WASC Website Subcommittee Meeting Minutes for January 22, 2012 1. Define the Scope of Work Design and implement a website for the purpose of being transparent; communicating to the campus and the community; archiving meeting minutes, self-study, findings, responses (both current and historical); showcasing data on core competencies; serving as a central clearinghouse of accreditation information. 2. Review our existing website Reviewed directories, links, and contents of the existing website and made recommendation on how to improve the usefulness of the site. Specific recommendations are described in the Timeline section below. 3. Review other institution’s and accreditation agencies’ web sites, e.g. NCATE https://wasc.stanford.edu/ http://www.csulb.edu/projects/wasc/index_2006_2011.htm http://www.csuci.edu/accreditation/index.htm http://www.csun.edu/~instrsch/wasc/index.html http://www20.csueastbay.edu/about/institutional-effectiveness/accreditation/wasc-pages/index.html http://www.csufresno.edu/kremen/cctc/ The sub-committee briefly reviewed other California institutions’ WASC websites. 4. Establish a Timeline By Feb 13, the subcommittee will reconfigure the current website for ease of navigation, better referencing, and currency. Changes/additions to the website will include: change navigation by moving/adding directories, update committee lists and content, and make recommendations on how other sites should link to the WASC site. The subcommittee will also create a MS Word template that can be used by the other subcommittees for agendas and meeting minutes. 5. Select a Point Person Jim Marshall will serve as Point Person for the website subcommittee. Next Meeting Date _____Feb 13_____________________