INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION DATA SAFE HAVEN USER GROUP MEETING Notes taken on 27th January 2015, 10.00-11.00 at Rm G01 222 Euston Road Matters Discussed 1 Welcome 1.1 Richard Gilson (RG), the User Group Chair, welcomed attendees to the meeting. He outlined the meeting objectives and listed the Data Safe Haven Team members. Alice Garrett sent her apologies. 2 Service Update 2.1 Anthony Peacock (AJP) provided an update regarding performance problems last term, actions taken and current status. Those attending the meeting reported no problems since Christmas. AJP advised that information would be circulated to users about preventative actions taken, to reassure users. Attendees were asked to report any problems they find and advised that alerting systems/logs are in place. 2.2 Introduction to Information Governance Training AJP encouraged people to attend the course and take the assessment. The team are currently investigating how to identify those who should still attend the training course. For the purposes of annual revalidation, those who have completed the course would be asked to take the quiz again to refresh their knowledge. Those who fail will be asked to re-take the test. RG highlighted that a method for recognition of other training is being considered. People are encouraged to forward their certification to the team. IG Training and Awareness Service AJP asked for feedback on access to training at UCL campuses. Attendees had generally chosen sessions for availability/diary reasons rather than proximity. It was agreed that training would continue to be rotated. AJP advised that we are running one per month (see slides for dates) 2.3 Activity data AJP gave an update regarding the following usage figures and split by faculty. Population Health Sciences are using the system most at present. • • • 2.4 IG Toolkit submissions IG Training and Awareness Service IDHS Technical Environment Departmental toolkit submission TP advised that this is being worked on and will provide a pre-registered toolkit which can be used for further studies in the department. He is also working on generic documentation which can be used; this is being reviewed at the moment. AJP clarified that either ISO 27001 or the IG Toolkit can be accepted by data providers. 2.5 REDCap AJP outlined the current activity. 2.6 Current software and services AJP gave an overview of the current software and services. There are a few additions to the list and the team are always open to suggestions. 2.7 Questions on Service Update included: Q:Has anyone requested the BRISSKit package? Are we considering using it? A: No, not yet. It is a hosted package Q:Have we considered Openclinica? A: No, no one has asked for it yet. Q:Do all projects going through the IG Toolkit submission use the IDHS? A: No they don’t. Q: Do the Training notices go out in Week @ UCL? A: No we have not yet been able to get coverage in Week @ UCL. Q: Have we considered IoE? It may be worth flagging up with the person in charge of Research Facilitation at IoE. A: No – not yet, but conversations with Sarah Winmill are taking place and Trevor has spoken to IoE who are working with us to adopt our IG Framework. Q: I have had problems with it but it was found to be perhaps a problem with the version of IE? A: Couldn’t find anything wrong with the way it was set up. Asked to advise if problems still ongoing. RG encouraged people to use REDCap as it has good tools and videos. Feedback from the attendees was that it had been utilised. AJP had given an overview to people who had then picked it up easily. 3 Project Update 3.1 An update on project activities carried out in Phase 4 (Aug 14-Jul 15) was provided 3.2 AJP advised there are still delays regarding the second data centre although the hardware is installed. It is expected to be operational soon, and will provide more resilience and improved performance. 3.3 The team are costing a Consent Management system. 3.4 AJP advised they are starting to plan for 15/16 and asked for suggestions from attendees. The following were raised: • • • • Ability to use multiprocessor processes and simulation products. Individual patient analysis needs to stay in the safe environment. Linux products (AJP advised these are already available) Need to understand the secure level of environment required e.g. CPRD (AJP commented that there may be a use for a small to medium level to be considered) Storage capacity - AJP advised that Increased storage was approved last year Q: Is SAS available? A: Yes it is now available but it is in user testing to assess the optional extras. AJP advised that a survey of users would be conducted to identify other requirements. AJP encouraged people to feed back to them anything not mentioned today. Data Safe Haven User Group Meeting 27th Jan 2015 Page 2 of 3 4 Discussion and Feedback RG invited the Group to provide feedback on the User Group meetings, and suggest future topics for discussion. 5 Date of the next meeting To be arrange (one meeting per term). ATTENDEES: Name Abhishek Dixit Andy Heap Andy Ryan Anil Gunesh Anne Hoppe Anoop Sham Anthony Peacock Antony Barke Arturo Gonzalez-Izquierdo Bhavesh Varsani Fatima Wurie Jacky Pallas Kim Kingan Louise McGrath-Lone Richard Gilson Trevor Peacock Zisis Kozlakidis Area/Department/Team Farr Institute IT for SLMS Women’s Cancer IFWH Farr Institute Infection & Immunity Farr Institute ISD-IT for SLMS (Data Safe Haven Service Owner) ISD-IT for SLMS (Data Safe Haven Developer) Farr ISD-IT for SLMS (Data Safe Haven Service Operations Manager) Infection & Population Health OVPR UCL Partners ADRC-E Infection & Population Health (Chair of Data Safe Haven User Group) ISD-IT for SLMS (Information Governance Lead) Farr/UCL Data Safe Haven User Group Meeting 27th Jan 2015 Page 3 of 3