South Lanarkshire Council
Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts
Pivot Tables
Creating a Pivot Table
Editing a Pivot Table
Quick Method of Changing Layout
Practice Material 1
Practice Material 2
Practice Material 3
Creating a Pivot Chart
Practice Material 1
Practice Material 2
Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts
Pivot Tables
A pivot table creates an interactive summary from a vast amount of data. If
you were working in a local garage selling cars you would have many
entries listed within your spreadsheet showing the amount each customer
owes. By using Pivot tables the amounts owing can be shown by
customer, make of car or by date when they purchased the car. You can
change the way the data is laid out by rotating the rows and columns to
see different views of the data.
Creating a Pivot Table
1 Open the file Pivot Table 1.
Look at the data within the spreadsheet. We are now going to create a
Pivot table to summarise the data held within the spreadsheet.
2 Move the pointer to the Data menu and select Pivot table and Pivot
chart report as shown below.
Click on the
data tab.
Select Pivot
table and report
as shown here.
3 The first window from the Pivot table wizard will appear on screen.
Ensure the Microsoft Excel
button is selected for where
we to find the data for our
Pivot table.
Click on Pivot table
as the report we
want to create.
Click Next.
Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts
4 The second step of the wizard is asking for the range of cells that we
want to use in our Pivot table.
Check all cells with
data are included in
the range.
Click Next.
If the data range is incorrect click on the first cell to be included in the
spreadsheet and drag to the last cell.
3 The third step is asking where we want to put the Pivot table. For this
exercise select a New Worksheet.
Click on New
Click on Layout.
4 We are now going to decide the layout for our Pivot table.
These are the field
buttons which can be
dragged to the desired
position in the report.
Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts
Create the following layout by dragging the field buttons as shown
Double click on the
Sum of Price field
5 The following window will appear which we can use to format cells
within the Pivot table.
Click on Number and from
the format menu select
currency, 2 decimal
places with a £ symbol.
Click OK to return to this
6 Click OK on the window.
7 On screen you be step 3 of the wizard as shown below.
Click on
Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts
8 Your Pivot table should be the same as shown below.
9 In column J the computer has inserted the total received in a particular
We can now change the data viewed on our screen by selecting
different options from the drop down menus.
10 Click on the tab at the bottom of the screen for the Pivot Table and
rename it as Pivot Table Own Initials.
11 Click on cell B1 and select Hamilton from the list.
This shows all the cars sold in Hamilton. We can further summarise the
data by clicking on Model.
11 Click on cell B3 and select Mazda 323.
Note: The quickest way to select just one model is remove the tick from
Show All and then click on Mazda 323.
12 Your Pivot table should be the same as below.
13 Insert your name in the footer and save the spreadsheet.
Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts
Editing a Pivot Table
1 Restore the Pivot Table 1 so that all data is visible.
2 Ensure the Pivot table toolbar (shown below) is on the screen, if it is
not visible go to the View menu, drag down to Toolbars and select
Pivot table.
Click on the arrow to pull
down a menu.
3 From the menu that appears drag down and select Wizard.
Select Wizard.
4 Step 3 of the Pivot table wizard will appear on your screen. Click on
layout to return to the layout window of the Pivot table.
5 Change the layout by dragging the field buttons to be the same as
To obtain Average of
Price double click on
sum and from the
menu select Average
then click OK.
Click OK
Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts
6 Click Finish on the step 3 wizard menu.
7 We can now select a particular model of car and receive the names of
the purchasers of these models.
8 Select Peugeot 206 from the model list.
On screen should be all the customers that have bought a Peugeot
206 from Fastcars Ltd.
9 Further summarise this data by selecting Glasgow garage from the list,
On screen we have the customers in Glasgow who have purchased a
Peugeot 206.
10 Save the spreadsheet.
11 Print a copy of the Pivot table.
Quick Method of Changing Layout
You can change the layout while being in the Pivot table itself by dragging
the field buttons to the appropriate place.
1 Move the fields as shown below to obtain the layout.
Drag Customers Name
to the page section of
the Report.
Drag Garage down to the
Row section of the Report.
2 Your Pivot table should be the same as above.
Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts
Practice Material 1
1 Open up the file Practice Material 1.
2 Create a Pivot table report as follows:
Page - Department
Row - Last Name
Column - Branch
Data - Average of Grade (format to a whole number)
3 Insert a footer in the spreadsheet.
4 Save the spreadsheet.
5 Print one copy of the Pivot table.
Practice Material 2
1 Using the spreadsheet from Part A locate all the Human Resources
employees who work in Glasgow.
2 Save the spreadsheet and print one copy.
Practice Material 3
1 Using Practical Material 1 again create a report to show a Pivot table
where you can find the number of Grade 3s who work in Finance
Department within the Ayr branch.
2 Also show the total number of staff within each department using the
Count function.
3 Save the spreadsheet.
4 Print one copy of the Pivot table.
Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts
Creating a Pivot Chart
To create a Pivot chart we must first have created a Pivot table as the
chart will be linked to the Pivot table. This is the same way that the data in
a spreadsheet is linked to a chart in the charts we have created so far
using Excel.
1 Open up Pivot table 1 file.
2 Click on a cell within the Pivot table.
3 Click on the chart icon
on the Pivot table toolbar.
4 The following chart should appear on your screen:
Customers (All)
Average of Price
Garage Model
5 At the moment the chart seems quite complicated to look at but in the
same way we can summarise the data held with a Pivot table we can
also summarise the data on the chart by using the labels around the
chart as each one has a dropped down menu. You can also change
the layout of the Pivot table to help make your chart clearer.
6 Change the Pivot table layout to the following:
Customer Name as the Page Field Button
Garage as the Column Field Button
Model as the Row Field Button
and Sum of Price as the data.
7 Show on the chart a comparison of sales for East Kilbride, Glasgow
and Hamilton garages.
Nissan Micra
Ford Fiesta
Audi A3
Volvo S40
Peugeot 206
Ford Fiesta
Nissan Micra
Fiat Punto
Volvo S40
Peugeot 206
Mazda 323
Fiat Punto
Volvo S40
Peugeot 206
Mazda 323
Ford Fiesta
Audi A3
VW Golf
Audi A3
VW Golf
Volvo S40
Nissan Micra
Mazda 323
Ford Fiesta
Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts
8 Save the chart and print one copy of it.
Practice Material 1
1 Open the file Practice Material 1.
2 Change the Pivot table layout so that you can chart the Number of staff
within each branch.
3 Print a copy of your chart.
4 Summarise your chart to show the Sales & Marketing staff for each
5 Print a copy of the chart.
6 Save the file.
Practice Material 2
1 Open the file Holiday Pivot.
2 Create a Pivot table and chart to show the number of Holiday
Reps/Supervisors based in each country.
Make sure when creating the chart that country is on the X axis. You
can insert a field button more than once within your layout.
3 Insert a footer in the spreadsheet.
4 Print a copy of both the Pivot table and the chart.
5 Close down the spreadsheet.