , C1953 on experimentation affects NEPA impact approved that full with not NEPA has been Whereas of be fully experiments amenable the science environmental cannot unless the simply that by or on on the the to NEPA impact conduct of of research. "a n i g h t m a r e . " C 1 9 6 3 ascertain The scientific that assure lost the bold technology's less attained that legislative significantly the Compliance the not. . . . control s u c c e e d CI 9 4 3 — m u c h pursue can "to ensure NEPA's technology was are in environment.C1933 however, court are to described e s s e n c e of (as the contrasted impacts of applied in d i r e c t conducted. 'the by the Director EIS to government process guesswork) is to actions,"C1973 release Scientific cost-benefit as analysis experi-ments research implicit is in NEPA.C1983 involve Realistic value assessments judgments r i s k s of scientific proven in rDNA research. an EIS mountains or build hazards laboratory The meet EIS the and to Similarly, a hearings had « probability of extremely produced by NIH are NEPA the of difficult, The committee probability, high consequence research commercialization minimum environmental NIH public subsequently EIS,C2053 addition, a published.C2073 ? 3uide for in as "Points The ecologists researchers risk,"£2033 health document, and structuring preparing after in holding release and or with the organisms will the there be present was a "low recommended that should adequately "proceed addressing concerns."E2043 comments as to whether by the Heckler Consider" which represents proposals for to draft court". E 2 0 6 3 document m i c r o b i o l o g i s t s , C20S3 EA's. to apparent.C2011 technology while suggested to conjectural the drafters at that level type, magnitude, engineered rDNA to associated concluded been stated: direct impossible, requested programmatic between effects interference and of the specific of have the attempts concluded, implications not of vividly committee time."C2023 with is genetically if valiant frustration unknown environmental risks adaptable! to ."C2003 the risks assessing proposals . . . but and Fredrickson in is not "predicting release and common when no Director Cit environmental that Indeed, As congressional experiment's, benefits, research analyze on deliberate of costs, inappropriate become dams, EA's spirit attempting are research.C1993 "Although of that of has a In been compromise is a guide to experiments. a It i s v e r s i t y of d i r e c t aid not release experiments to is such prepare that a individual proposal researchers by are not following expected the document step-by-step.[2103 Arguably, preparation indicates permits is t h e the and that for the the by program NIH, cpf actions in continuing agency NIH may of however, deliberate to NIH's for individual to a program due the proposal proposals of If a c o u r t prepare court does guidance to consider experiments. have Hecker nature issuing is committed release the cumulati veE2123 The in direct case, suggested NIH's granting decides programmatic to the this EIS, connectedC2113 and actions. not plan, release conduct, or experiments. C2133 support Indeed, two a of V the f i r s t three experiments by. NIH.[2143 No experiments. The researchers Nor were the genetically California (The at third involved not even different experiments in corn experiment common direct release EIS of various by NIH individual promotion.[2153 experiment while the proceed involved University engineered of bacteria. due to organisms Indeed, for the scientific used to organisms. experiments protocols being One not funded is simply the technique potential difficult. scientific capable linkage engineered of without genetically did even Jjetween initiated plants, approved diversity were similar. involved The exists institutions experiment a programmatic standard experiments genetically The by NIH were not int err elatedness engineered reasons.[2163) create'the approved would Ofil.^ of release developed.C2173 environments make preparation because direct and this diversity, experiments Whereas the of are difficulty a S of c o m p l y i n g with NEPA is lessened individual experiments are drafted cited,12181 preparation of stage w o u l d mean with that potential investigating The violated the NEPA regulations of Indeed, t h e the worst c a s e mandate case NIH prepared without only If N I H genetically CEQ the was designed EA's to be to included the a worst an EA Heckler the in CEQ analysis releasing environment.E220D event highlight.E2213 individual experiments, A Ninth University when an EA as The EA that of case analysis was not a was required, "worst-v^ase c o n s i d e r a t i o n s . "E2243 a p r o g r a m m a t i c E I S , t h e s c o p e of its worst difficult to delimit due to the ability engineered organisms to reproduce. a is California be regulations, a Circuit has been criticized CED regulations.C2233 for or i s t h e t y p e of required. EIS,E2223 NIH case involved into the with a worst a catastrophe not the that could of that by the case analysis may be required of prepares case a n a l y s i s risks continue EIS an E I S , c o m p l i a n c e prepares submitted but c a u t i o u s l y of an addressed uncertainty a subsequent stated was not organisms may a worst misinterpretation subsequently be research to argument prepare inclusion analysis analysis that experiment prepares probability decision the whether Trends to analysis scientific low determine Economic engineering that t h e w o r s t If the NIH the at for tests can have to balance conjectural it failed case would genetically on because If to EIS EA's unknown. a worst court. C2193 would when because specific a programmatic benefits Foundation containing because NIH somewhat worst case analysis Under the of current need not be based on reasonably T h e NIH -Foreseeable could dispersal of organisms. have harmful such fiction alarming rDNA a meets Night._of the Valid evidence or is that that "a could as the a were of bad mutate? into of Indeed, a movie with the they reminder consequence its director widespread officially biotechnology "China Syndrome Laying,Dead."[229! arguments analyses on by no scenario negative public.C22S3 described case data.[2253 inadvertent despite technology the theme h a s b e e n the successfully worst with the consider disperse Because dreams,"[2273 science to or c r e d i b l e scientific organisms, would harmful.E2263 effects exist, however, possibi 1itiesE2303 as for basing originally worst advocated case by the » CEQ,[2313 ' rather Improbabilities power such plants engineered worst have organism case whether than center.[2343 A precautions had biotechnology as failed dams occurred. The into analysis to allow probabilities, biohazard occurring taken Heckler court a process of anticipated reviewing for environmental consequences. "C2353 decision be a c c o m p a n i e d The court's a nuclear genetically unpredictable.[2333 to a aid in large cripple A deciding population outside the limits for could applications b§ckler is of at the which nascent industry. The begin introduction close proposed.E2323 accidents on p o s s i b i l i t i e s could experiment been and an ecosystem based an as currently by approval of that what a will new Such the NIH was be a technology "about stream with may not be the case. applications for NIH approval an may or decision which has thus may rot be judged transformed NIH of unknown implies that EA, to The must adequate. approval of 2 S voluntary applications -from a b e n e f i t into an o b s t r u c t i o n to be bypassed.£2363 It is arguable experiment and did of that applications. not desire research comply with change the the even burden though its guidelines. flow of not have welcomed The agency biotechnology grew,£2381 causing from Other body, the increasing number pri v a t e c o m m e r c i al those enterprises NIH review. clearer, federal of regulatory events occurred, for a stream a it encouraged became other is not of r e v i e w i n g applications b e n e f i t s of B. would applications enterprises,£2371 regulate NIH to meanwhile to A s s o m e of the commercial agencies to consider interest whether to Group on biotechnology.£2393 The_Wh^ In April Biotechnology 1984, (Working Cabinet Council on Working Group's task biotechnology framework recommended The Natural was Resources the and the sAqency (FDA),'and biotechnology were December Environment. The 1984 Policy.£2413 agencies involved (EPA), (USDA), existing to House Federa 1 _ R e g i s ter the National under the by the White a coordinated Technology Agriculture agencies ancj In five federal Protection of in Working created was to formulate Science that Administration regulate Group) published of Environmental Department Interagency regulation.£2403 was House Office the the the framework a for proposed by the The White proposal (the N I H , United Food States and Science Foundation the Drug (NSF)), laws.£2423 establish scientific advisory committees to case-by-case had example, would over EPA; agricultural effects of retain the FDA; food pesticides pests, advisory jurisdiction over when it drugs products and other environmental were to be examined committee.T2451 rDNA a ar.d industrial Potential on approval. biologicals, in b i o t e c h n o l o g y scientific determine additives and animal b y t h e IJSDA.C2441 research then processes or p r o c e s s r e q u i r i n g engineered plant products p r o d u c t s and agency would the product by and basic the N S F ' s Each genetically be regulated the biotechnology basis.C243] jurisdiction For by review research by The NIH would at NIH-funded institutions.C2463 A parent board, chartered', by be c o m p o s e d the of procedures, and applications. members The In of of Board develop analyze pertinent for p u b l i c the Biotechnology Department two C 2 4 7 1 named Health each would generic addition, broad Board and Human Services, agency's evaluate the BSB scientific guidelines would review issues, and (BSB), was to advisory the committees' scientific scientific Science for review similar applications, provide a forum participation.E24SH During 1985 the Working Group comments to its proposal. Of the potential undermine BSB *s problem, the proposal President's Office to concern to many and evaluated commentators the RAC.E2491 this relocate BSB to the Science and Technology Policy. In that was to be under the Coordinating Council for Technology. T250D In r e s p o n s e for an additional of advisory auspices Science, the To avoid was to office, t h e BSB was revised received of Federal Engineering to critics perceiving body,C2513 the r.o and necessity the BSB was modified from an a d v i s o r y The committee to committee, Coordinating 1985.C253] an known Committee The interagency BSCC: (1) addressing scientific developing consensusE; as 'TslerveCsl as problems, (2) assessmentsE; (3) f3aci1itateEsl on i Identifties] gaps of include the and t h e and EPA, NSF. \ assured of BSCC and in one scientific two that "CtUhe applications and, decisionmaking."E2551 meetings "on Under receive issues the revised of unclear.C2583 The cooperation between inadequate. Some conversely, The suspect; in gaps exist appearing pursuit of the in the stem each procedures and from f(4) members the USDA NIH, experiment permits were a second will / BSCC are not review delay agency closed except NSF, USDA, or EPA experiments.E2573 jurisdiction, delineation which between behind level for concern."E2563 system, however, relies may heavily prove, to agencies,E2603 may The are on be and structure.C2613 creation of the an effort "to u n s h a c k l e biotechnology.E2623 CSTF7s authority 00139 ^ among Initial each and the FDA, reyuiatory from the from release overlap motivation to officials interagency vague in issues; agencies,E2593 areas political of agency's present and consistency conduct direct each information, scientific for regulatory for for cooperation therefore, generic forum review official not Meetings of applications boundaries will 30, knowledge."E254] applicants BSCC October continuing designated designated Potential sharing agencies' emerging on Science a coordinating plromotefsl Federal committee. Biotechnology was chartered of agencies the (BSCC),C521 development Federal coordinating to BSCC is industry coordinate 1% biotechnology OSTP did regulations not coordinated "clarify cite any framework, the be i n v o l v e d policies in by the legal but of reviewing however, in C o n g r e s s br,anch. [ 2 6 4 ] E x e c u t i v e agency White House and that federal influence the agencies of the courts, not additional unclear. framework laws already is issuing the regulatory 12,291 The for and p r o d u c t s of Order regulations. C2653 further stated research Clarification agencies authority the major . . . ."[2631 rests federal 1984 would that will biotechnology and in regulations, the «?:•:«,(. u t i v e e n s u r e s C M P revic-v; of role played by OSTP means i n r e g a l «\tory d e c i si cr.-> .. biotechnology.[266] For example?, » the 1 axm.'S*-. u f \I3PA' • ; • ' m :»•:« y.. 1 '. I o n s a r e st^t^rf* t u bt- t .t.r»r,:i is-Iter:'. ».»!!» H T T P ' s g u i d a n c e that ,-!;:: BSCC encumber b i o t e c h n o l o g y . C2673 regulate,[268] While "[tDhe 'turf battles' . . . ."[269] the BSCC will between The ambiguous. to t e l l an agency regulatory "identify resolve not Acknowledging to change problems and can provide differences."[271] "very different statutes under which differences? regulations individual be they it in "may help route BSCC will that its review a forum If, as OSTP operate,"[272] Congress harmonized surely the regardless of authority not the or nevertheless, agencies the the to agencies because why should did rulemaking structure, recognizes, decisions ambiguous. "no will, for not applications influence BSCC will jurisdictional the BSCC has the regui-atory is involved its views, decisions,"[270] the its coordihation become to which may r e a c h resolve of agencies," extent is a l s o its character Although regulations of the agencies intend dictates that of statutes. 0fH40 ^ BSCC'5 does Risk not intention preclude assessment to coordinate political and risk The political even Indeed, OSTP's participation. individual if In heard to to shopping may become jurisdictions. framework submission outside an inflexibility of to the has has could guidelines, will subjective suggest nonexistent.. curtails public hearings, generally be closed problems. by Forum overlapping mechanism to appeal agency.C2763 become which is aided no to public other individual regulations RAC RAC's important, The contrast the decisions. BSCC will sharply by agencies f r a m e w o r k of influence framework contrast proposals policy such issuesC2733 into agency are vulnerable closed-door coordinated scientific intrusion management interpretation.C2743 influence only a a Finally, problem,C2773 have evolved as science in has advanced. A• T h e _ N a t i o n al At the S c i_en c e _ F o u n d a t i o n present time biotechnology regulation NSF's Advisory Committee Sciences on serves as the biotechnology. scientists, needed. will Meetings The,NSF genetically it will for in be solely research-oriente'd. The Biological, the engineered NSF's Behavioral will of of generally be by awarding Social committee about outside into the environmental organisms and advisory composed subcommittees committee research that scientific committee, establish supports role Foundation's The of appears ten experts as open.C2783 effects research of grants 32 through the i t s Pi o t i c agency promoting Sciences encourages dissemination interdiscipiinary reseach.C2791 The the s c i e n t i f i c basis genetically engineered NSF environment,"C2S03 Office too of Science addition effects of the NSF B- to of and possible organisms study was Technology and a 4600,000 predicting findings by tabled study "to adverse Policy after that by advocating evaluate effects released to examine research, questions other of into the charges by the it w a s t o o v a g u e and \ NSF's scientific arising research to play potential environmental advisory from NSF-supported sponsors.£2823 a relatively committee projects It t h u s a p p e a r s minor role in and that regulating research. I b e _ U n i t e d . S t a t e s _ D § E a r t i n e n t _ o f „ A g r i c u l t'ure USDA, introduction regulatory which of technology Guidelines, of In by srganisms N funded with USDA aided NIH's regulation the a all conventional 0P142 means in federal the the followed USDA does organisms its NIH research procedure engineered other in r e v i e w i n g experiments.£2873 genetically • adopted for NIH the the and them e x p e r i m e n t , £2863 related of with than by the USDA endorsed addition, between involvement supportive compliance California developed engineered has been 1979 agriculturally differentiate products In h i s t o r y of research requiring grantees.C2853 all a longer agencies,C2833 rDNA University has genetically government. £2843 for proposed the research conferences, to research is destined The of for but rDNA respond projects rDNA had of Tr. a d d i t i o n , costly.C2813 In will a m i R e s n u r r es. D i v i s i o n . not and regulatory 31 procedure.T2083 USDA's is based Noxious on Weed The Federal to which Plant Plant Pest Plant NIH Plant statutory regulate Federal 361 of Act, release Act.,C2393 of experiments and or invertebrate parasitic viruses, the of which the can disease any or directly or damage processed, are issued pest" Federal slugs, animals, or or and and Service Act Under the movement of purposes.C2923 parts The to or injure or or protozoa fungi, other thereof, infectigus plants manufactured, the snails, similar any for bacteria, indirectly in a n y purpose includes: reproductive foregoing, Health experimental organisms in promulgated.C2911 nematodes, plants or are "plant mites, similar the Public or insects, other is permits scientific definition any Pest Act guidelines Pest for any direct Act Pest section the pests to Act.C2901 Federal Federal plant the 1. structure under jurisdiction allied with substances, or parts cause thereof, oifier p r o d u c t s of of plants.C293D The USDA has construed pests derived Thus, if articles from the USDA capable techniques establishing will from regulate of of exotic this techniques determines carrying broad of that plant biotechnology plfant p e s t s definition biotechnology "plants, pests, present in to cover plant and of ."C2943 products, plant a risk the United . - - "plant pests other derived introducing States," the or USDA them.C2953 01*1*3 3ft The USDA Act, p l a n t s gives (such yellowing, corn) California case of only of bacteria nitrogen-fixing commercial a example involved be will the plant giving commercial is the University of of The pest the agency bacteria that, stated as described Presumably be of IJSDA d e t e r m i n e d regulated bacteria.C29S1 distribution the forms pathogens, them pest, a plant in the into its of by cause as a plant permit.T2973 would to regulate all covered strains found to plant pests introduced the bacteria Because requires the had been bacteria are pi*nt certain second experiment. (Pseudgmgnas...syri n g a e ) movement have USDA's negative movement have authority distribution.C2961 of Because classifies the ice n u c l e a t i o n that bacteria USDA agency their examples bacteria. nitrogen—fixing the as as that in the this means that regulated, and not experiments. The Federal Agriculture and with "seize, destroy or Pest Act authority to declare quarantine, otherwise USDA policy pests would be termed USDA and treat, dispose statement powers. £3003 eradicate, Plant of implies exotic has suppress provides apply that stated that pests remedial plant them emergency, measures within engineered USDA's it. h a s a u t h o r i t y that are of pests."C2993 genetically bring Secretary extraordinary other exotic to plant an the The plant remedial to "released to, detect, into the Plant Pest envi r o n m e n t . " C 3 0 1 3 Commentators Act's language plants.C3023 unless they have covers The pests Act actually questioned that seems harm to whether only imply plants.C3033 001^4 the provide that Federal a risk pests USDA's are of not harm to covered determination that genetically harmful engineered implies broadly- The caused leaf would be the agency nucleating genes are that are implied is engineered a pathogen the s t r a i n s of conclusion is present Noxious mentioned statement, C3053 cover genetically Plant » to r e l e a s e s Pest into with p o w e r to weeds the in bacteria all bolstered bacteria and provision the that are strains by LJSDA's without ice therefore harmful. The before the ice nucleating Weed ActC3043 but Act Federal Noxious provided no criteria engineered Act the in that and provide suppress regulate deliberate to commercial Plant Pest products but guidelines this to but until released, clear what USDA's biotechnology front genetically the with engineered live movements broadest Presumably, is unclear. the 1986 authority been approval virus was stated is that to would be Federal currently direct release statement is using. severely for the noxious as the policy it is to Secretary the Act and would authority USDA contained its applies of subcommittee its policy has agency's and p r o v i d e s the the in it is similar in t h e s a m e m a n n e r cover experiments,C310] is not The Act A House releases."C3093 limited Act, USDA for how it r e q u i r e s a p e r m i t , C 3 0 6 1 environment.C3083 "may it plants. environment,C3073 eradicate this Act developing Weed the policy one certain read bacteria deleted. USDA On Rhirobium to the statement genetically pathogenicity Federal Federal intends This capacity bacteria's agency but regulated. that containing stated yellowing, determination 2. that plants criticized. c o m m e r c i a l .sale of challenged as a being inadequately Accounting system] Office for statement to coordinated release study was biotechnology. . The be its vague;C3123 and biotechnology's risks.C3153 The the situation,C3161 battles with the over considered the noted but a lack were regulatory to policy be poorly concerning agency's that General IJSDA's procedure direct emphasis of USDA emphasized regulation a IJSDA's especially as displaying study front, criticized regulatory and remedy EPA second study confusng,C3131 benefits a strongly experiments;C3141 potential On on sensitivitv•for was that attempting continuing a continued to turf cause for impacts of concern.C3173 C. T h e _ E n v i_r o n m e n it a 1 _.Pr o t e c t i o n __Ag e n c y EPA's concern about biotechnology began particularly concerned environmental implications Guidelines.C318D not t o regard defer scientific assertive, in the Whereas the of the The lack EPA of has been discussion experimentation in of the NIH USDA's approach to biotechnology is engineered products as unique, to experiments the environmental mid-1970's. about genetically causing the agency to the NfH^ to be cast in the EPA the has role and been of more "chief Philistine."CS193 Unlike engineered created USDA, the organisms by determined organisms recombinant EPA differently conventional that treats its containing ribonucleic regulation from regulation means.C3203 regulations DNA, but acid, and In should also cell 00146 of genetically of organisms addition, apply, not to organisms fusion.C3213 EPA has only to produced EPA is by also 35 considering whether transduction, conjugation trans-f e c t i o n , and plasmid regulations.[3221 regulations many to When the focus was of regulation the that USDA, RAC EPA, experiments NIH have is that be promote covered cautiously over was much by its applying to research the is formulated in products. and would NSF its dismay of appears problematic. 1984, Because were not continue however, that "transformation, researchers. [3231 commercial the should experimentation framework of by techniques EPA authority of roles the and industrial assertion before.[3241 over and coordinated emphasis assumed Unlike produced transfer" scientific scientists EPA's organisms main of this discussed; regulating it was research as to be exercising traditionally its been authority reviewed by the RAC. The other to E!PA's p o s i t i o n , federal agencies, safeguard guidelines release human do the not animal deficiency approved is under Regulation over NIH than but health the by the NIH's environment. the are the environmental directed the that agency's The argument at of taken by mission the of NIH direct the protection Arguably, application that impacts mainly is valid.[3251 by EPA would If manner EPA's with with however, NEPA to of this experiments guidelines. regulation. a less exacting NEPA, address cured inconsistent is consistent human experiments and although EPA's than review review.C3261 not necessarily statutory EPA's be less vigorous improvement was evaluation foreseeably less than an authority environmental could be applied mandated in by comprehensive enforcement of 21 Of 1^7 regulations problem rDNA rnuld for the for EPA (FIFRA),C3273 EPA covered and 1. if Federal EPA necessary for the regulate Toxic but framework for that were not on two Insecticide, under for with FIFRA release if organisms for pesticide properties, e.g., toxicity.C3323 experiments must involve food must be experiments purposes.Z3303 that to accumulate experiments purposes to destroyed than or ten are information An e x e m p t i o n to on to this evaluate determine To come within less Act permits are conducted or are' experiments and R o d e n t i c i d e provide Act (TSCA).C32S] exempting the EPA.C3313 is available Act noncommercial Fungicide conducted rests and R o d e n t i c i d e Control is c o n s i d e r i n g are conducted registered Fungicide direct requirement crops statutes biotechnology Substances that experiments not Hn.aouiuonai a regulatory c o n f i n e s of Insecticide, regulations pesticides the determined they conur^u. be designing to by FIFRA,C3293 from T S C A ji application. Federal has pronirm within such the a could jurisdiction statutes, The EPA technology designed be their this . exemption, a c r e s of coqsumed land, by and all experimental animals.C3333 EPA has use p e r m i t s modified for direct the procedures for obtaining release engineered organisms.E334X genetically engineered replicate and spread experiments with experiments of experiments EPA organisms beyon3^,.,the involving rationalized possessed experiment produced 00148 genetically that the these ^organisms were equivalent conventionally experimental potential site, to because small large organisms.C3353 to scale scale Applicants 3? for e x p e r i m e n t a l notify must the experiment. is experiment may because of engineered its held experiment procedural On of is permit by growing on date experiment. still bacteria is d e f i n e d mitigate Columbia Jeremy Genetic of the If ninety the days, involved the by EPA Under its as a the The pesticide bacteria this Although until in to FIFRA.[337] the natural pending lifts Rifkin consider EPA in the that has analysis, the the the University of District . Court injunction, suit 1 i c e n s e , [341 ] scientific complied its procedure to prevent The suit, injunction. the had making filed Sciences.E3401 approved the experiment an experiment was the was federal basis for court functional the district EPA's necessary The on same unsuccessful The with decision. filed in court, decision, administrative also equivalent determined of NEPA's mandate.[342] learning suspended to a preliminary EPA's the organisms review.[339] EPA procedures the of is subject pests.[338] that that experiment are to in a d v a n c e the bacteria Advanced refusing that nucleation. attaining engineered the EPA within ice EPA day t h a t by bacteria capacity Meanwhile, by days evaluates notified California District is u n d e r then genetically for California •for t h e ninety determined the c a p a c i t y natural for proceed.[3363 of genetically EPA not has University permits EPA The applicant EPA use that injecting Advanced Genetic genetit^lly the firm's roof the permit and in engineered Oakland, fined Sciences the had organisms California, firm violated trees however, $20,000.[343] 00149 ^ into its Before EPA the -pormir was proceed swsipPiHM-U, with had f a i l e d FIFRA a to apply problem have definition commentators however, term of is regulating that because of to courts the anrerr rrr California,E3441 broad genetically organisms, covers them.C3461 applicability could 'pesticide expect 4jr but be limited mean to engineered the Act's authors did engineered FIFRA's organisms of to the statute that ,(Wrr approval.C3451 FIFRA whether „*,r b y t h e S t a t e of to genetically suggested engineered local disadvantage under . 4 , „, experiment to gain A major organisms the UTtf a defer to because thus not creating Commentators genetically of FIFRA's "substance."C3473 to E P A ' s intent given by write The interpretation, Congress to the "pesticides."C3483 41 ^ 00150 2. Toxic TSCA under has which Substances been rDNA described under "Chemical substance" TSCA substance . . . any in p a r t as as technology authority inorganic Control to could most be of of a such comprehensive regulated.C349] chemical statutorily a particular combination a result the regulate is of Act substances chemical reaction The EPA as "any organic identity, occurring or has substances.C3503 defined molecular statute or including in whole occurring in or nature t . . . ."C3513 EPA organisms are covered molecule, other however determined by nucleic created, is that this definition acid, 'an genetically or other organic engineered because constituent substance of a "any of a DNA cell, particular identity.'"C352D EPA bases legislative broadly its history interpretatlon intended interpreted;C3533 occurring substances" substances;C354] and substances not laws. C355] Commentators is c o r r e c t in of F I F R A — d i d engineered (3) not intend genetically coverage TSCA the the of HUt the TSCA's should be "naturally of chemical intent TSCA apply that environmental and as to whether covers genetically authors Act's determination engineered other includes (1) definition in d i s a g r e e m e n t organisms,C3573 EPA's the that Certainly substance" language Congress' are three factors: "chemical TSCA's under determining •foreclose T S C A ' s The (2) under covered organisms.C356] that on of TSCA—like application this does to health the EPA engineered the authors to genetically not necessarily organisms.C358] that FIFRA organismsC359] 00151 means and that TSCA a cover genetically k o engineered In such organism a defined case as is covered FIFRA "chemical exclusion, of engineered organisms analysis, EPA providing but would had i t s would would fixation the ice nucleating as a The pesticide. under exempt TSCA.13601 regulation into genetically capacity of TSCA's Under engineered under engineered bacteria under this bacteria to plants deleted not genetically plants.C3611 the genetically capacity are TSCA,T3621 that FIFRA because has it is pesticide.H3633 EPA's organisms not regulate it is a apply because pesticides introduced regulate classified would substances" pi a n t s nitrogen by TSCA unless determination are subject to TSCA that does not genetically engineered necessarily mean that by the statute. TSCA J direct release was n o t designed statute experiments research premanufacture commercial of however, that hinges apply. is it academic the would not for EPA of field and or field processing If "Ctlhis may for EPA under has stated, not tests."C3663 conducted the If for The the basic experimenters' notice process create is TSCA might experimenters. premanufacture that manufacturing requirements testing covered.£3671 TSCA's recognizes the substances for The agency or n o n c o m m e r c i a l the requirement experiments dispersal. notieel does explicit, l a n g u a g e , release intern: be the limits Despite such only of- c h e m i c a l from also Not "manufacturing "purely>academic was commercial, The to direct potential on quantities It "Cpremanufacture to purely experiment intent the research. development requirements regulating because research" and small p u r p o s e s . " C365H considering exemption exempt be covered basic notice.C3643 process notice apply to regulate expressly used f o r will an would anomaly, because any risks microorganism tester Chut] EPA b e l i e v e s remain added are in and its This TSCA direct manufacturing not require a notice manipulated inside not b e required One rDNA DNA other for conclude commerce, The by that use, presents health or the the or cell TSCA if can will a present environment legislative clarified when time, EPA EPA is not that a or engineered organisms are vectors produced by the Act, notice. for and the in the therefore Thus, a premanufacture implies that "there of not although a genetically notice would itself.C3723 manufacture, disposal TSCA's may its substance required cell, EPA firms or • . . of EPA ori chemical and covered be a host provision self-monitored a premanufacture may the to funded comments that and ambiguously EPA's determination is hosts the host research. Until if g e n e t i c a l l y not by the research federally invited be of a experiments.C3713 organise are premanufacture issue will assumes that however, process then to is at o d d s with release Even TSCA, limited of protection, . . . ."C3&8 3 EPA statement. engineered by it intent academic: legerdemain this discussion is correct. covered would because policy to is testing considerable for purely the NIH delicate field commercial r e s e a r c h , " and Hopefully, The\above mixture rDNA new genetically of the the provides mandate challenge history.C3703 applying domain "RAC's proposal.C3693 / issues already with of is appropriate the institutions withstand independent RAC it that associated only is it w o u l d require a be basis to distribution in ris« Although 00153 ^ cover to substance an u n r e a s o n a b l e . . . .'T3733 tests reasonable processing, chemical not or of mixture injury to "unreasonable r i s k" is specific not risk, requiring defined the firms EPA o f f i c i a l finding that risk."C37&3 agency to has stated there "unreasonable risk" would be nature of risks The experiments in statutes higher costs public risk "we would be McGarity organism judgments. potential a of by risks . . . of noting An make a significant that, because process, EPA's decision highly risks benefits poses inappropriate when and EPA and by a speculative compared chemicals (such analysis is of of and the lower (such with benefit the as chemical vulnerable and risks to The potential as microbial of the novel pesticides).C381D to substantia! are are under restrictions organisms technology discussing the t r a d i t i o n a l fcrachr.oi o g i s s a r e rDNA problem. and TSCAT.3791 environment. . . . ."C3S01 engineered a biotechnology between regulation the thus FIFRAC37S1 regulates "balancCingl created Risks can a regulations research.£3753 the' research. risk of identify issue possibility to because scientific are we a balancing are replacing Comparative think concurs by implies genetically pesticides) to tests during analyses health of not. lie a b l e that b o t h r i sk-*-benef i t s t a t u t e s . these unless EPA can benefits.H3773 question Risk-benefit may deferred and TECA,T3741 self-monitor Professor probably in known, unknown valup whereas and Ctiii b e downpiaved. RECOMMENDATIONE Scientists and rsgulaMwns regulators »rf _ . . r*. *»r\ r *r• .if for vt :<-.»• • » impossible 0 0 1 5 4 '^cei! ' to ' •> r*• • • • , prove. ., ; i The s t , but public, 4 3 mec.iHJlii must protected. stifle prevent harm RAC towards in Although science, frcm from to signals by t h e R A C . similar promotional The the may fail to the process was of the staff could committee's larger size. multi-rfi s r i pi \ n a r y new of the conflict would RAC to be RAC over Members of The and scientists, probably by creating the remain the public new NIH's instead of should be committee committee should plus a essentially the CEQ, except the to end. and resemble as reviewed is between should agencies loosely previously, the RAC the NIH—or comraittee">as b e f o r e . mix the other by RAC make decisions directly Federal supporting For faced continue for from functions it would an as the RAC the Director. products. research. should committee—the that regulatory not prcc1ude the NIH and jurisdiction of progression involves should rDNA from experiments representea nominated' on sense. emanated regulatory except is based commercial however, regulate removing structure unchanged advising and it regulations natural rightfully regulating little have independent sci^r .re's agencies, release By when the problems successfully A change preferable. The in to repeat direct rigid la;: r e g u l a t i o n s r-search products those the p a s t tlecade m a k e s Mixed drafted unnecessarily rDNA laboratory-as. continuing agencies be that occurring.C3821 regulating of it m u s t b e l i e v e must unnecessarily experienced Involvement whether be protected, therefore, technological agencies RAC risks. began contained only Regulations, hypothetical could not for the should be represent lay p e o p l e . and The a which should continue change to provide Bgc.ombi.nant for r D N A To DNA support to a c c o m p a n y for the lechnicaL JBuUetin, the new RAC, committee, should publish the ,.;nd a c t a s a c l e a r i n g house technology. attempt should jurisdiction be Executive to limit created Order. regulatory White by The an unique problems concurrently act. act's environment for involved House of influence, Congress purpose rDNA protecting the be research new rather would in r e g u l a t i n g the than to that by an provide a recognised scientific research public health and RAC safety, the while and the environment. The act flexible a the be t h e of academic the close rDNA ten as much years' RAC guidelines NIH guidelines. Eederal___Register The new and Researchers and RAC their should and environs proposed in r e g u l a t i n g to the should to broad, types of Attempting to experiments is universities procedures guidelines are rDNA research. evolving science, the same procedures as include publication in changes in t h e guidelines, to inspect experiment held. authority b e f o r e , d u r i n g , and be required all between The NIH follow Procedures be given it The RAC's present is critical should for commercial relationship to be give private. and experience of and procedures as possible. meetings should RAC, technology. flexibility actions taken, sites of new formulate their new current in emulated result Because the because the rDNA—public between industry should to involving line infeasible and create authority experiments draw should formulate after a plan experiments. for cleanup, and to post dispersal. bonds The compliance with to committee its permit The c u r r e n t Points experiments provides for p r e p a r a t i o n the new of RAC ensure to should system, Consider as much proposals. and cleanup modified in c a s e o f have and authority to enforce document guidance for to orders. direct. release should evolution of enforce cleanup as is currently The document as inadvertent feasible be adopted the science -by proves necessary. If p o s s i b l e , exemption from the new NEPA contain committee included experts molecular biology, and The RAC should EIS. specifications act proposals would should not, whirh are of s c i e n t i f i c an review of functional too speculative members experiments <?f of the as well that NEPA. to prepare a entail the as was public ' and a provision equivalent general this exemption, and epidemiology be required EIS would same balancing review of The new programmatic benefits t o b e qtt^ntified at and this stage that rDNA research. Congress has made—albeit experimentation should by default—a continue. alternative of no be h e l p f u l . The first a c t i o n , o r of direct occurred—illegal ly--rn experiments by permitting practicable rDNA t e c h n o l o g y . decision A discussion conducting ^experiments,;-therefore, not the to ensure that also contain however, of enjoy To attain in e c o l o g y that be the Preparation risks, should as the EPA. act c o u l d thorough. RAC would a moratorium experiment Oakland, ap.arbitrary alternatives not be beneficial. imposing release of has California. number the diversity to The would not already Limiting place experiments is because of It w o u l d pot be feasible to dictate the type ftftiW of take to using of 1+& experiments which proposals for may proposals could list The of prove have analytical federal risks, Interagency Risk The risk on is Risk Technical scientific necessary the Bulletin. advisory by the The risk the public hearing locale where granted. should this e a r l y would on the the stage almost risk e x i s t e d ; adequate on the new be risk in used extensively environmental for and biotechnology be bifurcated should possible from is health by the Council. from have as few risk management. legal restraints to ensure maximum discretion risks. Results of risk t h e Federa.L..B§ a n d Comments should committees should process, which assessment to not or be in assessments Recombinant_DNA encouraged, be appointed should be more if and deemed committee. Hearings attempt regulating should management risk they were type, submitted, Meanwhile, This procedure process published each to be used by the new RAC should Management public be of approved. developed as not inadequate. to be for being may because management. fcommittee be be wait tool assessment protecting than to assessment the should to agencies and experiments experiments assessment/risk by t o t a k e p l a c e , or the n u m b e r specified proposals RAC's were process, record, experiment should not approximate in r e s e a r c h , assuredly lose. researchers should including would be structured involve notice a public hearing take place adversarial scientific the party review with in nature, not Ofr158 prove was but of p r o p o s a l s . the burden of Regulators could not prove could the if a p p r o v a l in and that a At proof that risk a was Because nonexistent. amd t h e new review, unfortunately, •f t h e n e w RAC's RAC, To aid budget other new data should both should and include funding reports time to b e p r e s c r i b e d could be handled discussed. to be a risk of evolution of assessment experiments small the experiment's should as possible by scale reporting site for proprietary at be on and reporting, Post-experiment Reporting which limiting juse a committee's base by full p a r t s of m e e t i n g s as much decision fi.nal. Approved the new RAC. however, The The to the data monitoring judicial priority. necessary. by closing data impossible. experiments. by Emphasis, of c o n f i d e n t i a l for contribute after be procedures discretion, decisionmaking, should deemed should before in have strict o-f and be almost would RAC include lack authority would base research experiments broad therefore, the scientific the general o-f of data it the a was amount the patent process. These recommendations but a r e o f f e r e d as are not suggestions unified policy for intended to preclude regulation federal agencies. They regulation of committee other the n e w RAC to on which regulating scientific than are, rDNA of of to to be in f i n a l begin however, in RAC, and scientific They are a not rDNA technology intended rDNA form, formulating experiments. p r o d u c t s of processes the-new regulation intended to research to limit by preclude by any jurisdiction processes not products. of 1. See Nathans, Berg, Roblin, Baltimore, Watson, o£_Reggmbinant_DNA [hereinafter 2. Envtl. F. 3. See, Guidelines, whether as as Berg Fiel ding, 13, 16 Weissman Molecules, cited See Boyer, dangers of 4. James Watson the model -for Pgtential_Biohazards Science 1114, 171 5. Nature DNA Zinder, (1973) and_.the .Peri 1 , in Proposed 59,382 (1981) are qualitatively Francis DNA Research: 59,368, research and 737 1114 1985). Crick 1953. proposed Watson S< S t r u c t u r e _ o f „ N u c l e i c „ A c i d s ^ _ A _ S t r u c t u r e ,.fg.r Acid, Hogness, letter!. Reg. rDNA Davis, BiotechnologyThe.,Promise (Aug. Fed. & Zinder, :L8i e-.g._, R e c o m b i n a n t 46 Cohen, Revised (questioning unique). the double Crick, helix Molecular Deoxyribose__.Nucleic (1953). From Genetics. to Genetic ..Engineering, in From p e r i ] m e n t a t i g n _ t g _ B i g t e c h D o l . q g . y ~ 13, 14-17 6. (1982). The term "rDNA investigating the laboratories are technology manufacture bright rDNA line Technology, term, fuses 51 however, of S. o-f o r g a n i s m s engaged exists technology. technology part to nature technology" in One Cal . science scientist both terms. L. Rev. experimentation scientific research'- by using science commercial between is misleading. while products and even See in r D N A technology the use rDNA is technology. No in t h e argued Cavalieri, 1153 in o-f technology has 1153, rDNA Scientists (1978). technology case that of rDNA Science... a s Under is an either integral \ Biotechnology, de-fined a s "any organisms) to make animals Human for technique or The in B i o t e c h n o l o g y , to the NIH regulation experiments of See Weinberg, (Oct. and See 938, 938 stating "[ilf 16-17 (describing "hairy nine-foot NIH 9. or Health and of of Leadership the of H e a l t h This Article Advisory 1 U985) is limited to technology. Am. 48, t h e „ D . a n g e r s _ o f ..Genet, (referring Dr. to "second Frankenstein monsters"); reports degree must, g o o n see_al_so F i e l d i n g , of creature"). "strange But„see 193 Science 186, supra his note 2, creature" ?< B e r g , 187 biology"; producing orange-eyed Singer 192 at and Recombinant (1976) (disputing arguments). See Singer, Szybalski, Richmond, Pritchard, Peacock ?•< Wha£_Lessons_.Does„the_R Coomb e s , Table Discussion, £>:.eeCl© 223, Szybalski] (statement 1976 which (in referred Zinder, in r D N A On Guidelines, Chargaff's been Institutes RoleD. plants I h e _ M o l _ e c u l e s _ _ o f ...Life, 2 5 2 S c i . (1976) biological Round NIH Chargaff, little DNAs National of the Nation's the 51st Meeting been (or p a r t s improve Department has 1985). 8. Science U.S. of organisms or to in F o s t e r i n g Proceedings as technology, living products, Role Director, rDNA uses use." cited 48 that modify [hereinafter 7. includes beneficial Services, Committee which supra note 236 of year to by Recombinant (1979) at ..and cited The two year NIH Guidelines commentator 16. DNA [hereinafter J. Coombes). the first one 5, in Genetic a s S i n g e r S< period were as the Recombinant after issued) DNA has War. a. 10- See Sweezy (Frankfurter, disputation necessary J., on DNA„Research, in 201 scientific of for observation the inquiry is implicit of . . . clearly An am speech (1977) advancement prepared and to simply "the . . . ." press"); may be made that Delgado & Miller, 375 constitutional similarity 665, to (discussing cf. to (197S). the analogy of See .also 240 and the first this (1983) of guarantee L. Rev. information is amendment"). experimentation in t h e s c i e n t i f i c is process a n d _ G g v e r n m e n t s. ..Toward Branzburg 53 Wash. should analysis b e c a u s e of v. Hayes, and L. receive 408 D e l g a d o & M i l l e r , supra,, at information-gathering J ., A l g e n y freedom T h e ..Sci entist.'.s Scientific_Inguiry, under see step Politics 51 S . Cal . Experimentation news-gathering. (1972); of G o d , G a l i. l e o 4 for_ protection 681-82 are and that Robertson, scientific information-gathering 349, for scientific Amendment knowledge the protection Constitutional... P r o t e c t i o n Rev. (1957) freedom of argue in t h e F i r s t ("Cslcientific within argument 263 and e x p e r i m e n t Right...to_Research?. A_.Constitutionaj... A n a l y s i s , 1216 and Reconibinant_..DN A ; S c i e n c e , E t h i c s , ("I 1203, 234, . a l s o G r e e n , A L e g a l . Perspective... on... R e c o m b i n a n t (197S) freedom 354 U . S . ("-freedom t o r e a s o n b a s i s of conditions see Hampshire, concurring) the knowledge"); 193, v. New its U.S. 375 news-gathering); (" C k l n o w l e d g e h a s b e e n reduced information"). 11. 580-82 12. S e e .general ly L . Tribe, American„._Cgnstitut.ioQ.#.l Law (1978). A thought imagines'specific experiment natural is or u n n a t u r a l ®01f>2 one in which conditions and a scientist events in 3 order to increase his scientific f o r ._ T h o u g h t . . . E x p e r i m e n t s , A1. e x a n d r e _ R o y r e 3 0 7 (ed. I. H a c k i n g 13. NAACP dissenting) speech rDNA Standards v. Button, L. conduct, Professor Spece, 14. A Spece (statement 15. 60 1286 aimed of considers might apply aimed with J., speech the as pure to the regulation of of Constitutional Assessment... of _ t h e Research, (1978). at physical (Harlan, that Analysis n.12 to regulations 51 Professor safety as S. Spece regulating at p r e v e n t i n g knowledge as Id... Hearings.Before of 862 the Subcomm. on Policy on Science 1978) of and [hereinafter Research and Techngl_ogy, cited of Law Report, cited Thomas Emerson, supra note Yale School Center). of Molecule Yale Law 15, at 6 0 the Sess., Reseach as Science of L a w ) . 95th PNA_Hearingsl Technology DNA Recombinant [hereinafter Emerson, and as T e c h n o l o g y , 95th C o n g . , 2d Professor Policy Thomas gn ..Science Science, Implications (statement an_Sciencei_Research_and Jerome Barron, National Science Print Professor (1977) Professor Subcomm. (Comm. 16. associated Purposive 1281, speech. Comm. Report3 (1963) Reyigw_and_a .Practical regulations 1st S e s s . Science 415, 455 conduct Iechngiggy..of _.the_Hguse_Comm^ House 6 S c i e n c . e _ P o l i c y _ I m p l i c a t i o n s _ o f _ D N A _ R e c o m b i n a n t _ Research, Cong., in S c ^ e n t i fi c. R e v o l u t i o n s i.ty._of . . . R e g u l a t i n g . . R e c o m b i n a n t . . D N A compared regulating U.S. distinction Rev. categorizes 371 to Judicial Constitutional Cal. (1964), reprinted plus of Function 1983). plus). research. See Kuhn, A in 2 L'.Ayc-nture.. de...l a . S c i e n c e , ...Melanges (referring speech/speech knowledge. Policy School). (statement Regulation of enacted conduct pursuant so constitutional of aspects O'Brien, 366 free 391 U.S. long speech U.S. 36, to a as its are 367, 50-51 legitimate governmental effects incidental. 381-82 Recombinant„._DNA.. R e s e a r c h : See United Konigsberg g e n e r a l l.y ..Hearings Before. [hereinafter cited as (statement of Washington University regulation of attain David (1978) policy (statement SB i s n o t protected Cong., Recombinant Newburger, School nuclear public 95th goals). of Rep. by first on 1st S e s s . and 355-56 But...see Ottinger) types 124 Hearings] of but Law, federal research C-ong. (arguing amendment, of on (1977) (describing other ..of .Commerce, Professor Law) Bar, Subcgmm. _ DNA...Research.. of v. Regulation. the Assistant research States v.. S t a t e S c i e n c e ^ . . J e c h n o l o g y , ..and.. S p a c e .of ..the Senate... C o m m . . Science^„anc[_IransBortation, is communicative the See (1963); (196:1). on interest Rec. that to 3395 research per advocacy of only research) . 17. G£s. (1968) United (state States hat. legitimate noncommunicati ve impact of 10, a t reason why 204 regulated of i n j u r y (no to to same the environment"). that its i 1963J . health and the interest in See United The rDNA other g;_Brien technology that the right to research supra was note v. Court would O'Brien, stated* supra raise or were required compelling 10, at fMVIRJL regulating public be 381-82 "should of state 367, in safety the States U.S. see_.alsg G r e e n , activities regulating Robertson, 391 interest conduct); as protection, §§£~a®Deral 18. extent If constitutional v. O'Brien, or not a note be threat to the accorded to show substantial. 1210. 391 U.S. "CW3!>en 367, "spafrcl.* 3/6 ^ ionspeech* « v e l ^ a S , : * ._. element Amendment freedoms See (per c u r i a m ) statute); can justify v. New and See generally "'inquiry' clearly intellectual 22. see_also See (analogizing time, p l a c e , Hear in g s , Emerson, and Yale rDNA c o n t e x t ] An research note does of Law) Human Services behavioral research. regulations the p e r s o n a l balance and (1977) 881 to be (arguing and Rep. directly ss the (1941); to which B u t .see Professor danger DNA Thomas test [in acceptable"). 45C.F.R. benefit when 0t.ti.nger) danger imposed). present that activity"). 569, 576 of ( s t a t e m e n t , of ("clear (1942) T e c h n o ] cigy affecting p r o m u l g a t e d ''by t h e D e p a r t m e n t of (1974) protection present may be human integrity n.9 1 3 0 7 ?•< n . 8 2 . 3:12 U . S . and to protect the First drawn). into hazardous to clear regulations are regulations on 560, 573 DNA (statement regulations not. s e e m the unconstitutional constitutional 3395 14, at of of 1 3 , at 836 Hampshire, research School example New manner supra its Rec. rDNA 785, is transformed v. 1 2 4 Cong., note Recombinant Rev. loses Cox supra Note, L. discourse sweep" ends must be narrowly 21. Sa. 405, 414 Hampshi re, 315 U.S. See_general_l_Y. S p e c s , 11 in r e g u l a t i n g limitations 41S U.S. limitless 20. Assessment, interest f : D n d u c : t ? Id. "nearly Chapl insky ,! , i l f ! : „, incidental v. Washington, (noting means - ;..;„.,., f;al . . . ." Spence (nexus b e t w e e n and .:«...'. ; t l l ,i ? nonspeech 19. are subjects 4 6 . 10.t~.211 to society human f(?*«SS of subject scientific of Health in b i o m e d i c a l (1985). the research involved. and These with See I generally Lapps ofjacience, S . Cal . regulations Emerson on fundamental however, animals Hearings, Emerson, Yale 23. Cf._ freedom right utter of of or inquiry, of freedom 24. See Citizens the if the Recombinant (statement manner 2 5 of and • : on serious Professor the right read (1923) Bd. 425 DNA Thomas 479, 482 not (1965) only the to distribute, . . . and to teach the freedom . . . community"); of indeed Meyer (statute forbidding of U.S. suppressing DNA Pharmacy 748, 770 information, available, v. German Discussion v. Virginia (1976) and the that the First following (choice dangers Amendment Setlow, How M g l e c u 1 e^. _. C o m m i 1 1 e e _ W g r k s _ i n _ 1 9 7 ? , Genetic Experimentation (stating scientific See„generaliY involving so far"). includes and freedom State E. Weiss) restraints but to See_generall.y Recombinant..DNA of "a unconstitutional). is freely us"). NI.H was of makes for done 381 U . S . university Council, it on and has m o r e been press print, 390, 403 dangers of i t s m i s u s e and thought, Virginia Consumer has v. Connecticut, entire taught is of c o n t r o l s n o t (statement right U.S. language being "between the Professor reseach goes further that (describing research). rDNA level (1978) Law). to the 262 because cell speech right t o r e c e i v e , Nebraska, or Griswold of that 14 at 9 1 2 School 1543-47 and behavioral anything note ("right of the f r e e d o m 1535, Ctlhat. r e a l l y than supra to L. Rev. molecular implications I h e _ P l a c e . o f . the.. P u b l i c J i n . t h e ...Conduct biomedical argues, humans or & Martin, Hoi man general research 8< agreement are Dutton, # n « s 161, 165 that in (1979) time and constitutional. A_._Case_._f g r _ _ P u b l i c Participation in Cal- 1505, L. Rev. scientists and B e i e n c e . . Pol. i c v .For mi j 1 a t i. on.. a n d „ P r a c t i c e , 5 1 1509-10 public on (1973) whether (describing positions experimentation S. o-f should be regulated). 26. Five involved vector in in scientists science rDNA) . were involving Watson, Why tumor virologists one was E s c h e r i c h i .a„cql i. ( t h e c o m m o n l y used the...."Berg"_ L e t t e r B'ecpmbi n a n t J D N A . a n d ...Genet i c...Experi m e n t a t i o n 27. Id._ 28. Discussion at 2 3 6 Risk j of microbiology and were moratorium caution Berg letter, following Singer study clinical of Bg£Qfflbi.naQt_DNAs Genetic in discussions risks were discovered U w , Cal. L. 30. ' Discussion to Rev. 190 note in (1979) . 1, at 8< S y b a l s k i , T h e ,_Public Scientists epidemiologic surprised by because 1114. supra note 9, Percept ion. of or and 261, diseases, of be 261 and the genetics medical overstated. 1167, fallowing 1170 of in for a suggesting rather incitants. in 296 infectious suggestions than After DNA in were technology, Halvorson, DNA experts microbiology rDNA in Lennette, Recombinant (1979). risks of scientists disease 289, involved aspects the the biochemistry ^Experimentation included S. supra A„£ubiic_Health_yiewBoi.nt, infectious 51 and pathogens epidemiology, in Warner, Cohen). guidelines involved 187, Wri t t e n , a n d ...Genet i c _ E x p e r i m e n t a t i o n S. greatly and were DNA of Was Watson). following Recombinant (statement diseases see J. Discussion in (1979) and 191; (statement 29. the at and and the the (1978). Warner, supra note 29, at 296 < 001 fi7 (statement 31. Berg of At told the -four d a y on 41 restrictive that Playing Fed. because the of self-interest. Singer told restrictive, controls on that issued, h a z a r d s did else not scientific drafters S< had willingness Szybalski, it for them. supra IcL low-level when risks to self-regulate, and lack n o t e 9, at were of 224. The sufficiently agencies would Even were instructions to the guidelines federal technology. restrictive The guidelines responsibility, unless the do Dr. (1977). (1976). a California, impose would 27,902 or beyond Asilomar, they 3 10 social Congress rDNA God reflecting acknowledgment were if at someone Reg. guidelines drafters meeting themselves, Goodf ield, 32. draft Cohen). scientists regulations See J . S. impose strict the guidelines associated with were source \ materials Director were of speculative NIH DNA M o l e c u l e s , 33. Atom. See 41 Release Fed. Novick, Scientists inability to experiments and to ,are desire Reg. 27,902, assessments having a 12, of "'trust big Recombinant (1976). personal 16 (May rDNA are brother (1) and (expressing conviction therefore experiments them); (Nov. that 1977) between: dangerous, conduct risks 27,904 on the 16, that 14 Research of 33 are can Influence, 1978) (public Bull. that be safe see._a G r e e n , B^_Controversy.L_A„Model_of _Public Scientists for Decision Present_Control§_.Are_Just„a„Start, not to unquantifiable. Guidelines distinguish (2) c o n v i c t i o n personal and rDNA conducted; because of Ihe_Recombinant 34 Bull. tends lower than originally because he knows best' to. Atom. regard perceived overtone"). as 34. (1978); See see._al s o scientists' Wade, King, New_Di§ea5es.,,in..New Zinder, positions supra seemed Niches, 276 Nature note 6-7 (reversal of 5, at 16 irrational to public). But Ihe_.Roles...o£_God_and.. M a m m o n .in_Mal_ecular:_Biology, G e n e t i c , E x e e r i. m e n t a t i o n . t o _ B i o t e c h n g 203, 2 0 8 are 4, (1982) (in generally scientific accepted on their o-f the in gal community, o-f From T r a p s i t. i o n scientists' merits regardless see opinions research's sponsor). The regard public's is partially The B e r g were image letter not note 9 , was flawed not subjected at 231 of this were on logical based id. at to 224 fact, peer of (May 1977) When t h e (some public was generally minds, behavior supra (discussing reversed at note fact Because irrational. See imaginary 1977). was Monster, 14 fact). of hard the was not to have open Singer molecular technology See Rowe, as it are trained 1976 actions materialized, around An (May not not 14, basis that Watson, was Scientists the supra 5f.e__al.50 Zinder, rDNA theories facts. 223.^see_a_lso See 13 hard 9, at that 12, had scientists appeared beliefs Scientists its as to risks was construed about-face. that their 35. from Atom. this science. the scientists' determined—on the of public Szybalski); dangers in & Szybalski, The derived W. and Singer that 33 Bull. suspected skeptical such of later understood Szybalski, at 16 the assumed speculation scientists facts—that review. conclusions GyidelingB_tbat_Do_the_Jsbt document J. Coombes) . but (statement community due to a misunderstanding a scientific (statement made a w a r e scientific supra note & 5, biologists hazardous). 33 Bull.- Atom. lO 36. See Guidelines. Fredrickson, in t h e .. U n i t e d _ S t a t . e s , Experimentation 37. 46 38. biology. of the Risks even See cannot Churches smaller of on .8 Ethical._Conseguenc.es3; discussions note 9, knowledge 239 on part public 36, at at has formal Concerns, public that Only a training in in molecular National Council of E n g i n e e r i.n.g--Social, M. Rogers, public genetics); of training thereinafter elite DNA (arguing had had Genetic. 152 meetings). Bioethical of Recomhinant town has (statement of with percentage see . also molecular at DNA (1981). note discussed (1984) bewilderment on 59,39J supra Christ/USA, Consequences (describing be the Fanel Recombinant i n R e c g m b i n a n t . . D N A ...and...Genetic Associated 59,385, of .of. , _ t h e (1979). Fredrickson, biology an Ethical 156 Reg. percentage biology; the Fed. See molecular small 151, Evaluation Research, A ... H i s t o r y as Biohazard group Singer M. Singer) regarding cited when & Socialand 179 (1977) listening Szybalski, (commenting science and on and to supra lack of scientific method). 39. See Involving (1985) Notice Recombinant (comment by Biology) ("Ch3ow becomes a research"). 40. benefits of matter See is J. DNA Dr. the Actions Molecules, B. Horecker, results for not of NIH 50 supra scientific 9i.-_Unrestric.ted_. Research.:. Jhe Guidelines Fed. Roche such regulation, Goodfield, social, Under note Institute reseach but not 31, decision); Case M T T M Reg. are for Research 9760, of Molecular implemented the conduct at 146 Novick, 9762 of the (degree of Jhe..Dangers of .....Recombinant—DNA, in 1 Recombi nant (risks and 41. ...DNAs.... S c i e n c e , . . E t h i c s , _ a n d benefits See G. of basic Nossal, 125-26 legislation to Chairmanj'.s Introduction, 42. (role of public 34 tends to 43. Virginia Rep. are of the Dutton, and Citiz en by iin drafting and Geneti.c regulations are research). supra note trivialized by 25, at 1531 expertise Court in..t h e_. R e c o m b i n a n t 37, (Oct. 42 scientists 1978) when of DNA (public technical or discussed). of supra Professor note 16, M. Shapo, University of 3395 (1978) (statement of Law)< Cong. Congressman themselves saying speak.' American 45. that developing Scientists e._g.., 1 2 4 think you & Genetic Szybalski, DNA RecgmbiDant_DNA._Resea.rch See, attitude." A Atom. Ottinger). whereof the be (statement the e x p e r t s ^ ' the undermined issues apparently (arguing rapidly intimidated School 44. (1979) in technology); Recombinant can be 100-01 in ( 1978) quantifiable). di f f i c u l t i e s changing Hoi man Krimsky, See (outlining e . g..., Bull. scientific 147 controlling See, Debate, at 147, in scientists) ; (1985) regulate Experimentation are not e s . _ K e y . . I . s s u e s Engineering impractical research P o l i t i c s 71 , 7 2 - 7 3 public will Ottinger omniscient goes, I resent Rec. "and that, and you and destroy stated: "CScientistsl infallible. can't possibly I resent you if note 25, 'We're understand it e x t r e m e l y ; you maintain and that IcL See Hoi man cumulative & Dutton, experience of supra human history at 1520 because (science is scientists \9L base their 46. the work See Debate Rev. on efforts Engelhardt, Concerning 1141, 1150 Determi.nati.gns, theory of Green, 43 Geo. consent discussion of of engineered organisms political consent, IdA set of 654, 654 actual 47. in L. Rev. (1975).. used Bok, If h a r m f u l would not who that to of a limited by given the declined to the research. Fiction, technology variety shown and Fact... a n d rDNA in not of The genetically be were consequences large Freedgm impractical as those people who (arguing in a 791, 792 probably R e c o m b i n a n t . . DNA.: ri^ks have been See '.Calculus people as well (1977) techniques no The.. . R i s k - B e n e f i t they Thus, in L. be unable to avoid Cohen, Sgme„Backgrgund_Issues technology. escape, consent, would But_see Science that to others). S. Cal. is rDNA boundaries. opportunity of R e c o m b i n a n t . D N A „ R e s e a r c h , 51 informed risks experiences Taking._Risks: (1978); Safety and 195 is merely a experiments—and exist)., 1 0 7 D a e d a l u s 115, 118-19 (1978). 48. See M. Lappe, Brgken._Cgde: The_.Exe.lgitation_gf„.DNA 178 (1984). 49. The throughout term this technology. Article The term only to r e p l a c i n g Sciences. A (1978). Current organisms. "genetically to mean "genetic genes Biologist!!? See Yale L . & Pol'y papular Thomas, Rev. in engineered organisms Perspective, usage of Over view? 309, 309 used by historically referred See Baltimore, Limiting 107 Daedalus the term 37, refers rDNA 39-40 to all R e g u l a t i.P.g. B i o t e c h n g l o g y , (1985). (10172 is manipulated engineering" people. organism" 3 1, 50. See 51. Ida. 52. See 1984 Halvorson, at Recombinant 53. ad at hoc DNA 45 Advisory consultant to "The..ExEerts.": Perceived....Risks 235, previously on a g e n e t i c a l l y release experiment, submitted to the Rgl.ease.Iest, 54. made 231 on. Cgmmercej. 1065 Advancement of [hereinafter Professor 1986, technology cited has thp science it r e l e a s e to test informati-on Cong., Massachusetts pendulum in "gee with 1st direct it had Legislative and approach skepticism; mistakes will 00173 Sess. Institute whiz" and wildly, bury and the A s s o c i a t i o n _ f or.... t h e Hearings] the press swings technology data on _Sc i en c e j _ R e se arch A m e r i. c a n Diamond, replaced in a and _ T r a n s p o r t at ion ^ Ri s k / B e n e f i t been and 96th media's Monsanto, (1986). as that Versus Qn.._.Scienc.e_and_Techngl o g y with.. _.. t h e Science, Edwin (explaining that all Actual IechnglggyJL_and_Space_gf _the_Senate Science,. For u m '.'..The S u n , M o n s a n t o O p e n s , F i l e o n ...Genet i c 1065,, Congr e s s /S c i e n c e . "Cals that it w i s h e d nearly l Q d . „ T e c h n g l ogy_.of ...the_Hguse_.Comm- Comm. of In M a r c h J o i n t ...Hearings^Bef|or e „ t h e . , S u b c o m m . Sub comm. June Cornell Li c h t e n s t e i n , S e e . g e n e r a l l y R i s k / B e n e f i t ._Analysi.s_in._the Process: the ?< suggestion microbe See Science Slovic (1981). public EPA. Pimentel, o-f RAC). EPA's engineered D. in Ihe„Analysi.s 246-47 fought of Minutes P e r c e i v e d . . v s . __Act.ua1 J D i s a g r e e m e n t s About„!^NucLear_Power, had 1178. Committee, (statement S e e . g e n e r a l_l.y F i s c h o f f , Pyblic"_„ys. which n o t e 2 9 , at 1177. Meeting University, supra 42 (1979) (statement of Technology) to science commenting the public us"). of and that fe^2s 55- S e e , . e..g._ Recombinant DNA perception 56. Renort__ot_„IBC Technical o-f r i s k s can Bull. be DNA Procedures, 7 Changing Manipulation Recombinant 26, 26 (1981) DNA a n d .....the Technical supra note 42, Cambridge citizen court in r e v i e w i n g 57. See by 124 Ottinger) Cong. arguments 45 S. Cal. Rec. ("Cooperation 3395 and Hazards lay 42 and of (1984) people in (describing safety of rDNA MIT). C o n t r o l _ o f _ S c i ences. L. Rev. (1978) 596,>611 (statement explanation—in of these 113 of at at H a r v a r d The_.Freedgms_and._the r g m . . . t h e . . . I y g r y _ I o w e r , see of scientists Lederberg, in 107, Krimsky, conducted quality Bull. committee); experiments (difference Regulation, local of 4 of. _the preparedness success and Views (praising rDNA Meeti ng, substantial). Se.ej._ej._g..., L e v i n , Recombinant Qhairpersgnls English, (1972); of Rep. rather than \ in s c i e n t i f i c jargon—is what elitism. If offering, not direction, CtheyD than Cthey3 58. wxl.I have See ever that regulation 59. Yale L. 60. seen general.!* §iohazard_Debate, (arguing invite 3 if Yale to the scientific [scientists! vastly date Carter, L. scientists & more . . . community do not should move serious mistrust Pol' y do Rev. not win 358, public 360 See Singer, Genetics_and_the_Lawi_A„ScieDtist_'..s See Green, supra . (1985) confidence, will 315, . . I h e _ . B e ! 1.m#n t ._the„Sn.ark 4 ,._an.d._..the science Rev. that ."). of 8< P o l ' y in be increase). 326-34 note 33, nc!_ •:ntt-rid . DN.^ t e c h n o l o g y 3 (1985). at 13 (even h-'"' m74 View, if ' scientists •> did 15 ,l;le); s e B . s i s n Genetic..; daoiP.yi3ti.gns, Experimentation we who first to u s t h a t to a 37, there See avoid own the public Chalker at and physical research would now has Another right due right of the of note in 46, risks science and Recombinant_DNA_:_ (1978) at commentator 1145 has Robertson, the right "ends" the (personal (discussing distinguished means. crrzs to choose note the of research the being of 10, means between regulation stricter supra research, to that "means" analyses, the L.J. EthicalTheories 188-89 is similar the to __NEPA 1978 Duke t o c h o o s e t h e e n d s of h e r r i s k , and subject regulation the may be downplaying Williams, the means. with In b o t h be is A n a l ysi.s_.. of cripple American 177, supra distinction social it is motives). this analysis, risk, risk. than w o u l d \t> to "would good to choose The physical comparable of risk). Under IdL Case scientists Politics scientist's 1206. weaker. that Engelhardt, freedom and ("It. or o t h e r w i s e Recgmbinant_DNA_.Controversy, is evidence a the public A ambitions"); sacrifice and t h e Cats:, particular the Scientific H. Kornberg) the validity that of of NIH„and„DN£LEecgmbinant...Research, Ethi.csJU_^and between of Laboratory D N A ..and to possible risks, concern: & (suggesting See Bert. sr. i , original)). Science,. ambiguity (statement regulation Underlying 62. ft ill o w i n g Recombinant (1979) assessment Implementat.ion.:.„. 58, 87 n . 1 4 8 in is public (emphasis 61. their 44 alerted critical dangers." to Di sriBsi".n social being comparable' t h e e n d s of constitutional is to the scrutiny 63. S o c i a l ,_.and . E t h i c a l . _ C o 64. See, gugted_J,n mankind is But (arguing 9760, that that "genetic But see Involving 9762 Wisconsin—Madison) prohibition view of threatened on on Behalf ("Mr. Rifkin grounds. is of In d o i n g sorely 50 1181, 1194 Business 303 the (1980) public. fed. for Reg. University for this he limited Research! NTH Guidelines asking of understand). in Smithies, is and by men 447 U.S. not UNESCO, man People's Molecules, 0, of . . . Actions Under by II t o L. Rev. CisD DNA (comment moral morality of 3 8 , at. 2 5 . andBasic S. Cal. engineering Notice Paul ("future v. Chakrabarty, Recombinant (1985) 11.9 note are dangerous to Brief States John Regulation no phenomena e.g.., A m i c u s United interest"). 4 1 , at o f . . . R e c o m b i n a n t ...DNA, 51 See, Commission, Pope radically see Grobstein, (arguing 65. by note threatened, IC5B.L?.catiQQS. Research Address B. Nossal , supra science"). (1978) e.g.., supra a blanket shows that . . . ." of his (emphasis original)). 66. gee F. 31, 34 Novick, (Nov. 1985) life is t a m p e r e d 67. S. C a l . Se& iyECa benefit Fletcher, rDNA note of hypothetical (describing 64, imagined h o r r o r s of Envtl. future if with). L. Rev. implement What„Is_Wrong_.with..Biotechnology?, 1131, technology at Ethi cs_and„Recombi.nant _DNA_Research, 51 1133 to has moral 1191-92 new knowledge and equally (1978) (stating limits). §ut._see ("nonquantifiable must take priority nonquantifiable"). that but over right Grobstein, time-tested risks that are 63. Problems Splicing Genetic See President's in Medicine Life, and A Report Engineering C o m m i s s i or. f o r Biomedical on with the in H u m a n _ B e n e t i c _ E n g i n e e r i n g : s Investigatigns lechnologv, Human 97th "playing because . "all ." genetic the God for (Nov. Sess. 78 (J 9 8 2 ) activities, scientific interfere The commission concluding intrinsically See Science DNA Technical that Miller or 141, Id.. at 72. Dr. Lewis Thomas the Rifkin, 155 71. accept or using supra don't, surprising useful or that proceed processes laws it were organisms natural that as of nature "could find pi a r m e d forms material, human or nonhuman per se. " Id.. of at. 1 0 5 . Environmental,. Bigtechnglogy, 8 Recombi nant (1985). note 10, at 18-19. 251. you overwhelming promptly current stated splicing 1he_Attitudes..of...Religious, J. science any stated irreligious 70. have further and cited scientists the descriptive Pol ic y _ L e a d e r s _ I g w a r d s Bull. gene on on...Science engineered thril: d e s c r i b e with whether wrong that genetically laws can t h e . ..Subcomm. The commission including of reprinted. thereinafter thought manufacturing Issues 1982), of..the H o u s e . C o m m . religious engineering, 69. the in Id._ no g r o u n d some human to only . . . and 2d Ethical Research, Ethical Hearings_Before Oversight Cong., to God" according are Beings of Behavioral and Genetic..Engineering...Hearings3 . it w a s h u b r i s . . and Study and Social Human the and bits." and described and if you disturbing upheaving Thomas, the have it you p i e c e s of ones, N o t e s ..of ..a CftT? problem: along "You are either obliged information, with the neat to even and , . — J h e IS Hazar.ds_.of..Science, recognized been that twisted science we concluded biologic what • discussions the i s s u e of should not be that sorts to » . •" 73. because medical things be grateful Id_._ at See 324, 327 (1977). regulating rDNA technology whether "we we at still far too be making learning whatever Lewis, 74. See O r t_h o b i.os i s A 75. Fletcher, 1, 18-19 174 Lewis ignorant about learning we can get Cin . . . hold, of (1984); see .also in Zimmerman, supra been note 67, of Man, (1978) -(suppressing successful). at 1137 (citing i n The_Pl.ace_gf Lederberg, Value in 3 (1970)). when judgments should not if had Singer has never I h e . P e r f, e c t i o n Thus, they 325. in D N A:. ..Two ..Views of e . F u t y r e , i n R e c o m b i n a n t knowledge W o r l d _ o i .. F a c t s things Ihe._Li m i t a t . i o n s ...of, DNA.:.„ S c i e n c e,. __E t h i c s A a n d _ P o l i t i c s 2 7 3 , 2 9 9 of had judgments or not snatches Lewis o>26. Recomb inan t acquisition "some Id._ to begin should for there were about." are sciences] of J. Med. learning J h e _ £!.§ D i E y I .§.t i on... o f _ Li. f e Beyond on into and we o u g h t 296 N. Eng. scientists be entitled been given by 8< S z y b a l s k i , sugra note give to any any value judgments, greater credibility other 9, at member 231 of their than society. (statement of See J. C o o m b e s ) .. 76. ids 7 2 - 7 3 (disputina 77. See B. (il984). value It Zimmerman, But_see Cavalieri, f r e e r o l e of is r e a l i z e d , Biof yturex_Cgnlrgnting_.the_Beneti of modern course, supra note 6, at 1165 science). that 00178 the accomplished design II of a t e c h n o l o g y Hearings, member of field of envision could can supra impel note Science for research how 16, is of technology leading illusory, Recs®binant„pNA.._Research (statement of Scott However, unless a prohibited, of Graham fundamental because Thacher, particular it i s d i f f i c u l t to the design Professor controlling is 310 totally limited. al t e r n a t i v e at See the People). knowledge be its use. a new technology stated that research it a s s u m e s t h e to "Ctlhe instead impossible: of the % foreseeing Co.nceCDS of the results About._._Science Daedalus 1, 78. 11 See approaches 79. fundamental and ^ At tenets inquiry." Graham, to_Regulate_Inguiry, 107 (1978). Grobstein, use, See are r e d u c e d of supra benefits Novick, and become supra defused note 64, at 1190 (as knowledge quantifiable). n o t e 6 6 , at 35 "by expanding the (political circle of questions scientific light"). 80. See has m o n o p o l y made that enforced. Hal vorsop-, on a acquisition ban As one There on and where When is not research bodies seriously will they not allow must do is somebody dollars 2 9 , at knowledge). faintly like nuclear a billion note 1168-69 An could (no argument not be country can be effectively wrote: is something and of rDNA observer law-making will supra about discussing biologists august what they to do with DNA it. going bomb and ludicrous to tell research a major them where facility that one to this needs get a.o started? that E. a Letter in would called is dedicated coli sky When his see (and somebody amateur own would difficulty disproving a of new from M. kind might cellar, nothing? why going and Even to tell graft botulism all if the spies the village he?), he would that was merely one them have to in the policeman great developing soup. Thackray, 34 Bull. Atom. 1978). 180 Scientists 7, 7 (Feb Bl. Evaluation of 46 Fed. Reg. Research, this Article the Risks Associated 59,385, 59,386 it h a s b e e n technology. This assumed assumption that with Recombinant (198T). there are to from practical, the Three the Science) societal analyses industrial its should use characterization including of probability environment process. the & Genetic ..Technologies, A development, of or main at beneficial to man original)). in a r i s k assessment, (1) and is revealed, and L. Rev. 461, 479-80 been the process defined or other as etc., its possible estimation in the of the Emerging man-made results in an regardless question Novick, and (1983). biosphere, substance species." of "any that terrestrial or thorough byproducts Vand. of organism, an Regulation of a engineered organisms, products (1985) (emphasis (3) r i s k s t o o r g a n i s m s substance, modification the and 115 nonexistent Federal process, not harm rDNA "are technology: other in of Szybalski, 112, Bayer, has inadvertent whether if harm; 36 biohazard view" genetically chemical McGarity 82. rDNA (2) for of Cf,. technology be conducted to harm byproducts; of point the ability and ir, r D N A of of products the (risks purposes risks may be unfounded. 8 e n e t i_c . . E n g i n e e r i.ng_i n . . . A g r i c u l t u r e , 2 2 9 S c i e n c e (letter For DNA i s in the note 40, Recombinant DNA supra 79. B3. Evaluation Research, 84. 46 Fed. Reg. Discussion (statement of H. of the Risks Associated 59,385, 59,386 following Kornberg). Bertani, with (1981). supra note 60, at 44 85. Discussion (statement 86. that formulas since in not time that example, work factors atomic in 1978). of Influence, regulated, but that s c i e n c e purely that per note Health, Law Science) ; energy was Risk ("model s ' a n d in t h e n a t u r a l environment, does not mark Atomic See Atomic the first energy, Energy Act for of 1946 755, 766. One difference in rDNA technology viewed scientists 34 Bull. has 1946 and in being Atomic research of been a military willing to be technique context, regulated. 103 (statement Values, research ^t. 1 2 , 12, been (Nov. periodically regulated 15, and subject 15 is the first comprehensively has been See Scientists has rDNA c o n t e x t , see__id._ application. and to I h e „ R e c o m b ! n a n t . _ . D N A _ . . C o n t r g y e r s y : _ _ A . . M g d e l se 16, at t.o Z. Harsanyi) research 1946. atomic 229 is the only way (letter regulated. the regulation civilian its 164 involved"). RDNA in scientific a scientific before at .§nd_ t h e .__ E n v i r a n merit s are been energy atomic Other 24, Biotechngl.sgy„and„the_Environment 7 9 - 5 8 5 , .60 S t a t . G r e e n , Public of regulated regulation resulting are safe") situations has L. No. now is that note testing ( s t a t e m e n t , of in regulation was between (1985) science 10, P u b . organisms Harsanyi , unique The ("Cflield Biotechnology 15, 22 so many 87. (1985) following will supra G e n e t i c _ : _ E n g i . n e e r i n g „...AQ_..__Agriculture, recombinant Regulation s U S Overview, Setlow, Rolleston). Brill, 115, Discussion An F. See Science prove of following to the time in first close a time scrutiny RecombinaDt_PNA_Research_.Hearings, of California M. Lappe, Department fft«2 Chief, of Office of Health). ai Regulation a trend regulating being promulgated Ex o r c s _ v s . (Nov./Dec. may be the culmination prospectively, earlier and earlier. Charfas, following H. S t e t t e n ) Man-Made .Life Set.low, s u p r a (commenting that 132 (1982); n o t e 2 4 , at no actuarial 164 data to conduct one risk assessment NIH s p e n t $250,000 converting a farmer chemical facility in Dedrick, Maryland, Fort States standards. Fort that The at the Dedrick. suit v. Califano, 90. (1985); 91. met worst the guidelines' case laboratory See S. risk 24 was challenged Krimsky, Genetic was resolved 447 F. Supp. See H.R. Berg 668, 670 Rep. letter, National No. supra 99, note Research later 99th 1, at Council, Id... at 93. See Col w e l l , to residents in f a v o r of be of The_Social (1982). The NIH. Mack 1978). Cong., 1st Sess. 13 303. Risk 38 Assessment, (1983) a s Risk._.Assessment_in_the.JFede 92. in containment Alchemy:. (D.D.C. warfare scheduled two the laboratory 246-47 two years of exist). and germ, test by also experiment, strictest assessment Eederal _Goyernment:._.Managin.g_the cited 23 (statement into the only tiiitory._of _ t h e . . R e c o m b i n a n t_DNA...Co ensuing Ruber see of r i s k s In o r d e r conducted See in 1983). Discussion the U n i t e d of resulting G a t e k e e p e r s R i s k R e g u 1 a t i o n , R e g u l a t i o n J. 89. research towards regulations 88. o-f s c i e n t i f i c the [hereinafter . 19. £ e n e t i c__Engi.neering„ Norse, Pimentel, Sharpies 229 Science 111, & Simberloff, 111 (1985) (letter to 94. Science) . See H ..R._ Demonstration...Act__of_ Natural Resources,.. Hguse„SommA (1984) of J . R o d r i c k s , 1?S4; 1983, Hearings .6gri£i4J.fcurg cited Environ Council See (statement in t h e of Public 97. See 91, at 98. Assessment Before. on M. and the...__Subcgm_m. __ _ o n R e i e a ! l c h _ a Q ^ _ g Q y i r o n m e n t _ o f ,_t.he C o n g . , 2d Sess. 58 (statement Corporation) . Environmental Risk Research a s 1 Fiftgenth_Annual_.Rep.grt 96. note I h g _ JRi sk o n _ S c_ien c e _ a n d . . T e c h n o 1 g g v , 9 8 t h thereinafter 95. 4192,. 217 Assessment Jacobson, Quality, (1986) (emphasis Heatings, Executive EnvironmentalQuality supra Director, original). note Center 94, for at 105 Science Interest). Assessment in_the_Federal ^government, supra 164. See_id... at 33-37; see . also Panei Discussign--T.he Weaknesses_and_Strengtk|s_gf _Wgrst_Case„Analysis^ Qecisign_Process, Analysis Federal risk 101, 112 Activities, assessment tentative 99. Use in Values in Prgceedings_gf_a (statement EPA) knows art as much See Ashford, Regulatory. 72, 77-78 : of as A. Hirsch, ("Ca3nyone that it it is a that has is a highly gg Wgrst. Director, been Case Office involved judgmental, of in highly science"). Advisgry_Cgmmittees_in_OSHA._and_EPA£_Their Decisionmafciag, (Winter 5C£: S l a v i c , Sympgsium 9 Sci . , T e c h n o l o g y &, 1984). Fisi^J.wff Si mm Bisk—Assessment.:. a l5=.Lliiiil-5il sLLUi Hearings, supra 101. Sghavi_nr al.—Issues, n o t e 5 4 , at 133, See M. Sagoff, reprinted See R i , s k - B e n e f it (statement of 103. Program in H u m a n Risk at 210 Biology, Stanford supra note of P r o f e s s o r 54, at 184 Research). W. Lowrance, University). the„Federal_6gyernment, S e e x _ _ e . g._, R l s k _ A s s e s s m e n t _ . H e a r i n g s , (describing Administration); assessments 106. in Federal use supra note Federal (1982) (1982) See F.2d 4 6 7 , 4 7 4 - 7 5 (no r i s k (D.C. instead facts). Ledarbarq, use See who was a for and at Drug of risk A c t , 21 U.S.C. food Rodenticide Toxic Substances Union supra member additives); Act, 7 Control U.S.C. Act, 15 Dep't., A F L - C I O v . H o d g s o n , 499 (balancing). 19740 scientific Lederberg, and (1982) Cir. and Cosmetic permitted Fungicide, Industrial significant, 108. in F o o d (describing Food, Drug (balancing); involving of assessments 2.89-300 ss 2603(a), 2605(a) 107. risk supra, note 94, EPA). Insecticide, s 136(bb) of i . d a t E,.g._ s 348(c)(3)(A) U.S.C. (1985) . Associate, Decision (statement .Decisions 33. 105. 430—37 id. A n a l ysi.s__.in_ Hearings, P. Slavic, Research See 104. 91, at Risk/Benefit Risk/Benefit. 136-37. C o n c e r n i n g _ P u b 1 ic...Saf ety._and H e a l t h 2 4 102. in. (decisionmaking uncertainty note of . tM'&ciEz. 57, expert is based at. in issues on policy 609-10.. Dr. panels evaluating SlL environmental members were Therefore, did not fact, even provide Dr. of. at members an supra entail a that note 46, at or lesser Food Drug cost degree L.J. 460, computer to q u a n t i t a t e the or uncertainty ethical issues uncertainty 109. of (statement a beginning be not in costs.. demanded of program Academy del i vered risk-benefit, may that even analyses political, deciding ("A inheres whether or .the...Real. mathematical eventually relevant such r e p r i n t e d . in 1973), (1973) In detail." National social, 466 panel be in able a given to the moral that and risk or acceptable."). Science William fits into risk-benefit is involved See (statement . . . is it with Safety„Regulation_i.n or but the in t e c h n i c a l and of formula Cexperiment3, was (May benefit/risk risk benefits panel precisely. Is Saf.e^?, a d d r e s s Hutt, Cosm. of Intrgducti on_to ("All cf._ benefits cloaked Forum 799 that conscientiously, "what judgment, Sciences judgment."); 28 acted o n ...."How... S a f e of stated analyse balancing believes Forum greater ethical accurate a policy Academy Green, World, though energy, to §ee...also. H a n d l e r , Sci e n c e s National nuclear unable was 6105 from often Lederberg committees Id., radiation Lowrance, the analysis of Donald flow of Policy Report, Department category does not Michael, data supra of have of those an note 15, a risk-benefit of 37 State) ("DNA issue issues where formal application"); University at Michigan) analysis alone id. at. 39 ("even with would not adequate"). The regulation if r e g u l a t i o n s Green were questioned of rDNA based whether on technology could a risk-benefit "obvious and foreseeably analysis. important expected be eased Professor benefits 3i7 induce the a decision -face the_Laws 1033, o-f u n c e r t a i n 110. must id.. has F. 7, 8 in Green, Technology .Assessment and (Jan. 1986) by accept are more EPA?_.s public popular management. 19, 24 36 Geo- Communicating viewed Yuhnke, F. o-f a t e c h n o l o g y Ward, (describing to risks"? development Wash. L. Rev. (1968). See be risk with Intrpductio^ 1041 Envtl. to proceed as impartial perception and Environmental (risk a s s e s s m e n t merely risk on and to gain "that -fancy w a y s 1985) (arguing that management assessment ' and the public (emphasis it original)); A . Cr.iti.gue, 4 policy 4 a c c e p t a n c e ) ; cf.. of t e l l i n g Ri.sk_ A s s e s s m e n t ..Process,......, (July risk risk more pollution" Risk, decisions Envtl. in risk risk being < management made by See T e c h n i cal. Hearings, of and agencies Behavioral note 54, See (statement in d e c i s i o n s at of Professor 133, Congress). Risk in Assessment!. Risk/Benefi.t 137. Hearings, supra H. Green, George note 54, Washington at 37 University Law). See Ashford, 114. See R^sk_Assessment„Hgati.Qgs, from P. Environment, Subcomm. of repri nted 113. (letter environmental & Lichtenstein, Issues, Risk/Benefit. on instead SI.ovic, F i s c h o f f supra 112. and resulted administrative 111. School have on Advisory ;Board, supra note 99, at Deisler, Jr., Vice Shell Oil Company Environmental Industrial Union 73. supra President to S. Cflfl? 94, of Health, Samuels, Carcinogenesis, Department, note at Safety Chairman, National AFL-CIO 256 (Jan Cancer 19, a 1982)). 115. provides Human 42 U.S.C. a broad grant Services provides power to conduct to regulate The original but statement following and (1976) . Impact did Research DNA not in refer Statement, 35 Food Health and Section 2421 264 provides to any statutory the environmental See National Research 41 impact, Institutes Guidelines, Fed. Reg. Draft 38,426, 38,427 T.he ,_N.I H,„.6u and_the_ Authority WLfeh„the_Gui.de_!.ines, 241 of Section publication. S e e ...generally K o r w e k , Section diseases. was provided their (1982). research. cooperation. Recombinant Environmental 264 encourage communicable authority Health, 2421, to the Secretary guidelines authority, DNA of 241, -for i n t . e r n a t i o n a l authority of 55 gf„ihe_FDA..jto_Reguire_ggmpliaQce Drug Cosm. L.J. 633, 636 8< n . 16 Recombinant DNA (1980). 116. 16 U . S . C . ss 4321-4361 117. National Institutes Research, 33,067 Proposed (1978). the O f f i c e a Id. of The coordinator Health, 43 secretary DNA Activities and Fed. Reg. 33,042, of t h e R A C i s D i r e c t o r (ORDA) clearinghouse at N I H . for rDNA DRDA of is activities. 33,068. "Guidelines" guidelines National of Guidelines, executive Recombinant nationwide at Revised (1982). were is issued Institutes Guidelines, 41 probably Fed. of after a notice Health, Reg. misnomer. 27,902, and comment Recombinant 27,902 The original procedures. DNA (1976). Research The current version o-f contains Health, Mol e c u l e s , . . - mandatory Guidelines 51 Fed. cannot information" projects the N I H note involving Guidelines" at guidelines, 46 F e d . of Reg. described as Institutes of Guidelines, the the rather mandatory. than 59,391 seem Meeting Gottesman) ("Guidelines frequently based not have 118. Research Guidelines, health, National Other law, and 51 of 41 Fed. Fed. as regulations. DNA process." Research; 17,167 been National (1982). 1984) well; have See precatory DNA (statement they have been the technology. Under Involved as of R e c o m b i n a n t 6, of Research, Actions of Health, Advisory of S. modified Regulations Recombinant Reg. 27,902 (1976). as public health, such Recombinant 16,958, fiV 16,964 DNA occupational a r e al s o r e p r e s e n t e d Health, Reg. supra flexibility."). the environment of as the guidelines (Feb. Institutes fields Institutes Guidelines, 17,166, on t h e evolution National 119. DMA have worked this degree with designation treated regulatory to regard at>' 30 despite The regulations E-.q;..» M i n u t e s Committee would (1931). Reg. however, must comply with Recombinant Recombinant scientists, NIH-funded See generally. H u t t , are Associated Fe?d. relevant regulations>. infcrmal Health, of ("i:a311 techniques that guidelines 59,385, 47 are 16,965 added)). DNA ("TeUxper i ments submission at DNA (arguing Risks "an id. Institutes Recombinant i t ( 1 9 8 6 ) recombinant (emphasis National Involving without added)); restrictions In p r a c t i c e , Evaluation 16,958, 1444-46 _f Research initiated (emphasis 108, for Reg. be language. DNA (1986). on the RAC. Research Apart from ^ o Recombinant Fed. DNA Reg. proposed Research; 696 Proposed <1984) (including See Committee Set 1ow, Works How i n_ the 1979, 161, including two nonscientists. quadrupled to for Research, 33,043 Involving National Proposed In and R e c o m b i n a n t ........DNA that nonvoting to DNA Genetic 11 members, the members. of Molecule and had time Institutes Recombinant DNA 1978 the RAC Since National Institutes Revised numer Id_._ Health, Molecules, 51 has The"'RAC Guielines Fed. Reg. of Health, Guidelines, 43 Recombinant Fed. Reg. DNA 33,042, (1978). See 126. National Involving Korwek, supra note Institutes Recombinant DNtt of 115, at 648. Health, Molecules, Guidelines 51 Fed. for Research Reg. 16,958, (1986). 127. Id... 128. Id;. implements the institutions Some the NIH comments 49 (1986). 125. 16,965 Guidelines, from Recombinant (1979). voting members. 156,964 124. 162 include voting Research 16,958, quotes NIH; in Experimentation. 25 Under amendments. 123. has Actions The guidelines receiving private Guidelines ordinances. NIH, by to §ee_generally is not relying grants. research due which IcL at institutions the a on fncn agency, self-enforcement by 16,962. may be required guidelines' S. Krimsky, regulatory supra adoption note 89, to follow by local at 294-311 3\ (1982). 129. DNA See, Research; Environmental (1985) etat, Request Impact (voluntary The federal private proposal Court companies Splicing: Comments need NIH. 50 Fed. withdrawn for National of H e a l t h , on N e e d for Recombinant a Reg. during 14,794, RAC review not obtain approval of Institutes 252, 252 process). held that release Versus jGen.e (1985). of H e a l t h , G u i d e l i n e s D N A M o l e c u l e s , 51 F e d . 14,795 direct S e e _ g e n e r a _ l l_y N o r m a n , R i f k i n Recombinant Programmatic t h e D i s t r i c t , of C o l u m b i a NIH_Wi_ns_<2...Round, 2 2 9 S c i e n c e 130. Involving from for Institutes Statement, District experiments National Reg. for Research 19.598 19,959 (1986). 131. See Zoon, Regulation F.C9dy.5ts_and_Synthetic„, 384 of _ _ R e c g m b i n a n t 37 Food Drug Cosm. DNA-Deri_ved L.J.. 382, (1982). 132. Research See National Guidelines, 133. IcL 134. Id.. 135. National Research, at Revised 41 Institutes Fed. Reg. of Health, Recombinant 27,902, 27,915 DNA (1976). 27,907. Institutes of Guidelines, -43 Health, Fed. Recombinant Reg. 60,080, DNA 60,108 (1978). 136. major Deliberate action requirement for by advice release the of experiment Director, the RAC, id., as well 00191. waivers thus as for were termed triggering the opportunity for comments by federal agencies Institutes of Health, Recombinant DNA Molecules, 137. National Research, Revised and the Guidelines 51 Fed. for Reg. Institutes Guidelines, public. of 43 See National Research 16,958, Health, Fed. Involving 16,960 <1986). Recombinant Reg. 60,080, DNA 60,083 (1978). 138. National Involving 16,960 & Recombinant 16,984-85 cultivated (2) Institutes crops plants, of or enumerated Exempt a genus the plants; with plants (3) DNA no and Fed. which (4) Research 16,958, (1) s p e c i e s no noxious of for Reg. include: sequences plants, specifications; Guidelines 51 containing introduced genes Health, Molecules, (1986). well-characterized animals, DNA of weed is species; composed harmful the DNA vector of plants in grown of , to of people, which meets controlled \ access fields Id.. at 16,985. one of these granted Group by of DNA Director cumbersome, be and unavoidable technology and experiments. guidelines conditions acting and in the consultation of 46 Fed. recognizes detailed," because Id.,. failed. but of 59,391. National IBC. the 59,385, the Plant that this rapidly-growing A 1981 Institutes fif-192 can be Working Associated 59,385 guidelines of by Id.. Reg. realizes the with IBC. is covered the experiment Risks that appropriate plant the impossibility at for appropriate Research, by the engineered approval Evaluation the reviewed a genetically categories, RAC, See Recombinant The If ORDA, the 139. under covering proposal of with (1981). are "long, situation nature all to Health, of may rDNA possible abolish the Recombinant 33 DNA Research; 17,173, 47 Fed. Reg. 17,166, for Research Reg. 16,958, (1982). 140. Involving 16,961 Actions National Institutes Recombinant DNA of Health, Guidelines Molecules, 51 Fed. (1986). 141. Research; See National Final Recombinant DNA Institutes of DNA R e s e a r c h : Institutes Plan for Research, Health, a 46 Fed. First Health, Program Program Proposed of to Reg. Recombinant Assess 30,772 the Risks (1981); t o A s s e s s t h e R i s k s of Annual DNA Update, 45 Fed. of National Recombinant Reg. 61,874 (1980). 142. Set low, subcommittee supra is only one note of 123, at several 162. The risk subcommittees assessment of the RAC. Id._ 143. See SEerations, 144. Krimsky, 4 Recombinant See Talbot, Wilson & DNA Technical King 8< Boyer, l!5BLementing_Institutional .Oversight, Bull. 19, 145. 176 19 La. communicable Shinnick, public 219 by r e l i a b l e Louisiana 1977) disease health Bull. Jhe Procedures 24, 25 IBC as 4 Recombinant and (1981). a DNA Means of Technical (1981). SeeJL_eigii, (E.D. Milewski, F. to protect is broad Supp. officials showing (power of that v. Matthews, and risk public flexible); 789, 79 (E.D.N.Y. existed error). 00193 427 F. can Supp. against 174, spread of United States v. 1963) (judgment of only be superseded 146. Health, 12, Cf._ Letter Education, 1978), Recombinant and DNA Federal Interagency that concluding to all Revised Committee on rDNA Institutes research Fed. Reg. that the Research comprehensively products Health, wrote DNA o-f (Sept. of 43 Califano Recombinant 361 Secretary Kennedy Guidelines, Secretary section Jr., Edward National (197S). apply that Califano, to Senator in Research, 60,104-05 Joseph Welfare reprinted.. 60,104, found from caused or had would entail could cause % human disease. tenuous. Id..; The see committee 42 U.S.C. Environmental Defense Council, to to Inc. Hold the Hearings Fund, s 264 (1982). Inc. and Secretary and considered of a But.see Natural Health, Promulgate such conclusion Petition Resources Education, Regulations Defense and Under of Welfare the. Public f Health Service reprinted that Act i.n, DN_A__H_eari n g s , "CbUecause activities may recognized that transportation communicable to sy&cs all note DNA spread DtffA all at See 81 Jhe @§Q§tic . E n g i n e e r i n g , Sybstagces and disease ("HEW the (arguing s 361 risk of authority Chal ker authority been control the same the DNA to ?s. C a t z , regulate activities"). Potential Hea.ri.ngs Envi rgnmental cited under activities"); has 274 it h a s a l r e a d y [the Secretary! DNA Activities, recombinant [therefore: gives, thereinafter by humans, promulgated clearly DNA 14, at 2 6 0 , produced materials . . . note amom recombinant recombinant 147. supra regulations of 61, Recombinant fAicroorganisms disease regulate Governing §^iC9Qmental Before the £onseguences_„gf Subcomm.. 9Q—Igxi.c _the_Senate_Cgmm._:_gn 98th Cong., 2d Sess. as Pgtential_Cgnseg.uences_Hearingl 00194 22 (1984) (statement 3 5 Of T . McGarity, 143. Professor Gore 2< O w e n s , L. & Pol * y R e v . 149. Consider Reg. 336, National for Law, University of Texas at Austin). T h e . C h a l l e n g e , of ...Biotechnology, 345 3 Vale (1985). Institutes Environmental 12,456 150. of of Health, Proposed Testing of Advisory Committee. Points Microorganisms, 50 to Fed. (1985). Recombinant 1984 M e e t i n g at 33 DNA (response of Working Minutes Group of on R e l e a s e June into 1. the Envi r o n m e n t ) . 151. See Korwek, 152. See Karny, supra note 115, at 634 Regul ati on. of GSD£eCD_fifelSMi_EcanBgDStSiDS-.feyt_Jiffle Production, Role, 12. supra Toledo note $408 million 153. to 6, at L. 41 research See S. krimsky, regulation of scientific interests of its research sets community. See 155. See standards old risks). scientific precedent 840 year to note does 89, not by C o m m e r c i al^ NIH NIH contributed biotechnology). at 234. merely constituency. disliked go (1981); 1984 related supra research fi£t,ign the NIH's affect The regulation entire the of scientific Id.. 154. BeguLation, a own 815, (in f i s c a l directly G e n e t ng:__.Less „f o r Rev. n.7. 69 M. Lappe, supra general.!y note- 4 8 , Huber, Va. L. Rev. 1025 imposed on new risks at 29. Ihe_._01drNew__Piyi sign_in_Risk (1983) with ©01S5 (contrasting lower standards stricter imposed on 156. National Research Fed. 6588 Guidelines, Reg. final Institutes 38,426 EIS was (1977). guidelines believed draft were publishing (1976). published The that Draft the the Notice in the was publication Discussion following of Impact the the would when pending were Mack v. Califano, F. Reg. original served by instead4 of the EIS. Introduction, 147, 447 the EIS of Chairmanls R e c o m b i i c „ E x ^ 157. ready 41 the better completion Szybalski, the preparing be they of 42 Fed. after scientists DNA Statement, availability published interest guidelines withholding Recombinant F e d e r a l ...Register. because public Health, Environmental EIS issued of Supp. 153-54 668, in (1979) . 670 (D.D.C. 1978). 158. Assessment Research 33,096 Impact National of Institutes a Proposal Involving (1978); of 159. the Recombinant Final F. vacated__in_part, 756 DNA NIH Institutes of Health, Supp. (D.D.C. 1984), F.2d 762. 161. Id., at 768. 162. Id., at 764. 163. 756 F.2d at 753 143 (D.C. Cir. Impact Guidelines Molecules, Reg. at at Revised 43 Fed. Id... IdL Health, Environmental Guidelines, 160. 164. to Release National 587 of 43 Fed. for Reg. Environmental 60,101 (1978). affLd_in_.gart_and 1985). 154. 153-54. Judge Sirica AA1P6 held that NIH was not 3' enforcing direct any release binding on document. equivalent 165. the statutory experiments. Director, Therefore, of or NEPA. 587 756 F. 2d Id,, at at and the requlatn™ eguiatory standards The was not (citinn iciting a • review recorded process F. Supp. 154 RAr RAC w a s t n o t in permitting process, was in an t h . not environmental f u n c t i Q n a l 7^6. an 48 Fed. Reg. 24,548, 24,548 (1983)). 166. 158. 00197 3? 167. Id._ at 159-60. 168. Compare National Impact Assessment for R e s e a r c h 33,096, of 33,110 if National Proposal Involving all the requirements Policy of- Guidelines, 48 Fed. Reg. is to Drs. Steven of of Health, for Act) 24,548, are Guidelines Fed. Reg. release with be of the National Actions (1983) release Under ("Permission Nickolas Panopoulos to into can (and t h o s e DNA Research; and Berkeley, 43 met") 24,549-50 Lindow NIH organisms a waiver Recombinant California, Environmental deliberate recombi nant-DNA-ccntaining Institutes University Health, DNA Molecules, ("prohibition Environmental granted of to Release Revised Recombinant (1978) the e n v i r o n m e n t , of waived a Institutes under- of the specified ( •conditions Pseudgmonas carrying in_vitro involved in ice 169. 756 170. See Activities generated syringae deletions of and all E r w i n.i a or part herbicola of the genes nucleation."). F.2d at 154. National Under Recombinant pv. DNA NIH Institutes Guidelines Molecules, 45 of Health, for Fed. Notice Research Reg. of Involving 25,548, 25,548-50 (1983). 171. 116, 756 121-22 equivalence 409 F.2d functional 172. F . 2d (D. at Md. doctrine); 1247, 1257 equivalence -See Cooper, 154; see 1976) Maryland F. (citing, cases supporting Environmental (D-C. v. Train, 415 Cir. Defense 1973) Fund, functional Inc. (outlining Supp. v. EPA, elements.of doctrine). Ihe__ImEact„_gf __Bigtechnglggy„gn___the 00198 P h a r m a c e u t ical .Industry, R i s k „ & _ R e g u l at ion 61, 69 Bi.otBchnnlpay._and.. t h e E n y i r o n m e n t : (1985) . 173. 756 F.2d 174. See NIH„RecombinaQt..Advisory_Rp]Le Sci. & Gov't. at i r. 153. Rep. 5, 5 (May 15, Gains 1985) Eniends, Cherei naf ter 15 cited as Adyisgry_Rgle3. 175. Under See NIH 48 Fed. to spray The natural at form had deleted. been of Idt approval by concerns. Id.. reviewed revised taken to Heckler, of 756 in proposal and approved RAC by revised requested 143 Wilderness/Scotchman's at 4 4 , (D.C. Peak that effects Brief 1985); Grizzly nucleation of several Federal. had also Committee, 24,549. experiment implies that the Regents be RAC had of the Economic Trends Cabinet. Mountains Bears v. Peterson, flfl1S9 its specified which the for see of in t h e DNA had time to the Recombinant at plants engineered which published Foundation Cir. at IdL on the experiment proposal, the USDA at t h e p r o p o s a l . for ice due to concerns was environmental in aim bacteria. ice to nucleate to respond by the RAC. had California F„2d The approved that look However, revised 9441. engineered 1982, DNA experiment's involved October Actions Recombinant The The proposal was revised mitigate a hard University 24,549. on The genetically genes proposal at was subsequently The fact the recommended. the caused to -5 C. of the RAC The Register. 0 Involving genetically bacteria part at, was RAC m e m b e r s , been or Health, Notices (1983). plants with the of Research 24,548 between all reviewed for Reg. potato temperatures bacteria Institutes Guidelines Molecules, was National 685 v. F.2d 40 678, 684 <D.C. Biosafety National Cir. 1982). concerns Institutes had of o-f N o S i g n i f i c a n t Steven Lindow Berkeley). not include that that many Kolata, How Safe (1985) the Cf. (application University engineers o-f experiment, M. Lappe, plans reaction supra t.o release ecologists engineered and of Drs. California, however, note did 4 8 , at do not understand of See Assessment to 34, to Nov i ck, Pgl_i_ti_cs 1 0 3 , 112 are their outside in (1978) organisms); Ruse, The A Rec.gmbin.ant.. DNA:... S c i e n c e A | _ E t h i c s x (arguing expertise 34 molecular D a n g e r s _ o f _ U n r e s t ri_c ted... R e s e a r c h Response 179 ecology); A r e ...Engineered. . . O r g a n i s m s ? , 2 2 9 S c i e n c e (describing biologists' 7 approved genetic by the proposal. Environmental Panopoulos, ecologists. (arguing (1985) Impact Nicholas The RAC addressed Health, Finding ?/ been that, m o s t when molecular discussing and biologists dangers of rDNA technology). 176. Under See NIH 45 Fed. 177. id.. National Actions for Reg. received); Research; Institutes Guidelines Molecules, comment National Health, Notice Research Involving 25,548, 25,549 at 1157 Guidelines, of (one Actions DNA favorable received). Health, 49 Fed. of Recombinant (1983) (no c o m m e n t s Institutes Under of Recombinant Reg. 24,548, DNA 24,549 (1983). 178. See generally Qyersight_gf „Heal th_and Envtl. L. Rev. standard is that Rodgers, Environmental 191, 213 of Be.nefi.ts,.. (1980) maximum C o s t s,__ and._Risks:_ D e c i si. g o m a k i. n g , ("NEPA's dominant 4 Harv. substantive Friends of Endangered 1985) (concluding issuing agency and Species, an had Inc. that agency Environmental "conducted imposed 179. v. Jantzen, 760 F.2d specific See (1976); Vieux Pierce, 719 F.2d 756 181. National Assessment mitigation F.2d and v. at 1282 Finding California, organisms Drs. risk has been genetically termed 183. and in Karny, of 390, St Health, 2< 410 n.21 Assocs. v. Environmental Impact 3 Nickolas releasing than that having Perpich A (1985) Panopoulos, chemically involved the 8< Discussion Institutes Finding (application by University California, of action in same Levin, 192, mutated releasing composition. Environmental 194-95 (1985) Levin). National Assessment that 1983). Lindow organisms Biotechnology: M. Residents Significant greater Asjje c t s of finding Berkeley). following (statement No Steven Discussion glf. upon Club, 427 U.S. (5th C i r . involved engineered not measures"). Owners of University The in reasonably Statement" Institutes by 182. Cir. 153. (application of "acted (9th a n a l y s i s of t h e p r o p o s e d Sierra Property 1272, 180. Impact a thorough Kleppe Carre had 976, 987 Drs. Singer, of No Steven 184. See 185.; E . g._, B a l t i m o r e of Health, Significant Lindow & Environmental Impact Nickolas 44 (19B5) Panopoulos, Berkeley). supra n o t e 5 3 , at Gas & Elec. 332. Co. v. Natural Resources Defense 633 Council, (D.C. Cir. 186. (en See banc) or Ethyl when conflicting knowledge"), (agency because denied, 1975) Society 1301, (2d 1303 ultimate facts AFL-CIO v. Hodgson, to of were denied, informed insufficient factual circumstance less upon 187. purely that reviewing agency courts at the supra 178, at note (D.C. is based 492, of be 519-20 medical scientific v. OSHA, 509 Cir. F.2d because knowledge"), Industrial (D.C. 1980) must on scientific (1975); United Cir. evidence Inc. of Union 1974) of t h e s e Dep't ("CSlome standards knowledge, and consequently is presently available Decision making extent upon to make must, policy as a fully in that judgments and analysis."). must f r o n t i e r s of 216-18 Co., b e at their determinations expertise, see_al so to agency's decision Baltimgre_Gas_&__Eleci (stating 1259 in t h e p r o m u l g a t i o n to a greater factual (1976); "frontiers 467, 474 determination. depend See data effect" scientific Indus., scientific Cir.) t h e f r o n t i e r s of the 992 and v. EPA, 514 F.2d "frontiers 499 F.2d of cause scientific on (D.C. uncertain, 1139, (deferring invc^Ved of 1, 2 8 to agency decision U.S. the frontiers them F.2d to come by, 941 Co. Plastics on 421 the questions are on on Mining Cir.) cert;. of 647 F.2d conclusions knowledge"); on 426 U.S. (deferring scientific is based Reserve proof Cisl difficult it v. Marshall, to); (8th C i r . ( 1 9 S 3 ) , rey.'.g 6 8 5 97 v. EPA, 541 F.2d step-by-step determination deferred and Corp. "evidence cert,. Steel w o r k e r s 87, 1982). ("rigorous not r e q u i r e d 462 U . S . Inc., "within mm at 103 "most deferential" when CtheirD science"). (discussing 462 U.S. area of special See_.generally Rodgers, "soft glance" standard of & judicial review); Comment, Vermont UBt»eLds„NRCls„S-3„Iabl.e„for 10,239, 10,242 deference to District of scientific (1983) agency See Assessment Circuit's 13 Envtl . contrast involving scientific finding 102 (1982); (criticizing 701 in that South F.2d "unpredictable 2 Issues Fifth agency Institutignal (describing had (5th in S c i . Co. of versus ignored judicial District 280 F.2d Reactor Dev. U.S. cf.. (statement Howard of and the Cir. courts 756 F.2d 190.• Id. at 1960, rev^d as at 154. Appeals) will 153 ever n.6. Yellin, of sub creating J u d g e of United & hope that Mach. risk 54, States to assess Power own note in United ngm,. its supra undertake decision Elec., Radio trust and (1981) Workers v. Hearings, C I to 489, 512-13 Circuit's 396 Patent Safety leading decisions); Rev. Union Markey, Chief scientific the._ ...Need ._.__ f o r International (1961), 98-99 Prods. as Elec., Radio & Mach. Risk/Benefit 189. L. Columbia (D.C. v. assessment)j nor of 645 Co. 367 Customs of Union States, Harv. 93, of v. Consumer uncontrollable" Scientific ?< T e c h . treatment 1983), 94 Technology ?< M e r r i l l , Cir. Refgrm, International Congress Court's Assessmentand blgh_.T.echngl ggy__and._the_Cgurts.t_Nu c l e a r of Rep. issues Pglitics Circuit Insulation 1137 and The s e e ...also A b r a h a m the_Cgurts, Gulf Workers, L. in S u p r e m e Ihe„CgurtsJ__„ Technology D.i s p u t . e s , in 1986) Comm'n, finding O'Brien, 79, Uncertainty in Time, (discussing Columbia Sciences-Policy data .Second Court uncertainties). 188. (Winter Yankee Revisit:ed:_High at 98 Court neither science."). 191. Jeremy Economic Rifkin, Trends, experiment, potential sued his main effect of the Ice precipitation. Tf replaced by capacity, The stated ice-nucleating and not bacteria 230 192. •756 F.2d turn 722, 741 on knowledge, at (D.C. choices predictions not F.2d of we will 'findings' Sun, demand of an matters adequate the that reduced. 1338, are Odum, ft. 1338 (1985) whose work Rifkin relied, were not cause for was only concern. between the circumstantial (1985). 1974) with affect capacity The relationship But_see pol^.£y, o n on EPA_.Approyes_Field._Test._gf ..Altered 1015 145. Cir. dealing that the without be 229 Science xperiments 1015, atmosphere bacteria on on bacteria ice-nucleating and precipitation See Science the on California experiment foreseeably stated o-f engineered the The researcher also the engineered small Foundation University to with the_ B i o s p h e r e , proven. Microbes, in could that researcher the genetically bacteria to Science). however, stop nuclei rainfall organization, objection genetically Biotechnology.,and (letter to based precipitation. whose sort Amoco Oil (Wright, J.) assessment Co. v. (when of EPA, 501 "regulations risks, on t h e f r o n t i e r s of or scientific reasons and explanations, familiar from the on but world of adjudication"). 193. 1st S e s s . 194. 756 6 F.2d at 145 (citing S- Rep. No. 296, 91st Cong., <1969)>- National Institutes Research; Availability Comment; • Request for of of Health, Environmental Comments on Recombinant Assessment Need for a for DNA Public Programmatic 4s Environmental Impact Statement, 50 Fed. Reg. 14,794, 14,795 (19S5). 195. See reprinted„in report on 1969 NEPA) technological Senate "resource on of 91st Cong., 1st are the not There between 1191, no 1191 science. to 124 (1982). actions for and often in t h e f o r m scientific technology, in its The knowledge" No. are of and 296, typical technology; research. < science is that and urbanization, impacts These (House unforeseen scientific illconceived between 2758 and the between technology, or line is basic Biotechnology, and 229 that applied Science (1985). Caldwell, See 499 decisions] "unplanned , matter)! (1969). of line subject S. Rep. Excursions L. to e n s u r e separate science Sees. information degradation." draw" 197. Agency, of 1st News 2751, research "quest In r D N A Fredrickson, 198. as the impacts 196. Policy_Act "basic 13 bright Koshland, Ad. pollution, Sess. impassible science. from application is basic "almost to environmental typical 378, 91st Cong., described depletion, aspects they No. Code Cong. NEPA arising other of U.S. (referring report results Rep. implementation" consequences" as H.R. Jones F.2d that supra v. 502, outweighed the 512 (D.C. would public their 36, at 153. Science_and_the_Natigna^ District decisions that note of Columbia Cir. be 1974) made benefits environmental Redevelopment ("NEPA only flowing costs"); 002^5 was Land intended after [informed from [federal! Calvert Cliffs' Coordinating 1971) ("NEPA balancing 211 Comm. v. mandates a analysis"). (although mandated by a AEC, 449 rather See courts 1109, finally tuned generally cost-benefit NEPA, F.2d have Rodgers, analysis construed and Cir. 'systemic' supra is the ill?. ( B . C . note not 17S, at specifically statute as requiring one) . 199. 1983) the Cf,_ Johnston (cost-benefit decisionmaker when benefits 200. analysis with were v. Davis, an supra Alexander, Department to the absence allow for from tests a reliable Implications may of to or body provide not happen seealso and Cornell in t h e M. of University) scientific is Potential (statement information absence on of data individual utterly 98th Cong., of 1st the Sess. the Su_bcgmm._ House Comm.. 218 (1983) Ridge National I am public alternatives" in n a t u r e . " ) ; Oak . . 22 and Enyirgnmentai_Impiicatigns_Hearing1 . at of as ("Although Cir. foolhardy to Environmental o f „_Genet i c._Engi n e e r i ng:_.._Hearinq__Be^ and.. T e c h n o l o g y Igchngiggy, 153; it 9D_I.Dy®stiga_tigns__and_0_ver Research (10th the of information organisms, may at Agronomy, predictions, engineered what 36, 147, note substantive designed genetically anticipate of 1095 "to p r o v i d e comparison note supra ("In 1088, u n r e a l i s t i c a l 1 y) . GSQseguences_Hearing, Professor, F.2d failed informed described Fredrickson, 698 I am not Laboratory) a firm believer convinced point. There is anvthing other than not an that enough in t h e an EIS value would concrete extremely generic Science,. g n __Sc i e n c e _ a n d thereinafter (letter (answering gn. from F. committee of impact help much cited Sharpies, questions) statements at information available treatment . . . . " ) . fl(i?f«6 this for * 201. See, e . g_._, National Environmental Impact NIH G u i d e l i n e s -for R e s e a r c h 43 Fed. Reg. 33,096, is i n v e s t i g a t i o n whether cannot ("fallowing Institutes of ("At fully Statement, 202. Science the For thereinafter and of as 13. 204. I d j, at 12. 205. National Request for Impact J., concurring) of the of time."); Reg. of id. National Guidelines, Draft 38,426, are, 1976 EIS, F . 2d C o n g . , 2d of the of 38,431 course, see Chalker 20 & on ("programmatic Need 50 Fed. EIS at this time on 19B4) Report!. Recombinant for But_see_id., Comm. Print Assessment Reg. on Environmental (Comm. Health, Environmental 159-60. The Implications of Statement, Subcomm. to the House Sess-, Engineering Comments at by transmitted Institutes Availability 756 research, combination applications Environmental at 206. 98th Genetic cited Environmental of speculative"); Fed. Prepared Oversight, Id.. Comment; practical Report 203. Research; definition, some DNA Research a criticism Technology, Implications by 61. Staff ana is 41 Molecules, ti note investigations or Revised DNA results ahead risks! Impact speculative."). supra predicted Recombinant me Catz, The Health to Release ("Research, detrimental, Caf o-f Recombinant (1978) Health, this a Proposal unknown. neutral, discussion of Involving 33,102 the be Environmental' (1976) of beneficial, these, Assessment Institutes a for DNA Public Programmatic 14,794 (1985). at (MacKinnon, 161 would be neither justified, practical, 207. Consider R e g . National for applications in Institutes on a The case-by-case has nicheCs viability escape field the Recombinant Assessment DNA for Environmental 14,794, (1985). granted permission environmental Consider new is data intended to collected. Microorganisms Modified ^BBLicai onSj Document, 208. Medical by Recombinant Advisory at Research, DNA A d v i s o r y of 9 (statement aa Committee, G. hoc of » 8 Id.. NIH no Oct. common Points to modified as of to._. C o n s i d e r 107 (1985). of May 3, member). Institute to committee); 1984 had Techniques:. committee 29, a Reg. Jesting DNA McGarrity, Health, Fed. Committee, Minutes G. to Need" f o r which "Points R. Clowes, of 50 102, site], of oo Field Bull. consultant Minutes McGarrity). of including Environmental can be easily Milewski, of of for See DNA (statement Institutes identified. Development review organisms] for C o m m e n t s a guide that Fed. variables Points to Consider, Recombinant 7 the novel experiments Technical at the variables,, Statement, DNA Id;, (statement and of to experiment National B Recombinant 1985 M e e t i n g 209. Issues, [of 50 to 12,456. the Impact been be are at issuing had at distinct Request In t h e before effect Td. Availability Comment; Points continue because ability Research; Programmatic will basis site." Proposed Microorganisms, RAC its own and test Public 14,795 of available pathogenicity, from Health, experiments. experiment "ecological of Testing (1985). individual Every prudent"). Environmental 12,456 involved nor for Recombinant Meeting at 8 A Ci M 210. Recombinant 1995 M e e t i n g at 211. 40 Peterson, 753 F.2d of (building road Id^ 212. s- 754, the 1508.25(a)(1) 758 (9th agency of proposals Points C.F.R. s 1508.25(a)(2) F.2d court that timber the construction at 760 667-76 (9th Peterson: 10,289, of of not have (1985); not a road Davis Analogizing Ihgmas reviewing been to (analyzing the NIH direct unnecessary to if publish Thomas F.2d 661, Thomas Into v. did they forest. v. CEQ^s 15 E n v t l . L. Rep. Peterson). not intend proposals, guidance v. because Life NIH experiment The Hapke, New for Thomas 521 Ihgmas situation, release cft Coleman, and_CgnQ.ected_Actigns_Regulatigns, (1905) but a national generally taken experiments, 1985). through Breathes have occurred. uncertain v. See Circuit. release for action situation,. (9th C i r . were 1975)). Ninth 10,293 continue City Cir. Jhe Cumulative have (citing would 754,. 759-60 sales NIH not v. but other would direct Consider 753 Ida. for to Peterson, justified forest) 3, Thomas In T h o m a s , the May member). qf, sales), the of committee 1985). (timber ."Thomas t o Minutes (1985); Cir. Analogizing of Committee, S. Gottesman, national 40 held of through consideration publication ADvisory (statement C.F.R. one a c t i o n place. 8 DNA for it to would formulating proposals. 213. (1976) Kleppe v. (programmatic program). type of See The program in S c i e n t i s t s ' EIS granting that Inst. Sierra of the for Club, is not required permits District Public 427 for of U.S. in rDNA absence technology Columbia Information 390, Circuit v. AEC, of 400-02 concrete is not the referred 481 to F.2d SO 1 0 79 (D.C. Cir. development fast 1973), program breeder experiments involving reactors. in rDNA Implementation of Research; NEPA, National Request Environmental liquid therefore has no Regulations for Comments on Statement, (1985). Health, Environmental 50 Recombinant Assessment Need for Fed. release made s 1502.4(c)(3) of and metal for direct See CEQ Final Institutes for Impact and a research of has no program to it. of to the construction 40 C.F.R. Availability Comment, pertained technology, commitments See ich NIH irretrievable 214. w h a for DNA Public Programmatic Reg. 14,794, 14,795 (1985). 215. See California 756 F.2d at 143 216. Brief 62-63, (D.C. Request Environmental Regents Foundation Institutes the on E c o n o m i c of of Health, Environmental for/' C o m m e n t s Impact of University Trends v. of Heckler, 1985). Availability Comment; the Cir. National Research; of on Statement, Assessment Need 50 Recombinant for Fed. a Reg. for DNA Public Programmatic 14,794, 14,795 (1985). 217. Oct. See 29, Recombinant 1984 Meeting DNA Advisory Committee, at 8 (statement Minutes of R . C l o w e s , of committee member). 218. NIH was with the Health, In able the EA on to cite genetically the University to specific engineered Environmental of C a l i f o r n i a tests that had been bacteria. Assessment 00210 experiment, and National Finding conducted Institutes of N o of Significant 5 Impact 22-28 (1985) Nickolas Panopoulos, also discussed Id. at Motion environmental Memorandum for Economic worst on whether the federal s an Cthat it a was] was Yost, EA site. Garrett General be Case The requiring 1985). Trends The court did not mention Andrus v. Sierra required. see (CED r e g u l a t i o n s 40 C.F.R. i.n on required to be relevant to the decision Analysis are binding be experiment "information . . . ." on 1985). on Economic at 841, but release lacked & W. Covington Counsel was for drafted. regulation, CEQ Mr. that improbable, but of alsg Our Ecosystems Save' i s s u e of case analysis would important Worst the (1985); (1979) direct known Cir. (D.D.C. of Foundation (D.C. in F o u n d a t i o n id., in S u p p o r t if conducted to adverse and t h e m e a n s s 1502.22 Natural. to (1985). Resource i n P r o c e e d i n g s _ g f _ a _ S y m p g s i u.m„gn_Worst_.Case_Qnil.ysi s (L. if" 1502.22 EIS that 143 829, 836 A worst [were] not regulation in an E A 347, 357 19-20, also raised analysis' would permitted !i§Di*gemer]t, "what & The experiment Authorities at 756 F.2d inadequate, case U.S. 221. 62, 62 was C.F.R. issuing obtain Lindow Berkeley). at the and Injunction F. Supp. agencies). NIH impacts was EA 40 442 after 610 a worst 220. the Steven California, Points Trends analysis v. W e i n b e r g e r , Club, of Drs. conditions v. Heckler, Economic case that of Preliminary Trends Foundation held University by 34-39. 219. a (application severe eds. when Yost 1985). the worst described is, "what consequences, v. Clark, Nicholas if case impact, were to occur"? 747 F.2d analysis the regulation an 1240, Yost as a perhaps Id..; 1245 n.6 see (9tn 103 Cir. 1984) (1:10,000 relevant to informed F.2d 974 (5th by 957, its Asked Act worst case 1983) Council Concerning Regulations, 46 analysis of decisionmaing); Cir. remoteness); Questions possibility 18,026, "low event is v. sigler, 695 case analysis National Reg. includes Club Environmental CEQ's Fed. Sierra (worst on catastrophic is not Quality, barred Forty Environmental 18,032 (1981) Most Policy (scope probabi1ity/catastrophic of impact event") . 222. Cir. Village 1984) Sprays, v. Bear, 3, 4 is General (application University case of analyses since at organisms when Recombinant of DNA Management Against (9th C i r . Toxic 1983)). 8< W . C o v i n g t o n Institutes of No Steven to FDA Worst......Case 1985). Health, Significant Lindow for & Ms. Bear review for Products Bull. Budget, would approval of be (1985) Panopoulos, 17 of See engineered the (1981); The Regulation of in Chemicals 8< the lechnglggy,' see... a l s o New same Goldberg s t r a t i g n DNA worst products under approval. Recombinant 15, 46 genetically thus and_„Drug gf Impact Nickolas premarket premarket Food Environmental The FDA has required Manufacturers applying Technical of Berkeley). filed 1981. and eds. on CEQ. I h e _ . R g l e . _ o f ..the R e g u l atio.n of of EA's subject requirement Mi 11 e r , Garrett California, least 1480-81 (9th S y m p o s i urn Drs. in 1475, Prgceedings_ofa Finding by F.2d Citizens 616 in (L. and Oregon 605, The..Federal__ R e g u l a t i o n _.(4_0 National Assessment 720 v. Clark, 733 F.2d W o r s t _.Case_Anal ysi s: Counsel 224. Pass Southern Clark, Cjs.Fjs.Rjj. 1 . 5 0 2 . 2 2 ) . , AnaLysis False (citing Inc. 223. of 4 Office Under the Tox Substances Control Act Risk—Assessment—Hearings, case a s s u m p t i o n s notice review 225. Proposed Reg. See Council Information Worst Letter to A. Alan Stafford, 49 F e d . 226. ordering Notice for C o m m e n t s , 48 have 4803 on based spraying by on the on Proposed 32,234, 32,236 Envtl. amendment 8< M. Seea and Act"). 10,396 unwise"); Randolph, 22, 1984) effectiveness The Quality, I^Jpjfiorandum f o r F e d e r a l the or Don'_t 10,394, (Feb. substantially the evidence, e._g. , Y o s t , "illegal Baucus Policy Fed. hypothetical L. Rep. as Environmental proposal was Notice—Withdrawal Agency NEPA Liaisons, (1984). of can be analogized Land the Management would cause 1240, cancer. Amendment (1985). to prepare a to 40 cancer. 1245-46 evidence existed cause to the Ninth Circuit worst hypothesis that herbicides proposed Bureau scientific Quality, purely opposed. 13 Ecosystems v . Clark, 747 F.2d would are o-f by the CEQ to base "credible scientific that "weakened situation the Bureau herbicides A proposal Durenberger Guidance analysis credible and Request (1983). Environmental This premanuf acture Quality, Environmental in worst on regulation Council Reg. during H i l l , Chairman, CEQ, from Senators would of P r o p o s e d (EPA u s e s Act). proposed D. of t h e N a t i o n a l reprinted Substances Control Analysis, (describing withdrawn. -findings id.., w a s h e a t e d l y (1983) (amendment risk consequences Case 15, 1984) 5 , supra note 94, at 349 Guidance 36,48- than conjectural," R. Toxic case analysis rather Gut under 36,486, worst in m a k i n g (Mar. showing See CFR <9th C i r . that Council 1502.22, Likewise, no scientific mm See Save case for Our 1984). No a n y d o s e of the on 50 Environmental Fed. evidence Reg. existed st* to p r o v e that technology, the however, the h e r b i c i d e s Woe s t C.a s e . 10,271 herbicides was Thomas, 228. Discussions supra 14 Subcomm. of on on Science of effects Update: Envtl . rDNA The L. Rep. of NEPA 10,267, (Comm. Print Once "catastrophic and worst proposal for Jersey, suggested case siting l a b o r a t o r y , in and Report Prepared Technology Research of of for the Policy House Research Service, 94th Genetics, and Cell scenario that in A Cong., 2d Biology toxic Township gases scenario scenario. of drifting was unable for occur tends to occur. 36 described outweigh example, liquid a New h y d r o g e n 'on the of the siting a worst case scenario tank, resulting in an tdxic the laboratory, neighboring residences. into conceived worst For public in M o r r i s T o w n s h i p , opponents to persuade it had The outlined, 1 5 0 0 g a l l o n s of consultant rupture been it will laboratory in t h e h y d r o g e n the credible storing has it could that a research Morris a leak laboratory possible inevitably e p i d e m i c s or t h e c r e a t i o n by the Science Human t h e prqjraoility roof. in Technology possibility on resulting rDNA technology organisms." Congressional emphasis resulting harmful Engineering, emphasis on the involving t h e r i s k s of 1976). a laboratory 326. Science, Research the Sess., Genetic n o t e 7 2 , at of uncontrollable Division worst on t h e h e a l t h See Comment, A n a 1 y s i s... R e g u 1 a t i o n , 227. Comm. The evidence Unlike (1984). and the medical not cause cancer- conflicting. becomes discussions new did gas in the opponents in passible lieu of scenario explosion, to accept the became a worst the 105 standard for community. Si t i n g : judging See the risk of siting the A p p e n d i x _ C , _ E n y ironmental..Concerns Ihe_..Mgrri.s „ _ T o w n s h i p - B e l . l c o r e Office o-f Technology Assessment, A._XSGbD.ica.l._Memgrandum Wildlife laboraory in Laboratory Congressi onal 5s (1986); Hearing the Sybcomm. on_Fisheries„and for see also Fish on and Council E n y i r g n . m e n t a i _ . Q u a l i t y _ R e a u t h p r iz a t i on... a n d . O v e r s i g h t - - H . R . Before the The...Regulatgry_Enyirpnment 136-39 Miscellaneous-—Part Case, and in of 4.585, Wildlife. Conservation and % the_Enyirgnment_of Fisheries, 9Bth CEQ__Hearing3 frequently aspect Sess. 56 (statement of Rep. Breaux) See 229 S c i e n c e analysis plants by the central the media). 950, 950 feature Yost, supra method for communities, and hazardous Olscussi on--The considering housing waste Weaknesses Wgrst_Case_Analysis 1985) (statement (worst case consequences 231. regulation of thereinafter (worst of The to 101, sites the only Industry, has require (worst e f f e c t s of n u c l e a r in on case power earthquake f1oodplains); Pagel a n d _ S t r e n g t h s _ g f _ W o r s t ._Case_An„aIysi.s 103 in (L. encourages introducing CEQ as analysis and 10,396 developments Prgceedings_gf_a_.Sy_mpg.sium Garrett L. Silver, Sierra analysis of and cited case a project, note 225, at iD_the_Managemeot_pecisign_Prgcess, on (1984) Marine_ (1985). . See3,_ei.9i, near Merchant S u n , Bi_gtechnglggy...Movie:_Debut_._.Wgrries is best faults, on 2d becomes 229. House.....Comm. Cong., reported 230. the Club Legal candor "all the known 00215 Defense concerning to>:ic s u b s t a n c e s interpreted & W. Covington into worst ggssible eds. Fund) potential environment). case analysis environmental 51 consequences Quality, of agency Forty Most Asked Environmental Policy 18,032 (emphasis (1981) Courts Supreme Court entitled U.S. Act not n. 77 (1979). 682 (D.C. deference to CEQ's Sigler, 695 F.2d (under original follow CEQ's 46 Reg. Fed. CEQ's "CEQ's National 18,026, Peak 1984) Grizzly NEPA is Andrus v. Sierra Club, 442 Bears 1982) "Forty Questions"); regulation) v. NRC, 751 should F.?d Cabinet to accord s o 1983) be based 1287, Mountains v. Peterson, (declining (5th C i r . The of (citing Cir. 976 interpretation. interpretation deference." Cir. 957, Environmental Concerning B u t .see D e u k m e j i a n (D.C. on original). that Wilderness/Scotchman's 678, Regulations, substantial 358 Council Questions always stated to 347, 1302 do action." 685 F.2d substantial Sierra Club v. (worst c ^ s e analysis on rule NEPA's of reason). 232. The regulation NEPA. CFR to CEQ conform Council 1502.22, Resources 50 Fed. Inc. 1982) ("CuJnder only the worst reason Quality, Council, consider (1983); Environmental of Defense must v. to. t n e r u l e 32,234, Cir. Co. on amending Reg. (D.C. impacts"), has proposed Proposed 32,238 Rule 'reasonably of Iowa Citizens 487 F. 2d 849, the light of Engineers, of 1092 for 1973) Environmental F.2d 1123, Cf._ 1131 00216 an Fund, 40 n.89 agency environmental Gas Inc. "must (5th C i r . 476 & Elec. Inc., 462 U.S. Quality, Defense to Natural 459, Baltimore Council, (NEPA interpret Reason, foreseeable' Environmental (8th C i r . reason"); 492 Defense analysis Amendment v. NRC, 685 F.2d NEPA's Resources to (1985). rey!d_gn_g£her_grgynds_syb_ngm.^ Natural used case v. 87 Volpe, be construed Inc. 1974) v. ("[wile in Corps must interpret the requirements of NEPA according to a -rule of r e a s o n ' ") . One commentator analysis regulation involving has changed scientific and .the 60 Wash. L. proposed amendment, however, to traditional soft selective the original deference in including supported areas Amending CEQls Decisionmaking, 233. in See DNA T e c h n i c a l 234. of look National E n v i r o n m e n t a l _ Pol.icy Rev. would standard. scientific Worst Case. 101, 112 in 146-47 because look agencies uncertainty. Analysis See Rule.: L. Rep. 10,275, Sharpies, Spread of remote 43, 55 be credibly Rosenbaum, Better (1985). Organisms with 6 Novel. Recombinant (1983). (L. Garrett former General worst on whether to 756 F.2d & W. Covington Counsel, CEQ) case analysis discussions eds. 1985) (outlining regulation of usefulness locate potentially at Case gf_a_Sympgsium_gn„Wgrst_Case_A^ areas). 235. standard Towards 10,277 'The could evidence they believed 15 E n v t l . Prgceedings commenting deciding Note, (1984). reverse the hard glance scientific Bull. took p l a c e w h e n and decisions S e e _ P a n e l _Di s c u s s i o n - - F u t u r e ^ Analysis, N. Y o s t , case to a hard §§ngtypes£_Jhgughts__from_an_.EcologicaI_Perspective, 132, worst C o u n c I I ..90..... E n v i r o n s Section._1502._22, the that the court's uncertainty S c i e n t i f ic ..Uncertainty argued 160. 00217 hazardous (statement discussions was of that formulated, of r e g u l a t i o n activities in in 236. Science 174, See 1321, at approval 1321 5-6 237. (1985); in of see.also Win Advisory Monsanto's possibility in.Court .Ruling, Role, decision of h a v i n g supra note not to seek experiment's Biotechnology and Bulkley, NIH proposal Regul ati o n i Hearing .Before on... O v e r s i g h t _ a n d _ I n v e s t i g a t i o n s of ...the H o u s e C o m m . [hereinafter 227 court). See Subcgmm. R i f k i n _._and_..NI.H (describing because challenged Energy Sun, Commerce, cited Deputy 98th Cong., 2d Sess. as Biotechnology.. .Hearing] Director, Office of 90-91 (statement Science and ... t. h e on (1984) of B. Technology Pol i c y ) . 238. See United International Impact on (1984). States Developments Certain In Sectors 1933, biotechnology in of for, the growth potential DNA a t w o p i e c e s of together of and Their Chemical billion was Possible Industry ix invested in States. Id.; the DNA spliced Health, Reg. also Alexander. 4 , 1 9 8 5 , at 5 6 (describing firms). NIH inside Guidelines cover technology outside living cells, but living cells. Recombinant 696, 697 see DNA See Advisory Framework 5(5,856, 5 0 , 8 5 7 Committee; 984) . of t h e W o r k i n g Group for Regulation (1984). not National O f f i c e of Science and Technology Policy, Proposal Coordinated Reg. $2.5 of b i o t e c h n o l o g y example, Meeting, 49 Fed. 240- U.S. Gene Green, Time, Nov. For spliced Institutes the Commission, i Going involving Trade Biotechnology about n the United 239- International of B i o t e c h n o l o g y , It h a s b e e n on Biotgch^ojocfy suggested 49 for Fed, that creation was spurred by the reaction of an official perceived damage regulation Policy in of of to Office of on O S T P and for 26 n J and Budget companies by EPA's Comments Proposal Biotechnology Biotechnology. Management biotechnology biotechnology. Institute Regulation the of the 15, proposed Environmental a Coordinated (Apr. to Framework for 1 9 8 5 ) , r e p r i n t e d , in . A g r i c u l t u r e , H e a r i n g s ....Before ..the s.ubcomm,._...on 1 0 v e s t i. g a t i o n s... a n d . O v e r s i g h t _ of... t h e... H o u s e C o m m . ... o n _. S c i e n c e Jechnglogy, 99th Cherei naf ter see_.„ 1984) , 366 ci t e d Office Chemicals Under of Management the Toxic ("Innovation, in regulatory effects making." Reg. 242. Id,, 50,858 at 1970's biotechnology. 229 n.* (1985) Act 23 firms, is the industry. careful New (Mar. supra small of 15, note 94, is not merely Erecting consideration of the progress that the U.S. at new their . . . is original)). 49 Fed. the at without jeopardize (emphasis Control Risk_Assessment..Hearings, industry—it barriers 204, a n d _.Agri c u l ture..... H e a r i n g s ! ; Substances 241. during Sess. and B u d g e t , The R e g u l a t i o n particularly this could 1st a s B i gt.echngl.ggy important DNA Cong., .and on 50,856 50,905. whether See, e-g^, Techniques,. S< (1984). new Congress held laws were needed to hearings regulate Industrial.„Appl icatigns_of..Recgmbinant Hearing Before on Sci e n c e t I e c h o g I g g y j L . _ a o d . _ . S p a c e _ g f _.the_Senate^^^ Comm... g n . _ C g « n m e r c e J Science^. and_Transggrtat ion, 96th C o n g . , 2d 8esearch_Hgari.ngs, note Many 95th bills Cong., supra were 1st Sess. Subcomm,. (1980); R e c o m b i n a n t ...DNA 16. introduced, Sess. the but none passed. (1977); 00219 S. 621, 95th E.g., S. Cong., 1st 1217, Sess. 60 (1977); H.R. 4759, 95th Cong., 1st. S e s s . Talbot, I n t r o d u c t i o n ,_to ...Recombinant,. .DNA R e s e a r c h , D e v e 1 o p m e n t. and. E y o l u t i g n _ o f _ t h e _ . N I H „ B u i del. i nes., Tol - L. Rev. When it risks were not regulating reprinted of Health, Jacob Jr. National Revised Proposed (describing apparent technology Williams, in (1981) materialising, Kennedy, Harrison Research became rDNA Jr., Secretary Edward 804, 810 .and pressure Education Javits, Gaylord Richard Institutes Guidelines, (1978). 00220 proposed 43 -for a See Letter and Fed. the hypothetical specifically to Joseph Welfare Reg. Califano, from Nelson, Adlai Health, 12 legislation). law Schwei ker of S e e .general ly L e g i si a t i o n , to Congress that eased. 8< (1977). (June Senators Stevenson, 1, 1978), Recombinant 60,103, DNA 60,104 the 243. 49 Fed. 244. Id.. Federal (EPA); id.. Reg. The agencies Register. at 50,897 at 50,905. 246. Id. at 50,863. 247. Id... The expertise would of be the BSB RAC, ten NSF to house (a compromise), Health, Recombinant Biotechnology of W. 249. See Culliton, 250. See Miller, 6651 198, 198 Engineering (1982). (FDA); frameworks id., at in 50,880 or former BSD. the BSB by the present the larger was developed. from experience and members of RAC New._Biotech would have created RAC's staff. After committee, • the of the (1985). National Committee, Minutes two See Culliton, 736, 737 the including Institutes at NIH published Working Meeting a 10 of Group on (Mar. 1, Gartland). 49 Science, Fed. policy utilize Advisory 248. News for Coordination, (statement Sci. s I)KfA the Science proposal scheme 1985) 229 of administered declined at 5 0 , 8 7 8 To present members Reyi_ew_Board_Planned, The original their was to have 25 members committee. initial "super—RAC," published (USDA). Id. interagency 50,858., 245. each and at Reg. at 50,863. supra note 247, at 737. G e n e _ S p l i c i ngL.J_F.inal L _ F e d e r a l . (1985). and The Federal Technology Coordinating is authorized by Plan, 128 Council for 42 U.S.C. 251. See Coordinated Office Framework Establishment Committee, of 50 for of the Fed. Reg. 253. Charter of of Federal Engineering, and charter be will 254. Framework Science 47,176 Id... 256. Idi 257. See Comment; After Coordinating (19S5). Science two Coordinating Council years, for Science, renewal of the Id. and Technology of B i o t e c h n o l o g y ; Coordinating Policy, Coordinated Establishment Committee, 50 of the Fed. Reg. (1985). 255. Research; 47,175 Policy, Biotechnology; Science Coordinating Science Regulation Biotechnology 47,174, reviewed. of of Biotechnology Technology. Office for the Technology Regulation 47,174, Id.. the and Biotechnology 252. Committee Science National Institutes Availability Request Environmental of for Health, Environmental Comments Impact of Statement, on 50 Recombinant Assessment Need for Fed. a Reg. for DNA Public Programmatic 14,794, 14,795 (1985). 258. and See Office scheduled Sun, of to policies by policies may supra Safety publish January clarify n o t e . . 1-75, a t and Health revised 31, the 1986. The FDA, Administration versions 50 Fed. jurisdiction mm 1016. for Reg. their EPA, (OSHA) USDA, are regulatory at 47,174. These issue. & To date OSHA, OSHA adopting regulations a Safety an B i o t e c h n o l o g y , probably agency must standards Act, 29 show are material authority 259. Cin. regulate exists Safety 284 (1981) safety Health Textile Mfrs. (1981) (quoting Inst., "'significant of. the and Petroleum Appli cat ions which before 490, 514 n.2 find approach under . S e e ......gener a l l y L. Rev. rDNA authority, v. American Guidelines OSHA's see_.alsg A m e r i c a n (OSHA must 4'48 risks ' of Korwek, OSHA R e c o m b i n a n t_ DNA (reviewing OSHA's technology). Environmental Certain Microbial Protection Products, Agency, Proposed 49 Fed. Reg. Policy 50,880, (1984). 260. Biotechnology (statement of Technology Pol icy). 261. at ALO-CIO issuing hazards. Agency (1985). risk 452 U.S. impairment"). U. deferred See Occupational l o d u s t r i al See Regarding 850,882 50 to its statutory (1980) Of lechnglogy, 14,468 (1982); regulati biotechnology's a significant Dep't, health approach, Administration, Reg. Donovan, 642 Regy1atign of s 655(B) Union biotechnology of Health Fed. that v. 607, and promulgated. Inc. Industrial issued evidence result U.S.C. Inst., U.S. a 50 not wait-and-see pending Occupational is has See B. Hearing, Bulkley, Deputy Environmental supra note Director, Office Implications 237, of at Science Report, supra Department to G. note 93 and 202, 42. 262. Letter Director and 9yoted_in Comments from Science of W. Walsh, Advisor the State to the President Environmental Policy Keyworth, (May 2 7 , Institute on 1983), OSTP proposal for a Biotechnology, 263. a Office 50,856, 264. Regulation 265. for OSTP's at and 2-8, 3 C.F.R. supra Technology Comments s of Policy, Proposal of B i o t e c h n o l o g y , for 49 Fed. note the a Coordinated supra OMB's Environmental ' Policy note role Framework 240, at 3. for For a in f e d e r a l biotechnology management decisions 25-27. 127 and of for Biotechnology, id.. Regulation n.*. Regulation Proposal reviewed Hearings, and for (1984). OSTP of see are Science 50,856 of criticism policy, of Framework on Framework n o t e 2 4 0 , at 26 S e e . . g e n e r a l l y Institute EPA supra Coordinated Reg. Coordinated (1982). Risk criticized 94, at 297 by 0MB. (EPA See by Risk.Assessment response to committee questions). 266. As management mentioned prmit decisionmaking. Science and the Science 21,596-97 science (1984) policy, 267. See Biotechnology: Clarification Agriculture"s 26B. ,the See intrusion supra Technology and earlier, notes (risk United when Agriculture's Regulatory Recombinant 90-109; see (Mar. process is blend rxegulatory risk judgments in also Office of Review Reg. of of 21,594, science uncertainties General 1986) and Carcinogens, scientific States 50 value Principles, 49 Fed. assessment especially assessments of Policy, Chemical its Associated 36, risk and exist). Accounting Office, System Needs thereinafter cited as System]. DNA Advisory Committee, Minutes of S e P*6 J 23, 1985 Meeting 15 (statement 269. IcL at 16. 270. Id.. at 17. 271. Id.. 272. Id... 273. Id_._ at 18. 274. S e e ..supra n o t e s 9 0 - 1 0 9 275. Recombinant Biotechnology 10 at FDA of those Register. See_.i.d._ Biotechnology 276. See accompanying text. M i n u t e s of Mar. 1, 1985 The EPA announces '»involving at 11 reviews proprietary (statement of data, on at (describing of in Group Meeting W . Gartland, Executive Secretary}' reviews). including and OSTP). Advisory Committee, Working Coordination, (statement EPA and DNA of B . H e a l y , proposals, the A. Goldhammer, Federal Industrial Association). id.. at 11 (statement of R . C l o w e s , committee member). 277. 3, 1985 See Recombinant Meeting at 26 DNA Advisory (statement Committee, of Minutes R. Mitchell, of May committee member). 278. Framework Office for of Science Regulation Biotechnology Science 47,174,: 4 7 , 1 7 4 (1985). 00PS5 and Technology of B i o t e c h n o l o g y ; Coordinating Policy, Coordinated Establishment Committee, 50 Fed. of the Reg. ^ 279. See B i o t e g h n g l o g y ...Hearing, s u B r a (statement o-f D. Behavioral, and Social 280. Science See 1296, 281. 72 Director, 102-03 Biological, B i o t e c h . P o l D r a w s ._ F l g g d _ g i _ C o m m e n £ s , 228 (1985). Study...of...Sci.entific....Base....for Shelved„After...Criticism, 9 Chem. R e g u l ation...... of Reg. Rep. RDNA (BNA) 72, (1985). 282. 50 283. B i g t e c h o g l g g y _ H e a r i n g , supra note 2 3 7 , at 95 o-f R e p . See Guidelines Fed. for Reg. See Regulations, 50,897, at Molecules National 50,905. Research Institutes Involving Department (statement (1984) Guidelines (Oct. 286. NIH Molecules, 287. See Agriculture, (citing Molecules, Statement of 48 Policy and Products, 49 F e d . Memorandum Research to Heads ! o v o i vj i;g Institutes for Reg. of Research Health, of for Reg. Department Recombinant E. 24,548, 24,549 Education, Kendrick, United Acting States Notices Involving EnyirgomentaI_ImpiicationsHe of DNA NIH DNA 1979)). National 48 Fed. Health, Notices Under Recombinant Processes for Guidelines (statement and 15, of (1983). of Biotechnology 50,989 Agencies, Science Reg. 24,548, 24,549 285. Under Fed. Sikorski). 284. 142 1296 Assistant at Sciences Division, NSF) . Sun, See Products Kingsbury, note 237, Actions Recombinant DNA (1983). } supra Deputy Department m&6 on of note 200, Secretary at for Agriculture). 288. Department Regulations, 50,897, of Biotechnology 50,903 (1984). Agriculture Recombinant coordinated USDA's to be superseded to System, note supra 290. Id.. 291. See and Products, by since Committee See on Policy 49 Fed. the which 1976, is has expected Biotechnology Agriculture's for Reg. committee, Committee, policy in U S D A . of advisory Research the 26 and USDA's DNA at ss ss 42 Processes The based 267, 7 U.S.C. Legal. 1986 be 289. Statement biotechnology in Agriculture, Agriculture, in Regulatory 8< n . 4 . 150aa-150jj (1982). 2801-2812. U.S.C. Regulatory s 264 (1982). Issues_.i.n_BigtechDology, Rlsk_8<_Regulati on §Qd._the_Enyi.rgnment; See_.general.l.y 137, 149 in McGarity, Bigtechnglogy (1985). \ 292. under 7 U.S.C. the movement States Plant of and 5 150bb(a) Quarantine genetically between 293. Id.. 294. 49 295. I d g. 296. Id.. 297- Id;.; Assessment (application s of Act, engineered USDA id., ss also has 151-167, organisms authority to into the regulate United states. 150aa(c). Fed. and (1982). Reg. see at National Finding Drs. of 50,902. Institutes No Steven of Health, Significant. Lindow 00^7 & Environmental Impact Nickolas 25 (1985) Panopoulos, & University strains of of nucleating the University Health, 24,549 s bacteria only of In the The USDA reviewed experiment. on Under Actions of DNA and National NIH 48 their Fed. ice California to area crops approved the Institutes Guidelines Molecules, negative than that, w e r e not. p a t h o g e n i c Id.. Recombinant nucleating University California for of Research Reg. 24,548, (1983). 298. 49 Fed. 299. 7 U.S.C. 300. See 301. Id. 147a Reg. s at 50,902. 150dd(b) 49 Fed. Reg„ (citing (1982). at Organic 50,902-03. A c t of Sept. 2, 1944, S< Adler, 7 U.S.C. (1982)). 302. Released Envtl. Ice are no more pathogenic strains introduced. Notices Involving Berkeley). counterparts. experiment, were to be California, See from g e n e r a l l.y the L^J: L. Rep. The Environmental 10,366, 303. 7 U.S.C. s 304. ,7 U . S . C . 305. 49 Fed. 306. 7 U.S.C. 307. Id. s 2805. 308. Id... s 2803. McChesney 10,376-77 150aa(c) Reg. at (1983). (1982). 50,90£. s 2803(a) Regulatgry_Framewgrk, (1982). ss 2801-2812 (1982). Biotechnology 13 309. Environmental 310. See Implications Report, supra note 159, at 37. Letter J. Peach, Director, Division, United reprinted 267, at 67, Community General Secretary, and E c o n o m i c Accounting i_n A g r i c u l t u r e ' s R e g u l a t o r y USDA, to Development Office (Feb. 4, System, supra note Criticized and 69. See Defended, Resources, States 1986), 311. -from J . N o r t o n , A c t i n g 232 Sun, USDA Science Biotechnology 316, 316 ~*:12. Agri cul t u r e ' s 313. Id., at 314. Id... at\ 3 4 . 315. Id., at 60. 316. IcL at 44s 317. Id., at 47; Review (1986). Regulatory System, supra note 267, at 57. Reviews Reg. USDA Rep. and 318. Toxic When EPA^ 57, 57 EPA 42-43. Substances White..House_Plan_CalLs_for Agriculture (1986) as reason Minutes see_also for of (referring delay Public Advisory to Adyi.sgry_Role, supra 320. 49 Fed. at turf Meeting of note the EPA (Nov. 1 7 4 , at 10 disputes of b i o t e c h n o l o g y Committee at 9 319. Reg. Jurisdictions_Over 1 ap, Joint Chem. between regulations). Administrator's 16, 1982). 5. 50,884-855. «0SB>9 70 321. Id. at 50,887. 322. Id.. at 50,888. mechanisms in Management and portion of Structure EPA may decide not to its regulations. Budget, its After criticism EPA was stated biotechnology for Bi.otechnol_ogy See Advisory to be policy. include by the Office wavering See Proposed, 227 these Sun, on of this Regulatory Science 274, 274 (1985). 323. announced formation See 50 F ed. 324. Reg. See of Role, supra its scientific at Recombinant DNA Coordination, at of (statement 325. See 200, at 48 id.. at advisory Advisory M i n u t e s of M a r . Environmental of G. Karny, Program,,Office of Senior Technology (statement of A. Microbiology, University of Illinois problems question) of 326. ("NIH accidental See of Rep. compliance with Dingell) of at 7 U.S.C. 328. 15 U . S . C . yet. Working Group ss 1985 Analyst, note Biological Assessment). But_see Professor Chicago) supra of (answer address note (EF>A i s s p e c i f i c a l l y ss 2601-2629 supra to the organisms"). Hearing, 136—136y Meeting Secretary). basically NEPA). 327. 1, Chakrabarty, guidelines release Biotechnolggy (statement not as Ifl}BLic.atLgns . . . H e a r i n g , 228 committee committee Committee, W. Gartland, Executive (statement Applications 174, at 5 . E P A h a s 47,174. on B i o t e c h n o l o g y 12 note (1982). (1982). 237, exempted at 89 from 329. 49 0. Fed. Id.. Reg. at 40 C.F.R. 332. 49 FFeedd.. obtain the been from 334. See (statement and Toxic and issues a new 337. 338. to the requirement that crops levels for the p e s t i c i d e be have Hearing*. supra note Administrator 237, for; at 90 Pesticides EPA). Protection Small not Scale final. at Agency, Microbial Field for It s h o u l d The policy policy 50,883 and Agency, Pesticides (Oct. as (citing Pesticides Protection Agency See from Assistant at 4 0 , 6 6 1 . Counsel, Protection order Testing, Pesticides; 49 Fed. Reg. that EPA's policy (1984). IdL Administrator in Id. tolerance biotechnology Environmental requirement Id. on Id;. is interim An a d d i t i o n a l not be conducted control. if Environmental 336. must exemption J. Moore, 40,659, 40,660 (1985). 50,885. Biotechnology Policy General pest Substances, 335. Interim of at itself is available established. 172.2(a) Reg. An destroyed s experiment benefits 50,885. 50,891. 331. is t h a t at 26, and be noted may be changed when EPA anticipated. memo from Abramson, Associate Toxic Division, Substances to Don Clay, Acting Toxic Substances, Assistant Environmental 1983)). Insuring_Ssfety_in_Genetic_Engineering, 10 E P A J. 7a 32, 32 <June Hearings, William supra note Teweles considered chemical a bacteria if and fits 339. (D.D.C. 341. license, outside you very than supra California was required Sun, supra note subjected be reviewing the a ecologist. that Act. 1975) See (stating EPA See has required additional id. Before granting the the scientist his argument the experiment. a that a of upon rainfall T h e ad included pathologist, ecologist, 85-3649 t o an ad h o c c o m m i t t e e notification Judge EPA Ref u s e s 9 Chem. caution Wyoming that 1296. ice-nucleating a hoc soil miqrohiologist- meteorologist, and a Id.. Federal. of by plant microbial exercise protection your also contacted based disrupted The court's finding an crop then 1015. the proposal Rifkin "Ice—Minus"_Experiment, been not protection Trends v. Thomas, No. 175, at The agency Jeremy See lis] scientists to furnish on Economic See a Kidd, a crop cover by the NIH. 1985). toxicologist, (1986). 2 8 0 , at of microbiologist, 342. note 14, could community pesticides, Nov. whose research to of G e o r g e bacteria is considered CFIFRAD filed had (statement ("ice-nucleating and__ A g r i c u l t u r e nicely"). scientists. committee 318 at consider Foundation EPA patterns 240, just Sun, University 340. Biotechnology Co.) not See information & gUt__See pesticide, Cslo chemicals the 1984). -Reg. t o _ E n j o i n _ E P A „ P e r m i t ...f o r Rep. (BNA) that EPA complied because EPA is generally 002H2 with NEPA may is generally v . Hathaway, 525 F.2d exempt 1571, exempt 66, 71-72 from (10th NEPA), 1571 have from Cir. cert.. denied, 426 237, at 89 906 (statement (1976); of B i g t e c h n q l ggyj.Hear L n g , Rep. Dingell) 276, 286 (E.D.N.C. required to (statement has N E P A programs, Jeremy Rifkin FIFRA by Hearing, Director EPA. support Hilts, Post, Mar. 25, 344. EPA Field Reg. local System 17 Federal only research activities, and new and source permits). violations Chem. Reg. (BNA) Emerson of NEPA Rep. (BNA) firm was falsifying Washington fined for information Id.. experiment was to was required. 15, 1986. See be carried Permission Califgrnia had Gives IceHjinus^.Bacter iaL„Lawsuit_Pending, 1302, 1307 has raised are the question not scientific 9 (1986). of that suppress scientific because they regulate The and for knowingly January regulations to 3. state permission Iest_gf Rep. constitutional available grants, Iesting..„gf.Microbe, T h e the strawberry effective Professor and Halts a p p l legation. Because been g r a n t e d Chem. 9 1986, at A5, col. out in C a l i f o r n i a , to of at S e e P e r m i t__Reguired_ f g r _ _ I c e s M i n u s _ T e s t i „ I B A its EPA permit on t h i s p e r m i t Okay not (1986). 343. violating is note 228. Office h i s s u i t on a l l e g e d Admi t t e d _ a s _ I n t e r v e n g r _ i n _ L a w s u ^ 1515 Supp. complies with NEPA, but Discharge Elimination based note specifically that EPA supra in c o n s t r u c t i o n facility supra State, 528 F. v. of voluntarily responsibilities Pollutant CEQ Hirsch, (EPA is (listing cases holding EIS); A. EPA) development National 1981) file of Activities, 1515, (EPA -from N E P A ) ; s e e . _ a l s o W a r r e n C o u n t y exempt and U.S. the least research. 002.13 whether state information drastic Science are means Policy 4 Report, supra School of Law). California See Science required The constitutional Sun, firm experiment. in t h e at 60 (statement 667 to (1986). obtain Authority health posed experiment. 1458 See (statement of 347. a land for the s mixture of Rep. 136u 8< A d l e r , (1982) ordinance substances 9 Chem. in the Test, ordinance conduct on the (i.e., Reg. mitigating & Adler, that broad pesticides, forms the the danger bacteMa) Rep. (BNA) that or supra "Etlhe can 237, 302, at at as 10,374-75; "any 83 intended for see substance preventing, can language includes be and "Biorational" of note authority. . . . ." Availability note pest organisms definition control note 7 or destroying, use as a plant desicant"). regulatory which of any living it determined supra for McChesney considered supra intended 348. of to "animals" pesticide or Notice County was based (defining def ol i a n t Regulation raised Sikorski). regul a t o r biological permit Biotechnology.....Hearing, or life Yale Ice-M.i n u s _ F i el d . . J e s t i n . C a l i f o r n i a .Put._on repelling very Monterey use b y t h e u s e of See McChesney U.S.C. a Emerson, (1986). 346. when Thomas Halts. .Biotechnology The Hgl_d__Af.ter_Mgnterey_.Cgunty__Hearing, 1458, of issue was not L o c a l ..Opposition. 667, the to p u b l i c 15, case. 345. 231 note 302, of FIFRA diverse utilized Pesticides; in to the Document, 1979, Agency macroscopic programs Fed. of Agency, Statement 44 has biological Protection Policy EPA since gives As applied Environmental Background 10,375. be pesticides the many are at and Reg. 75 28,093, of 28,094 most biological Agency, from (1979). Certain control 46 Fed. 349. McGarity, 350. 15 U . S . C . 351. Id.. 352. 49 note definition 353. supra Fed. Reg. at 507 chemical See 49 (answer chemical organisms Reg. supra of any are chemical include life purposes . . . ." as forms living stated that may Bayer, a genetically the statutory But_see 224 Reg. that their genetically 64,572, over from G. complete the the EPA nor the years. does for (1977). rDNA molecules only Administrator I intended." In not commercial 64,584 concluded which engineered "definition organisms could interpretation contemplated (letter manufactured whereas hosn if Environmental ("no o n e k n o w s t h e the be that neither at whether substances. Congress & organism"). of which substances "an fit substances has changed reasoned was within to at 5 0 , 8 8 7 . things were chemical this (1981). 149. seem note 200, 42 Fed. substances, chemical Exemption substance"). 1977, the Administrator chemical Proposed 18,323 molecule would determination Administrator Protection see.also McGarity to committee question) make—up EPA's regulation (1982). ("DNA Fed., Karny) 18,322, at 5 0 , 8 8 6 ; micro-organism of Agents; n o t e 2 9 1 , at s 2603 for See Environmental Control Reg. to USDA s 2 6 0 2 ( 2 ) (A) . 81, engineered agents. Biological Regulation, suBCa EPA has deferred be The were defined t h a t all living Costle stated am confident Letter to that Sen. Adlai Stevenson -from (1982)). 200, at 49 Sess. 8R Reg. at 50,887 (quoting from of occurring nature, G. Karny) chemical but (answer substance I would Its 15 U . S . C . read s refer that 1502(2) supra note question) to substances as the k e y part*, o f definition"). 355. 49 356. Compare 200, at 224 covers Fed. Reg. has from reservations on supra 202, whatsoever 50,887. G. Karny) developed genetically note at E n v i r o n m e n t a 1 _. I m p I_ i.c a t i o n s _ H e a r, s u p r a (letter ("consensus among modified issue) with at exists 33 (answer organisms," Congress Genetically Engineered Microbial. ("close examination of debate surrounding passage or n o t Congress broadly the Senate intended as to the staff of TSCA is that "no TSCA 10,2S1 reports inconclusive as to be genetically engineered Subcommittee on cover Regulating the 10,279, House indication to Under 'chemica>'substances' include probably Report, arid S c h i f f b a u e r , L. Rep. and TSCA Implications Products 15 E n v t l . question) personal intended life forms") note expressing argument engineered Substances_Cgntrol_Act, that but Environmental (noting ^frtat to committee the experts genetically so and to committee does not FPA (1978). Envirgn.mental..Impl i c a t i p n s . H e a r i n g , (letter in DNA. Research 2d ("definition the Admini strat.or, Cong., Fed. But_see 224 Costle O y e r si g h t _ R e p o r t , _ R e c o m b i n a n t AfiP.Li.gat.ions, 9 5 t h 354. Douglas and to Toxic. (1985) floor whether interpreted microbial products"). In 1984, Oversight of the of House the Committee on Investigations Science and and Technology recommended that genetically because engineered EPA authority, had new subcommittee expressed in light EPA use TSCA not its poor Implications 357. (statement 358. of Rep. supra United covered existence of ability in stated that sufficient at that time. The under TSCA, but under TSCA to regulate the n o t e 202, at past. Environmental 50. Hearing, States supra v. Chakrabarty, whether genetically such actions of note 237, at 83 Sikorski). In d e t e r m i n i n g (1982), EPA's EPA's Bi o t e c h n g l g g y See (1980). about releases provided unnecessary performance Report, See TSCA was endorse direct The subcommittee that legislation did regulate organisms. concluded reservations of to organisms the Patent engineered 447 U.S. 303, Act, 35 U.S.C. organisms 316 s when were not foreseeable when 101 the the Act was * passed, 447 the Court U.S. at 3 1 6 . and T S C A . that when that not to apply Act was 360. Memorandum from Acting Assistant Substances, EPA Implications <Oct. Report, the Act designed applicable. the Patent to apply the Act was substances that Act to passed, did not passed. Reg. Toxic was to chemical See 49 Fed. and Act foreseeable when 359. Pesticides l a n g u a g e of can be made between Patent were TSCA w a s designed the broad An analogy Whereas the inventions exist found at 50,887. S. Abramson, Substances Division, Administrator for 26, 1983), General EPA, to Don Clay, Pesticides and Toxic reprinted__in sugra note 202, 00?37 at Counsel, 146, 150. Environmental yk 361. 49 Fed. 62. Reg. Id., could result the potential at 5 0 , 8 8 9 . in expressed. for Id... the_EnyiconmeQt: •fraction of turned generally the hundred v»-v >• or committee on TSCA TSCA 71-72, because bacteria of being in in B i o t e c h n o l u ^ a n d 1.03 ( 1 9 8 5 ) or deletion Biotechnology... ("only y;-ui>s t h a t •' une gene expression emoU ,:.- ... pj^rst time Car-id 1 is turned reprinted "specifically chemical Gdnf. in exemptCsl 1649, 94th U.S. from Id.. at or on we and at 4 5 5 6 - 5 7 . engaged for or 8< A d . stated The only in t h e e x p e r i m e n t processed substance 1976 U . S . requirement be notified 00238 the Sess. 64, News 4539, that TSCA those . . . chemical the into a Code 5 an or requirements analysis for repr.inted._.i.n health C o n g . , 2d a n a l y s i s or f o r chemical section presenting public committee research,-ana 71-72, the conference to apply the notification or another The Code Cong. manufactured including substance News Rep. experimentation or a n a l y s i s , product." to conference substances scientific the potential harm 1976 The (1982). a Senate proposal that had of H.R. 4556-57. people 99, 2604(h)(3) rejected risk environment. Ad. s to experiments unreasonable the the Hardy, «m of h o w gene off"). U.S.C. of turned of Concerns, thousand little 15 4549, PotentialA that to the o r g a n i s m functions 364. of has determined change other See expreaso.-;] understand ERA a significant A g r i E H l ture.:..__. Status.,, are 50,387. Id 363. cell at for research development commercial Cong. in s u c h c a s e s of p o t e n t i a l is 8< that health risks. News Id. at 21, at 72, 15 U . S . C . 366. 49 at creation Fed. o-f n e w chemical 49 Fed. 368. Id... 369. Id... 370. The adopted) Reg. (TSCA scientific "The exemption innovation, Cong. ?< A d . in of is necessary of Sess. committee's finding, technology, may "technically qualified be made come a w a r e of substance!". unknown that to and from 5." the the exemption that Rep. this No. Potential in d i r e c t engineered organisms. committee's conclusion is faulty Thus when the to rDNA the that the substance! effects environments rationale the exemption impeded House conclusion and and the in release experimentation genetically reads: 94th and e n v i r o n m e n t a l health to 1341, exemption Tmanufacturing health applied is not u n d u l y the committee's potential committee research ambiguity applying for The House report insure H.R. exemption conference the An individuals Id.. note instance"). 5's commercial, (1976). when section research. section 29 supra t o inter-fere w i t h in t h e f i r s t (which finding academic Note, 50,891. commercial both 2d are at s e e ...also intended substances and requirements effects not experimentation academic the "is version was explicit Cong., at 5 0 , 8 9 1 ; Reg. House both Cof Code 2 6 0 4 (i). ( 1 9 8 2 ) . 862-63 367. would 1976 U.S. 4557. 365. by the reprinted.„.in involving for is applied the to t direct release experiments involving 00?39 genetically so engineered organx s m s . 371. 49 Fed. Rsg. at 50,000. 372. S e e . . g e n e r a l l y K c G a r i t y , s u p r n n o t e 2 9 1 . ,-,t 1 4 5 . 373. 15 U.S.C. 374. T h e S e n a t e bill 5 2605(a) (19!??). cpr.t* j r. rlef i r.: t i.-.-. o f smrafre nneb-lp * risk' i d e n t i c a l t* (1902). 12? Ccno- See deliberately th« excluded o n e be. i n c l u d e d . definition Rec. in r i T R A , T h e Hons:? com.nitr.;n- probability, severity, rather requires person such making risk." and l.v.:.'hh) s u g g e s t - , nr. involves a factors of which be cannot- determination but on t h e p.*rt o ? the it, the C o m m i t t e e did not attempt a definition of the H.R. i s n o t .t f a c t u a l exercise Rep. of No. judgment 1341, 4th C o n g . , 2d S e s s . that of conduct test when deciding EPA risk an informal existed. "interpretCsl Xdx. at Administrator 'unreasonable risk' under TSCA to -in magnitude of h a r m t o s o c i e t y of t h e u s e nf a c h e m i c a l outweigh Priorities the a judgment benefits." for OTS Operation 375. See McGarity 376. Er.vironmental if an mean a 14. situation to which balancing the 17,-14 The House committee recommended unreasonable the cc.nsideratior. (1976). EPA thai t .-.taJ-ed: "r:srs..-.r similar terms and * T h e H.v.$r>e coiRa* * a d e f i n i t i o n , rtospi h p t h e of- u n r e a s o n a b l e r i s k in p r e c i s e U.S.C. r>?9-. ?;'??,'>>. determination defined 7 is m a d e that the probability Environmental TV-7 (,1an. & Bayer, supra are likely Protection Agency, 19B2). note St. at IiHpl.j.cati,gn§JJear.i Q Q » 00240 and 515-16. supra note 200, at 8 155 of (statement Pesticides 377. 126 Toxic of at Austin); Substances, constitutes 378. an social, and Act R. 40 7 U.S.C. on the the pesticide"). Rev. Environmental (D.C. riski-benefit the Ordway, 1981) The ("clear in at of Toxic intent determining Cof what unreasonable a n d b e n e f i t s of & (1974) Inc. the the The of any Uses of Decisionmaking, (stating risk economic, use Tarlock, 48 that the court v. Ruckelshaus, FIFRA 'unreasonable » into account Environmental pnstrued ("term means any Gelpe 417-19 analysis" 147, 439 to mandate in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h E P A ' s "a F.2d S. in 584 comprehensive construction of statute). 379. (defining H.R. of t h a t Rep. No. "unreasonable probabilities the 1971) G. (1982) taking generally 371, note of L a w , U n i v e r s i t y be used 136(bb) costs Defense Fund, Cir. supra risk"). environment, See. & ed. environment' Sci. e n t i f i.c_Inf o r m a t i , o n _ i n L. (rev. s environmental Office EPA). Druley approach unreasonable effects or see_also a balancing See man Cal. Administrator, T. McGarity, Professor Control is that adverse Assistant Potential_£SDsegkLences_Hearings, Substances TSCA3 D. Clay, Acting and (statement Texas to of that harm harm against availability 1 3 4 1 , -94th C o n g . , 2 d S e s s . risk" will occur the effect to society in of TSCA and as and regulatory t h e b e n e f i t s of (1976) "balancing the magnitude o-f p r o p o s e d 14 the severity action the substance on or mixture"). 380. Council QyaLitv_1984; on Environmental Fifteenth_Annual__Regort. 465 00241 Duality, (1986). Environmental, 381. I.cjk 382. C£^ at 465-66. BL°technology (statement of Rep. regulatory delays inadequate caution ^Hearing, Dingell) and can stifling result in (rigid of 00?2 note regulations industrial judicial di s a s t e r s ) . supra 237, can at cause development challenges and 2 but terrible