SLMS Safety Measures for Unauthorised Access

SLMS Safety Measures for
Unauthorised Access
1. Document Information
Document Name
Issue Date
Approved By
Next review
SLMS-IG13 SLMS Safety Measures for Unauthorised Access
Shane Murphy
Chair of SLMS Information Governance Steering Group (IGSG)
Three years
2. Document History
Summary of change
First draft for discussion
Approved by Chair of SLMS IGSG
SLMS IG13 Safety Measures for Unauthorised Access v1.0
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Safety Measures for Unauthorised Access
The SLMS approach to physical security is a layered one. These access controls will reduce the
prospect of unauthorised access. Consequently, the different layers will provide or facilitate
suitable safety measures in the event of an unauthorised access incident.
Physical Control Measures
A layered integrated approach should be adopted to include the following controls:
Access Control System
Pass or ID System
Visitor Control
Pass activated doors or turnstiles
Entry and exiting scanning and searching
Each of these controls will provide additional safety measures. For example all visitors must be
requested to sign in and are to be escorted at all times. Staff are responsible for escorting
visitors off SLMS premises and ensuring they sign out at reception. A record is therefore
retained of individuals on site at the time of an unauthorised access incident.
Procedures for unauthorised access incidents
1. Where a security incident or crime is in progress it should be reported immediately to the
Police via the 999 system if appropriate and the Facilities Management Security Service
2. SLMS staff must adopt a safety first approach and not intervene where such intervention
may place them and others at risk of physical safety.
3. A report form should be completed as soon as possible (using the incident report form)
after the incident and passed on as per the SLMS Incident Reporting Policy.
4. Where a criminal incident is discovered after the fact and the time of the offence is not
known, the report form should be completed as soon as the crime is discovered and then
passed on as per reporting policy, all cases of theft, burglary, criminal damage or arson
should be reported to police. e.g. it may be necessary to obtain a police crime number for
insurance purposes.
5. In the event of unauthorised access that shows physical signs of break in, the area must
be preserved as a crime scene, and police attendance should be requested.
6. In the event that unauthorised access was gained through security codes or passes
being compromised the Line Manager must immediately take appropriate action to
SLMS IG13 Safety Measures for Unauthorised Access v1.0
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prevent further unauthorised access. Security codes should be changed and any passes
used for unauthorised access should be disabled.
7. Under no circumstances should staff enter the crime scene area as this may result in
both inadmissible evidence, and also if persons unknown are still present there is danger
of personal harm and safety.
8. Once the Police have concluded their enquiries the Line Manager should prepare an
inventory of any information assets, physical assets and criminal damage.
Post Incident Support
Unauthorised physical access incidents that required the use of force can be upsetting to all
concerned and result in injuries to students or staff. After an incident ends, it is important to
ensure that staff and students are provided with the opportunity to have first aid treatment for
any injuries and provided with emotional support.
Immediate action should be taken to access medical help for any injuries that go beyond basic
first aid. If this action incudes taking a student or member of staff to hospital for treatment then
SLMS will need to ensure that a member of staff remains with the student or member of staff
until they can be ‘discharged’ to SLMS after the incident.
SLMS should reach decisions about whether, how and when to contact the family of the student
to engage them in discussing the incident and setting out subsequent actions.
In the days after an incident, SLMS should:
ensure that the incident has been recorded (as per the Incident Report Form);
Ensure that staff affected by an incident have continuing support for as long as
necessary in respect of:
physical consequences;
support to deal with any emotional stress or loss of confidence; and
Analysing and reflecting on the incident.
SLMS IG13 Safety Measures for Unauthorised Access v1.0
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