USING I.T. IN ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES SECTION 1 Using information technology in accounting procedures Information technology (IT) is the outcome of the convergence of computers and telecommunications; it is the technology of automated information processing and communication. We live in the information age; modern businesses must treat information as a valued resource in order to prosper. Much more information must be generated than the historical profit or loss incurred during each accounting period. A steady stream of information is needed to enable firms to make sound planning decisions and to control their operations. Businesses that use information effectively can take advantage of their opportunities and gain ground on their competitors. Organisations use policies and procedures to ensure that tasks and problems are dealt with in the same way each time they are carried out. The various procedures carried out by different departments must allow themselves to be interrelated to ensure processed information is available for managerial decision making. The development of computers and improved communications has enabled businesses to collect, process and transmit information much more quickly, and as an integral part of this system, accounting has had to move with the times away from the concept of management and financial accounting with its main focus on historical information to a situation where a central computerised system allows up-to-the-minute information to be available on a 24-hour basis. This new concept is known as a management information system (MIS) and the accounting information system (AIS) will be a specialised subsection of this whose purpose is to collect, process and report information related to financial transactions. The AIS will allow data to be picked up in the departments, as close to the transactions as possible. From there it is transferred to a central computerised system where it is used to produce up-to-the-minute information for all departments. Formal reports and summaries will continue to be produced at regular intervals but now user departments will be able to access the system directly and obtain answers to their questions directly from the system. The development of improved USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 1 USING I.T. IN ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES communications and better computers linked with developments in office services is what is termed ‘information technology’. This change can result in the accountant’s role changing within the workplace to the point where an accountant is an information manager supplying relevant, accurate and up-to-date information whenever required. Accountants process accounting data to produce accounting information. The process starts with unsorted transactions which must be processed into information which will enable users to see how a business is progressing. Inputs Reports ! Accounting System Outputs ! ! Amendments ! Transactions Processes Statements Basic Principle of any Accounting System In traditional manual systems, data has to be entered several times, not only by the accounting department but the same data would be recorded by other departments such as sales. This duplication costs businesses a large amount of time and money. Developments in data processing have sought to reduce this duplication and reduce the volume of work involved as well as producing more information from the same data in a shorter length of time. Advances in computer technology have seen systems developing which have allowed a reduction in routine work and data backlog. Initially these systems were built up as businesses grew, meeting their requirements at the time. Unfortunately it usually resulted in departments continuing to keep their own information within their own systems as each department catered for its own specific needs. Over time, however, the advantage of centralisation has been recognised, allowing data to be shared by all departments with users accessing information as required. These improved data systems allow data to be stored on a central system and ensure updated information is constantly available to all departments and users internally as well as externally through being connected to local and wide area networks. 2 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) USING I.T. IN ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES An example of how this data processing can be effective is the issue of overdue accounts which has long been a substantial problem to businesses. Data about sales made on credit would be input, processed by storing in the appropriate file, and automatically output by periodically sending statements to these customers. The data processing cycle used within accounting information systems can be illustrated as follows: Input Collect data Storage ! Check accuracy of data Processing ! Classify: group data according to category (type of goods sold, department where sold, salesperson who sold them) Accumulate data for later use Calculate: add, subtract, divide, multiply to yield particular piece of information Sort: arrange data in a sequence (alphabetical, chronological or numerical) ! Summarise: reduce data to a concise and usable form Output Communicate information to users in appropriate form USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 3 USING I.T. IN ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES Computerised data processing is widely used to great advantage within retail establishments. The use of scanners and bar codes has dramatically changed the procedures carried out in retail. The input is when the goods are scanned at the till. The label is read by the scanner which processes this information by linking back to the central server and provides a unique code which identifies the country of origin, supplier, article size and article itself. The stock record for the item is automatically reduced by one and the price is transmitted back to the cashier where it is visually displayed as well as printed on a till roll together with the description. The output is a till receipt with the transaction description and the transaction total. It has also allowed switch and credit card transactions to be widely available in retail outlets as a result of electronic funds transfer (EFT). Instead of using paper, money can be transferred electronically. EFT uses the computer networks to transfer money – in the case of retail, the money is transferred from the purchaser’s account directly to the shop’s account, this is known as electronic funds transfer at point-of-sale (EFTPOS). The code number is input by running the card through the swipe where the code number is first checked against a list of stolen cards. The card itself is then authenticated to prove it is valid. The process is then continued by reading the cardholder’s account balance and matching this with the transaction total of the bill. The output is then a visual sign ‘Accepted’ and a transaction voucher is printed. 4 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) USING I.T. IN ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES Tasks 1. What is the main change to accounting procedures resulting from the introduction of computerised information systems? 2. Explain the main change to an accountant’s role in the workplace with the implementation of an AIS. 3. Explain why a business would decide to computerise their accounting system? 4. Describe the input, process and output of using a Visa credit card to buy a new washing machine. 5. Identify and explain seven characteristics of good quality information. 6. Write a memo to your supervisor to explain how using IT would enhance each of the seven characteristics listed above. USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 5 6 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) USING INTEGRATED SOFTWARE IN ACCOUNTING SECTION 2 Using integrated software in accounting The outputs from an accounting system are information on which decisions are based. This information has added value if it reduces a decision maker’s uncertainty concerning a decision and yields marginal benefits greater than marginal costs. The use of computers within this process adds value to the quality of the information made available in terms of accuracy, timeliness, conciseness, clarity, quantifiability and consistency. It is possible for a business to develop its own software which is customised to meet its exact needs. However, the cost and time involved is usually prohibitive to small and medium-sized firms which would normally attempt to find a ready-written software package which operates to meet their needs. The advantages of buying in ready-written software can be seen in terms of: • Time saved in not having to develop customised software • Customised software development is very costly whereas general packages can be purchased fairly cheaply • Most software packages are user-friendly and allow information to be transferred between applications. There are of course disadvantages: • Poorly designed manuals or telephone support can cause problems • All the features required may not be available. Ready-written software products incorporating spreadsheets, databases and word processors can be used very effectively bringing many advantages to businesses. Let’s consider the role of each application within accounting procedures. USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 7 USING INTEGRATED SOFTWARE IN ACCOUNTING Word processing Word processing can be described as a superior form of typing. This application can be used to create, store and manipulate text. Text can be edited, rearranged, formatted, margins justified, page breaks defined and documents merged. The following tasks can be carried out using a word processor: • individual letters to clients regarding their financial position • standard letters can be sent to a large number of customers using the ‘mail merge’ facility and linking to a database of client details which can be searched to match specific criteria • replicated financial reports to senior managers • complex legal documents can be produced using standard paragraphs of previously prepared text • price quotations, invoices, etc. can be produced simply from stored templates • text such as salary lists, price lists, etc., can be regularly updated. Spreadsheets This application is made up of a series of rows and columns with each intersection forming a cell. Each cell has a unique reference number and is used to store data either in the form of a value, a constant or a formula. In addition it displays data in a form familiar to accountants and eliminates the onerous chore of manual calculating. Formulae can be used to add, divide, multiply as well as handle more complicated ‘what if’ scenarios. Thus if a forecast sales estimate increases from 1% to 3% per month, the spreadsheet formula will automatically recalculate the expected sales levels. A further benefit is that any change in the variable will be reflected in all of the formulae used whether direct or indirect. Facilities including cut & paste, deleting and adding rows and columns and replicating formula all add value to the use of this application in accounting procedures. The following can be created using a spreadsheet: • • • • • • Trading, Profit & Loss Accounts Balance Sheets Cash Flow Statements Cash Flow Forecasts Charts and Graphs Templates to prepare consolidated financial statements. 8 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) USING INTEGRATED SOFTWARE IN ACCOUNTING Databases Although within accounting financial reporting is emphasised, data collection is an integral part of the full accounting cycle. A database is an electronic filing system made up of a collection of related records which allows data to be manipulated as records and fields. Once a database has been created it is simple to find, add, edit, delete and sort records. It is also relatively easy to search large amounts of data and list records to match specific criteria within seconds. A database can be used to perform the following tasks: • • • • • store client details search client details for those in debit exceeding a given figure prepare information for financial management decision making perform calculations such as salary payments present records in various styles such as lists, reports and forms. Tasks 7. Describe the following computer applications in terms of their use within accounting procedures: • Word processing • Databases • Spreadsheets 8. Identify the most suitable applications for each of the following accounting problems presently being carried out manually and highlight the advantages in each case of using computerised applications. • A letter to be sent to all clients currently in one month’s arrears of payments. • A report to be sent to shareholders displaying forecast financial position in graph form. • Legal contract issued to all members of staff outlining their conditions of service and salaries. USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 9 USING INTEGRATED SOFTWARE IN ACCOUNTING 9. A local garage provides a discounted yearly car winter service to regular customers. However, the time taken to inform all customers that this service is available is prohibitive as it involves looking through numerous files to identify those who have used the garage services over the last year, accessing their personal details and writing letters individually to each customer. Explain by using an input, process and output model how using information technology could be advantageous to this small business. Each input, process and output should be pertinent to the problem stated. 10. Jenny Jones Designs produces unique pieces of jewellery for discerning customers. Trade has really increased as a result of a recent advertising campaign. Jenny makes the jewellery herself and also has to deal with invoicing customers. This involves accessing customer details, calculating cost price, adding VAT and profit margin then writing out an invoice to each client. Using an input, process and output model illustrate how Jenny could use information technology to beneficial effect within her business ensuring each item in each category is relevant to the problem in hand. 10 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) WHY USE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY? SECTION 3 Why use information technology? The use of information technology can be seen to be breaking down barriers between departments and providing far more information than ever previously available. It can also be said to be responsible for bringing accountants into the mainstream of strategic management. It allows accountants to be free from much of the routine day-to-day work previously undertaken manually and ensures top quality information can be communicated when it is needed. Computers are able to process data more effectively than humans, not only performing computations with lightning speed but also with extreme accuracy. A computer can process hundreds of transactions without making a single error in the time that a human requires to process a single transaction. Computers are more dependable in that they do not become tired, bored, emotional or ‘hung over’. Computers can save time, for example a word processing operator can correct a stored version of a document rather than having to re–key the whole document. As computers can process information quickly and transmit the resulting information without delay, information can be shared more widely and effectively throughout an organisation. Computers can have diverse effects on individual employees. Although the cost of implementing IT can be very high, in the long run companies see cost savings. Many of these tend to come from replacing humans with computers. Middle-level managers in particular may see their job security weakened when computers are installed as some businesses lay off staff. Nevertheless, many employees learn new skills related to the use of computer technology thereby increasing their job satisfaction and enhancing their employability status. Another benefit is the reduced need to travel. More and more people can work from home (teleworking) which reduces the number of car journeys taken and consequently reduces pollution of the atmosphere. Similarly, the introduction of video conferencing facilities has made it easier for colleagues to ‘meet’ to discuss ideas without them all having to travel to the same place. USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 11 WHY USE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY? However, equipment faults can happen and can result in a loss of information which might be damaging for the organisation. It could result in the loss of clients or damage to its reputation. Without computers a firm’s data can be scattered in files, folders and drawers throughout various department with much data being duplicated or difficult to find. Computers can consolidate this data. Consequently security is of paramount importance. The consolidation of data which occurs when using an IT system means that lots of data is stored in a central unit which can be easily moved or removed. If the computers are linked via networks, access can be gained relatively easily. To improve security businesses must use two types of control: physical control which includes locking doors, storing data in safes and issuing ID cards to users, and logical control which includes using a password system with regular password changes and setting different access levels for different members of staff. Advantages • Large amounts of routine data can be processed quickly with a great deal of accuracy • Space can be saved by storing data on disk • Files can be secured from improper access through the use of passwords • Stored figures can be used over and over again • Data can be revised and printed out in many forms such as an invoice, a statement chasing up payment or a letter threatening legal action if payment is not received • Information can be shared widely throughout the organisation • Manually complex tasks such as comparisons can be produced simply • Increased job satisfaction for employees as new skills are learned • Improved reporting and analysis which can lead to more effective decision-making • Reduced need to travel • Increase in teleworking. Disadvantages • Costs of buying hardware and software can be high • Systems can be entered electronically and contents removed or damaged • Heavy reliance on computers makes businesses vulnerable to damage or breakdown. • Some employees may find it difficult to adapt to changes in their working procedures 12 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) WHY USE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY? • Training is required at some level for all staff which can be costly in terms of time and money • Some redundancies may occur causing anxiety amongst staff. Tasks 11. Why has information technology resulted in accountants being more involved in strategic management? Use the world wide web and search engines to determine answers to the following questions: 12. What are the advantages of the reduced need to travel? 13. What are the advantages of an increase in the number of people working from home? 14. Identify an example of where people have lost jobs due to the introduction of computers. 15. Identify a situation where jobs have been created as a result of computer implementation. 16. Working in groups prepare a presentation either for or against computerising your organisation’s accounting system. Use PowerPoint or some form of visual display to present your findings to the class. USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 13 14 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) SPECIALISED ACCOUNTING PACKAGES SECTION 4 Specialised accounting packages An application package is a suite of programs together with the appropriate systems documentation. Initially customised accounting software was often specially written for specific firms and adapted in an attempt to suit other companies. This resulted in incompatibility with existing manual procedures requiring drastic changes to be made to how a firm conducted its business. Nowadays specialist accounting software is designed to offer as much flexibility as possible, providing a range of options which can be tailored to suit a variety of needs. Furthermore, it is user–friendly, allowing users a series of choices through menu screens with help screens available for the new user. Modern packages are also designed to deal with general office tasks such as producing reports and for general business calculations. A starting point for a business when selecting a specialised accounting package is to assess exactly what tasks it wants carried out. Thereafter, costs such as hardware and software, installation and training should be considered and the most appropriate package identified. The benefits of using a package are that the expertise involved is tried and tested and system documentation is provided with the package. Packages can be obtained for a variety of applications such as: • • • • payroll purchase ledger stock control sales accounting. Popular examples of accounting packages are Sage, Omni Accounts and Moneysoft. USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 15 16 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) USING SPREADSHEETS SECTION 5 Using spreadsheets for recording and apportioning cost elements The following problems will illustrate the use of spreadsheets within accounting and finance. The first problem will be solved step-by-step to allow you to understand the layout and formulae used. Task 17 S Watson owns a business producing wrought iron goods. The production is split into three departments, Moulding, Assembly and Packing. The budgeted costs for the next year are projected as follows: Job No 2811 Information 1 Allocated Overheads Indirect Costs £8,500 £5,540 £4,415 Moulding Assembly Packing £18,455 Overhead Apportioning Rent and Rates Heat and Light Building Insurance Canteen Costs £50,000 £45,000 £12,000 £6,000 £113,000 £131,455 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 17 USING SPREADSHEETS The departmental absorption rates are as follows: Basis Area (m2) Direct Labour Hours Direct Machine Hours No of Employees Moulding 400 Assembly 300 Packing 100 15,000 30,000 1,000 15,000 3 25,000 2 2,000 3 Job No 2811 Information 2 Job No 2811 Information 3 The production overhead costs have to be recovered on the following basis: Moulding – direct machine hours Assembly – direct labour hours Packing – direct labour hours The following job has to be costed: Job Card for Job No 2811 Job No 2811 Information 4 Moulding – 2 hours Assembly – 3 hours Packing – 1 hour Direct raw materials used – £60 Direct labour – 4 hours at £6.50 per hour Direct expenses – £40 for administration Profit margin – 15% of cost price for the job Open up a spreadsheet and save as S Watson – Job No 2811 Set up the spreadsheet template as follows: 18 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) USING SPREADSHEETS A 1 B C D E F Moulding Assembly Packing Total Basis Total Moulding Assembly Packing £ £ £ £ £ Basis Total Hours Absorption Rates Dept Rate Applied Hours O/Hs Absorbed Hours Rate S Watson – Overhead Analysis 2 3 4 Area (sq m) 5 Direct Labour Hours 6 Direct Machine Hours 7 No of Employees 8 9 Overhead to be Apportioned 10 Overhead 11 12 Indirect Costs 13 Rent & Rates 14 Heat & Light 15 Building Insurance 16 Canteen Costs 17 Dept Totals Allocated 18 19 Overhead Absorption Rates 20 Overhead 21 Moulding 22 Assembly 23 Packing 24 25 26 JOB NO 2811 Overheads 27 Moulding 28 Assembly 29 Packing 30 Total 31 32 Direct Materials 33 34 Direct Labour 35 Direct Expenses 36 37 Total Cost 38 39 Profit Margin 40 41 Job Price USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 19 USING SPREADSHEETS Using the data given in the four Information Boxes at the beginning of the task complete the following steps: (a) Key the data for cells B4–D7 directly from the departmental absorption rate table contained in Information card 2. (b) Apportion each overhead by allocating the most appropriate basis into cells B13–B17 from the four methods available in Information card 2. (c) Key in the Indirect Costs for each area into cells D12–F12 from the information given on Allocated Overheads on Information card 1. (d) Key in the total overheads given in the previous information on Information card 1 for each item in cells C12–C16. Check your spreadsheet with the following: A 1 B C D E Moulding Assembly Packing Total F S Watson – Overhead Analysis 2 3 4 Area (sq m) 400 300 100 5 Direct Labour Hours 15,000 30,000 1,000 6 Direct Machine Hours 15,000 25,000 2,000 7 No of Employees 3 2 3 Basis Total Moulding Assembly Packing £ £ £ £ £ Allocated 18,455 8,500 5,540 4,415 8 9 Overhead to be Apportioned 10 Overhead 11 12 Indirect Costs 13 Rent & Rates Area (sq m) 50,000 14 Heat & Light Area (sq m) 45,000 15 Building Insurance Area (sq m) 12,000 16 Canteen Costs No of Emp 17 Dept Totals 20 6,000 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) USING SPREADSHEETS Formulae must now be entered to complete the spreadsheet. (e) Enter the formula into cell E4 to total the three departments =SUM(B4:D4). (f) This formula can then be replicated into cells E5:E7 (click on F4, move mouse to bottom left hand corner and drag down). (g) To apportion overheads a formula must be input to divide the total overhead by the total of the indirect costs then multiplying this by the indirect costs of the appropriate department. However, to ensure that the cells being referenced within the formula are constant we make the total overhead cell and the total indirect costs cell absolute by pressing F4 after inserting the cell reference. This allows formulae to be copied across the row whilst making certain that the correct cell is referenced in the formula. To calculate the Rent and Rates overhead to be apportioned to the Moulding department a suitable formula must be keyed in: • In cell D13 key in = to begin the formula • Click on the cell containing the total Rent and Rates overhead, that is C13 • Click on the F4 key to make this cell absolute • Click on the divide sign / • Click on the cell containing the total absorption rate for the appropriate apportioned basis, that is Area – cell E4 • Click on the F4 key to make this cell absolute • Click on the multiplication sign * USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 21 USING SPREADSHEETS • Click on the cell containing the overhead absorption rate for the department being apportioned, that is Moulding – cell B4 (this cell is not made absolute as it will change to the appropriate department when copied across) The formula in the formula bar should read: =$C$13/$F$4*B4 (h) Now replicate this formula across to apportion the Rent and Rates overhead to each department. (i) Continue to apportion all overheads to all departments ensuring the appropriate basis is accessed each time. (j) Insert a suitable formula to add each department total in cells C17–F17. Check your results with the following: 9 Overhead to be Apportioned 10 Overhead 11 Basis Total Moulding Assembly Packing £ £ £ £ £ 12 Indirect Costs Allocated 18,455 8,500 5,540 4,415 13 Rent & Rates Area (sq m) 50,000 25,000 18,750 6,250 14 Heat & Light Area (sq m) 45,000 22,500 16,875 5,625 15 Building Insurance Area (sq m) 12,000 6,000 4,500 1,500 16 Canteen Costs No of Emp 6,000 2,250 1,500 2,250 17 Dept Totals 131,455 64,250 47,165 20,040 The next part of the spreadsheet to be completed is the absorption of overheads into the production areas. (a) Key in the basis of absorption for each area identified on information card 3 into cells B21–B23. (b) Cells C21–C23 should contain the totals previously calculated for each area, therefore it is necessary to refer these cells back to the original total cells to ensure any changes that may be made to totals will be incorporated throughout the whole spreadsheet. Click in cell C21, key in = then click on the cell containing the total overheads to be allocated to the Moulding department, that is D17 and press enter. Continue with the other two totals, that is, cell C22 =E17 and so on. (c) The hours for each area are again referenced back to previous figures in the spreadsheet. Account must be taken of the area and the basis of absorption. Cell D21 should contain the number of 22 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) USING SPREADSHEETS hours to be taken account of in the Moulding department. As the basis of absorption is direct machine hours, the cell containing the direct machine hours for the Moulding department should be referenced, that is, B6, therefore D21 should contain the formula =B6. Assembly department basis of absorption is direct labour hours, therefore the cell should be referenced to the direct labour hours for the Assembly department, that is C5. Complete the Packing department’s hours. To calculate the amount to be absorbed, the total overhead should be divided by the hours. The formula to be entered in E21 therefore is =C21/D21. This formula can be copied down cells E22 and E23. The figures appearing in these cells may not be whole numbers. To format them to whole numbers, highlight cells E21–E23, right click mouse and select Format Cells. (e) Select Number and 0 decimal places. (f) In cells F21–F23 insert the appropriate label for the absorption, that is, per machine hour or per labour hour. ! (d) Check with the figures below: 19 Overhead Absorption Rates 20 Overhead Basis Total Hours Absorption Rates 21 22 Moulding Dir m/c 64,250 15000 4 per m/c hr Assembly Dir l/h 47,165 30000 2 per l/h 23 Packing Dir l/h 20,040 1000 20 per l/h You are now ready to complete the Job Card for Job 2811. (a) Cells C27 to C29 contain the rate to be used to absorb overheads and should be referenced back to the absorption calculated previously in cells E21 to E23. Click in Cell C27 and key in = then click on cell E21; continue until all three cells are filled. (b) Cells D27 to D29 can be completed using the job costing information on Information card 4 giving the number of hours relevant to each department. USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 23 USING SPREADSHEETS (c) The figures in the cells for overhead absorbed (E27 to E29) are determined by inserting a formula to calculate rate multiplied by hours. Therefore into cell E27 would be keyed in = click on C27 * click on D27. Complete this column for all three departments formatting cells to whole numbers as before. (d) The total for all three overheads absorbed should be entered into cell F30. (e) The direct materials previously stated as £60 on Information card 4 should be entered in F32. (f) The direct labour figure is calculated by multiplying the hours by the rate. The hours as previously stated are 4 and the rate £60. The formula should be entered in F34. (g) Direct expenses were expressed as £40 on Information card 4 which should be entered in F35. (h) The total cost should be entered in F37. This should be the sum of cells F30–F36. (i) The profit margin which will be entered in F39 is 15%. The formula for this should read =F37*15% (ensure the answer is a whole number). (j) The Job Price is calculated by adding the Total Cost plus the Profit margin. The Job Price should read £426. (k) Insert your name and task number in a footer – select View/Header and Footer/Custom Footer. (l) Before printing it is necessary to ensure that gridlines and column headings are turned on – select Page Setup/Sheet and click on Gridlines and Row and column headings. 24 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) USING SPREADSHEETS (m) Click on Print Preview to check the spreadsheet fits onto the page – at this point you could change orientation to landscape if portrait is too narrow. Print copy of spreadsheet showing figures. (n) To print copy of spreadsheet showing formulae we must change the orientation as the formulae take up more space – select Tools/ Options and click on Formula/OK. (o) Select Page Set Up/ Page. The formulae should be printed in landscape and the option Fit to 1 page wide by 1 page tall should be selected. Select print. USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 25 USING SPREADSHEETS Task 18 S Watson would also like to forecast the Job Cost of Job 2811 if the following overheads were increased by 10%: • • • • Rent and Rates Heat and Light Building Insurance Canteen Costs As they still want to retain the original analysis it is necessary first of all to make a new copy. 1. Highlight the completed spreadsheet and click on copy. 2. Click on Sheet 2 at the bottom of the page and click paste. 3. To differentiate between the two sheets it is necessary to give them a suitable name. 4. Right click on Sheet 1 and select rename – call this original forecast. 5. Right click on Sheet 2 – call this 10% increase on O/hs. 6. Click on cell C13. 7. In the formula bar click before 5000 and insert =. 8. Click after 50,000 and insert +(50,000*10%). 26 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) USING SPREADSHEETS 9. Press Enter. 10. Continue to increase each overhead by 10%. You will notice the spreadsheet will automatically update all formulae and the Job Price will change to take account of this new information. The Job Price should now read £432. Print a copy of the spreadsheet figures with a suitable footer. Task 19 Calculate the Job Price if Indirect Costs for each of the three departments were raised by 20%. Each individual department cost should be increased to allow the formula in cell C12 to automatically update. Remember to make a new copy of the original spreadsheet on a new sheet, renaming the sheet with a suitable title. Give the spreadsheet a suitable footer and print a copy of the formulae. USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 27 USING SPREADSHEETS Task 20 Vagabonds Ltd are a medium-sized business manufacturing walking boots. There are three production departments, namely machining, Assembly and Finishing. The overheads budget for next year is set out below together with the department details. You should produce a Job Price for Job No 3112. Job No 3112 Information 1 Allocated Overheads Machining Assembly Finishing Indirect Costs £125,000 £152,500 £109,500 £387,000 Overhead Apportioning Rent and Rates Heat and Light Insurance (machinery) Insurance (building) Supervision £60,000 £6,000 £4,250 £6,550 £42,000 £118,800 £157,500 28 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) USING SPREADSHEETS The departmental absorption rates are as follows: Basis Machining Assembly Finishing Area (m2) 600 400 300 Direct Labour Hours 30,000 25,000 35,000 Value of Machinery 55,000 45,000 25,000 No of Employees 6 6 4 Job No 3112 Information 2 Job No 3112 Information 3 The production overhead costs have to be recovered on the following basis: Machining – direct machine hours Assembly – direct labour hours Finishing – direct labour hours The following job has to be costed Job Card for Job No 3112 Job No 3112 Information 4 Machining – 5 hours Assembly – 8 hours Finishing – 3 hours Direct raw materials used – £260 Direct labour – 14 hours at £6.50 per hour Direct expenses – £80 for administration Profit margin – 25% of cost price for the job 1. Produce an Overhead Analysis Sheet to calculate the Job Price for Job No 3112. 2. Create a template as overleaf then carry out each necessary calculation to determine the final Job Price. 3. Print a copy of both figures and formulae showing gridlines and column headings with suitable footer. USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 29 USING SPREADSHEETS A 1 B C D E F Machining Assembly Finishing Total Basis Total Machining Assembly Finishing £ £ £ £ £ Basis Total Hours Absorption Rate Department Rate Applied Hours Overheads Hours Rate Vagabonds Ltd – Job No 3112 2 3 4 Area (sq m) 5 Direct Labour Hours 6 Direct Machine Hours 7 No of Employees 8 9 Overhead to be apportioned 10 Overhead 11 12 Indirect Costs 13 Rent and Rates 14 Heat and Light 15 Insurance (Machinery) 16 Insurance (Building) 17 Supervision 18 Departmental Totals 19 20 Allocated Overhead absorption rates 21 Overhead 22 Machining 23 Assembly 24 Finishing 25 26 JOB NO 3112 27 Overheads 28 Machining 29 Assembly 30 Finishing 31 Total 32 33 Direct Materials 34 35 Direct Labour 36 Direct Expenses 37 38 Total Cost 39 40 Profit margin 41 42 30 Job Price USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) Absorbed USING SPREADSHEETS Task 21 Set up a new worksheet to show the Job Price if the Insurance for Buildings and Machinery were increased by 12%. Print out a copy of the figures. Task 22 Set up a new worksheet to show the Job Price if Rent and Rates were decreased by 5%. Print a copy showing formulae. USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 31 32 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) USING WORD PROCESSING AND SPREADSHEETS SECTION 6 Using word processing and spreadsheets to solve accounting problems Use Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel to carry out the following tasks: Task 23 Send the memo below to Senior Management to inform them of the last six months’ sales figures in the form of a graph. The figures for the graph are as follows: July £28,000 August £25,000 September £34,000 October £32,000 November £27,000 December £24,000 (a) Open up an Excel spreadsheet and key in the above information. (b) Produce a column chart with appropriate Title and Axes Titles. (c) Save the spreadsheet. (d) Open up a Microsoft Word document and key in the following: USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 33 USING WORD PROCESSING AND SPREADSHEETS MEMORANDUM To: Senior Management From: Your name Subject: Yearly Sales Figures Date: Today’s Date Following our recent meeting please find detailed below the information you requested with regard to last year’s sales figures. I have produced the information in graph form for your convenience. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. (e) Return twice after the end of the memo. (f) Right click on the graph you created in the spreadsheet and copy. (g) Return to Memorandum, right click, paste. (h) Print a copy of the document with your name and task number in a footer. 34 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) USING WORD PROCESSING AND SPREADSHEETS Task 24 Send a memo to the Managing Director illustrating the company’s shareholding position at the end of December 2003. The information should be displayed as a pie chart with the data shown as percentages. Cadbury Schweppes Ltd £154,680 Virgin Enterprises £324,590 Coca Cola Ltd £232,456 The Burton Group £124,532 Axa Insurance Group Ltd £435,628 Task 25 Send a memo to the Finance Director illustrating the requested departmental budget figures for the six months from 1/3/2004 to 31/8/2004. Choose a suitable chart type. Human Resources 2,450 Sales 1,345 Purchases 5,346 Administration 2,389 ICT 6,789 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 35 36 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) SOLUTIONS TO TASKS SECTION 7 1. • Accounting procedures are computerised and linked integrally with the whole organisation. • Move from focus on historical information to up-to-the-minute information being available 24 hours per day. 2. Accountant no longer deals with historical information but is now an information manager supplying information whenever required. 3. • To save on time and money as no duplication would be required and systems and procedures would be completed more quickly electronically than manually. • To allow up-to-the-minute information to be available for effective decision making. • To allow all information to be available to all users. • To standardise procedures. • To keep up-to-date with competitors’ working procedures. • To supply relevant and accurate information to users. 4. Input Process Output • Card swiped • Code number input into system • Card checked against list of stolen cards • Cardholder’s account balance matched with transaction total 1. Accept sign 2. Transaction voucher printed for signature USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 37 SOLUTIONS TO TASKS 5. Relevant Relate to intended purpose Accurate Not misleading or containing errors Cost-effective The cost of obtaining the information should not outweigh the benefits of having the information Timely Right information available when decisions are being made Concise Quality information giving as much information as possible in as few words as possible Meaningful Should be clear and easily understood Up-to-date Information should be fresh and not old 6. Students would have individual responses on this questions based on above characteristics. 7. Word processing is used to send individual letters, mail merged letter or replicated documents. Templates can be made up for quotes and invoices. Databases are used to store client information which can then be searched to meet specific criteria. Calculations such as salary payments can be carried out and records printed out in the required form. Spreadsheets are used to carry out basic and complex calculations and can be used to prepare monthly and annual accounts as well as to prepare forecast budgets or ‘what if’ scenarios. 38 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) SOLUTIONS TO TASKS 8. Word processing and database Database can be searched for appropriate list of clients which can be merged with standard letter keyed into word processing document. Word processing and spreadsheets Spreadsheets used to create graph automatically from keyed in data. This can be copied and pasted onto report prepared as word processing document. Word processing and database Standard paragraphs can be used from previously prepared text and merged with database of staff details. 9. Input Process Output Database of customer details including account details Database searched for Mail merged letter to regular users; standard regular customers letter prepared as word processing document and merged with search on database 10. Input Process Output Key in spreadsheet template with relevant formula Access template and key in customer details Calculated invoice USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 39 SOLUTIONS TO TASKS 11. Accountants are now involved in strategic management as they are not so tied down with the preparation of accounts and working procedures previously carried out manually and can use computer technology to access up-to-the-minute financial information for decision-making. 12. Less rush hour traffic Reduced traffic pollution Money saved in travelling expenses Employees less stressed 13. Employees more motivated as they can structure their own working day Less time and money lost on absenteeism and bad time-keeping Money saved as space saved in office Employees experience job satisfaction 14. Students will have individual response. 15. Students will have individual responses. 16. Students will have individual responses. 40 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) SOLUTIONS TO TASKS 17. A 1 B C D E F S Watson – Overhead Analysis 2 Moulding Assembly Packing Total 4 3 Area (sq m) 400 300 100 800 5 Direct Labour Hours 15,000 30,000 1,000 46,000 6 Direct Machine Hours 15,000 25,000 2,000 42,000 7 No of Employees 3 2 3 8 Basis Total Moulding Assembly Packing £ £ £ £ £ 8 9 Overhead to be Apportioned 10 Overhead 11 12 Indirect Costs Allocated 18,455 8,500 5,540 4,415 13 Rent & Rates Area (sq m) 50,000 25,000 18,750 6,250 14 Heat & Light Area (sq m) 45,000 22,500 16,875 5,625 15 Building Insurance Area (sq m) 12,000 6,000 4,500 1,500 16 Canteen Costs No of Emp 17 Dept Totals 6,000 2,250 1,500 2,250 131,455 64,250 47,165 20,040 18 19 Overhead Absorption Rates 20 Overhead Basis Total Hours Absorption Rates 21 Moulding Dir m/c hr 64,250 15,000 4 per m/c hr 22 Assembly Dir l/h 47,165 30,000 2 per l/h 23 Packing Dir l/h 20,040 1,000 20 per l/h Dept Rate Applied Hours O/Hs Moulding 4 2 9 24 25 JOB NO 2811 26 Overheads Absorbed 27 28 Assembly 2 3 5 29 Packing 20 1 20 30 Total 33 31 32 Direct Materials 33 60 Hours Rate 4 60 34 Direct Labour 240 35 Direct Expenses 40 Total Cost 373 Profit Margin 56 Job Price 429 36 37 38 39 40 41 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 41 SOLUTIONS TO TASKS A 1 B C D E Moulding Assembly Packing Total F S Watson – Overhead Analysis 2 3 4 Area (sq m) 400 300 100 =SUM(C5:E5) 5 Direct Labour Hours 15,000 30,000 1,000 =SUM(C6:E6) 6 Direct Machine Hours 15,000 25,000 2,000 =SUM(C7:E7) 7 No of Employees 2 3 =SUM(C8:E8) 3 8 9 Overhead to be Apportioned 10 Overhead 11 Basis Total Moulding Assembly Packing £ £ £ £ £ 18,455 4,415 12 Indirect Costs Allocated 8,500 5,540 13 Rent & Rates Area (sq m) 50,000 =$D$14/$F$5*C5 =$D$14/$F$5*D5 =$D$14/$F$5*E5 14 Heat & Light Area (sq m) 45,000 =$D$15/$F$5*C5 =$D$15/$F$5*D5 =$D$15/$F$5*E5 15 Building Insurance Area (sq m) 12,000 =$D$16/$F$5*C5 =$D$16/$F$5*D5 =$D$16/$F$5*E5 16 Canteen Costs No of Emp =$D$17/$F$8*C8 =$D$17/$F$8*D8 =$D$17/$F$8*E8 17 Dept Totals 6,000 =SUM(D13:D17) =SUM(E13:E17) =SUM(F13:F17) =SUM(G13:G17) 18 19 Overhead Absorption Rates 20 Overhead Basis Total Hours Absorption Rates 21 Moulding Dir m/c hr =E18 =C7 =D22/E22 per m/c hr 22 Assembly Dir l/h =F18 =D6 =D23/E23 per l/h 23 Packing Dir l/h =G18 =E6 =D24/E24 per l/h Dept Rate Applied Hours O/Hs Absorbed 27 Moulding =F22 2 =D28*E28 28 Assembly =F23 3 =D29*E29 29 Packing =F24 1 =D30*E30 30 Total 24 25 JOB NO 2811 26 Overheads =SUM(F28:F30) 31 32 Direct Materials 33 60 Hours Rate 4 60 34 Direct Labour 35 Direct Expenses 40 =E35*F35 Total Cost =SUM(G31:G36) Profit Margin =G38*15% Job Price =G38+G40 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) SOLUTIONS TO TASKS 18. A 1 B C D E F Moulding Assembly Packing Total S Watson – Overhead Analysis 2 3 4 Area (sq m) 400 300 100 800 5 Direct Labour Hours 15,000 30,000 1,000 46,000 6 Direct Machine Hours 15,000 25,000 2,000 42,000 7 No of Employees 2 3 8 Basis Total Moulding Assembly Packing £ £ £ £ £ 3 8 9 Overhead to be Apportioned 10 Overhead 11 12 Indirect Costs Allocated 18,455 8,500 5,540 4,415 13 Rent & Rates Area (sq m) 55,000 27,500 20,625 6,875 14 Heat & Light Area (sq m) 49,500 24,750 18,563 6,188 15 Building Insurance Area (sq m) 13,200 6,600 4,950 1,650 16 Canteen Costs No of Emp 17 Dept Totals 6,600 2,475 1,650 2,475 142,755 69,825 51,328 21,603 18 19 Overhead Absorption Rates 20 Overhead Basis Total Hours Absorption Rates 21 Moulding Dir m/c hr 69,825 15,000 5 per m/c hr 22 Assembly Dir l/h 51,328 30,000 2 per l/h 23 Packing Dir l/h 21,603 1,000 22 per l/h Dept Rate Applied Hours O/Hs Absorbed 27 Moulding 5 2 9 28 Assembly 2 3 5 29 Packing 22 1 22 30 Total 24 25 JOB NO 2811 26 Overheads 36 31 32 Direct Materials 33 60 Hours Rate 4 60 34 Direct Labour 240 35 Direct Expenses 40 Total Cost 376 Profit Margin 56 Job Price 432 36 37 38 39 40 41 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 43 SOLUTIONS TO TASKS 13 Rent & Rates Area (sq m) =50,000+(50,000*10%) 14 Heat & Light Area (sq m) =45,000+(45,000*10%) 15 Building Insurance Area (sq m) =12,000+(12,000*10%) 16 Canteen Costs No of Emp =6,000+(6,000*10%) 44 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) SOLUTIONS TO TASKS 19. A 1 B C D E F S Watson – Overhead Analysis 2 3 4 Moulding Assembly Packing Total Area (sq m) 400 300 100 800 5 Direct Labour Hours 15,000 30,000 1,000 46,000 6 Direct Machine Hours 15,000 25,000 2,000 42,000 7 No of Employees 3 2 3 8 Basis Total Moulding Assembly Packing £ £ £ £ £ 8 9 Overhead to be Apportioned 10 Overhead 11 12 Indirect Costs Allocated 18,455 10,200 6,648 5,298 13 Rent & Rates Area (sq m) 50,000 25,000 18,750 6,250 14 Heat & Light Area (sq m) 45,000 22,500 16,875 5,625 15 Building Insurance Area (sq m) 12,000 6,000 4,500 1,500 16 Canteen Costs No of Emp 17 Dept Totals 6,000 2,250 1,500 2,250 131,455 65,950 48,273 20,923 18 19 Overhead Absorption Rates 20 Overhead Basis Total Hours Absorption Rates 21 Moulding Dir m/c hr 65,950 15,000 4 per m/c hr 22 Assembly Dir l/h 48,273 30,000 2 per l/h 23 Packing Dir l/h 20,923 1,000 21 per l/h Dept Rate Applied Hours O/Hs Moulding 4 2 9 24 25 JOB NO 2811 26 Overheads Absorbed 27 28 Assembly 2 3 5 29 Packing 21 1 21 30 Total 35 31 32 Direct Materials 33 60 Hours Rate 4 60 34 Direct Labour 240 35 Direct Expenses 40 Total Cost 375 36 37 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 45 SOLUTIONS TO TASKS 38 39 Profit Margin 56 41 Job Price 431 12 =8,500+(8,500*20%) =5,540+(5,540*20%) 40 46 =4,415+(4,415*20%) USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) SOLUTIONS TO TASKS 20. A 1 B C D E F Vagabonds Ltd – Job No 3112 2 3 Machining Assembly Finishing Total 4 Area (sq m) 600 400 300 1,300 5 Direct Labour Hours 30,000 25,000 35,000 90,000 6 Direct Machine Hours 55,000 45,000 25,000 125,000 7 No of Employees 6 6 4 16 Basis Total Machining Assembly Finishing 8 9 Overhead to be apportioned 10 Overhead 11 £ £ £ £ £ 12 Indirect Costs Allocated 387,000 125,000 152,500 109,500 13 Rent and Rates Area (sq m) 60,000 27,692 18,462 13,846 Area (sq m) 6,000 2,769 1,846 1,385 4,250 1,870 1,530 850 14 Heat and Light 15 Insurance (Machinery) Direct Machine Hours 16 Insurance (Building) Area (sq m) 17 Supervision No of Employees 18 Departmental Totals 6,550 3,023 2,015 1,512 42,000 15,750 15,750 10,500 505,800 176,105 192,103 137,592 Total Hours Absorption Rate 19 20 Overhead absorption rates 21 Overhead 22 Machining Dir m/c h 176,105 55,000 3 per m/c hr 23 Assembly Dir l/h 192,103 25,000 8 per l hr 24 Finishing Dir l/h 137,592 35,000 4 per l hr Department Rate Hours Overheads Basis 25 26 JOB NO 3112 27 Overheads Applied Absorbed 28 Machining 3 5 16 29 Assembly 8 8 61 30 Finishing 4 3 12 31 Total 89 32 33 Direct Materials 34 35 Direct Labour 36 Direct Expenses 260 Hours Rate 14 7 91 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 47 SOLUTIONS TO TASKS 37 38 Total Cost 440 Profit margin 110 Job Price 550 39 40 41 42 48 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) SOLUTIONS TO TASKS Vagabonds Ltd Job No 3112 Machining Assembly Finishing Total Area (sq m) 600 400 300 =SUM(B4:D4) Direct Labour Hours 30,000 25,000 35,000 =SUM(B5:D5) Direct Machine Hours 55,000 45,000 25,000 =SUM(B6:D6) No of Employees 6 4 =SUM(B7:D7) 6 Overhead to be apportioned Overhead Basis Total Machining Assembly Finishing £ £ £ £ £ Allocated =SUM(D12:F12) 125,000 152,500 109,500 Rent and Rates =A4 60,000 =$C$13/$E$4*B4 =$C$13/$E$4*C4 =$C$13/$E$4*D4 Heat and Light =A4 6,000 =$C$14/$E$4*B4 =$C$14/$E$4*C4 =$C$14/$E$4*D4 Indirect Costs Insurance (Machinery) =A6 4,250 =$C$15/$E$6*B6 =$C$15/$E$6*C6 =$C$15/$E$6*D6 Insurance (Building) =A4 6,550 =$C$16/$E$4*B4 =$C$16/$E$4*C4 =$C$16/$E$4*D4 Supervision =A7 42,000 =$C$17/$E$7*B7 =$C$17/$E$7*C7 =$C$17/$E$7*D7 Departmental Totals =SUM(C12:C17) =SUM(D12:D17) =SUM(E12:E17) =SUM(F12:F17) Overhead absorption rates Overhead Basis Total Hours Absorption Rate Machining Dir m/c h =D18 =B6 =C22/D22 per m/c hr Assembly Dir l/h =E18 =C5 =C23/D23 per l hr Finishing Dir l/h =F18 =D5 =C24/D24 per l hr Hours Overheads Absorbed JOB NO 3112 Overheads Department Rate Applied Machining =E22 5 =C28*D28 Assembly =E23 8 =C29*D29 Finishing =E24 3 =C30*D30 Total =SUM(E28:E30) Direct Materials Direct Labour 260 Hours Rate 14 6.5 =D35*E35 Direct Expenses Total Cost =SUM(F31:F35) Profit margin =F38*25% Job Price =F38+F40 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 49 SOLUTIONS TO TASKS 21. A 1 B C D E F Vagabonds Ltd Job No 3112 2 3 Machining Assembly Finishing Total 4 Area (sq m) 600 400 300 1300 5 Direct Labour Hours 30,000 25,000 35,000 90,000 6 Direct Machine Hours 55,000 45,000 25,000 125,000 7 No of Employees 6 6 4 16 Basis Total Machining Assembly Finishing 8 9 Overhead to be apportioned 10 Overhead 11 £ £ £ £ £ 12 Indirect Costs Allocated 387,000 125,000 152,500 109,500 13 Rent and Rates Area (sq m) 60,000 27,692 18,462 13,846 14 Heat and Light Area (sq m) 6,000 2,769 1,846 1,385 15 Insurance (Machinery) Direct Machine Hours 4,760 2,094 1,714 952 16 Insurance (Building) Area (sq m) 7,336 3,386 2,257 1,693 17 Supervision No of Employees 18 Departmental Totals 42,000 15,750 15,750 10,500 507,096 176,692 192,529 137,876 19 20 Overhead absorption rates 21 Overhead Basis Total Hours Absorption Rate 22 Machining Dir m/c h 176,692 55,000 3 per m/c hr 23 Assembly Dir l/h 192,529 25,000 8 per l hr 24 Finishing Dir l/h 137,876 35,000 4 per l hr Department Rate Applied Hours 25 26 JOB NO 3112 27 Overheads Overheads Absorbed 28 Machining 3 5 16 29 Assembly 8 8 62 30 Finishing 4 3 12 31 Total 89 32 33 Direct Materials 34 35 Direct Labour 36 Direct Expenses 260 Hours Rate 14 7 91 37 38 50 Total Cost USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 440 SOLUTIONS TO TASKS 39 40 Profit margin 110 Job Price 551 41 42 Insurance (Machinery) =A6 =4,250+(4,250*12%) =$C$15/$E$6*B6 =$C$15/$E$6*C6 =$C$15/$E$6*D6 Insurance (Building) =A4 =6,550+(6,550*12%) =$C$16/$E$4*B4 =$C$16/$E$4*C4 =$C$16/$E$4*D4 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 51 SOLUTIONS TO TASKS 22. A 1 B C D E F Vagabonds Ltd Job No 3112 2 3 Machining Assembly Finishing Total 4 Area (sq m) 600 400 300 1300 5 Direct Labour Hours 30,000 25,000 35,000 90,000 6 Direct Machine Hours 55,000 45,000 25,000 125,000 7 No of Employees 6 6 4 16 Overhead Basis Total Machining Assembly Finishing £ £ £ £ £ 12 Indirect Costs Allocated 387,000 125,000 152,500 109,500 13 Rent and Rates Area (sq m) 57,000 26,308 17,538 13,154 14 Heat and Light Area (sq m) 6,000 2,769 1,846 1,385 15 Insurance (Machinery) Direct Machine Hours 4,250 1,870 1,530 850 16 Insurance (Building) Area (sq m) 6,550 3,023 2,015 1,512 17 Supervision No of Employees 42,000 15,750 15,750 10,500 18 Departmental Totals 502,800 174,720 191,180 136,900 8 9 Overhead to be apportioned 10 11 19 20 Overhead absorption rates 21 Overhead Basis Total Hours Absorption Rate 22 Machining Dir m/c h 174,720 55000 3 per m/c hr 23 Assembly Dir l/h 191,180 25000 8 per l hr 24 Finishing Dir l/h 136,900 35000 4 per l hr Department Rate Applied Hours 28 Machining 3 5 16 29 Assembly 8 8 61 30 Finishing 4 3 12 31 Total 25 26 JOB NO 3112 27 Overheads Overheads Absorbed 89 32 33 Direct Materials 34 35 Direct Labour 36 Direct Expenses 260 Hours Rate 14 7 91 37 38 52 Total Cost USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 440 SOLUTIONS TO TASKS 39 40 Profit margin 110 42 Job Price 550 13 Rent and Rates 41 =B5 =60,000-(60,000*5%) =$D$14/$F$5*C5 =$D$14/$F$5*D5 =$D$14/$F$5*E5 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 53 SOLUTIONS TO TASKS 23. MEMORANDUM To: Senior Management From: Your name Subject: Yearly Sales Figures Date: Today’s Date Following our recent meeting please find detailed below the information you requested with regard to last year’s sales figures. I have produced the information in graph form for your convenience. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. 54 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) SOLUTIONS TO TASKS 24. MEMORANDUM To: Managing Director From: Your name Subject: Shareholding Position Date: Today’s Date Please find detailed below our shareholding position as at the end of December 2003. This is illustrated in graph form with data shown as percentage of overall holding. I hope this meets with your requirements. 34% 12% 26% 10% Cadbury Schweppes Ltd Virgin Enterprises Coca Cola Ltd The Burton Group Axa Insurance Group Ltd 18% USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H) 55 SOLUTIONS TO TASKS 25. MEMORANDUM To: Finance Director From: Your name Subject: Budgeted Figures Date: Today’s Date The budgeted figures for the six months from 1/3/2004 to 31/8/2004 are detailed below in graph form. I hope this meets with your requirements. 56 USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN ACCOUNTING (H)