Document 13070606

The Office of Resea
arch and Sponsored Program
ms (ORSP) “Ass a division of Academicc Affairs, ORSP’s misssion is to advance resea
arch and external ssupport by providing leadership and profe
fessional assistance for ffaculty, students, a
and staff in pursuit of a wide range of educational go
oals.” Office of R
Research and Sponsored Progrrams Identifying and Contacting Funding Sources  Acccessing information on federal, state, and
d other public and privaate grant opp
portunities  Tailoring searches of federal and private undation funding opporrtunities fou
 Pro
oviding ongoing liaison with funding sou
urces Disseminating Informa
ation and Providing Trainiing  Orienting faculty and campus leadership ocedures on critical policies and pro
nducting proposal writing seminars and  Con
formal instruction n on research  Dissseminating information
acttivities zcz and Budgets Preparing Proposals a
 Devveloping proposals from
m con
nceptualization to subm
mission  Preeparing budgets to ensu
ure accuracy and adeequacy  Faccilitating administrative
e reviews and req
quired signatures  Coo
ordinating key aspects o
of proposal sub
bmissions upport for Providing Direct Su
Faculty Resea
arch  Coo
ordinating Research, Sccholarship and Creeative Activities (RSCA) Awards  Coo
ordinating Claude Lavall, Jr. Innovative Tecchnology and Research Awards  Pro
oviding special financial assistance for keyy university projects  Pro
oviding expert intellectu
ual property and pattent services P
Providing Student Rese
earch Support  Dirrecting the Central Califfornia Research Sym
mposium  Dirrecting CSU Student Ressearch Com
mpetition participation
n  Enccouraging student partiicipation in fun
nded projects Dr. Thomas MccClanahan
Associate Vice Prresident Dr. Ellen Shimakawa
Doug Carey Grants Administr
dcarey@csufre Dr. Dan
niel Griffin Grants and Contracts Development Specialist dcarey@ Grace Liu, J.D.
Grants Administr
rator & Intellectual Propertty Counsel
gliu@csufresno Nancy M
Myers Sims Grants and Contracts Development Specialist an Maral Kismetia
Grants and Reseaarch Analyst Reyna M
Martinez Departm
ment Secretary reynam Office of Rese
earch & Sponsored Pro
ograms 491
10 N Chestnut Ave Fresno, CA 93726 559.278.0840 We are conveniently cco‐located with the post award staff of th
he California State University, Fresno Foundation. Daniel Griffin Nancy Myers Sims Grace Liu Doug Carrey Maral Kismetian
Academic Unitt Assignments
Colleege of Arts & Hum
manities ‐ Doug Carrey Colleege of Health and Human Services ‐ Doug Carey Colleege of Science & M
Mathematics ‐ Nancy Myers Sims Colleege of Social Scien
nces ‐ Doug Carey Craig School of Busine
ess ‐ Doug Carey Hen
nry Madden Libraryy ‐ Doug Carey Inteellectual Property a
and Patents ‐ Grace Liu Jord
dan College of Agricultural Sciences a
and Technology – G
Grace Liu Krem
men School of Edu
ucation and Human
n Development –D
Doug Carey Lylees College of Engine
eering – Grace Liu Stud
dent Services – Daniel Griffin Univversity Administration ‐ Grace Liu Facu
ulty and Studentt Support Progra
ams Centtral California Rese
earch Symposium ‐ Maral Kismetian
CSU Student Research
h Competition – Maral Kismetian ative Technology a
and Research ‐ Marral The Claude C. Laval Jr.. Award for Innova
metian Kism
CSU Awards for Resea
arch, Scholarship, a
and Creative Activiity – Maral Kismetian Doug Caarey, Grants Adminisstrator 559.278
8.0964 | Daniel G
Griffin, Grants and CContracts Develop
pment Specialist 559.278
8.0839 | Grace Liu, Grants Administrrator and Intellectuaal Propertty Counsel 559.278
8.0857 | Nancy M
Myers Sims, Grants aand Contracts Develop
pment Specialist 559.278
8.0836 | Kismetian, Grants annd Research Analyst Maral K
8.0856 | mkismetian@ 