Professional Focus Paper Course: Modern Studies Level: National 5

Professional Focus Paper
Course: Modern Studies
Level: National 5
Who is this paper for and what is its purpose?
This paper is for teachers and other staff who provide learning, teaching and support as learners work towards
Modern Studies National 5.
Curriculum for Excellence is a unique opportunity to raise achievement and to ensure that all learners are better
prepared than they have been in the past for learning, life and work. This is because the new curriculum gives real
scope to build learning from 3–18 in a joined-up, seamless way. As a result, progression in learning can be much
stronger with a clear focus on attributes and capabilities, skills (including higher-order thinking skills), and
knowledge and understanding. These are delivered through the experiences and outcomes of the 3–15 Broad
General Education (BGE) and, at the senior phase, through programmes that build directly on the BGE leading to
qualifications. Because of a strengthened focus on the nature and quality of learning experiences, self-motivation is
likely to be increased and learners consequently more engaged and enthused. To ensure continuity and
progression, qualifications at the senior phase have been designed to embrace this unambiguous focus on highquality learning.
Curriculum for Excellence has the flexibility to meet the needs of all learners in their local circumstances, enabling
each to achieve their very best. For example, some centres may take the opportunity to offer qualifications over two
years which might involve learners bypassing qualifications at a given level, whereas others may enable learners to
work towards qualifications within one year. In both cases, the advice in this paper is relevant to the learning and
teaching approaches that learners will encounter. This paper, then, is intended to stimulate professional reflection
and dialogue about learning. It highlights important features of learning which are enhanced or different from
previous arrangements at this SCQF level.
How will you plan for progression in learning and teaching, building on the BGE and, if appropriate, National 4, to
meet the needs of learners?
What’s new and what are the implications for learning and teaching?
Modern Studies National 5 consists of three Units offering learners the opportunity to develop their knowledge and
understanding of contemporary political and social issues in local, Scottish, UK and international contexts. Learners
will develop an awareness of the social and political issues they will meet in their lives.
 Democracy in Scotland and the United Kingdom
 Social Issues in the United Kingdom
 International Issues
To achieve Modern Studies National 5, learners must pass all three Units, along with an assignment and question
paper, which will assess the added value of the course. Staff should note that learners are required to have a
broad-based understanding of the UK political system before either the UK or Scotland is selected as the focus of
Unit coverage.
Key aspects of Modern Studies National 5
Modern Studies National 5 builds on the social studies principles and practice advice in addition to the experiences
and outcomes within the People in Society, Economy and Business organiser of the social studies curriculum area.
Integrated approach to skills development
Learning experiences can develop a range of transferable skills in learners. These include: identifying and
explaining exaggerations; making and justifying decisions; drawing and supporting conclusions; and research and
investigation skills. While each skill-set has been allocated to a Unit for assessment purposes, staff should use
imaginative approaches to learning and teaching that embed the development of the skills across all of the
respective Units. Learners will develop a breadth of knowledge across the Unit areas covered within a local,
Scottish, UK or international context. Higher-order thinking skills can be promoted effectively as learners are
encouraged to synthesise information and make reasoned judgments including, for example, in the context of
sources presented on a topical issue.
Personalisation and choice is readily facilitated by study in the Social and International Issues Units as learners
may select topics of most interest to them. This could be done either individually or by groups of learners as they
consider different global issues, for example. The assignment offers further opportunities for greater depth and
application of learning; staff should support learners by allowing them to select an area of study that they are
motivated to pursue independently. Real-life contexts should be used by staff regularly to embed learners’
understanding of the changing nature of political systems. This is particularly relevant in modern studies with
regard to the study of democracy in Scotland and the UK.
Wider range of evidence of learning
There is a new emphasis on learning that will give rise to naturally occurring evidence and combined assessments.
Staff can make use of a wider range of forms of learning that will lead to this evidence including, for example,
through digital or oral presentations, recorded DVD/video, written work, podcasts and wall displays. Staff should
consider imaginative approaches to learning and teaching that will best reflect the depth and application of
learning, thereby ensuring that the richness of learning experiences leads naturally to the evidence required to
meet the respective outcome and assessment standards.
Hierarchy of Units
Programmes of learning should be planned to encourage learners to aim for the highest level of achievement they
can. The hierarchy of Units in modern studies allows staff to adopt a flexible approach, ensuring experiences are
well suited to individual learners. Careful planning will be required for any movement between National 5 and
National 4 so that learners complete all of the necessary outcomes and assessment standards.
Added Value
Learners will also be required to demonstrate added value in the form of an assignment and a question paper.
Learners will draw on, extend and apply the skills, knowledge and understanding gained from across the breadth of
their learning. The assignment provides an excellent opportunity for learners to demonstrate their abilities and
develop a deeper understanding of the issue they have chosen to explore. Considerable flexibility exists in the way
information is gathered for the assignment. Where possible, staff are encouraged to take learners out of the
classroom to embed understanding and allow them to gather a rich range of experiences. For example, outings to
organisations such as the Scottish Parliament, a local court, or to listen to an expert in the field of international
relations, could all provide valuable insights and promote relevant contexts for learning.
How will you ensure that the assignment will reflect learners’ progress throughout the course?
Key features of learning in Modern Studies National 5
Active learning
In Modern Studies National 5, learners are encouraged to think independently and apply their opinions and views
to real-life contexts and topical issues. These issues might range, for example, from contexts such as the American
presidential campaign to the constitutional debate about Scotland’s future. Staff should work closely with learners
in devising stimulating programmes of work and stimulating lessons that allow for personalisation and choice at all
levels. In modern studies, learners can be actively involved in this process through, for example, class debates,
staff-led questioning, peer assessment and co-operative learning strategies.
How will you plan opportunities for learners to take an active role in their learning?
Learning independently
Learning experiences will enable all learners to continue to develop skills in learning independently, either working
individually or in groups. Learners can develop confidence and self-motivation through activities that offer a choice
of approaches which promote independence. Learners will be expected to use at least two research methods in
exploring evidence as their learning takes place within the context of the assignment. Staff should work to support
learners by promoting independent learning through the gathering of a variety of different sources from which to
collate their evidence. Whole-class consideration of a variety of different sources may then allow for personalisation
and choice as learners select those most appropriate to their assignment.
The assignment provides scope for learners to gain skills in effective self-management as they reflect upon what
has been learned as a result of their own independent research. Furthermore, undertaking independent social
research will require learners to be clear about their own learning needs. Staff could, for example, support learners
in framing a suitable research question which learners can reflect upon as they develop approaches to exploring a
range of contexts. An element of self-reliance will be implicit in this process as learners engage with external
organisations, for example, by arranging an interview with an expert in their field of study, such as a judge.
How will you ensure that learners have opportunities to engage with a broad and challenging range of sources of
Responsibility for learning
In modern studies, learners are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning. Staff can promote this by
regularly asking learners to engage with understanding outside of the classroom including, for example, reading a
quality newspaper or checking a reliable news website, such as the BBC. Furthermore, modern studies allows
learners to develop an increased awareness of themselves as learners by promoting personalisation and choice,
particularly so in the assignment where learners have a broad choice in the area they select for independent study.
Effective teaching will ensure learners are encouraged to take on challenges. A critical skills-based approach to
class elections could promote challenge for all learners very well. Learning experiences will also help them to make
informed choices and decisions through reasoned debate and discussion. Learners should be involved at all stages
in monitoring their own progress including, for example, by maintaining their own learning logs.
How will you support learners to take responsibility for, and plan, their own learning?
Collaborative learning
Staff should promote collaborative working, independent thinking and learning through interdisciplinary links,
building on those from the BGE and, where appropriate, National 4. Teamwork approaches lend themselves readily
to learning and teaching in modern studies. For example, role-play activities on the work of trade unions, news
report presentations on the problems faced by developing countries or factual displays on the outcomes of different
electoral systems, could all lend themselves to teamwork approaches. Staff should look to embed roles and
responsibilities for learners within the lessons they create. This could be done, for example, by adopting cooperative learning practices or a critical skills approach that require every learner to be involved. Ensuring that
responsibility is a shared process across the learning will help learners to develop a willingness to address
challenges set by staff collaboratively, while also fostering progression in their interpersonal skills.
How will you ensure that learners have the confidence to take on appropriate roles and responsibilities in
collaborative tasks?
Applying learning
Staff should look to embed thematic approaches to learning and teaching wherever possible to promote effective
learning and skills development across the areas studied. This could be done with regard to social inequalities, for
example, which is an area of learning in the Social Issues and in the International Issues Units.
Extended writing is promoted and credited highly in Modern Studies National 5, so it is important for learners to
have the opportunity to engage in this type of activity in a range of contexts. Exposing learners to a diverse mixture
of texts will enable them to develop further their critical thinking skills. They might do this by questioning, for
example, the reliability and consistency of information on a number of websites. The assignment will also allow for
considerable scope in the development of learners’ writing skills. Learners will become familiar with statistical
information in a range of different formats, such as election statistics or public opinion surveys. This information will
be dealt with in a critical manner to prompt learners to draw conclusions, detect exaggeration or to make a decision
based on the evidence presented.
Links with a range of curriculum areas such as mathematics, English and other social subjects, are essential to
help learners apply and make connections in their learning. This will help to ensure that their skills are reinforced
and transferrable.
How can you ensure that learners can access opportunities to apply their learning in different curriculum areas?
Qualification information
The SQA website provides practitioners with the following documentation:
Assessment Overview
Course Specification
Unit Specification
Support Notes
Course Assessment Specification
Unit Assessment Support Packages
Full information on arrangements for this qualification is available at the SQA website:
Modern Studies National 5:
What other materials are available on the Education Scotland website which staff
could use?
Support materials have been produced over the last year to support Curriculum for Excellence and further support
materials and events are planned. This downloadable list is updated quarterly with the most up-to-date details
available from the page below.
Published and planned support for Curriculum for Excellence:
T +44 (0)141 282 5000 E W
Education Scotland, Denholm House, Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston EH54 6GA
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