Case Study: Predicting Patient Outcomes Dataset Description Computer Science 105

Case Study:
Predicting Patient Outcomes
Computer Science 105
Boston University
Spring 2012
David G. Sullivan, Ph.D.
Dataset Description
• The "spine clinic dataset" from Roiger & Geatz.
• Data consists of records for 171 patients who had back surgery
at a spine clinic.
• 31 attributes per record describing:
• the patient's condition before and during surgery
• the patient's condition three months after surgery
• including whether he/she has been able to return to work
• Includes missing and erroneous information
Overview of the Data-Mining Task
• Goal: to develop insights into factors that influence patient
outcomes – in particular, whether the patient can return
to work.
• What type of data mining should we perform?
• What will the data mining produce?
Overview of the Data-Mining Task
• Goal: to develop insights into factors that influence patient
outcomes – in particular, whether the patient can return
to work.
• What type of data mining should we perform?
• What will the data mining produce?
input attributes
return to work?
Review: Preparing the Data
• Possible steps include:
• denormalization
several records for a given entity single training example
• discretization
numeric nominal
• nominal numeric
• force Weka to realize that a seemingly numeric attribute
is really nominal
• remove ID attributes and other problematic attributes
• perform additional attribute selection
Preparing the Data (cont.)
• We begin by loading the dataset (a CSV file) into Weka Explorer.
• It's helpful to examine each attribute by highlighting
its name in the Attribute portion of the Preprocess tab.
• helps us to identify
• can also help us to
discover formatting issues
that should be addressed
Preparing the Data (cont.)
• Things worth noting about the attributes in this dataset:
• Steps we may want to take:
Review: Dividing Up the Data
• To allow us to validate the model(s) we learn,
we'll divide the examples into two files:
• n% for training
• 100 – n% for testing
• don't touch these until you've finalized your model(s)
• You can use Weka to split the dataset:
1) filters/unsupervised/instance/Randomize
2) save the shuffled examples in Arff format
3) filters/unsupervised/instance/RemoveRange
• specify the instanceIndices parameter to remove 100 - n%
4) save the remaining examples
5) load the full file of shuffled examples back into Weka
6) use RemoveRange to remove the other n%
7) save the remaining examples
Experimenting with Different Techniques
• Use Weka to try different techniques on the training data.
• For each technique, examine:
• the resulting model
• the validation results
• for classification models: overall accuracy, confusion matrix
• for numeric estimation models: correlation coefficient, errors
• for association-rule models: support, confidence
• If the model is something you can interpret,
make sure it seems reasonable.
• Try to improve the validation results by:
• changing the algorithm used
• changing the algorithm's parameters
Consider Starting with 1R
• If you're performing classification learning, it can be helpful
to start with 1R.
• to establish a baseline for accuracy
• to see which individual attributes best predict the class
Cross Validation
• When validating classification/estimation models,
Weka performs 10-fold cross validation by default:
1) divides the training data into 10 subsets
2) repeatedly does the following:
a) holds out one of the 10 subsets
b) builds a model using the other 9 subsets
c) tests the model using the held-out subset
3) reports results that average the 10 models together
• Note: the model reported in the output window is learned from
all of the training examples.
• the cross-validation results do not actually evaluate it
• To see how well the reported model does on the training data,
select Using training set in the Test box of the Classify tab.
Summary of Experiments
• Summary of experiments:
Summary of Experiments (cont.)
Using the Test Examples
• You can use Weka to apply the learned model(s)
to the separate test examples.
• wait until you've settled on your final models –
the ones you intend to include in the final report
• Then, in the Test box of the Classify tab:
• select Supplied test set
• click the Set button to specify the file