WASC Executive Committee Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Executive Committee
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Haak Ctr Boardroom 4115
a. WASC ARC Communication Proposal Accepted
b. Core Competency Workshop on 2/6/14
c. Self-Narrative update
d. WASC Leadership Academy – M. Jordine, B. Berrett, M. Zogui
WASC Committee Spring Special Meetings
a. Meeting to Review Self Narrative Feedback – Feb. 20th
b. ePortfolio and Assessment Meeting – March 18th 2:30 – 4:00 p.m., HML 2206
c. ePortfolio/Core Competency Meeting in March 20th – D. Nef and X. Fu
Self-Study Discussion Items – A. Lawson
a. Current Priorities and Plans
b. Mission Statement
c. Faculty Development
d. ILO’s – get to Senate
e. University Grad Committee – Meaning of Graduate Degrees
f. Strategic Plan Indicators?
g. Discussion of Standards of Performance
h. WASC Standards
i. How to Organize Additional Documents?
Communication/Collaborative Plan
a. Newsletter
b. Website
c. Upcoming campus forums
i. Handouts
1. FAQ
2. Questions Prompts
3. Meaning, Quality and Integrity of the Degree
4. Give feedback online at website
5. Reach out to college WASC rep
6. Attendance to upcoming campus forums
7. Help support excellence in upcoming program reviews
Spring Campus Forums
a. Web Forum (moderated)
b. Executive Senate – L. Zelezny
c. General Senate/Co-sponsor
d. Assessment Coordinators
e. Open Forum (Faculty/Staff)
f. Open Forum for Students
g. School/Colleges Assemblies – L. Zelezny
h. Administrative Roundtable – L. Zelezny
i. Chairs Meeting – L. Zelezny
j. Provost’s Leadership Team (PLT) – L. Zelezny
k. ASI/USU Leadership – L. Zelezny and A. Lawson
m. College Advisory Boards
Upcoming workshops:
a. 2014 WASC Academic Resource Conference
April 23-25, 2014, Los Angeles, CA
Attending: Lynnette Zelezny
Next Meeting: March 6th 11:00 – 12:00 p.m., Haak Center Boardroom 4115
 Summer 2014: Self Narrative
 November 20, 2014: Offsite Review
 October 20-23, 2015: Accreditation Visit
Self-Narrative Groups:
1. Introduction: Institutional Context; Response to Previous Commission Actions – L. Zelezny and A.
2. Compliance with WASC Standards and Federal Regulations: Self-Review under the Standards;
Compliance Checklist – D. Nef, S. Moore and M. Caldwell (G. Harootunian)
3. Degree Programs: Meaning, Quality, and Integrity of Degrees – D. Schecter (A. Lawson, Michelle
DenBeste, S. Moore and D. Nef, J. Diaz, J. Marshall and R. Raya-Fernandez and Student)
4. Educational Quality: Student Learning, Core Competencies, and Standards of Performance at Graduation
– X. Fu (R. Hall, R. Harper, A. Inoue, C. Radke, M. Ram, F. Tehrani, D. Tyckoson, P. Neufeld, T. Pierce
and J. Magee)
5. Student Success: Student Learning, Retention, and Graduation – P. Oliaro and M. McDonald (A.
Sanchez, C. Radke and Student)
6. Quality Assurance and Improvement: Program Review; Assessment; Use of Data and Evidence – A.
Sanchez and S. Witte (D. Griffin and Lisa Kao)
7. Sustainability: Financial Viability; Preparing for the Changing Higher Education Environment – D. Nef
and C. Matson (R. Sanchez, B. Berrett, C. Coon and G. Harootunian)
8. Conclusion: Reflection and Plans for Improvement – A. Lawson, L. Zelezny (M. Caldwell and T. Pierce)