Document 13073236

The DNA of Philanthropy
Growing your culture of philanthropy What motivates giving?
Civic Duty Social responsibility Altruism Approval of others Social status Is there a propensity to give?
Educa=onal a>ainment Certain occupa=ons Posi=ve college experience Engagement Religion and giving The Survey Survey Objectives
Survey CAOs Consensus on a defini2on Rank order culture elements Iden2fy Top 10 elements Where we surveyed
Geographic Region North America 82.1 La=n America 4.3 Europe 10.0 Asia-­‐Pacific 3.6 Other 0.0 TOTALS 100 Do you have a definition?
Yes 1.4% No 98.6% Do you agree with this definition?
Strongly Disagree 6.6% Disagree 1.5% Neither 10.2% Strongly Agree 26.3% Agree 55.5% Reputa=on Leadership Mission and vision Fundraising goals Demonstrated need Alumni giving Parent giving Faculty giving Staff giving Student giving Alumni sa=sfac=on Engaged donors Donor capacity Commitment Athle=c programs Athle=c conference Rankings Alumni engagement Reputa=on of faculty Honors and accolades Nega=ve press Successful graduates Donor influence Gradua=on leadership Faculty/Student ra=o Quality of academic programs Quality of research programs Tradi=on of philanthropy Top 10 Elements from the survey
1.  Leadership of the organiza=on 2.  Engaged volunteers and donors 3.  Commitment to stewarding gi\s 4.  Clear & concise mission & vision statements 5.  Fundraising goals aligned with mission Top 10 Elements from the survey
6.  Alumni sa=sfac=on with college experience 7.  Career success of graduates 8.  Opportuni=es for alumni engagement 9.  Donors with capacity & interest in major gi\s 10.  Quality & reputa=on of the faculty Bottom 5 Elements from the survey
1.  Membership in a par=cular athle=c conference 2.  Successful athle=c programs 3.  Faculty/student ra=o 4.  Ranking in polls 5.  Percentage of parent giving Survey Surprises
Athle2cs ranks at the boKom of the list Rankings in polls near the boKom Scandals are more important (nega2vely) than are honors & accolades (posi2vely) Survey Surprises
The high % of ins2tu2ons WITHOUT a formal defini2on of a culture of philanthropy (98.6%) The strong consensus on the proposed defini2on of a culture of philanthropy (81.8% agreed or strongly agreed) On the other hand, 8.0% disagreed with the proposed defini2on So, what can you do with this?
Build a philanthropy toolbox Sow the seeds of a culture of philanthropy on your campus CULTIVATION INGREDIENTS
Engage e
Assessment activities
Communicate Share concept with internal & external cons=tuents Advocate Urge considera=on by campus leadership Examine How are we doing on the important elements Survey Ask campus cons=tuents about their Percep=ons of your culture of philanthropy Assessment activities
Ask Ask donors how you are doing Survey Survey non-­‐donors on actudes towards the ins=tu=on Discuss Discuss the concept with your trustees Preach The value of philanthropy For more information…
Peter N. Smits Vice President for Advancement Fresno State (559) 278-­‐6050 (559) 352-­‐0919 cell