Department of English & Comparative Literary Studies Academic Year___________________________ Term _______________________________ MODULE TITLE__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TUTOR’S NAME______________________________________________ SEMINAR DAY/TIME_______________________________________________________________ Name 1 CODE: attended √ 2 3 4 Week 5 7 Comments 8 9 10 unauthorised absence X 1 Essay Marks 2 3 4 Significant Concerns Potential Excellence authorised absence A If any student has performed exceptionally well or badly, please give detailed comments. It is vital that struggling or non-attending students are documented in order that Personal Tutors and the Academic Progress Committee may examine special cases. If you wish to make longer comments and have them passed to the student’s personal tutor, please say this in the comments section and attach a separate document to your register with the student’s name and module, and pass to the Undergraduate Secretary when handing in your registers at the end of each Term. Please write clearly! D:\626078673.doc