ADDITIONAL ANALYSIS Robbery - Burglary - Larceny January - June 2007/2008 OFFENSES TOTAL ARRESTS BY OFFENSE January - June 2008 OFFENSES Jan. - June Jan. - June Percent 2007 2008 Change ROBBERY Highway 3,851 3,582 -7 Commercial House 442 429 -3 Gas, Service Station 217 161 -26 Convenience Store 278 328 18 Residence 467 485 4 Bank 110 85 -23 Miscellaneous 673 617 -8 6,038 5,687 -6 12,101 13,457 11 Night 3,267 3,394 4 Day 5,439 6,380 17 Unknown 3,395 3,683 8 Nonresidence (total) 5,350 5,260 Night 2,739 Total Robbery Offenses BURGLARY Residence (total) Day Unknown Total Burglary Offenses County Adult Juvenile Arrests Arrests Total Arrests 118 14 132 Rape 154 39 193 Robbery 1,371 757 2,128 Burlington Aggravated Assault 3,749 789 4,538 Camden Burglary 2,411 712 3,123 Larceny-Theft 9,836 2,919 12,755 375 130 505 18,014 5,360 23,374 9 - 9 11,036 2,461 13,497 81 117 198 870 32 902 2,539 77 2,616 68 4 72 Motor Vehicle Theft SUBTOTAL Index Offenses Manslaughter Other Assaults Arson Forgery & Counterfeiting Fraud Embezzlement -2 1,449 531 1,980 2,612 -5 Criminal/Malicious Mischief 1,963 1,668 3,631 999 917 -8 Weapons: Carrying, Possessing, etc. 1,839 817 2,656 1,612 1,731 7 Prostitution and Commercialized Vice 651 17 668 17,451 18,717 7 Sex Offenses (Except rape & prostitution) 610 186 796 24,548 3,029 27,577 88 18 106 8,172 92 8,264 11,901 170 12,071 2,504 1,240 3,744 Pocket-picking 610 609 * Gambling Purse-snatching 490 536 9 Offenses against Family & Children 9,554 10,443 9 Driving Under the Influence 13,869 16,817 21 Liquor Laws Motor Vehicle parts & jaccessories 4,311 4,227 -2 Disorderly Conduct 8,932 2,403 11,335 Bicycles 2,980 2,825 -5 Vagrancy 1,006 16 1,022 75,633 4,298 79,931 12,876 12,629 -2 All Other Offenses (except traffic) 163 315 93 Curfew & Loitering Law Violations - 2,423 2,423 All Other 16,500 17,111 4 Runaways - 2,092 2,092 Total Larceny Offenses 61,353 65,512 7 GRAND TOTAL From buildings From coin-operated machines * Indicates less than one-half of one percent. Bergen Cape May Cumberland Essex Gloucester Hudson Hunterdon Mercer Stolen Property: Buying, Receiving, Possessing, etc. Drug Abuse Violations From Motor Vehicles Atlantic Murder LARCENY Shoplifting COUNTY CRIME INDEX TRENDS — PERCENT CHANGE — January - June 2007/2008 171,913 27,051 198,964 Middlesex Monmouth Morris Ocean Passaic Salem Somerset Sussex Union Warren Year 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 Murder Rape Robbery 7 16 2 6 4 7 16 35 6 8 72 50 2 12 19 14 16 4 9 6 3 1 3 5 3 13 11 1 3 2 1 1 12 12 3 - * Percent change less than one-half of one percent. 33 37 17 15 35 37 56 88 15 20 21 8 72 63 12 22 41 35 4 12 23 29 37 45 35 34 17 21 15 33 16 31 5 4 14 8 3 4 37 38 3 2 331 263 157 165 127 136 611 534 51 29 209 176 1,255 1,166 91 98 904 879 3 352 308 322 255 235 244 58 58 96 102 562 598 15 29 46 67 4 604 563 5 17 Aggravated Assault 402 355 274 287 200 209 759 756 111 105 307 322 1,209 1,238 183 182 869 801 34 30 396 312 350 419 367 326 127 139 249 248 644 613 81 57 41 68 53 36 425 385 40 43 Violent Crime Total 773 671 450 473 366 389 1,442 1,413 177 154 543 514 2,608 2,517 288 302 1,826 1,734 41 42 785 665 713 728 643 607 203 221 365 386 1,235 1,253 102 90 104 145 61 41 1,078 998 51 62 Burglary 923 939 890 860 626 730 1,693 1,765 465 405 677 696 2,173 2,532 613 777 1,376 1,537 116 98 764 830 1,342 1,342 1,059 1,034 571 521 902 1,219 1,383 1,264 194 193 404 388 129 197 1,027 1,241 124 149 Motor Nonviolent LarcenyVehicle Crime Theft Theft Total 3,332 3,387 4,539 4,880 2,760 2,914 5,211 5,860 1,426 1,284 2,046 1,993 5,749 6,122 2,407 2,881 4,405 4,600 427 462 2,519 2,485 5,296 6,048 4,246 4,630 2,216 2,059 3,728 4,058 3,464 3,764 528 531 1,737 1,651 631 712 4,167 4,588 519 603 244 243 462 369 253 232 975 982 60 54 134 111 3,307 3,212 216 216 990 942 26 22 362 335 616 566 263 241 109 138 176 216 671 840 50 46 146 121 33 31 1,064 1,111 40 42 Total Crime Index 4,499 5,272 4,569 5,240 5,891 6,341 6,109 6,582 3,639 4,005 3,876 4,265 7,879 9,321 8,607 10,020 1,951 2,128 1,743 1,897 2,857 3,400 2,800 3,314 11,229 13,837 11,866 14,383 3,236 3,524 3,874 4,176 6,771 8,597 7,079 8,813 569 610 582 624 3,645 4,430 3,650 4,315 7,254 7,967 7,956 8,684 5,568 6,211 5,905 6,512 2,896 3,099 2,718 2,939 4,806 5,171 5,493 5,879 5,518 6,753 5,868 7,121 772 874 770 860 2,287 2,391 2,160 2,305 793 854 940 981 6,258 7,336 6,940 7,938 683 734 794 856 Percent Arson Change -1 4 6 8 -11 -3 4 19 3 2 -3 9 5 -5 14 5 -2 -4 15 8 17 39 34 22 32 51 39 129 102 4 9 16 21 91 91 34 26 68 60 7 6 20 31 48 46 28 29 21 9 37 41 15 18 8 13 10 7 8 7 16 15 9 4 Domestic Bias Violence Incident Offenses Reports 2,600 2,117 2,175 2,008 1,735 1,689 3,144 2,868 483 407 1,543 1,484 2,387 2,148 1,502 1,484 2,147 1,997 273 277 1,559 1,372 2,434 2,203 2,678 2,386 1,192 1,164 2,544 2,482 1,968 1,854 315 267 1,056 1,034 478 467 1,761 1,792 615 681 12 9 26 39 4 22 21 15 8 2 3 15 10 25 22 10 20 5 3 11 8 52 55 88 112 13 31 42 38 18 4 16 14 4 3 7 15 5 4 10 9,362 8,492 5 8,614 1,913 162 9 2008 68 8 2007 45 135 509 748 6,286 415 7,763 430 1,687 729 541 5,646 37,263 6,233 2,727 23 2008 197 869 1,638 26,393 1,910 34,536 35,659 32,994 1,883 25,273 5,838 2,665 1,612 18 2007 156 879 10,571 9,930 4,784 169 2008 321 4,656 9,926 10,460 5,024 158 2007 310 NEW JERSEY UNIFORM CRIME REPORTING (January - June 2007/2008) 4,968 30,434 32,833 7,787 7,745 48,147 51,149 58,607 61,079 4 Percent Change Statistics presented here were gathered under the Uniform Crime Reporting Program of New Jersey and were submitted by all law enforcement agencies within the state. Attempts at comparison of resulting crime figures should not be made without first considering the individual crime factors that exist in each county. The New Jersey Crime Index increased 5 percent for the six-month period January through June 2008, compared with January through June 2007. The violent crime category, which consists of Murder, Rape, Robbery and Aggravated Assault, decreased 3 percent, and the nonviolent crime group consisting of Burglary, Larceny-Theft and Motor Vehicle Theft increased 6 percent. Individual increases in violent crime were recorded as follows: Murder, 9 percent and Rape, 15 percent. Robbery decreased 6 percent and Aggravated Assault decreased 3 percent. In the non-violent crime category, increases were recorded as follows: Burglary and Larceny-Theft both increased 7 percent, while Motor Vehicle Theft experienced a change of less than one-half of one percent. Arson decreased 6 percent. The number of Domestic Violence offenses decreased 7 percent, and the number of reported Bias Incident offenses increased 11 percent. Recorded below are the individual crime volumes and percent changes for this six-month period. STATE OF NEW JERSEY - CRIME INDEX TRENDS January - June Percent Change 2007/2008 Offenses known to police: Index Offenses Murder Rape Robbery Aggravated Assault Burglary Larceny-Theft Motor Vehicle Theft Total Crime Index Violent Crime Nonviolent Crime Arson Domestic Violence Bias Incidents Jan. - June 2007 184 511 6,038 7,121 17,451 61,353 10,100 102,758 13,854 88,904 681 34,589 384 Jan. - June 2008 201 586 5,687 6,931 18,717 65,512 10,070 107,704 13,405 94,299 640 32,181 426 Percent Change 9 15 -6 -3 7 7 * 5 -3 6 -6 -7 11 Rural Suburban * Percent change less than one-half of one percent. Urban Total Crime Index Nonviolent Crime Total Motor Vehicle Theft Violent Crime Burglary LarcenyTheft Total Year Murder Rape Robbery Aggravated Assault Character Nonviolent Crime Violent Crime URBAN - SUBURBAN - RURAL CRIMES The individual offenses for each of the areas are listed below. CRIME INDEX TRENDS - PERCENT CHANGE January - June 2007/2008 Issued by the State of New Jersey Office of the Attorney General Department of Law & Public Safety Anne Milgram, Attorney General Col. Joseph R. Fuentes, Superintendent, New Jersey State Police State of New Jersey Department of Law & Public Safety Division of State Police (Uniform Crime Reporting Unit) Post Office Box 7068 West Trenton, New Jersey 08628-0068 Issued by the State of New Jersey Office of the Attorney General Dept. of Law & Public Safety Anne Milgram, Attorney General Col. Joseph R. Fuentes Superintendent, New Jersey State Police Prepared by the Uniform Crime Reporting Unit, New Jersey State Police, in conjunction with the Advisory Representative on Uniform Crime Reporting, New Jersey State Chiefs of Police Association. All 2008 crime figures from reporting units are preliminary. Final figures are published in the Annual Report.