WASC Accreditation Review Steering Committee (ARSC) AGENDA Monday, April 18, 2005 6-8 pm

WASC Accreditation Review Steering Committee (ARSC)
Monday, April 18, 2005
6-8 pm
Terrace Room
1. Report on the WASC Annual Meeting (Ochoa, Bruce, Schlereth, Sundberg)
2. Design and format of the SSU Portfolio – web based portfolio to support the
WASC accreditation effort (Bruce)
3. Discussion of themes for the institutional proposal
Outcome: The committee will brainstorm important issues and themes to begin
the process of developing the major themes of the institutional proposal. These
themes will be presented to the campus community at the Public Forum on
Thursday, April 28, from noon-1 pm to receive feedback and additional
comments and suggestions.
4. WASC Standards and CFRs
Outcome: The committee will engage in a first discussion of the standards and
CFRs in preparation for more in depth consideration of the CFRs as they pertain
to SSU.
5. Discussion of format of the public meeting and further communication with the
campus community.
Outcome: Develop a clear format for the public meeting and discuss other ways
of engaging the campus community in the development of the Institutional